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The Psalms in Christian Worship JOHN ALEXANDER LAMB MA, BD, DD. (St Ant), PAD. (ain) ‘THE FAITH PRESS 1 TUFTON STREET LONDON 5.¥.1 Foes. APT es i {tr rinse roan i 1988 (© etn Ander Lab 963 10 pie Plan AD UXOREM DILECTISSIMAM PREFACE ‘The Book of Plas asin recent years been the subject of intensive ‘ody fom various points of view, In pariclar is relation to the ulus of ancent Teal, a in the work of Sigmund Mowincke, hat Soused wide interes. Ite relation to Chaistan worship has alays been recognized sof importance, but the precise ways in which the FPeains inve been used, the place they have filled inthe contest of worship, have not been examined ia del. The present work isan {tecmpe to repair tis omission. Tt doea nat pretend to give a complete jpicsare, as that, even i soch a picture were possible, woul involve Foch larger took, But iti oftred aa contibution to the fuller ‘Sederstaning ofthe value ofthe Puke in Christian worship. At the fe me it may be of some help to those who are concerned with the revision of services and service books, and especially those who twould be glad to see the Puler more fully used in the devotions of ‘Christian people. ‘Tam indeed to many studies both ofthe Psalter and of Christian worship ingeneray debt which wil be recognized inthe bibliography End nota, In picticular Tam grutefl to Messrs T. & T. Clark, ‘Edinburg, for permission to quote ftom C. A. Beige, The Prams (LGC), end to the Onfrd Universe Press foe permstion to quote {he warlations by M.R. ames in The Apocryphal New Teament. ‘Timust alo exprest my gett tothe Reverend R. C.D. Jspe, aL, Diy for much encouragement and bepful advice, and to the Faith Pres an thee praters fr thee interest and eae. Jom A Lana

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