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Liturgy in Ancient Jerusalem by John F. Baldovin, S.J. Profesor of Liturgy, University of Notre Dame, US.A. Thess La CCoprih Jobe F. Bonin 189 ‘THE ALCUIN CLUB andthe GROUP FOR RENEWAL OF WORSHIP (GROW) ‘The Akin Cub, which exis to promote the study of Cian Kany in CONTENTS ner and of Angican liugy in puroular, eadiionalypublahed s gle cuapren aa Volume annually forts members. This ceased in 986 Silat, CROW 1 Inteduction a Roe om 1750198 forche ual rove Lipa Sie Since jana ling cope the begnning of 1987 the wohavesponscredaJointEdtoral Board toprodos | ‘Map of Jerslem in the 4th and Sth Centuries ° uanety Joint Lipa Suds Full dual ofthe cure series of Jee Yan of Holy Sepulchre Complex inthe 4h and Sth Cennues . 10 Ural Sess are ec out inthe end pages ofthis Sead. a iy Sep 2 niiion cee 5 a 3. The Eucharist, ace : a 4. The Duly Office x0 | 5. The Liu Year : 4 ‘THE COVER PICTURE. SOWLEDGEME ‘epithe Madaba Mossc map of Jeraslem AUTHORS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT on cod my grade tothe members of my doctor seminar of Spting i fatr aunedoon Susan Hane Lace Cer Miley. er inde andan Robscher a wells tomy claps atthe ent School of The | Rate. John F. Baldwin Fu mp Nar GROVE BOOKS LummTED reveote Neng ND 308 rr — Introduction ‘A THE IMPORTANCE OF THE JERUSALEM LITURGY |" Ghassan worship has ever been merey an cba cto prayers and cubes | which are ermal alid forall mes and paces bur ahr de ease ape Feopleinspeciichistorcal socal andculsacicumsancorciprer tes ach through symbolic situa. In order to appreciate thy necesany icolorey rate of uy sera ht we afepe undone one et yee a de nl age ears oe Hes mietovueeetacree esr "ie bt hal Se i tue, xc wich pea nt ae hh ch Tey nen oe econ ret Spel acy ancy ne hora Pretest Mayan Recap at acl ge Pete Say a rene Ts eteianet nda hepato ones ne fe satan cg ety Sopa eye ae fd tom ty ehon belay Pete op sa ey SEarencmene arn fo reas eso ees Tieulacrscae Sf uiie Tusme mote ey Sp ouch Shela eepeisteeegeere ert Fiona Tew pc Sr Chsns ot we vrtee ach oe Eoehiegpell ia agate tee tay pes sslo scketieetrer espe Sheieinrireace ees thine le once ar prance sen ie fn BCE id ge a a Se "re gappgiee Rae, elm rat a na ie 1S amg bes rn 3 reg Bae | RO ape auc ea a | Temata lb ee nae ne meee ee ee Sena pea at sey Se ‘Sat Ca sleet Seon i. sen a ee ce Sha ee ioe ek LET Une pe ee rae tn on Seats Os nn be Induction 5

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