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Assignment 6: Classroom Management Plan

Katherine McKerley

Regent University

Classroom Management Plan (CMP)


Philosophy of Classroom Management

My classroom management philosophy starts by prioritizing building teacher-student

relationships, clear and consists rules and routines, and an environment that fosters student

academic and relational success. I expect to be learning along with my students, but I will do my

very best to give them a classroom where they feel loved, respected and safe.

Building a community is the first step in reaching my class management objectives. I

hope to model and implement a system that students feel welcomed and secure in who they are. I

want them to know that though I hold a position of leadership and authority I will know their

interests, actively listen to what they have to say, and respect where they are emotionally,

academically and never make them feel less than. I will model the behavior I expect from my

students and will use time in morning meeting, lessons, and lunch to help myself bond with

students and my students bond with each other. They will also learn my belief that each of them

is capable of major growth academically and behaviorally. Throughout the year I will be

campaigning and cheering on my students, having tangible ways to see improvement and

teaching and modeling a growth mindset so that they can have the opportunity to grow more than

they ever expected of themselves.

Assumptions the Nature of Young People and Learning

Each student will come to the classroom with a different social, economic, cultural

background as well as different interests, temperaments, learning styles, and capacities. It is the

teacher’s job to take these individuals and create a community which they can feel supported and

cherished. I will tailor my instruction to meet the needs of all students as an individual and as a

class since each class as a whole has its own strengths and weaknesses. I want part of my job to

be helping students become curious and explorative. Many teachers might cater to what interests

a child and that is a good approach, but I want to focus on becoming excited in something new

and fall in love with learning instead of catering to the limited knowledge and interests they

have. I want to expand their understanding of the world and becoming more well-rounded


Theorist Comparison

I will be comparing parts of Kounin’ Principal Teachings and Canter’s Principal Teachings.

Overall, agreed with almost everything that both Kounin and Canter laid out for keeping students

engaged in the classroom. For Kounin I felt that his seem applicable more to the classroom in a

high school or middle school context with a more ridged time constraint. Not that it doesn’t

apply to elementary school teachers, but Kounin’s Principal is very streamlined and seems to be

directed and more applicable with older students whereas Canter’ Principal seems to be catered

to younger students. That does not make one better than the other, but that Kounin reminds me of

my effective high school teachers I have had whereas Canter gives me a better outline for my

own elementary classroom.


Expectations of Students-

My expectations of my students to be working towards being receptive of rules

and new ideas and people, having a growth mindset, and to have grace toward each other when

they fall short of those expectations. I expect that they will take to heart the rules and policies we

have put in place and can articulate why it is important that they follow those rules and model

them for their peers.

Expectations of Classroom Climate –

My expectations of my classroom climate correlates to how I have set up my rules

and policies. It will be organized in a way that promotes creatively, organization and enables

students to structure their day effectively. The set up and design of the classroom will model after

my own elementary years at Jubilee Christian School which every month correlated to a science

topic and history topic. With the start of each month all the decorations of the classroom would

be switched to match the topics of the new units. Special bookcases would feature non-fiction

and fiction books to read, posters would change, and students work from the month before was

sent home to make way for new ones to be created and hanged from the ceiling to the windows.

This for me symbolizes new beginnings, flourishing creativity and attracts the interest of students

to re-explore their room. In my classroom, I want to set the example that learning is a creative

and exciting and ever changing.

Rules and Policies

Be Kind –

o loving and respectful -courteous and caring

◦ Be Safe –

o we must be safe in our interaction with people, objects, and in our space

◦ Be ready to learn and do your best.


o work hard, but don’t stress out – be excited to put forth work that you can be

proud of.

◦ Listen and follow direction-

o to be safe and be kind we must be able to listen and follow what is instructed of


◦ Enter and exit class prepared –

o have everything the is necessary for class and to change classes/ go home

o know the expectations outside of the classroom and walking in hallways and

ready to represent our class well!



What do you do as an Instructor That Meets Student’s Academic Needs?

I will make sure that first I understand how the students preformed in their

previous years, talk to previous teachers about what worked for them when they had my

students in their class, learn what their learning styles are, and how to differentiated based

on IEPs, 504s and any other issues that could implead the student from showing what

they truly know or from learning as much as possible. My lessons will be structured to

follow the standards and will incorporate multiple subjects into one lesson to stay on

pace, but I find ways to introduce and keep lessons interactive and interesting and create

what I need to make it successful. My preferred way of structuring my lessons is the 5E


with stations for math and science. Grading depends very much on the school system, but

as much as possible I want to create quizzes and tests myself so that they can be more

personal and specific to what I am teaching.

What do you do as an Instructor To Prevent Students’ Need to Act Out?

The first portion is treating each student with love and care and letting them know

the standards and culture of the classroom. Modeling the correct behavior and setting up

a process of cheering on the small and big improvements in behavior can greatly decrease

negative actions from happening frequently. I think also making a behavior plan with the

really hard student and making sure they know that you are helping them through the

issue and not just punishing them. For a student that uses negative terms, they might have

a list of positive traits on their desk to remind them of good things they can use in their

speech or for another student it could be a positivity card that they get when they do

something that we have been working on to improve.

How Does Your Assessment Style/Procedures Promote Your Management Goals?

I will make sure that I am using many different ways of assessing students to make sure that I am

getting a wholistic view of how they are truly learning. I will grade homework, worksheets, tests,

writing assignments, group work, oral presentations. I want my assessments to represent them as

accurately as possible so there will be able to remediate homework or other assignments to show

how in the nine weeks they have come to master a certain standard that they first might have

been struggling with.

How Do You Allow For Variable Styles, Cultures and Circumstances in Meeting The

Diverse Needs of Your Students?


First, the best way to allow for variable styles, cultures and circumstances is through

interaction and experience. The more students I have the better I will become at meeting those

needs. I will educate

myself on ESL students and cultures that my students come from and ask them about

their lives if they are willing to share so I can be aware of differences and celebrate them in a

way that makes them feel loved and welcomed in my classroom. I also want to expose my

students to many different types of diversity that just what is present in class. I want them

through guest speakers, movies, videos, and books to begin relating and understanding many

viewpoints and people.


From Your Point of View, What Motivates Students?

Each student is different, and their motivation is one of the main things that a teacher

must figure out to unlock their potential in the classroom. Motivation can be intrinsic which is a

more mature concept and extinctic which is easier to cater to but can backlash if the student is

not motivated by anything you are suppling.

In the Short-Term?

Free time – to play games or read longer

Get prizes for good behavior

In the Long-Term?




Report card

How Do You Plan To Motivate Your Students?

Of course, by daily encouragement and pointing out good behavior. A great way of

making that encouragement tangible is through brag bracelets though they can be necklaces with

cards attached of what they have accomplished. It is a simple way of the students knowing they

have done something great without giving them something such as a toy or candy which can be

seen more as a treat.


What do you envision when picturing your future classroom

culture/climate/community of learners or an effective instructional day from start to


I will greet my students, they will have time before entering the classroom to say

hello and let me know anything from a funny story to what they are excited to do that

day. The students during this time would be taking things out of their backpacks and

eating breakfast. They would have morning work to complete which could be from any

subject and could be used to review an idea or introduce a new topic. Then we would go

into our morning meeting where I would have the students greet each other, go over the

schedule, give a sneak peek into what we were doing in this week or the following, and

go over any weather/date things that applied to the grade. I would go through the lessons

with introductions/reviews, for younger grades have go noddle breaks between subjects,

and for older students they could have a ten minutes snack/quick board game break. After

lunch, I would try to either have silent reading or a teacher novel so that they can digest

lunch and have a relating entry back into the classroom time. The day will end with

students packing up and a reminder of what is do, what they might have to bring the next

day, and hand out anything they need to take home.

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