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Tight binding Models

Amar Bharti

February 2019
Chapter 1

1.1 One dimensional Models

Hamiltonian for one dimensional model is :

H = |ri hr + d| + |ri hr + d|

where d is a for nearest neighbour hopping. Now taking Fourier transform :

X n o
|ki = t exp ik ˙· r (|ri + |r + di)

Solving Tight binding model

Let X
|ψi = cˆn φ

The Schroedinger equation reads:

Hψ = ψ

Considering periodic boundary condition such as

ψn+1 = ψ1

1.2 Conclusion
“I always thought something was fundamentally wrong with the universe” [1]


[1] D. Adams. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. San Val, 1995.

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