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‘StudentCam Rubric Emile U Nare(Qyecen 3- Accomplished 2- Developing 1- Novice Topic Development and Connection to Prompt overs topic in-depth w effective support from research & interviews / Film clearly addresses the StudentCam Prompt throughout,“ Covers topic somewhat in-depth wi adequate support from research & interviews Film adequately addresses the ‘StudentCam Prompt © Includes essential information on the: issue but needs further development Does not consistently ‘address the prompt Information is lacking and needs more evelopment ‘Does not address the prompt Varying Points of View Film includes multiple points of view and is largely unbiased Film Includes some multiple viewpoints but is somewhat biased toward one side Film does not include ‘multiple perspectives and is clearly biased toward one side Effective use of B-Roll and relevant C-SPAN Clips. ‘and relevant C-SI lips throughout Film is within setuired ‘= Overall effecive use of B-Roll and C-SPAN clips for the majority of the film S ‘Somewhat effective use of B-Roll and. (C-SPAN clips but could Use more more variety Film is lacking effective use of B-Roll and relevant C-SPAN lips ‘All narration sounds clear and crisp. Music is 7 “The majoryof the ‘© Narration is clear and crisp in some parts of Narration is inconsistent ‘and inaudible in parts. Tempo Film moves at an effective pace throughput ‘making it easy to fo the flow oF eas, effective pace for a ‘majority ofthe film somewhat effective but moves a litle fast or to slow in some parts + ines atte cree venga seer oes ; eee repeats se eer oe cor meer soe (> rae slow) thus making it hard to follow the flow of ideas. Credits ery reer C-SPAN clips a ‘+ Includes credits for most music, B-Roll and C-SPAN clips ‘© Includes credits for ‘some of the music, Roll and C-SPAN clips Does not include credits for any of the music, B-Roll or C-SPAN clips ‘This document is Hoonsed under Creative Commons (CC BY 4.0), rade oir corvuno esas 4 a

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