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Student Name: Eni lie Vigli ott Paper Tite: Discussing the Funding of Lone - Term Me CAP 10 Rubri¢ for Writing Critical Thinking lastihetions Introduction Includes an effectivethiook > Introduces the topic fo be discussed in a concise, clear manner Thesis Clear Concise (be careful not to wander) ‘Shows author's stance and the claims used to support that stance~-supporting arguments are relational Evidence & Quotes and details effectively suppor the argument advanced ifn the thesis ere and details effectively support the claim being made th ene thos, pathOs ree oa statistics, anecdote }e paragraph be! A viet of types of gre used ones cup peigeare et _ i | eT a eer 10 tc, Analysis \! Ample analysis is given that doesn't simply summarize the quotes Makes connections to the thesis, Provides reader with a thorough understandings of the topic ‘Counter arguments are addressed in the appropriate place Fees 0 Conclusion! Implications estates thesis and recaps subtopics without being redundant Provides a ‘So What?’ for the reader, perhaps through a call to. action of an explanation ofthe implications pycellunl- Si 1s Organization © Heasings and subheadings are used when necessary Q The sequence of supporting details is a focused and weceh menage eg a Toa ey oon FB Q The claims are presented in a logical manner, and there are We. naught be meer clanheahen 4 6 Voice, Diction and Syntax ‘The tone is consistent and confident Wiriten inactive voice A lord Choice is varied, procise and appropriate eects vary in structure and length- making the reading feel natural S 5 Conventions | —@ Spelling, punctuation, capitalization are generally correct @, There are no obvious typos 2 Paper is formatted using MLA style Sai Research \W Correct In Text Citations = ‘Works Cited in proper MLA format

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