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Clinical Controversies

Adjusted Body Weight, Con: Why Adjust Body Weight in

Energy-Expenditure Calculations?
Carol Ireton-Jones, PhD, RD, LD, CNSD, FACN

ABSTRACT: Evaluation of energy requirements of nor- factor, and therefore, body weight may be adjusted
mal individuals and hospitalized patients is most often by some practitioners for use in an energy expendi-
accomplished using an energy equation. Energy equations ture equation. Before investigating the practice of
attempt to measure resting metabolic rate (RMR), the adjusting body weight in energy-expenditure equa-
largest factor in total daily energy expenditure. Compo- tions, it is important to review the framework for
nents of most energy equations include height, weight, developing an evidence-based approach to nutrition
age, and gender. These factors are related to energy intervention such as adjusting body weight in an
expenditure; however, each factor has individual charac- energy equation. Perhaps application of an evi-
teristics that affect energy expenditure. Body weight is a dence-based approach to nutrition interventions has
major factor in RMR and total daily energy expenditure. not been considered in the adjusted body weight
For obese individuals, estimation of energy expenditure calculation. Various levels of evidence are used to
may be a challenge due to the increased body weight. set up an evidence base, including systematic review
Therefore, some equations attempt to minimize the effect and meta-analysis, which is the strongest type of
of body weight on energy expenditure assessment by evidence.1 A review of the levels of evidence, with
adjusting the obese individual’s body weight. Data do not level I being the highest and most significant and
support adjustment of body weight in normal individuals. level VI being the lowest, is found in Table 1. These
In hospitalized patients, there are several equations that levels can be used to “grade” the evidence of an
are used to estimate energy expenditure of obese patients, intervention, whether medical or nutritional. There-
which include adjusting the body weight and modifying fore, with a review of the components of energy
the overall energy requirements. Measurement of RMR expenditure and the data supporting the equation
can obviate the need for estimating energy expenditure. It used, the evidence related to adjusted body weight
is important to evaluate any energy-expenditure equation for energy equations can be analyzed or graded
that is used to estimate energy needs in normal people using this system.
and hospitalized patients before applying it to patient Elements contributing to daily energy expendi-
care. ture are height and weight, age, gender, race, and
physical activity.2 RMR, which can be measured
with acceptable accuracy, includes the contribution
of height, weight, age, race, and gender but does not

Because evaluation of energy needs is one of the Table 1

first steps in nutrition assessment of patients, an Levels of evidence for clinical effectiveness (Cochrane Library
energy-expenditure equation is most often used to Training Guide)
make this calculation. There are more than 200
equations published for energy expenditure using I. Strong evidence from at least 1 systematic review of
many variations of factors to attempt to predict well-designed, randomized clinical trial (RCT).
resting metabolic rate (RMR) or total energy expen- II. Strong evidence from at least 1 properly designed RCT
diture (TEE). Body weight is used in most equations. of appropriate size.
III. Evidence from well-designed trials without
Obesity confounds the application of the body weight
randomization: single-group, pre-post; matched case
IV. Evidence from well-designed, nonexperimental studies
from more than 1 center or research group.
V. Opinions from respected authorities, based on clinical
Correspondence: Carol Ireton-Jones, PhD, RD, LD, CNSD, evidence, descriptive studies or reports of expert
FACN, Nutrition Therapy Specialist, 1730 Countryside Drive, committees.
Carrollton, TX 75007. Electronic mail may be sent to dr. VI. Someone once told me.

0884-5336/05/2004-0474$03.00/0 Reprinted with permission from Stratton RJ, Green CJ, Elia M.
Nutrition in Clinical Practice 20:474–479, August 2005 Disease-Related Malnutrition: An Evidence-Based Approach to
Copyright © 2005 American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Treatment. Cambridge, MA: CABI Publishing; 2003:159.
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include the thermic effect of food or effect of physical Table 2

activity on metabolic rate.3 Because height, weight, Mifflin–St. Jeor and Owen equations
and age are static measured numbers and gender
and race are predetermined, only physical activity Mifflin–St. Jeor equations
Males: EE ⫽ 10(W) ⫹ 6.25(H) ⫺ 5(A) ⫹ 5
leaves room for variation in calculated equations. Females: EE ⫽ 10(W) ⫹ 6.25(H) ⫺ 5(A) ⫺ 161
However, many clinicians also modify body weight (EE ⫽ kcal/day, W ⫽ weight in kg, H ⫽ height in cm, A
in equations for hospitalized patients when they are ⫽ age in years)
overweight or obese.4 Therefore, why is body weight Owen equations
adjusted? Males: EE ⫽ 879 ⫹ 10.2(W)
Females: EE ⫽ 795 ⫹ 7.2(W)
(EE ⫽ kcal/day, W ⫽ weight in kg)
Factors Related to Energy Expenditure Harris-Benedict equations
Males: EE ⫽ 66 ⫹ 13.8(W) ⫹ 5(H) ⫺ 6.8(A)
Age is a determinant of energy expenditure as it
Females: EE ⫽ 655 ⫹ 9.6(W) ⫹ 1.8(H) ⫺ 4.7(A)
relates to children. Children have higher metabolic (EE ⫽ kcal/day, W ⫽ weight in kg, H ⫽ height in cm, A
rates per kg than do adults. Keys et al5 evaluated ⫽ age in years)
the effect of age on metabolic rate and found that
aging has only a small effect on metabolic rate per
decade. Luhrman and Neuhaeuser6 evaluated vari-
ous predictive equations by comparing calculated hospitalized patients. Fat mass (FM) and fat-free
RMR with measured RMR (using indirect calorime- mass (FFM) are components of body weight that are
try) in a large group of elderly subjects (mean age of related to energy expenditure.10 In women, meta-
both men and women was 67 years). In both men bolic rate is lower than men due to a greater amount
and women, RMR was on average underestimated of adipose tissue. Studies have shown that differ-
by up to 7.5% with an equation based on body ences in metabolic rate/kg FFM are less apparent
weight, by up to 4.5% with an equation based on between men and women.10,11 Aging and gender
both weight and height; and up to 4.6% on an differences influence RMR through the variation in
equation based on weight, height, and gender. FM and FFM. In studies analyzing the effect of body
Although this could be considered a small variation, composition on RMR, individuals who had the same
estimation errors for each individual may be high, FFM demonstrated RMRs that varied 25%–50% due
suggesting that RMR should be measured instead of to the contribution of energy expenditure from
estimated in the elderly. A similar smaller study FM.11 Body composition was analyzed using skin-
was done on a population of “very old” individuals folds, densitometry, total body potassium, and water
(mean age, 86 years). When predicted RMRs were dilution. Although these methods are well accepted,
grouped, there was little difference between pre- there are academic difficulties in using these meth-
dicted and measured RMR.7 However, there were ods due to hydration status (related to total-body-
large differences between predicted and measured water analysis), osteoporosis, race, and technique in
RMR when patients were stratified by activity sta- normal subjects. These would be further com-
tus (awake and minimally active vs bedridden), with pounded in hospitalized patients. Given the vari-
those who were bedridden having very low mea- ability of body composition measurements, the only
sured RMRs consistently. Gender is also a factor in way to reduce the error rate is to use several
energy equations, with men requiring more kcal methods to assess body composition in the same
than women in equations that include gender as a individual. Therefore, measurements of FM and
factor to account for a higher lean body mass. Height FFM are not applicable in the hospitalized patient.
is used in most energy-expenditure equations, espe- This demonstrates that there is not a fixed number
cially those used to determine energy needs accord- to estimate the percent of FM that is metabolically
ing to ideal or desirable body weight. For example, active and contributes a specific amount of kcal to
the Hamwi8 formula uses height and weight to overall energy expenditure. This will vary by indi-
determine ideal body weight (IBW), and body mass vidual and even among equations used to estimate
index (BMI) is calculated using height and weight FM and FFM in one individual.11
ratios.9 The BMI was developed to relate body Extremely overweight and underweight individu-
weight and height ratios to body weight and there- als pose a challenge in estimating energy expendi-
fore risk of certain diseases. This risk ratio applies ture because their body weight is outside that rec-
for high and low BMIs. Age, height, and gender are ognized as ideal or desirable. Body weight is
factors often used in equations to estimate energy included in the many equations, including those
expenditure, and each of these factors is a variable developed by Harris and Benedict,12 Mifflin et al,13
in predicting energy expenditure. and Owen et al14,15 (Table 2). Because both FFM and
FM contribute to RMR, when energy expenditure is
predicted using actual body weight in obese individ-
Body Weight uals, it will be higher than when using an ideal or
Body weight is a component of equations to pre- adjusted weight. Das and colleagues16 found that
dict energy expenditure in normal individuals and extremely obese normal women (BMI 37.5–77) have

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476 IRETON-JONES Vol. 20, No. 4

high measured RMRs and TEE, with both RMR and calculate gentamicin dosage in rats, nephrotoxicity
TEE increasing as BMI increases. In this study of 30 was significantly increased. Even using a factor of
obese women, the Harris-Benedict equation was 40% for metabolically active tissue, there was neph-
accurate in estimating the RMRs when actual body rotoxicity seen in the obese rats. Monitoring the
weight was used. It is interesting to note that the patients for efficacy of the drug therapy is always
authors of this study further found maintenance of recommended. The use of this factor has been stud-
the excess body weight is due to high energy intakes. ied and derived from strong evidence from at least 1
Das et al17 also studied RMR after significant weight properly designed randomized controlled trial of
loss through gastric bypass and found that RMR appropriate size, making it level-II-grade evidence.
decreased due to decreases not only in FM but FFM This adjustment factor for obese patients can be
as well. found on several websites on drug dosing; however,
The goal of a nutrition support regimen for an the original reference for the factor is not given.
obese person would be to provide adequate calories Interestingly, on another website with information
to support the FFM and only a portion to support on drug dosing for obese patients, it was suggested
FM. Therefore, an energy-expenditure equation that that the body-weight adjustment factor was 30%,
was able to predict this energy expenditure would be and referred to a drug-dosing website as their source
very useful. The problem continues that FM does for the adjustment factor, quoting the website incor-
contribute to energy expenditure and that both FFM rectly. This presents an argument for finding the
and FM are difficult to measure in clinical settings. source for any factor to be used in clinical patient
The term that appears in the literature related to management. Given that this factor is used in drug
the portion of FM to be supported is metabolically dosing and has clinical data behind it, what factors
active tissue. The question then becomes, how much are used in the nutrition community for estimating
of the excess body weight is metabolically active the metabolically active component of excess body
tissue, and second (or perhaps first), how does one weight in obese patients to use in energy expendi-
determine what is excess body weight and what is ture equations?
normal or ideal/desirable body weight? The BMI The most common factor for adjusting the body
does not provide relative amounts of FM or an “IBW weight of obese people used by clinicians in predic-
number” but is an assessment tool for determining tive energy equations is a factor of 25%.4 The for-
the presence of obesity. A BMI of 30 kg/m2 or more is mula implies that only 25% of the excess body
often used as an indicator of obesity and is a consid- weight in an obese person (obese being 130% of IBW)
eration in developing a nutrition-support regimen is metabolically active.23 Finding the original refer-
for critically ill or injured patients. The Hamwi8 ence for the factor is difficult because it was pub-
formula is a simple method for predicting IBW and lished in the Renal Dietitians Newsletter, a publica-
uses an individual’s height and gender for estima- tion of the American Dietetic Association, in 1984.
tion. To calculate the IBW for men, use 106 pounds This author has not seen the actual publication;
for the first 5 feet of height and add 6 pounds per however, it is supposed that the equation so often
inch above 5 feet. A man who is 67 inches tall would used is listed as adjusted body weight ⫽ IBW ⫹
have an IBW of 148 pounds. For women, use 100 {(actual body weight ⫺ IBW) ⫻ 0.25}, where IBW is
pounds for the first 5 feet of height and add 5 pounds determined by the Hamwi8 formula. Because there
per inch above 5 feet. A 67-inch tall woman would appears to be no original research on this equation,
have an IBW of 135 pounds. The Metropolitan Life this would receive a level VI rating as “someone once
Insurance tables have been used to determine IBW told me.” This adjusted body weight factor is used in
in relation to height, gender, and age.18 Because the conjunction with the Harris-Benedict equation and
Metropolitan tables are based on weights of people has been widely distributed and widely accepted
who are able to obtain insurance, the IBW has among dietetics practitioners. Additionally, it has
continued to increase over the years as body weights been passed on to nursing and other practitioners
have increased. At least 1 study recommends using for use with obese people and obese ill and critically
the 1959 Metropolitan Life insurance tables to iden- ill patients.4,24
tify obesity in hospitalized patients.19 Frankenfield and colleagues25 evaluated the use
One area that seems to have a firm foundation in of several equations for estimating RMR and com-
adjusting body weight is in drug dosing specifically pared results with those from measured RMR using
related to aminoglycosides.20 In an obese patient indirect calorimetry in obese and nonobese normal
(obese being defined as 130% of IBW), it is recom- subjects. Additionally, the study evaluated the accu-
mended to add a factor of 40% of the excess body racy of the adjusted body weight factor of 25% for
weight to the IBW to account for metabolically obese people (BMI ⬎30 kg/m2) in the Harris-Bene-
active tissue (adjusted body weight ⫽ IBW ⫹ dict equations compared with the measured RMR.
{[actual body weight ⫺ IBW] ⫻ 0.40}).21 This Results demonstrated that use of adjusted body
adjusted body weight is used in aminoglycoside weight was associated with a significant underesti-
dosing. Cocoran and Salazar22 studied the effect of mation of RMR compared with the use of actual body
obesity on the nephrotoxic potential of gentamicin weight. This discrepancy was heightened when the
and found that when total body weight was used to BMI was ⬎40. For all equations studied, the errors

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were more likely to be overestimations when using tion of body mass. There are equations that use
actual body weight in the equations. The authors actual body weight. The Ireton-Jones equations,
conclude that the use of adjusted body weight developed from measurements of RMR of hospital-
caused underestimation of RMR and is not helpful in ized patients for use with the same population, use
clinical application for obese individuals. It should actual body weight for all patients. The presence of
also be mentioned that the Harris-Benedict equa- obesity is accounted for by the varying factors in the
tions are often inaccurate for normal-weight individ- ventilator-dependent and spontaneously breathing
uals. In the study by Frankenfield et al,25 the equations.19,30 In a study of critically ill, mechani-
Harris-Benedict equation was inaccurate in predict- cally ventilated patients, the Ireton-Jones equations
ing RMR 33% of the time, with the errors tending to and 3 versions of a multivariate equation were used
be overestimations using actual body weight. The to predict RMR and to compare with measured RMR
data presented in this article by Frankenfield et al25 using indirect calorimetry.31 Although a larger per-
represent level IV evidence. Therefore, using an centage of the patients’ RMR was accurately pre-
evidence-based-medicine approach, adjusted body dicted by the Penn State equations vs the Ireton-
weight should not be used in estimating the energy Jones equations, this was not statistically
expenditures of obese normal individuals. significant; however, the incidence of errors ⬎15%
Barak et al26 evaluated an adjusted body weight was significantly lower with the Penn State equa-
factor of 50% to estimate the energy expenditure in tions. The Penn State equation incorporates the
the obese patient (adjusted BW ⫽ IBW ⫹ [actual BW Harris-Benedict equation calculation (using actual
⫺ IBW ⫻ 0.50]); IBW determined by the Hamwi8 body weight for obese and nonobese subjects) multi-
formula). This body weight was used in conjunction plied by 0.85 with mathematical calculations added
with the Harris-Benedict equation and a stress for minute ventilation and maximum body temper-
factor of 1.25. This was a large, retrospective study ature. Some of the improvement in predictability of
of 567 patients with a mean age of 54 years. The RMR by the new equation is because their study
data indicated that energy expenditures can be population included an increased number of obese
predicted in obese patients using the Harris-Bene- and elderly patients, as seen more recently in the
dict equation incorporating the 50% adjusted-body- ICU setting.
weight calculation and multiplied by a factor of 1.25. McCowen et al32 studied energy requirements of
Other variations in body weight and stress factors obese and nonobese hospitalized patients. A stan-
have been proposed for use with obese patients.27–29 dard 25 kcal/kg regimen was compared with a
Energy expenditure prediction using standard hypocaloric feeding regimen in obese and nonobese
equations can vary in accuracy, whether calculated ICU patients who were fed parenterally. Average
using body surface area or using height, weight, age, blood glucose levels, frequency of hyperglycemia,
and gender. This variability is inherent for normal and infection rates were similar for both groups.
weight and obese individuals. Frankenfield and col- Therefore 25 kcal/kg actual body weight may be
leagues25 reviewed 3 standard equations, as found useful predicting the energy requirements of both
in Table 2, for predicting RMR of normal subjects obese and nonobese ICU patients. Continued moni-
and compared these to measured RMR to provide toring of response to nutrition therapy of all patients
insight to the practitioner as to the applicability of remains essential.
the equations in both obese and normal weight
individuals. Actual body weight was used in the
equations. For normal weight individuals, the Measurement of RMR
Mifflin–St. Jeor equation was more accurate more Measurement of RMR by indirect calorimetry
often than the Harris-Benedict or Owen equations, includes the contributions of height, weight, age,
and it is recommended for normal weight individu- and gender to energy expenditure but does not
als. The Mifflin–St. Jeor equations were published include the thermic effect of food or physical activity
in 1990 and included 251 men and 247 women, of on metabolic rate. When measured in ill or injured
which 47% had a BMI between 30 and 42 kg/m2.13 patients, the effect of the illness or injury on RMR is
Even in obese individuals, the Mifflin–St Jeor equa- also measured. In the previous literature reviewed,
tion is more accurate more often than the Harris- all studies using adjusted body weight to predict
Benedict or Owen equations and is recommended for energy expenditure and all predictive equations
obese individuals, as well. The Mifflin–St. Jeor were compared with measurement of RMR by indi-
equation has been evaluated recently using data rect calorimetry. All the predictive equations
from more than 1400 subjects who had RMR mea- attempted to modify weight, stress factors, or other
sured and predicted and again found to have a high factors to allow prediction of measured RMR. Deter-
correlation with RMR over other equations (Sachiko mination of energy expenditure in critically injured
St. Jeor, personal oral communication, January, patients is difficult with standard or even modified
2005). equations, and none have 100% agreement to indi-
If one does not use adjusted body weight for obese rect calorimetry. Therefore, measurement of energy
patients and uses actual body weight, predicted expenditure in critically ill patients, especially the
energy expenditure will reflect the increased propor- very thin and those who are obese, seems to be most

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478 IRETON-JONES Vol. 20, No. 4

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