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Gorillaz Café


` at is Cafe?
A cafe is a place from w ere people come for entertainment and can get all
sorts of eatable and drinkable t ings.
Now a day¶s cafe is also a party place for people enjoyment.
T e food industry is very competitive now a day t e lifestyle c anges created bymodern
living continue to fuel its steady growt . More and more people ave lesstime,
resources, and ability to cook for t emselves.
T e inspiration t at laid t e foundation of t e food industry as we know it todaycame
from t e most unlikely of all sources, campus placed canteens and tucks ops. Students
of well based institutions like t e University Of Punjab and ot erfamous institutions
needed a place for informal discussions. T e only place wit suc a casual atmosp ere
w ic could be provided along wit convenience wast e café. For obvious reasons
uman nature desires and regards c ange atevery level. T erefore, t e concept of a
group of students getting toget er andgoing out grows purely out of t e need for suc a
c ange. Places like IndusRestaurant on T e Mall Road, La ore and Tangiers Ice
Cream Parlor becamefrequently visited venues of t ese students. Simultaneously,
anot er group ofpeople were utilizing many of t e same venues along wit certain
ot ers likeSalloo's on T e Mall Road. T ese were businessmen w o conducted bot
formalbusiness and personal gat erings at t ese sites. T ey furt er contributed in
t eevolution of t e food industry by expanding suc visits wit t eir families
onweekends. Hence, t e concept of families eating out stemmed. T is led to
t eneed for variety and many new places cropped up on t e scene.
Anot er turning point t at s aped t is evolution was t e emergence of t e 9 -
5corporate office culture. Many people initially used to bring lunc from ome.T en
certain delivery services came into being t at provided t e facility of gettingfood
delivered from omes to offices during t e lunc our. Ot er c anges likefood stalls and
"d abbas" around office facilities took place and provided aneconomical alternative to
office workers. `it t e passage of time, many of t eseplaces developed into well
structured eateries or food c ains t at specialized incatering to workers and
businessmen during t e lunc our.
It is true t at a country's economic status and development s apes t e destiny ofall
agricultural, industrial and educational departments. `it t e economicc anges t at
took place in Pakistan over time, we all agree t at inflation is t emost commonly
remembered consequence. T is is to signify t at despit
Gorillaz Café

increased expense of living and in spite of raised cost of maintenance, expansiontook
place in all quarters. T e food industry also gradually expanded in t e faceof all
economic c allenges. T e modern era of t e food industry can be attributedto t e
categorization of t e city into residential and commercial areas. Gulberg,once a ig
class residential area gave way to rampant commercialization. MainBoulevard of
Gulberg paved t e way for offices and plazas w ereas MM AlamRoad became t e
eadquarters of small businesses and restaurants. Arguably,one of t e first places t at
some ow expedited t e modern concept of eating outwas 'Copper Kettle'. It primarily
targeted younger adults wit its uniqueatmosp ere, unusual menu and star attractions
like 'Steak' and t e ever famous'Caked Alaska'. After t e success of t is, one
remembers restaurant afterrestaurant and c ain after c ain dotting t e face of t e city.
During t is entire process, Pakistan caug t up wit globalization and internationalc ains
like McDonald's, KFC, and Pizza Hut began to establis t emselves on afranc ise
basis. T e government of Pakistan also caug t up wit t e entiret eme of industrializing
t e concept of eating out. Traditional places t at avealways been t e center of
excellence in food and c arming, rustic atmosp erelike Laxmi C owk underwent a
drastic face-lift. Gawalmandi and Old Anarkaliwere transformed into marvelous, modern
(food streets) t at reflected t etraditional flavor and arc itecture of t e city. T is c ain of
events truly ensured t at
T ings don't slow down
t ere
In t is regard, t ings ave been anyt ing but static in t e food industry. T elatest trend
is cafes t at cater to customers twenty-four ours a day. T eaccelerated development
of nig t life in La ore t e future lies in more 24- ourcafes,
drive-t roug
Culture and food are inseparable. Particularly in La ore, food is t e culture. It is
ap enomenon w ic is enjoyed by people today, as it as been enjoyed andc eris ed
long in t e past, and will continue to do so in t e future, as t e foodindustry develops
furt er and more avenues are explored in t e exciting world ofpalatal delig ts.
T ere are almost 50 Cafes in La ore city, out of w ic only 10 to 15 are wellknown.
Cafe business ad a rapid growt in last 3 to 4 years and occurs asignificant and a very
muc valued place in bu
Gorillaz Café


Our objective is t at of a multi-faceted success.
T e first Objective of Gorillaz Cafe is to t e financial well-being.
T e effect of our products on t e ealt and well being of our customers.
Our business practices and c oices will leave a good impact on t e
T e ig quality of attitude, fairness, understanding, and generositybetween
management, staff, customers, and vendors. Awareness of allt ese factors and t e
responsible actions t at result will give our efforts asense of purpose and
meaning beyond our basic financial goals.
If t e business is meeting its projections by mont nine, we will startscouting for a
second location and develop plans for t e next Cafe. Ourfive year goal is to ave 3 Cafe
in t e La ore city
Gorillaz Café



La ore is a city of Colleges and Universities; t ere is uge potential of yout w ogoes
for entertainment every day in different places. T ere is a need of placew ere t ey ave
variety of entertainment. So t at we decided to introduce adifferent style of
entertainment Cafe named as Gorillaz Cafe as we need adifferent t ing to get establis
Barket market is very busy place in town. T ere are many offices, colleges
anduniversities located near t is market. So many employees come to t eir officesand
large number of students are living ere in ostels, flats etc.
After our researc in t e form of questionnaire and personally interviews frompeople in
t at area. `e are able to find t at most of t e people especiallystudents ave t eir food
from outside suc as restaurants. T ere is a ig scopeof ostels, restaurants and
cafes in t is area. Anot er t ing w ic we found t atstudents of t is area also need
some entertainment point.
Finally we conclude t at we will open a cafe in barket market in w ic different
segments would introduced in t e form of food, s ees a, catering etc.
As far as food is concern, our aim would be to provide quality food. Homedelivery
service will also provided for free of cost. Office employees ave not somuc time to
come to restaurants for aving meal, so free office delivery will bean attraction for
employees. Catering services will provide at low cost ascompared to marriage alls
w ic are near t e market.
Project Cost:
T e cost of t e project as been estimated at Rs. 1.5 million, including Land
security and Interior designing, preliminary expenses and working capital
Gorillaz Café

`e are five group members and it is our first project. `e all are student of
BsBA(Bac elor of Science in business administration). Usman Younas,
H.`aqar,`aqas Javed, Hassaan Mirza, and Zaryab Hassan.
H `aqar & `aqas ave an experience of construction t e cafe before and wellknown
about function of cafe and also ave experience of cafe management.T ey are also
involved in s ees a business. `e import s ees a from Dubai andsale to different cafes
in La ore. `e also ad a business of purc asing andresale of cars. Usman as
an experience in dealing of and made carpets business
Gorillaz Café


In our researc , we found t at if we launc our café in t e area of BarketMarket t en it¶s
a great opportunity for us to generate desire revenue fromt is business. Our café would
be a fully entertainment point and t is type ofcafé can fully met t e need of t at area.
So t ere will be a variety of segments. `e work on differentiation strategy sowe can
differentiate our service as compared to ot er cafes. `e will fulfill t eneeds of t e
people as well as earn maximum profit.
T e services we provide to our customers are:
`e will able to provide:
Fast food
Desi food
Free ome and office delivery.
Continental food
Ice creams
Juices and s akes
S ees a
Arrangement of Parties
Catering services
So our cafe would be an excellent place w ic provides good quality food along
wit different entertainment segments

Gorillaz Café


T e Gorillaz Café will serve several customer groups. T ey are detailed as
Near Barkat market t ere are several colleges and universities includingCFE, SKANS,
UMT, Superior College, Punjab University, and Himayat-e-Islam. So our cafe covers
t e students of t ese institutes as ourcustomers. Our cafe will provide different sort of
entertainment andrefres ment at low price.
Our cafe will be an attractive place for t e couples. Couples need a
privacy w ic will provide by our cafe.
Local residents
Many local residents come to Barket Market to s op on t e daily basis.During t e week
t ose locals w o ave a day off, are elderly, or don¶twork for w atever reason will be
our customers. Enjoying ³S ees a´ outon weekends is a local tradition, and dinner will
be popular wit ungrys oppers.
Managing different segments in limit of financial resources.
Interest policy of Bank.
T reats of competitors


Our group members visited some prominent Cafe owners, to get necessaryinformation
regarding Cafe business. `e interviewed t em and get necessaryinformation. T e
response was generally encouraging a few owners alsodiscourage. During
interviews some very interesting views come forward.
Suc as an owner of cafe w o was a illiterate person explained t at nobusiness in
better t en t e business related to atta and auto. From atta emeans any business
related to food and auto means any business related tove icles it may be works op,
service station, auto dealer etc. because abovementioned bot businesses are relate to
necessary of t e life.
T e main argument of t e owners w o discourage to start cafe business wast at it is a
full time job. T e man engaged in t is business cannot give qualitytime to is family
members, relatives and friends

Gorillaz Café


In our researc , we c ose questioners met od to find t e opinion of people int e area of
Barket Market. From w ic we found t at t e scope of cafe is very ig and people
really need t is type of entertainment point. According to ourquestioners 75% people
are favor our idea to start new cafe in t at area.



A ooka (Arabic: ϱεΓ  or ΃έϙϱϝΓ, Hindi:, Urdu:Ρϕ
; uqqa) or s ees a
is a single or multi-stemmed (often glass-based) water pipe device forsmoking;
originating in India,[1][2] t at as gained popularity, especially int e Arab `orld. A
ooka operates by water-filtration and indirect eat. Itcan be used for smoking many
substances, suc as erbal fruits andtobacco.
Fast food is food t at can be prepared and served very quickly.
Continental food, relating to, or c aracteristic of a continent. Often
Continental Of or relating to t e mainland of Europe; European


Catering is t e business of providing food service at a remote site.

C and Butt (owner of cafe Rock)
Zees an K an, (project manager of cafe ide inn.)
Kiran Butt (Owner of Cafe Cyclone)

Gorillaz Café

Q: 1 ow many times you visit any cafe?
once a week
twice a week
once a mont
Q: 2 doe¶s entertainment cafes ave scope in La ore?
Q: 4 w ic segment attract you more in your favorite cafe?
S ees a
All above
Q: 5 if a new cafe will open in your area, and t en you prefer new cafe t en
your present cafe?
Q: 6 S ees a is necessary part of any cafe?
Q: 7 w at new segments you want to be in cafe?
Q: 8 you like to go in cafe wit your friends?
ÿ    

Gorillaz Café

Sources and Uses of Fund


Owners Investment


Purc ase of Equipment
Building²Civil work
Renovations to lease old
Rent deposit
Dis es/glassware/silverware
Food Inventory
Music System
`ood work
Miscellaneous expenses
10.S ees a @4000
`orking Capital


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