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About the SDR PLP101 the sctp cant up

RNC V4 from UR 14, the NodeB CMP module number is no longer by planning
template configuration, the CMP module automatically assigned by the RNC, For the
new NodeB, RNC will automatically assign a CMP modules, software ensure that no
overrun. But this feature does not detect the board runs normally or abnormal ,
like SDR PLP101 NODEB ID:1675.

RNC PALOPO because of the power capacity ,after commisioning the shelf 2
power off , but the in the config still have the shelf 2 CMP module. The RNC
automatically assigned the 13 module to SDR PLP101,the 13 module is the board
1/2/11, the board power off ,so the SCTP cant up.

You can use this way check the RNC automatically assigned which module to the

Step 1:open the configuration management-nodeb module config-module Adjust

Step2:press the Get File

After press the Get file will export two file as the follow.

nbModuleZdbS nbModuleAdjust

When you open the nbModuleZdbSave_925_20160906_115327514 excel. You will

see this information


925 1673 13 13 2 2 1 2629

925 1582 13 13 1 1 1 2536

925 1675 13 13 3 3 1 2556

In the file we will see the SDR 1673 and 1675 and 1582 The three sites use module
13, but the CDR power off so the SDR SCTP cant up.

When you get the information ,you can use another excel
nbModuleAdjust-import-0-20160906_120208 adjust the module to the SDR.

For example , I will adjust the 1675’s module.

I adjust the 1675’s module from 13 to 19, the NdbProcId we can get from
nbModuleZdbSave_925_20160906_115327514 excel, your the NdbProcId is 3 .you
fill 3 is ok, the adjustFlag is 1.

RNCID NodebID NdbModuleNo NdbProcId adjustFlag opresult

925 1675 19 3 1

Step 3 after you finish the configuration import is ok ,as the follow picture.

Press configuration management-nodeb module config-module adjust

step 4: press the choose import the adjust config

After Adjust is ok.

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