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Submitted by: Pooja Nag

Roll No. 95

Robin Hood Case Study Analysis

Case Problem:

This case is about Robin Hood's movement against High Sheriff of Nottingham. Robin
Hood's primary issue was the expanding size of his band. At first, he had believed
that quality lay in numbers and the more Merry men he had, the better it would be
for him to successfully battle against the sheriff's organization. He didn't put enough
idea into controlling the quantity of individuals being selected. The dilemma
occurred when the increasing number of men had made the band a corporation. The
more men were selected into the association, the less eye to eye communication
Robin had experienced with each of his men.

Moreover, the capacity to fund the increasing number of people became very scarce.
Supplies needed to be obtained from outlaying villages. This is a very clear
consequence of any expanding organization. A formal structure needed to be
enforced and a chain of executive party needed to be established so as to monitor
the increased number of people in the organization. The initial mission of the band,
“Rob the rich and give to the poor” was no longer effective to the band. The funds
obtained from the outright confiscation of the rich were no longer accommodating
the increasing number of the people in the band.

In addition they have to stay focused on their long term goal to remove Prince John
from power by freeing King Richard from his imprisonment in Austria. Robin Hood
has to form structure within his organization so that it can continue to grow and

SWOT Analysis:


 Huge number of the members in the band gives them a upper hand in fighting
with the Sheriff.
 Robin Hood was a strong and influential leader who had strong support of the
poor people


 Big number of workforce was a problem as there were limited resources

 Also this led to another problem that is lack of discipline amongst members
Submitted by: Pooja Nag
Roll No. 95


 Securing the release of King Richard, if successful, would be very beneficial to

the Merry men.
 Possible association with the barons will lead to increase in success rates.


 Increase in the military strength of the Sheriff was a major threat for Robin
 Travellers deviation from the original route was another alarming situation.
 Also Sheriff has strong political connections.

Recommendations and conclusions

Robin Hood’s first priority should be to appropriate structure and organization in

the band. The current policies must be reconsidered. Since the largest resource
the group has is its manpower, utilization can yield great results.

A new recruitment process should be adopted by Robin Hood. Also rigorous

training of the workforce should be considered as one the of the major changes.
Although assisting the barons could help Robin Hood to restore King Richard back
to power, this option has high amount of risk associated with it. But as per the
situation this seems to be the best option.

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