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Psychiatria Danubina, 2011; Vol. 23, No.

3, pp 293-299 Conference paper

© Medicinska naklada - Zagreb, Croatia


Pavo Filaković, Anamarija Petek Erić & Ivan Požgain
Psychiatric Clinic, Clinical Hospital Center Osijek, Croatia

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INTRODUCTION oxygenase 2 inhibitors, regulators of metabolism and
antioxidants (Ghaemi 2000, McInture & Cha 2011). The
About 20-30 years ago the central pillar of new strategies in the treatment of bipolar disorder are
psychiatry was schizophrenia. Today´s interest has tur- still being focused on treatment of acute phases
ned to a new paradigm - bipolar disorder. Knowledge, (depressive, manic, mixed) and the prevention of new
skills and experiences in treatment of bipolar affective episodes, but emphasizing comparative treatment of
disorder are being enriched with new insights cognitive deficits, persistent residual symptoms,
concerning molecular basis of disorder and psychosocial comorbid conditions and suicide prevention common in
factors importance in its genesis and development, this disorder (Müller-Oerlinghausen et al. 2002). Novel
fostering presonalized psyhopharmacotherapeutic and strategies have spurred re-examination of ongoing
psychotherapeutic treatment approach (Goodwin & smoldering dilemma - to follow treatment algorithms or
Geddes 2007). Increased interest in bipolar disorder has to defer to, for clinician, more challenging personalized
resulted in recognizing the broader group of disorders approach with greater diagnostic and therapeutic
which have in common periodical affective variability. performance along with better suicide prevention and
The lifetime prevalence of type I and type II bipolar treatment of residual symptoms (Alda et al. 2009).
disorder is to 2.1% (Dilsaver 2011). In addition to type I
and type II bipolar affective disorder and cyclothymia, IMPORTANCE OF EARLY
which together make up 3-4% of today´s general
population, this group increasingly encompasses the so-
called softer end of the bipolar spectrum. Together, OF BIPOLAR DISORDER
mentioned disorders affect an impressive 5-8% of
general population and represent the greatest diagnostic Bipolar disorder is a recurring disorder in which 46-
and therapeutic challenge for contemporary psychiatry. 65% of cases occur before nineteen year old. Early
The type I and II of bipolar disorder and cyclothymia is disorder onset has a poor prognosis, course and outcome
not difficult to diagnose, but the bipolarity must be and is associated with high rates of psychiatric (ADHD,
suspected in every early onset unipolar depression, anxiety disorder, personality disorder, alcoholism and
frequent episodes of illness and in positive family other addictions) and physical comorbidity (cardiovas-
history for bipolar and other comorbid disorders. These cular illness, metabolic syndrome, endocrine disorders,
disorders are: alcoholism and other substance abuse lower back pain, etc.), which moreover contribute to
disorders, uncontrollable episodes of rage and violence, poor outcome. Due to mentioned reasons, there is
suicide attempts and achievements, postpartum greater strain in recognizing prodromes of bipolar
depression and psychotic depression. Mentioned states disorder and early therapy onset (Correll et al. 2007,
are often resistant to conventional antidepressant Kilbourne et al. 2004). This would require changes to be
therapy or could even worsen and then require special made in current DSM and ICD classifications because
therapeutic approach (Lieber). Recognizing the bipolar current criteria disable such stand. According to current
affective disorder as heterogenic in its phenomenology, criteria, the majority of bipolar patients have been
ethiopathogenesis and comorbidity, the significantly initially treated for having recurrent depressive disorder.
increased early diagnostic and has set the path towards The consequences of late detection and delayed proper
new therapeutic strategies. These new strategies in treatment are: therapeutic failure, disorder worsening,
treatment of bipolar affective disorder have been based switching to the opposite phase, the emergence of rapid
on its heterogeneity and knowledge on how significant cyclic form, delay in the implementation of appropriate
role in occurrence also have negative life events, psychotherapeutic and psychosocial treatments and
stressors which through biological connections increased suicide risk. Distinguishing bipolar depression
potentiate immune reactions with inflammatory and from unipolar depression is not easy. Bipolar depression
metabolic changes causing excitotoxicity in central is marked by: greater affective instability during one
nervous system. So today, in addition to conventional episode, prominent motor retardation and prolonged
mood stabilizers, antidepressants and antipsychotics in sleep. The unipolar depression is characterized with:
therapy of bipolar affective disorder are increasingly insomnia, weight loss and agitation. The stumbling
being introduced adjuvant agents: glutamate transport stone in diagnosing bipolar affective disorder lies within
inhibitors, proinflammatory cytokines inhibitors, cyclo- restrictive characterization of manic/hypomanic states in

Pavo Filaković, Anamarija Petek Erić & Ivan Požgain: NEW STRATEGIES IN THE TREATMENT OF BIPOLAR DISORDER
Psychiatria Danubina, 2011; Vol. 23, No. 3, pp 293–299

one´s personal history because these states, from relied upon pharmacotherapy as vital for treatment of
patient´s point of view, were often unrecognized of even bipolar affective disorder, but also significant role is
considered as periods of good health. Therefore, today given to psychoeducation, psychotherapy (interpersonal,
most bipolar type II patients are treated as unipolar family, cognitive-behavioral) and lifestyle management.
depression, especially if there is no heteroanamnestic The main focus is on three treatment aspects: 1. indivi-
data regarding patient´s personal history. In order to dually and pharmacogeneticaly customized treatment
attain better recognition of bipolar affective disorder, it with approved agents; 2. considering new treatment
is necessary to be tenacious in seeking bipolar psycho- modalities (protein kinase C inhibitors, glycogenic
pathology indicators while differentiating the affective synthase kinase inhibitors, glutamate neurotransmission
disorders (Bowden 2001). These indicators are notice- inhibitors) and 3. improving outcomes targeting so far
able in "softer" portion of bipolar spectrum and for neglected pathology of bipolar affective disorder such
detecting them special diagnostic scale is used, so called as neurocognitive deficits, residual symptoms and high
Bipolar Spectrum Diagnostic Scale (BSDS) divided in mortality issue (Alda et al. 2009).
two parts. In the first part the patient responds to 19
statements positively or negatively. These statements THE MOLECULAR BASIS
describe the main symptoms of bipolar spectrum. Each
positive answer carries a point. In the second part, the
patient chooses level of symptom severity ranging from NEW TREATMENT STRATEGY
0-6 points (Bipolar Spectrum Diagnostic Scale (BSDS)).
Out of known mood stabilizers palette, only lithium
could be highlighted as primary medication for treat-
ALGORITHMIC OR PRESONALIZED ment of bipolar disorder. All other medications used for
THERAPEUTIC APPROACH? treatment of this disorder primarily belong to other
therapeutic groups: anticonvulsants, antipsychotics,
Today´s treatment of bipolar affective disorder is antidepressants and anxiolytics. For this reason, the
mainly founded on compliance to current treatment lithium has been distinguished not only as golden
guidelines, however wide disorder heterogeneity and therapeutic standard but foundation for generating new
expanded therapeutic goals were not sufficiently distin- agents with similar action mechanism and fewer side-
guished in these guidelines. Valid guidelines for acute effects. The new therapeutic agents for bipolar affective
phase symptom alleviation and prevention of new disorder can be determined bidirectionaly: 1)
episodes suggest an algorithmic therapeutic approach researching and finding relevant molecular action
based on one statistically average bipolar patient whose mechanisms of existing drugs for bipolar affective
therapy should be initiated with one drug and if there is disorder and designing new medications which will use
no response switch to new one or add it to previous those mechanisms: 2) researching and revealing the
medication. If there is still no response the fourth pathophysiology of disease itself and appliance of these
therapeutic option should be chosen (Yatham et al. cognitions in designing agents who would alleviate,
2006, Grunze et al. 2003, Grunze et al. 2004, Kovatch eliminate or inhibit pathologic development. Understan-
2005, Young et al. 2004). Many patients could be ding molecular basis of bipolar affective disorder is
helped with this approach, however opportunity for help somewhat sparse, but there is growing evidence about
to significant group of patients who would respond only cell membrane instability and consequential neurotrans-
to specific treatment (not provided in algorithms) or mitter imbalance possibly underlying bipolar affective
ones requiring therapy for symptoms insufficiently disorder. Owing to pathological molecular processes on
recognized in guidelines (neurocognitive deficiency, postsynaptic level respectively second messenger level
residual symptoms, suicidality etc.) is being ignored. cell membrane instability occurs. This is corroborated
Therefore, advantages of personalized approach in by the results of studying lithium effects on postsynaptic
treatment of bipolar disorder are being accentuated. molecular level and since the second messenger system
Guidelines recommendations are not being excluded serves for signal transduction of various neuro-
with this approach but are broadened to "softer" transmitter pathways it could explain lithium efficacy in
segment of bipolar spectrum and new therapeutic goals different stages of bipolar affective disorder. Thera-
(neurocognitive deficiency, residual symptoms, suici- peutic lithium effect in bipolar affective disorder is
dality). For new therapeutic goals the treatment agents obtained on second messenger system levels as follows:
are chosen based upon new understandings regarding 1) inhibition of inositol monophosphatase - weakening
molecular foundation and psychosocial factors in the signal transduction in phosphatidylinositol signal
genesis and development of bipolar affective disorder. pathway and modulating cell response to neuro-
Assuming the phenotype heterogeneity due to transmitter system changes; 2) inhibiting the enzyme
variability of genetic and epigenetic features as well as Glycogen synthase kinase - 3 (GSK-3) - component of
individual differences in environment interaction, the many signal pathways with diverse effects when
symptoms are variable and intertwine with various inhibited; 3) cyclooxigenase 2 inhibition which
comorbid mental and physical states. New approach is mediates arachidonic acid cascade (Atack et al. 1995,

Pavo Filaković, Anamarija Petek Erić & Ivan Požgain: NEW STRATEGIES IN THE TREATMENT OF BIPOLAR DISORDER
Psychiatria Danubina, 2011; Vol. 23, No. 3, pp 293–299

Rapoport & Basetti 2002, Quiroz et al. 2004). Other disorder phase and new episodes prevention. Special
mood stabilizers act on different enzymes involved in attention is focused on psychoeducation and specific
postsynaptic signal transduction and those action psychotherapy as necessary strategies for ensuring
mechanism serve as basis for designing new treatment adherence (Alda et al. 2009).
medications. The alterations on second messenger level
are the consequence of genetic and epigenetic factors Acute pharmacological treatment
respectively to changes in stress response system
triggering certain episodes. Various stressors lead to In practice, pharmacotherapeutic approach should be
disruptions of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis on adjusted to features of bipolar affective disorder
different levels and may also cause changes on regardless having mostly manic or depressive episodes.
glutamate and other neurotransmitter transport in central Bipolar disorder stabilizers with
nervous system. Therefore, in bipolar affective disorder predominantly manic episodes
distinct psychoactive agents could be efficient. Still, First-line mood stabilizers of manic episodes are:
primary medications in therapy of this disorder should lithium, sodium valproate, divalporex (seminatrium val-
be mood stabilizers designed for entering the core of proate), carbamazepine and second generation
disorder pathophysiology. Researched candidates are: antipsychotics. Second-line treatment options are:
glucocorticoid synthesis inhibitors, antagonists of gluco- clonazepam, lorazepam and some other benzodiazepines
corticoid receptors (Mifepristone (RU-486), antagonists (Alda et al. 2009, Yatham et al. 2006, Grunze et al.
of CRF 1 receptors (Antalarmin). Since the glutamater- 2003, Grunze et al. 2004, Kovatch 2005, Young et al.
gic system is especially involved in pathophysiology of 2004, Rush et al. 2000). All second generation anti-
affective disorder possible therapeutic agents are being psychotics are suitable for treatment of acute manic
investigated among glutamate receptor modulators, episodes but as adjunct therapy for alleviation of
NMDA antagonists (lamotrigine, riluzole, memantine, psychotic symptoms. As the least risky for switching
Felbamat, Zinc) and AMPA receptor modulators into depressive episode are: olanzapine (McElroy et al.
(Ampalex). With significant changes in brain neuroplas- 1998), quetiapine (Vieta et al. 2002), risperidone (Sherk
ticity being found concerning bipolar affective disorder, et al. 2007), and aripriprazole (Vieta et al.).
along with previously mentioned, agents for modulation Bipolar disorder stabilizers with
of neurotrophic cascades, involving NGF and BDNF predominantly depressive episodes
(phosphodiestherase inhibitors) are being tested. These
In the treatment of depressive episode as first-line
agents should prevent degenerative changes in nervous
agents are mentioned these mood stabilizers: lamotri-
system and consequential chronification with permanent
gine, lithium, olanzapine-fluoxetine combination and
cognitive deficiency and residual symptoms of affective
electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). The FDA has
disorder. Ideal drug for bipolar disorder should be
approved quetiapine and olanzapine-fluoxetine combi-
effective for: a) acute mania/hypomania, depression and
nation for bipolar depression treatment. Second-line
mixed states treatment and without significant side-
mood stabilizers are: bupropion, paroxetine, venlafaxine
effects; b) therapy of acute rapid cycling episodes; c)
and some other new antidepressants (Alda et al. 2009,
elimination of subsyndromal and residual affective
Yatham et al. 2006, Grunze et al. 2003, Grunze et al.
syndromes: d) elimination of psychotic symptoms in
2004, Kovatch 2005, Young et al. 2004, Rush et al.
acute affective episodes; e) prevention of relapses and
2000, Goldsmith et al. 2003).
new episodes; f) suicide prevention; g) comorbid states
reduction; h) chronification prevention; i) precluding Practical implications
cognitive deficiency; j) restoring full social and labor Mood stabilizers have been applied in treatment of
activity. Naturally, in the near future, such magic bipolar affective disorder (BAD) according to current
molecule would not be found but we are all witnesses of guidelines from particular psychiatric associations and
major shifts towards this ideal (Zarate et al. 2006, Gould expert concensus groups. They generally help the
et al. 2004, Coyle & Duman 2003). physicians concluding the best treatment choice in
particular clinical situations. The guidelines do not
contain full concensus nor do they recommend agent
CONTEMPORARY APPROACH TO approved only by FDA or EMEA, so the "off-label"
TREATMENT OF BIPOLAR DISORDER recommendations are not rare. Either way, there is no
ideal mood stabilizer who would have rapid onset on all
The bipolar affective disorder is characterized by bipolar affective disorder forms, enhance cognitive
clinical, genetic and pathophysiological heterogeneity functions, eliminate residual symptoms and be
and treatment often requiring personalized approach. successful in maintaining remission with good
Monotherapy represents rarely attainable ideal. Most tolerability and easy usage. Because of this, the practice
often used combination in practice is combination of combines several medications and drug choice is
mood stabilizers with atypical antipsychotics or adjusted to clinical and genetic patient profile.
antidepressants. The disorder´s clinical course demands Advantage of monotherapy is in therapeutic clarity and
pharmacotherapeutic adjustment for actual episode or better treatment result interpretability. Combined the-

Pavo Filaković, Anamarija Petek Erić & Ivan Požgain: NEW STRATEGIES IN THE TREATMENT OF BIPOLAR DISORDER
Psychiatria Danubina, 2011; Vol. 23, No. 3, pp 293–299

rapy ensures manifestation of individual therapeutic should be eliminated or reduced. This applies
skill and better adjustment to patients genetic and particularly to antidepressants. Treatment should be
clinical profile. Only a certain percentage of patients applied with appropriately selected a mood stabilizer
responds favorably to specific drug. Adding drug more, (lithium, valproate, lamotrigine, carbamazepine) in
increases the probability of favorable therapeutic combination with atypical antipsychotics, or high doses
response. Although, guidelines suggest initial mono- of thyroid hormone (Alda et al. 2009, Suppes & Kelly
therapy (lithium or valproate in mania or lamotrigine in 2006, Calabrese et al. 2000). The lithium has shown
depression) if the patient is agitated or psychotic there is efficacy in suicide risk reduction (Baldessarini et al.
no need to hesitate but introduce combination of lithium 2006). A particular problem is treatment of refractory
or anticonvulsants with second generation antipsychotic bipolar affective disorder, most frequently refractory
(for example, lamotrigine + olanzapine) because the bipolar depression. Lamotrigine has found to be most
complex clinical presentation requires complex successful, and experiments regarding combination of
treatment approach (Perlis 2005, Fountoulakis et al. sleep deprivation and light therapy are still being
2007). Special caution is recommended when applying investigated (Nierenberg et al. 2006, Benedetti et al.
antidepressants regarding possible switch to manic 2005). A number of new anticonvulsants with mixed,
episode. For this reason, the antidepressants are used in negative or unproven efficacy for therapy of bipolar
acute depressive episode as part of combined therapy affective disorder are being researched (gabapentine,
and should be excluded after depressive symptoms pregabaline, tiagabine, levetiracetame, oxcarbazepine,
retrieve. This is particularly important concerning phenytion, topiramate, zonisamide) (Yatham 2004,
tricyclic antidepressants and monoamino oxidase Evins 2003).
inhibitors. The selective serotonine reuptake inhibitors
are less potent in causing switch to manic episode and Strategies for bipolar disorder prevention
some of them are used more freely for mood
stabilization. The effectiveness in bipolar depression Pharmacotherapy
have shown paroxetine and bupropione, alone or Prevention strategies of bipolar disorder distinguish
combined with antipsychotic or anticonvulsant (Alda et relaps prevention and prophylaxis. After suppressing
al. 2009, Perlis 2005, Suppes & Kelly 2006). Ghaemi acute symptoms of this disorder (pathological affect,
and associates (2003) in literature about applying aggressiveness, self-deliberation symptoms, hyperacti-
antidepressants in bipolar affective disorder had found vity, psychotic symptoms, sleep disturbances) mainte-
the following: 1) high risk of rapid cycling episodes nance therapy continues marked by lowest possible
when on antidepressants; 2) unlike lithium, antidepres- dosage for prevention of new episode onset, presser-
sants were not significantly preventing suicide risk in vation of cognitive functions and lifestyle quality. This
bipolar affective disorder; 3) the antidepressants have presumes progressive dose reduction and preferably
had less efficacy compared to mood stabilizers in acute monotherapy with subsequent exclusion of other
bipolar depression and were less efficient in relaps and medications. Only after all symptoms withdrawal, that
new episode prevention; 4) mood stabilizers, is restoration of euthymic state without residual
particularly lithium and lamotrigine, shown effecti- symptoms, prophylactic therapy could be approached.
veness in acute and prophylactic therapy of bipolar Traditionally, the prophylactic treatment was
depressive episodes. Based on these findings they made recommended if there were existing evidence about
the following conclusions: a) the antidepressants had earlier frequent episodes. Recently, the prevention onset
shown significant risk of mania and long-term is suggested to be as early as possible, even after first
deterioration due to frequent rapid cycling episodes; b) manic episode. In bipolar affective disorder type II the
antidepressants should not be routinely applied in mild initiation of preventive treatment depends on frequency
to moderate bipolar depressions; c) antidepressants of depressive and manic episodes. The primary thera-
should be excluded after acute episode withdrawal or peutic agent is still lithium although valproate is
maintain them during treatment only when depressive frequently used. Controlled studies suggest atypical
episodes occur repeatedly. In other words, no one antipsychotics as successful preventive agents, espe-
prohibits usage of antidepressants in bipolar depression cially in recurrent episodes with psychotic symptoms.
but rational and cautious approach regarding possible For most of depressive episodes of bipolar affective
disorder the lamotrigine has been recommended. The
consequences of such therapy is required (Ghaemi et al.
antidepressants in bipolar affective disorder prophylaxis
2003). Mixed episodes bipolar disorder and rapid
should be avoided (Alda et al. 2009, Ghaemi et al.
cycling one represent particular therapeutic challenge.
The FDA has approved carbamazepine and most of the
atypical antipsychotics (olanzapine, risperidone, Psychoeducation and psychotherapeutic techniques
aripriprazole, ziprasidone) for mixed episodes therapy The treatment of bipolar affective disorder could be
but often used are also valproate and lamotrigine. compared with shooting the moving target wherefore
Preferably the antidepressants should be avoided due to course changes are determined by unpredictable life
risk of mood destabilization. In therapy of rapid cycling stressors and negative life events (divorce, loss of a
episodes all agents which might mitigate these states loved ones, job loss etc.), changes in social rhythm (job

Pavo Filaković, Anamarija Petek Erić & Ivan Požgain: NEW STRATEGIES IN THE TREATMENT OF BIPOLAR DISORDER
Psychiatria Danubina, 2011; Vol. 23, No. 3, pp 293–299

change, moving, marriage etc.) along with treatment symptoms, comorbid states and suicide prevention.
changes and its discontinuation. Pharmacotherapeutic These guidelines have broaden to "softer" segment of
adjustment is not sufficient for bipolar affective disorder bipolar spectrum and new therapeutic goals (neuro-
episode prevention. That is why new therapeutic cognitive deficits, residual symptoms, suicidality).
strategies of bipolar affective disorder comprehend Pharmacotherapy has remained vital in therapy of
various psychotherapeutic interventions aimed at bipolar affective disorder, however now with integrated
minimizing unexpected changes during course of techniques of psychoeducation, psychotherapy and
bipolar disorder in order to ensure maximal therapeutic patients lifestyle alterations. There are three main
success with pharmacologic treatment. Application of aspects of novel pharmacotherapeutic approach: 1. indi-
particular techniques depends upon treatment phase vidually and pharmacogeneticaly customized treatment
(Frank et al. 2000). Psychoeducation should be with approved agents; 2. considering new treatment
commenced early, as soon as the patient state allows it, modalities (protein kinase C inhibitors, glycogenic
and continued during therapy. This treatment represents synthase kinase inhibitors, glutamate neurotransmission
not merely informing the patient regarding illness and inhibitors) and 3. improving outcomes targeting so far
medications but complex technique which encompasess neglected pathology of bipolar affective disorder such
training to cope with chronic illness and other frequent as neurocognitive deficits, residual symptoms and high
comorbid conditions, lifestyle regulation, acquiring mortality. Most frequently used psychotherapeutic
positive habits, recognizing prodromes and realizing the techniques are: social rhythm therapy, interpersonal
importance of treatment adherence in order to prevent therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy and family
relapses and new episodes (Colom et al. 2003, Vieta & oriented therapy.
Colom 2004, Lam et al. 2005).
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Prof. Pavo Filaković, PhD, MD
Psychiatric Clinic, Clinical Hospital Center Osijek
J. Huttlera 4, 31000 Osijek, Croatia


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