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Title: Design of Floating Containers to a Mesh as Plastic Catching Barrier

Statement of the Problem:

1. What causes poor track records of waste management?
2. How can we actively fight plastic pollution through innovation and community participation?
3. What are the impacts of plastics on human health and ecosystems?

1. To understand the magnitude of input of plastics to the natural environment and put up solutions
into place.
2. To improve our waste treatment facilities and reduce individual use of plastics.
3. To take a survey concerning the hazards of plastic to human health and to the ecosystems we
depend on.

Research Project Description:

The study is taking action to improve waste collection efforts by deploying barriers to trap plastic waste in
our rivers and oceans. People in our country creating these “environmental disasters” has blamed
government for not putting up serious actions with regards to plastic pollution. The problem of plastic is
immense and it affects all of us. Philippines is not the only country dealing this matter. This study will help
us to curb plastic pollution and can be adopted to capture waste pollutions on rivers before it reaches the
oceans and seas.

Significant of the Study:

The researchers intended to help the residents due to large volume of waste on rivers which is often
abused as garbage dumping spots that they have been experiencing. The result of this study is significant
due to its contribution to:
 Students – This study may serve as a guide and reference for the students undertaking similar
studies specially those taking up Engineering courses.
 Residents- It is intended to help the residents on nearby areas to keep the surroundings neat and
fresh and it could give them the idea to adapt the result of this research.
 Government agencies- It can be a big help to save up more money and to continue serving the
community like spreading awareness for the environment.
 The environment – This study could mitigate global warming and reduce use of plastics.
 Future researchers- This may serve as a reference for the development of Biofence System
Technology or application of Biofence as barrier for trash trap in other places.
The researchers for this study were 5 students enrolled in Rizal Technological University taking up BS Civil
Engineering. Field research will be the adopted method to obtain necessary information about this study.
An interview will be conducted to gather authentic datas from the government agencies and officials
involved. Then, to supplement the acquired informations, secondary datas will be taken from the standard
manuals, technical references and internet researches regarding studies about biofencing. The materials
that we will need in this study is a mesh and plastic bottles for the actual installation of the barriers, camera
for documentation process and Autocad/Sketchup to plan our design of our own version of biofence
system. The researchers will be visiting a possible area to conduct the design that we created to assure it
can help stop trash from entering oceans the easy way and could be an alternative to traditional “manual
handling waste management.”

1. Biofencing: An ecofriendly boundary wall, Seema Mishra 2011
2. Trash Vortex: How Plastic Pollution is choking the World’s Ocean, Smith Llera, Danielle 2009

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