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12 – HUMSS

The Book Thief Film Analysis
1. What made the film interesting?
The Book Thief is a filmed based on history. The setting began is from 1983 ( Nazi
Germany Era) where Liesel an adoptive daughter of two german couple can’t write and
2. Which part of the film did you like best? Explain why.
The scene in the film which I like best is the snow ball fight because the scene is very
3. Who is your favorite character and what makes his or her character unique?
Liesel because she is very determined to read books though she cannot read it well, she steals
them but that doesn’t change the fact that is a very kind-hearted person.
4. Do you think the actors played the characters well?
I haven’t read the novel but I can say that they did well.
5. If you have also read the book, can you tell whether the film remained faithful to the novel’s
plot? Did you meet your expectation.
I haven’t read the book and I also read other film reviews about this film some people say that
the book is better than the movie. I would read the book first most probably before I could

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