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Ryan’s Attorney’s – FETKY AND PETTY, LLC, William M. Fetky and Jonathan Petty

Dave’s Attorney - Joe Mazraani, Esq

Cindy’s Attorney – Brynn Giannullo

On January 9, 2019, Ryan Keogh was at his family home on farm lane in bound
brook, new jersey. It had been a relatively uneventful day and there were no
specific plans for that evening other than relaxing at home. That changed
drastically when Terrence Coulanges showed up, unwanted and uninvited,
seemingly unstable and threatening Ryan and his family. Terrance was familiar to
the Keogh family, and, had in the past, been like a son to them and even lived
with the Keogh family. However, Mr. Coulange’s issues with substance abuse and
mental health resulted in him isolating himself and severing his relationship with
the Keoghs, as well as members of his biological family in recent years/months.
Over the previous several months, Mr. Coulanges had come to the Keogh home
on two prior occasions, unnanounced, and was seemingly disoriented and
threatened the family. On the night of January 9th, Ryan was forced to defend
himself against an aggressive Coulanges, who was there for the 3rd time and
behaving more aggressive than ever before. He ultimately acted in self defense
when he had no other alternative. He maintains his innocence with respect to
any and all allegations of wrongdoing.

Mr. and Mrs. Keogh, his parents, have also been charged in conjunction with this
incident. Through their resepective attorneys, they also maintain their complete
innocence. Any allegation of a coverup or a desire to not disclose this incident to
the police are completely without merit. The family’s world has been turned
upside down because of this incident.

Ryan Keogh is a 28 year old who has had success in both the music and film
industries. Specifically, he is an accomplished musician and actor, having
performed at various venues throughout new jersey and appearing in well known
movies such as “The Dark Knight Rises” and “Creed”, among others. Through that
work, he has made many lasting connections in both industries. He is also a
devoted son and member of his local community in New Jersey.

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