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The most important lesson I have learned it is a lot of TI like E-commerce that I have course before
of e-commerce but I have learned a lot of new things and I like that.

Now I know the different types of security that a business of TI need or can have, the issues we can
fight with the bad people who want to thief our information or simply to get money for get in peace
our information.

I think the part of my future I can use the e-commerce, IT security and the financial analysis, that is
another think I like a lot and it is new for me that was something I did not know before these class
and I like it a lot

Name Calification
Alejandro Soriano A01232051 100
Ricardo Ramírez A01193081 100
Pamela Silva A00817664 100
Sara Bezjak A01677876 100

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