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Personal Relationships, 15 (2008), 407–424. Printed in the United States of America.

Copyright Ó 2008 IARR. 1350-4126=08

Am ‘‘I’’ more important than ‘‘we’’? Couples’

word use in instant messages


University of California, Los Angeles; bWashington University in St. Louis; cThe
University of Texas at Austin

Recent studies have identified robust associations between the types of words that people use and their psychologi-
cal health. This study investigated whether couples’ word use in their daily instant messages (IMs) is linked to the
quality and stability of their relationships. Sixty-eight dating couples in the United States submitted 10 days of IM
conversations with each other, which were analyzed with a linguistic word count program. Six months later, couples
indicated whether they were still dating. Pronoun use and emotion word use both were associated with relationship
satisfaction and stability. These findings extend previous research showing that the frequencies of certain words that
people use are associated with the quality of their social relationships.

The words that people use in conversation con- Gosling, & Pennebaker, 2006; Pennebaker &
vey information about who they are, their King, 1999), and emotional expressiveness
motives, their audience, and their situations. (Kahn, Tobin, Massey, & Anderson, 2007).
Over the past decade, researchers have shown In the context of intimate relationships, labo-
that specific words used in spoken and written ratory studies suggest that the words that cou-
communication are linked with, for example, ples use may yield clues about the quality of
cognitive functioning (Lee, Park, & Seo, 2006), their relationships (Sillars, Shellen, McIntosh, &
social connectedness (Burke & Dollinger, 2005), Pomegranate, 1997; Simmons, Gordon, &
team performance (Fischer, McDonnell, & Chambless, 2005; Williams, Atkins, & Chris-
Orasanu, 2007), perceptions of political can- tensen, 2007).
didates (Slatcher, Chung, Pennebaker, & Language may serve a variety of functions
Stone, 2007), personality judgments (Mehl, in relationships. It can be an index of relation-
ship status, an instrument of relationship main-
tenance or change, or the embodiment of
Richard B. Slatcher, Department of Psychology, Univer- essential relationship characteristics such as
sity of California, Los Angeles; Simine Vazire, Depart-
ment of Psychology, Washington University in St. Louis; intimacy and interdependence (Duck, Pond, &
James W. Pennebaker, Department of Psychology, The Hendrick, 1989; Sillars et al., 1997; Wilmot &
University of Texas at Austin. Shellen, 1990). Some have gone as far as saying
A grant from the National Institutes of Health
(MH52391) funded portions of this research. We would that relationships are simply language games,
like to thank Andrew Lupo, Anne Marshall, and Janna which change as language changes (Bradac,
Miller for their assistance with data collection; Tessa West 1983). In this view, a couple’s language is the
for her assistance with analyses; and Benjamin Karney and
Theodore Robles for their helpful comments on earlier relationship. Nonetheless, theorists in this area
drafts of this article. more often view language patterns and relation-
Correspondence should be addressed to Richard ship beliefs as distinct phenomena that are inti-
B. Slatcher, Department of Psychology, University of
California, Los Angeles, CA 90095, e-mail: slatcher@ mately associated—seeing relationships as both residue of previous language patterns and

408 R. B. Slatcher, S. Vazire, and J. W. Pennebaker

a framework for future ones (Sillars et al., 1997; evidence of the social and psychological
Wilmot & Shellen, 1990). importance of word use (for a review, see
It remains unclear to what extent couples’ Pennebaker, Mehl, & Niederhoffer, 2003).
typical, everyday language use is relevant to Of particular relevance for intimate relation-
relationship functioning. With this article, we ships are personal pronouns and emotion
seek to advance the study of language use in words. We describe these two broad language
relationships by investigating how the words categories and their significance for relation-
that couples use in everyday life are linked to ships in turn below.
relationship satisfaction and stability. We
begin by first describing common methods of Personal pronouns. Much of the interest in
assessing language use and the linguistic fea- the role of language in relationships has
tures that are relevant to intimate relationships. focused on pronouns, in particular first-person
We then describe the use of instant messaging plural or ‘‘we’’ words (‘‘we,’’ ‘‘us,’’ and
as a method for collecting online naturalistic ‘‘our’’) because they appear to be markers of
language data from couples. Next, we present shared identity, affiliative motivation, and
hypotheses linking couples’ everyday lan- interdependence. For instance, studies show
guage use to the satisfaction and stability of that people increase their use of first-person
their relationships. Finally, we present find- plural pronouns after a large-scale collective
ings from an empirical study designed to test trauma (Stone & Pennebaker, 2002) or after
our hypotheses. a home football team victory (Cialdini et al.,
1976). Highly committed partners use ‘‘we’’
pronouns more frequently when writing about
Linguistic features relevant to intimate
their romantic relationships compared to less
committed ones (Agnew, Van Lange, Rusbult,
In recent years, researchers have made impor- & Langston, 1998). Nonetheless, in the small
tant strides in both the quantitative assessment handful of published studies that have exam-
of couples’ language use and the identification ined language use during interactions between
of classes of words that are relevant to rela- romantic partners, the use of ‘‘we’’ surprisingly
tionships. Computer programs that examine showed no association with relationship satis-
the relative frequency of words in a given text faction (Sillars et al., 1997; Simmons et al.,
or speech sample are commonly used by 2005) and only a marginal association with
behavioral scientists to assess language pat- relational interdependence (Knobloch & Solo-
terns in relationships. Although they some- mon, 2003).
times require rather complex analyses (e.g., Second-person pronouns (‘‘you’’ and
active vs. passive voice or metaphoric lan- ‘‘your’’) may be indicative of other-focused
guage use), most current social psychological attention. High self-monitors—who by defini-
approaches to linguistic analysis involve word tion are other-focused—use ‘‘you’’ at a higher
counts. One of the most often-employed word rate than low self-monitors (Ickes, Reidhead, &
count programs is Linguistic Inquiry and Patterson, 1986), and individuals high in trait
Word Count (LIWC; Pennebaker, Francis, & anger use ‘‘you’’ at a higher rate than those low
Booth, 2001). LIWC works by searching for in trait anger (Weintraub, 1981). With regard
over 2,300 of the most common words and to romantic relationships, ‘‘you’’ usage during
word stems within a given text file, categoriz- problem-solving discussions is negatively cor-
ing them into over 70 linguistic dimensions. related with relationship satisfaction (Sillars
These dimensions include standard language et al., 1997) and positively correlated with
categories (e.g., articles, prepositions, pro- negative relationship behaviors (Simmons
nouns), psychological processes (e.g., positive et al., 2005).
and negative emotion words), and traditional Clinical researchers have argued that
content dimensions (e.g., sex, death, home, ‘‘you’’ statements are indicative of blaming
occupation). Since LIWC’s initial validation, or psychological distancing, whereas ‘‘I’’ state-
multiple studies have provided compelling ments are indicative of healthy communication
Couples’ word use in IMs 409

patterns, such as self-disclosure and verbal positive emotions and reducing negative emo-
immediacy (Hahlweg et al., 1984; Rankin- tions during marital therapy lead to decreases
Esquer, Burnett, Baucom, & Epstein, 1997; in maladaptive functioning (Epstein &
Williams et al., 2007). Sillars and colleagues Baucom, 2002; Tashiro & Frazier, 2007). It
(1997) found that couples who used fewer is unclear, however, to what extent the specific
first-person singular pronouns (including ‘‘I’’ words themselves that couples use to express
as well as ‘‘me’’) were happier in their rela- emotions are directly linked with relationship
tionships compared to those who used them at functioning.
higher rates. In examining the differential Although one would expect greater use of
effects of the active ‘‘I’’ versus the passive positive emotion words and lower use of neg-
‘‘me,’’ however, Simmons and colleagues ative emotion words to be related to relation-
(2005) found ‘‘I’’ to be marginally positively ship quality, there are a number of contextual
associated with relationship satisfaction and issues to consider first. The first issue relates to
‘‘me’’ to be positively associated with negative the person to whom emotion words are
behaviors during problem discussions. The directed (e.g., ‘‘I am so angry with Sally’’ vs.
authors reasoned that use of ‘‘I’’ reflects self- ‘‘I am so angry with you’’). Word count pro-
disclosure and perspective taking, while use of grams are unable to differentiate between
‘‘me’’ reflects passive strivings or victimiza- these contexts without first hand-coding tran-
tion narratives that are characteristic of poor- scripts prior to linguistic analysis. The second
quality interactions and less satisfying issue relates to when a negation precedes an
relationships. emotion word (e.g., ‘‘I am not mad at you’’ vs.
‘‘I am mad at you’’). Although studies show
Emotion words. The other broad category that variations in emotion word use are posi-
of words with presumed links to relationship tively associated with variations in trait-level
quality is emotion words. In everyday life, emotional expressivity even when not taking
when we want to know how a person is feeling, negations into account (Kahn et al., 2007;
we usually just ask them. The specific words Pennebaker & King, 1999), separating emo-
that they use to respond—words such as tion words into separate categories based on
‘‘happy,’’ ‘‘sad,’’ ‘‘angry,’’ and ‘‘nervou- co-occurrences with negations would be useful
s’’—often indicate their emotional state. In in elucidating associations between emotion
a construct validation study (Kahn et al., word use and relationship quality. The third
2007), the results from three experiments issue relates to sarcasm (e.g., ‘‘oh great’’).
showed LIWC-measured emotion word use Word count approaches are unable to distin-
to be highly positively correlated with both guish between emotion words used to express
self-reported and behavioral measures of emo- genuine emotion from those laced with sar-
tion. These findings suggest that emotion casm. Because people can use both positive
words accurately reflect people’s emotional and negative emotion words sarcastically
states. (e.g., ‘‘oh great’’ and ‘‘You have a 93 average.
Emotions play a key role in romantic rela- Yeah, you’re really doing terribly in that
tionships. Gottman and others (Gottman, class,’’ respectively), we use the term positive
1994; Gottman, Coan, Carrere, & Swanson, sarcasm here to refer to positive emotion
1998; Gottman, Driver, Tabares, Gurman, & words that people use sarcastically, and, sim-
Jacobson, 2002; Heyman, 2001) have shown ilarly, use negative sarcasm to refer to nega-
that couples’ increased expressions of positive tive emotion words used sarcastically. In the
emotions and decreased expressions of nega- discourse literature, positive sarcasm often
tive emotions during problem-solving tasks refers to sarcasm that people intend to be play-
are positively related to relationship satisfac- ful banter and not hurtful to the listener
tion and stability. Marital therapy often incor- (Slugoski & Turnbull, 1988). Here, positive
porates emotional expression as an outcome sarcasm simply denotes positive emotion
variable or something requiring heightened words used in a sarcastic and hurtful manner,
awareness by couples. For example, increasing thus differentiating positive emotion words
410 R. B. Slatcher, S. Vazire, and J. W. Pennebaker

used to express genuine positive emotions IM allows researchers to subtly and unob-
from those which, in context, actually express trusively study close relationships in natural-
negative emotions. By first identifying when istic settings, complementing existing
couples use emotion words and then coding methods such as daily diaries (Bolger, Davis,
them for relational context, co-occurrences & Rafaeli, 2003; Drigotas, Whitney, &
with negations and sarcasm, we may gain Rusbult, 1995; Nezlek, 2003; Reis, 1994).
a clearer picture of the relevance of emotion IM conversations can be windows into peo-
words for relationships. ple’s private worlds and allow researchers to
examine word use—across conflicts as well as
more positive moments—as it naturally
Instant messaging as a source of
occurs. A unique feature of IM is that it pro-
language data
vides the opportunity to examine associations
There are a number of sources of language between word use and relationship quality in
data from couples. Previous researchers have the absence of most traditional nonverbal
assessed word use during laboratory problem- cues (e.g., eye gaze, body posture, nodding).
solving discussions, but there are a wide vari- Although there are some nonverbal features in
ety of contexts in which researchers can assess IMs (e.g., emoticons), couple members base
word use during couples’ interactions. These the attributions that they make about each
include other types of laboratory interactions other in their IMs predominantly on the words
such as those geared toward eliciting social that they use.
support, naturalistic conversations recorded In the present study, we investigated how
at home, phone calls, and e-mails. One rela- couples’ language use in their daily IM conver-
tively new technology—instant messaging sations is associated with relationship satisfac-
(IM)—may have promise for assessing cou- tion and stability. We collected transcripts of
ples’ everyday language use. For 53 million couples’ IMs over 10 days, hand-coded them to
American adults, including 30% of all Internet address contextual issues of word use, and then
users over the age of 40, IM is quickly becom- analyzed them using LIWC. We conducted dya-
ing a preferred mode of online communica- dic analyses (Kenny & Cook, 1999; Kenny &
tion, particularly in the context of intimate Kashy, 1991) to assess actor and partner
relationships (Shiu & Lenhart, 2004). Unlike effects of word use on relationship satisfac-
e-mail, IM allows its users to chat with each tion; we conducted regression analyses to
other in real time so that a conversation can assess associations between word use and rela-
unfold much in the same way that spoken con- tionship stability at a 6-month follow-up.
versation does. Some have argued that IM Based on previous findings, we hypothe-
allows individuals to better express their true sized that active first-person singular pronouns
selves (Bargh, McKenna, & Fitzsimons, 2002; (‘‘I’’) would positively relate to satisfaction
Turkle, 1995) and also facilitates emotional and stability, whereas passive first-person sin-
expression (Joinson, 2001) in comparison with gular pronouns (‘‘me’’) and second-person
spoken communication. Walther (1996) has pronouns (‘‘you’’) would negatively relate to
proposed that social interaction using satisfaction and stability. Because of inconsis-
computer-mediated communication is often more tent findings regarding the association
intimate than face to face—a phenomenon he between first-person plural pronouns (‘‘we,’’
termed hyperpersonal interaction. Indeed, ‘‘us,’’ and ‘‘our’’) and relationship satisfaction,
experimental evidence has shown that people we made no specific predictions about this
are more self-disclosing online than they are in category of pronouns. Second, we hypothe-
face-to-face conversations (Joinson, 2001). sized that positive emotion words (e.g.,
Central to explanations of why computer- ‘‘happy,’’ ‘‘nice,’’ ‘‘love’’) and negative neg-
mediated communication can be highly emo- ations (e.g., ‘‘not upset,’’ ‘‘not angry’’) would
tionally expressive is that it offers visual and positively relate to relationship satisfaction
vocal anonymity compared to face-to-face and stability, whereas negative emotion words
communication (Walther, 1996). (e.g., ‘‘upset,’’ ‘‘angry’’), positive negations
Couples’ word use in IMs 411

(e.g., ‘‘not happy,’’ ‘‘not nice’’), positive sar- Procedure

casm (e.g., ‘‘oh great’’), and negative sarcasm
During an introductory session, couples pro-
(‘‘You have a 93 average. Yeah, you’re really
vided informed consent and the experimenter
doing terribly in that class’’) would negatively
instructed them to forward their daily IMs with
relate to satisfaction and stability.
each other for 10 days to a secure e-mail
address. The experimenter made concerted
Method efforts during the introductory session to
ensure that participants and their partners felt
Participants at ease about forwarding their IMs and to reas-
sure couples that no one outside of our
Archived transcripts of IM conversations
research team would have access to their IMs
between dating partners provided our data
without their explicit permission. The experi-
(Slatcher & Pennebaker, 2006). The project
menter also strongly encouraged couples to
was conducted at the University of Texas at
contact the first author if they had any con-
Austin—a major U.S. research institution with
cerns about the study. Upon receipt by the
an enrollment of over 50,000 students (4%
experimenter, all IMs were saved as text files
African American, 1% Native American,
in a password-protected secure location acces-
18% Asian/Pacific Islander, 58% Caucasian,
sible only to the experimenter and all person-
and 19% Hispanic). We recruited undergradu-
ally identifiable information was removed.
ate couples through an online computer sign-
The mean length of couples’ IM conversations
up system on the basis that they: (a) were in
over the 10 days of monitoring was 2,243
a heterosexual romantic relationship and had
words (SD ¼ 2,129). Both members of each
been dating their partner for at least 6 months
couple completed the self-report question-
and (b) that they normally IMed with each
naires (the RAS and basic demographic infor-
other every day. Because no sampling frame-
mation) online from home after the
work was available for this sign-up system, we
introductory session with the experimenter
used a convenience sample. Sixty-eight cou-
on Day 1 of the study; during the introductory
ples (136 participants: 68 women and 68 men;
session, the experimenter emphasized the
mean age ¼19.04, SD ¼ 1.39) participated in
importance of completing these questionnaires
the study in exchange for course credit. Cou-
privately and confidentially. After the 10 days
ples had been dating an average of 1.44 years
of IM monitoring, couples completed addi-
(SD ¼ 1.25, range ¼ 0.50 years to 9.25 years);
tional consent forms to indicate whether the
none were cohabitating.
study authors could use their IMs could for
educational purposes or in academic publica-
Measures tions (under the condition of having all identi-
fying information removed). Six months later,
We obtained self-reports of romantic relation-
we contacted the couples via e-mail to deter-
ship satisfaction using the Relationship
mine whether or not they were still dating.
Assessment Scale (RAS; Hendrick, 1988).
The RAS is a validated measure of relationship
satisfaction that correlates strongly with meas-
Contextual coding of IMs
ures of love, commitment, investment, and
dyadic adjustment. The self-report RAS con- After initial spellchecking by the first author,
sists of seven items on a 7-point Likert scale trained research assistants hand-coded IMs for
such as, ‘‘In general, how satisfied are you contextual information to increase the preci-
with your relationship?’’ Although each item sion of subsequent linguistic analyses. When
of the RAS has a different scale anchor, higher a person uses ‘‘I,’’ ‘‘me,’’ or ‘‘you’’ in their IMs
overall scores on the RAS are indicative of with their partners they are clearly referring to
higher levels of satisfaction (1 ¼ extremely themselves or their partner, respectively. When
unsatisfied, 7 ¼ extremely satisfied). Alpha they use ‘‘we,’’ ‘‘us,’’ or ‘‘our,’’ however, the
reliability for the current sample was .79. people to whom they are referring is less
412 R. B. Slatcher, S. Vazire, and J. W. Pennebaker

obvious. For example, ‘‘we’’ might refer to the discrepancies in coding. Interobserver agreement
speaker and her romantic partner (e.g., ‘‘What across the text samples from the three sample
should we do tonight?’’) or it could refer to the couples were excellent, with intraclass correla-
speaker and her family (e.g. ‘‘We’re all going tion coefficients (ICC[2,K]) of .97, .87, .86, .80,
to my parents’ house for the holidays this and .80 for first-person plural, positive emotion,
year’’) or to other groups of people. Similarly, negative emotion, positive negation, and nega-
when couple members use an emotion word, tive negation words, respectively. Interobserver
they could be directing it toward one’s partner agreement for positive sarcasm and negative sar-
(e.g., ‘‘I love you’’), toward other people (e.g., casm was substantially lower, with ICCs (2,K) of
‘‘I love my parents’’), or elsewhere (e.g., ‘‘I .48 and .40, respectively. This is in line with
love pizza’’). In addition, even when directed previous research, which has found the detection
toward one’s partner, emotion words can have of sarcasm to be an especially difficult task for
very different meanings when preceded by coders, particularly in the context of computer-
negations (e.g., ‘‘not great’’) or when used sar- mediated communication (Hancock, 2004).
castically (e.g., ‘‘oh, great’’).
To address these issues prior to linguistic
Linguistic analyses
analyses, we created a macro in Microsoft
Word (Microsoft Corp., Redmond, Washing- We then separated IMs by speaker into indi-
ton) to search for and highlight all instances vidual text files and processed them with the
of first-person plural words and emotion words LIWC (Pennebaker et al., 2001). As described
in IMs. A team of three undergraduate research previously, LIWC is a computerized text anal-
assistants then read through the IMs and coded ysis program that categorizes and quantifies
them for relationship ‘‘we’’ instances and for word use. It counts the percentage of a text
the different types of emotion word instances sample’s words that fall into a given prede-
described above; a single research assistant fined or user-defined category. Because we
coded each couple’s IMs. Prior to coding, present LIWC results in terms of percentages
research assistants went through four 2-hr rather than as raw counts, one can compare
training sessions with the first author as a group texts samples against each another, even if
to discuss how to effectively identify contex- the length of each sample varies. There are
tual cues, with special attention focusing on currently 70 user-defined linguistic categories
sarcasm because of the difficulty that people in LIWC, including articles, prepositions, pro-
often have in judging sarcastic statements nouns, emotion words, and specific content
(Hancock, 2004; Kreuz, 2000; McDonald & words such as school and work. Analyses
Pearce, 1996; Uchiyama et al., 2006). We pro- focused only on those linguistic categories of
vided research assistants with multiple exam- theoretical relevance to relationship interactions.
ples of sarcastic statements—half of the These categories included active first-person
examples containing positive emotion words, singular pronouns (‘‘I’’), passive first-person
the other half containing negative emotion singular pronouns (‘‘me’’), second-person pro-
words. We also gave them clear descriptions nouns (‘‘you’’), first-person plural pronouns
of cues to sarcasm often found in computer- (‘‘we,’’ ‘‘us,’’ and ‘‘our’’), positive emotion
mediated communication (Hancock, 2004). words (e.g., ‘‘happy,’’ ‘‘nice,’’ ‘‘love’’), nega-
These cues include amplifiers, ellipsis, punctu- tive emotion words (e.g., ‘‘upset,’’ ‘‘angry’’),
ation (e.g., ‘‘!!!’’ or ‘‘*awesome*’’), emoticons positive negations (e.g., ‘‘not happy,’’ ‘‘not
(e.g., ‘‘:)’’) and adapted vocalizational signals nice’’), negative negations (e.g., ‘‘not upset,’’
(e.g., ‘‘haha’’ and ‘‘mmmmmhhhhhmmmm’’). ‘‘not angry’’), positive sarcasm (e.g., ‘‘oh
After the training sessions, each research great’’), and negative sarcasm (‘‘You have
assistant independently coded IMs from three a 93 average. Yeah, you’re really doing terribly
couples randomly selected from the data set for in that class’’). All ‘‘we’’ analyses focused only
the purpose of assessing interobserver agree- on instances of ‘‘we’’ referring specifically to
ment. Following the coding of each couples’ the speaker and his or her romantic partner; all
IMs, the group met to discuss and resolve any emotion word analyses, including negations and
Couples’ word use in IMs 413

sarcasm, focused only on emotion words followed by ‘‘you.’’ Couples used ‘‘me’’ and
directed specifically toward romantic partners. ‘‘we’’ far less frequently; they used ‘‘I’’ almost
20 times as often as they used ‘‘we.’’ Of the
emotion words, participants used the positive
ones most frequently. In line with previous
investigations of emotion word use (Kahn et
Descriptive statistics
al., 2007; Pennebaker et al., 2003), couples
Relationship satisfaction and stability. used positive emotion words more often than
Mean relationship satisfaction at the outset of negative emotion words. Couples used emo-
the study was 6.08 (SD ¼ 0.69) for men and tion words sarcastically and ones preceded
6.00 (SD ¼ 0.80) for women on a scale of 1–7 by negations much less frequently than genu-
(1 ¼ highly unsatisfied, 7 ¼ highly satisfied). inely expressed emotion words.
Of the original 68 couples who participated in
the study, 64 (94%) responded to the 6-month
Intercorrelations among linguistic
follow-up inquiry about current relationship
status. Of those who responded, 39 (61%) were
still dating and 25 (39%) had broken up. As shown in Table 2, the linguistic categories,
for the most part, only modestly correlated
Language use in IMs. See Table 1 for the with each other. Among pronouns, ‘‘me’’ and
means and standard deviations from linguistic ‘‘you’’ positively correlated with each other
analyses of IMs. There were no significant dif- for both men and women; there were no other
ferences between men and women for any of significant correlations between pronouns.
the linguistic categories. Among pronouns, There were stronger associations between emo-
couples used ‘‘I’’ with the greatest frequency, tion word categories; for example, negative

Table 1. Language use in IMs—Descriptive statistics

Males Females
Linguistic category M SD M SD
We 0.32 0.42 0.33 0.31
I 6.26 1.14 6.24 1.29
Me 0.98 0.42 1.11 0.45
You 4.19 1.24 4.45 1.58
Emotion words
Positive emotions (e.g., ‘‘happy,’’ 1.61 1.23 1.75 1.46
Negative emotions (e.g., ‘‘upset,’’ 0.67 0.51 0.58 0.44
Positive negations (e.g., ‘‘not happy,’’ 0.09 0.16 0.06 0.08
‘‘not nice’’)
Negative negations (e.g., ‘‘not upset,’’ 0.10 0.10 0.08 0.10
‘‘not angry’’)
Positive sarcasm (e.g., ‘‘oh, great’’) 0.15 0.19 0.12 0.15
Negative sarcasm (e.g., ‘‘You 0.15 0.24 0.14 0.19
have a 93 average!! Yeah,
you’re really doing terribly
in that class.’’)

Note. Ns ¼ 68 males and 68 females. All means are expressed as percentages of total words within the instant messages.

Table 2. Intercorrelations among linguistic categories

Linguistic Positive Negative Positive Negative Positive Negative

category We I Me You emotions emotions Negations negations sarcasm sarcasm
We — .11 2.23 2.20 2.02 2.14 2.06 2.17 .20 .04
I 2.10 — .07 2.02 .00 .13 .08 2.04 .00 2.05
Me .17 .17 — .34** 2.17 .12 2.13 .16 .00 2.10
You .12 2.06 .33* — .00 .32** .38** .18 .21 .32**
Positive emotions 2.09 .08 2.15 .16 — .29* 2.22 2.03 2.14 2.13
Negative emotions .16 .13 .40** .48** 2.05 — .03 .17 2.10 .06
Positive negations .07 2.01 .47** .13 2.21 .30* — .08 .38** .52**
Negative negations 2.09 .17 .15 .06 2.05 .16 .06 — 2.23 .05
Positive sarcasm 2.12 2.28* .05 .15 2.20 .14 .19 .20 — .65**
Negative sarcasm 2.03 2.23 2.01 2.05 .16 .13 .31* 2.08 .18 —

Note. N ¼ 136 (68 males and 68 females). Intercorrelations are above the diagonal for males and below the diagonal for females.
*p , .05. **p , .01.
R. B. Slatcher, S. Vazire, and J. W. Pennebaker
Couples’ word use in IMs 415

sarcasm strongly positively correlated with pos- analyses, relationship researchers in recent
itive sarcasm for men and negative sarcasm years have begun to frame their analyses in
strongly positively correlated with positive neg- the actor–partner interdependence model
ations for men and women. There also were (APIM; Kashy & Kenny, 2000; Kenny, 1996).
relatively strong associations between some of The APIM is a technique designed to
the emotion word and pronoun categories; for address interdependence in dyadic analysis.
example, ‘‘you’’ positively correlated with neg- This technique allows researchers to estimate,
ative emotion words for men and women, and, for example, the influence of one person’s
among men, ‘‘you’’ positively correlated with behavior (e.g., the words they use) on her
positive negations. own relationship satisfaction—called actor
effects—as well as the effects of her behavior
on her partner’s relationship satisfaction—
Content of couples’ IMs
called partner effects. We illustrate this basic
It is difficult to convey with statistical analyses APIM design in Figure 1. Estimation of actor
the wide variety of topics discussed and the and partner effects can conveniently be
often deeply personal nature of couples’ IMs. accomplished using structural equation mod-
Couples talked about daily events, bantered eling (SEM) and other commonly used statis-
with each other, gossiped, and had moments tical methods.
of affection as well as conflicts. See Table 3 We conducted APIM analyses using SEM
for examples of excerpts from IMs of two dif- for each linguistic category to examine associ-
ferent couples in this study, with identifying ations between word use and relationship sat-
information removed to protect participants’ isfaction. Because all of our dyads are
privacy. On the left (Couple 1) is an IM heterosexual dating couples, we distinguished
excerpt from a highly satisfied couple in the members of the dyads based on gender.
a long-distance relationship; on the right (Cou- The basic APIM model is just identified or sat-
ple 2) is an IM excerpt from a relatively dis- urated (for illustrative examples, see Kashy &
satisfied couple having an argument. Note, for Kenny, 2000; Kenny & Acitelli, 2001). As
example, the differences in emotion word use such, it has 0 df and model fit cannot be exam-
in the two IMs. Both IMs contain a fair number ined (see Kline, 2005, or Byrne, 2001, for a full
of negative emotion words; however, while explanation of identification within structural
Couple 1 uses a relatively high number of pos- equation modeling).
itive emotion words, Couple 2 uses none. We conducted linear regression analyses to
Although these examples represent only brief examine associations between word use and
snippets of two couples’ IMs, they hopefully relationship stability (dummy coded 0 ¼ bro-
provide the reader with a sense of how couples ken up, 1 ¼ still dating) at the 6-month follow-
communicate in their IMs and their variations up, with men’s and women’s word use entered
in word use. Below, we describe and present simultaneously in each regression. In these
analyses examining associations between word analyses, the couple was the unit of analysis.
use and relationship satisfaction and stability.
Associations between word use, relationship
Overview of data analytic strategy—The satisfaction, and relationship stability
actor–partner interdependence model
Pronouns. As shown in Table 4, use of
A unique characteristic of dyadic data is that ‘‘we’’ was unrelated to either relationship sat-
the data from two couple members are not isfaction or relationship stability. Women’s use
independent. For example, people who are sat- of ‘‘I’’ was positively related to their own sat-
isfied in their romantic relationship tend to isfaction, their partners’ satisfaction, and rela-
have romantic partners who also are satisfied; tionship stability. Men’s use of ‘‘me’’ was
people who are optimistic tend to have opti- marginally negatively related to their partners’
mistic romantic partners, and so on. To satisfaction. Men’s use of ‘‘you’’ was margin-
account for this interdependence in statistical ally negatively related to their own satisfaction.
416 R. B. Slatcher, S. Vazire, and J. W. Pennebaker

Table 3. Examples of IM conversations

Couple 1 Couple 2
HER: I have missed you before.and HER: you know I don’t like to fight
I’m such an independent person that HER: why are you being so testy tonight?
I’ll miss you, but be fine or HIM: I’m just tired
be able to go long periods without it HER: maybe you should come
getting to me.but for some reason, we can work things out
today, I’ve just missed you so much HIM: Not tonight ok
that I feel like I’m going nuts! HER: well, maybe you should just work
HER: I’m glad I can at least on your paper then
talk to you now, but I want to see HIM: now, don’t get upset
you so badly HIM: you know how hrad I work
HER: I hate being apart from you HIM: hard
HIM: HIM: I’m just tired
HIM: I wish there was a HER: explain doesn’t have and e at the end
heart-melting smiley. HER: an e
HIM: I love you HIM: I hate it when you do that
HER: Seriously though.I’’ve always HIM: I’m going to bed
been the type of girl that I could go
long periods of time and it wouldn’t be
that I wouldn’t be that I wouldn’t think
about you, it’s just that the distance
wouldn’t get to me.but today, I felt
like I was going crazy not seeing
you! Like when I say I missed you
like crazy.I mean CRAZY!!!!
HER: I love you too
HIM: I do love you.
HIM: so much

Note. Emotion words bolded for emphasis. Positive emotion words are underlined.

Emotion words. As shown in Table 4, negatively related to their own satisfaction and
men’s use of positive emotion words was pos- their partners’ satisfaction and marginally neg-
itively related to their own satisfaction and atively related to relationship stability.
their partners’ satisfaction; use of negative
emotion words for both men and women was Gender differences. In the APIM analyses
unrelated to either satisfaction or stability. conducted above, we allowed the paths of
Women’s use of positive negations (e.g., males and females to vary from each other.
‘‘not happy’’) was negatively related to their Because several of the associations between
own satisfaction and their partners’ satisfac- word use and relationship satisfaction were
tion; negative negations (e.g., ‘‘not angry’’) significant only for men or women but not
were unrelated to satisfaction or stability. for both, we next tested potential gender dif-
Men’s use of positive sarcasm (e.g., ‘‘oh ferences. To do this, we constrained men’s and
great’’) was negatively related to their own women’s paths to be equal to each other in
relationship satisfaction and negatively related each model. Models that are significantly
to relationship stability. Women’s use of neg- worse fitting when these paths are constrained
ative sarcasm (‘‘You have a 93 average. Yeah, to be equal (compared to the saturated, uncon-
you’re really doing terribly in that class’’) was strained basic APIM models) indicate gender
Couples’ word use in IMs 417

Female from the final model; all other predictors
Female Relationship
Word Use remained significant—or, in the case of
p1 Satisfaction
female negative sarcasm, marginally signifi-
cant—when entered together. The final model
Male a2
Relationship may be found in Figure 2. Based on accepted
Word Use Satisfaction standards for goodness-of-fit statistics using
SEM (e.g., Byrne, 2001; Kline, 2005), the
Figure 1. Actor–partner interdependence model overall fit of the model was very good (com-
(APIM) used estimate the associations partive fit index [CFI] ¼ .94, root mean square
between word use and relationship satisfac- error of approximation [RMSEA] ¼ .09).
tion. Together, the linguistic predictors in this
Note. Error terms are not shown. We allowed model accounted for 20% of the variance in
male and female word use and relationship females’ levels of relationship satisfaction
satisfaction scores to covary. To test for gen- (multiple R ¼ .45) and 35% of the variance in
der differences, we constrained the female males’ levels of satisfaction (multiple R ¼ .59).
paths (a1 and p1) to be identical to the male To test which linguistic predictors uniquely
paths (a2 and p2) to determine if this signifi- accounted for variance in relationship stability
cantly worsened the fit of the model. at the 6-month follow-up, we entered each sig-
nificant and marginally significant linguistic
predictor from the first set regression analyses
differences. In none of these analyses were the into a single regression. These predictors
fits of the respective models significantly included female ‘‘I’’ use, male positive sar-
worsened by constraining men’s and women’s casm, and female negative sarcasm. Only
paths to be equal. Thus, although the magni- female ‘‘I’’ use and male positive sarcasm
tude of the effects differed between men and remained significant (p , .05) when entered
women across many linguistic categories, simultaneously, with standardized regression
none of these differences was statistically coefficients (betas) of .29 and 2.31, respec-
significant. tively. Together, these predictors accounted
for 21% of the variance in relationship stability
Relative contributions of specific linguistic (multiple R ¼ .46).
categories to relationship satisfaction and sta-
bility. Although these findings indicate sig-
nificant associations between word use in Discussion
couples’ IMs and relationship quality and sta- The purpose of this study was to investigate
bility, they do not address the extent to which how the specific words that couples use in their
each type of word (e.g., ‘‘I,’’ positive emotion everyday online conversations are linked to
words and positive negations) uniquely con- relationship quality and stability. We found
tributes to relationship satisfaction and stabil- that couples’ use of pronouns and emotion
ity. We conducted two additional sets of words in their daily IM conversations are
analyses to address this issue. related to how satisfied they are in their rela-
To test the unique effects of different types tionships, how satisfied their partners are, and
of words on relationship satisfaction, we the likelihood of relationship survival.
entered each significant and marginally sig-
nificant linguistic predictor from the first set
Pronoun findings
of APIM analyses into a single APIM path
model in SEM. These predictors included Researchers have argued that the use of ‘‘we’’
female ‘‘I’’ use, male ‘‘me’’ use, male (‘‘‘we’-ness’’) may capture important ways
‘‘you’’ use, male positive emotion word use, that couples think about their relationships,
female positive negations, male positive sar- in particular the extent to which couple mem-
casm, and female negative sarcasm. We drop- bers think of themselves as interdependent
ped only male ‘‘me’’ use and male ‘‘I’’ use (Agnew et al., 1998; Buehlman, Gottman, &
418 R. B. Slatcher, S. Vazire, and J. W. Pennebaker

Table 4. Predicting relationship satisfaction and stability from couples’ language use in instant

Linguistic category Male satisfactiona Female satisfactiona Relationship stabilityb

Male 2.08 .05 2.14
Female .08 2.06 2.04
Male .11 .12 2.07
Female .29* .39** .36**
Male 2.16 2.21† 2.18
Female .16 .17 .11
Male 2.23† .00 .02
Female .11 .15 .02
Emotion words
Positive emotions
Male .36** .33** .19
Female .03 .04 .07
Negative emotions
Male .12 .05 .04
Female 2.02 .06 .00
Positive negations
Male 2.18 .02 2.03
Female 2.31* 2.29* 2.09
Negative negations
Male .06 .06 2.05
Female .01 .16 .07
Positive sarcasm
Male 2.31* 2.12 2.33**
Female 2.14 2.17 2.09
Negative sarcasm
Male 2.13 .09 2.07
Female 2.29* 2.38** 2.23†

Note. We conducted actor–partner interdependence model (APIM) analyses of associations between language use and
relationship satisfaction using structural equation modeling; we conducted analyses of associations between language use
and relationship stability using linear regression, with relationship stability at the 6-month follow-up coded as 0 ¼ broken
up, 1 ¼ still together. All values for relationship satisfaction analyses represent standardized path coefficients; values for
relationship stability analyses represent standardized beta weights.
ns ¼ 68 males and 68 females. bns ¼ 64 males and 64 females.

p , .07. *p , .05. **p , .01.

Katz, 1992; Fitzsimons & Kay, 2004; Gottman & from this study showed no association between
Levenson, 1999). In studies that have directly ‘‘we’’ use and relationship satisfaction or rela-
assessed couples’ interactions, however, ‘‘we’’ tionship stability. One possible explanation for
use has been surprisingly unrelated to meas- these findings is that ‘‘we’’ use during couples’
ures of relationship quality (Sillars et al., 1997; interactions (as compared to previous studies
Simmons et al., 2005). Similarly, the results in which researchers have assessed ‘‘we’’ use
Couples’ word use in IMs 419

interdependence are two separate constructs,

Female “I” Use
with autonomy and interdependence at a bal-
ance in which each allows or enables the other
Female Positive .35**
Negations (Bodin, 1981). From this view, couple members
-.22† Female Relationship may feel closest to each other when allowed
Female Negative -.24* easy access to distance. Empirical evidence
supports this conceptualization and indicates
Male Relationship
that both autonomy and interdependence are
Male Positive -.40**
Emotions uniquely and positively linked to relationship
satisfaction (Cochran & Peplau, 1985; Feeney,
Male Positive 2007; Rankin-Esquer et al., 1997).
Men’s use of ‘‘me’’ was marginally nega-
tively associated with their partners’ relation-
Figure 2. APIM model of associations ship satisfaction. Although a previous study
between word use and relationship satisfaction. examining ‘‘me’’ use during couples’ labora-
Note. Intercepts, residual variances, and resid- tory discussions did not find associations with
ual covariances not shown. satisfaction, ‘‘me’’ use in that study was posi-
† tively related to negative interaction behaviors
p ¼ .055. *p , .05. **p , .01.
(Simmons et al., 2005). Men’s use of ‘‘you’’ in
this study was marginally negatively related to
during peoples’ descriptions of their relation- self-reported satisfaction. Previous studies
ships) does not directly tap cognitive interde- have reported small but consistent negative
pendence. Second, contextual effects may be associations between ‘‘you’’ use and relation-
at work. Although ‘‘we’’ use during problem- ship satisfaction (Sillars et al., 1997; Simmons
solving interactions and daily IMs (which et al., 2005). The lack of clear significant asso-
cover a wide range of conversational topics) ciations between ‘‘you’’ and ‘‘me’’ and satis-
and relationship quality appear to be unrelated, faction and stability in this study may in part
‘‘we’’ use during other types of interactions— be a function of low power to detect small
such as discussions specifically geared toward effects. With the sample size in this study,
positive aspects of relationships or discussions power to detect an effect size (r) of .30 was
about the future—potentially could be linked .72; power to detect an effect size of .20 was
to the quality of people’s relationships. only .38. An alternative explanation is that
Pronouns other than ‘‘we’’ were related to ‘‘you’’ and ‘‘me’’ may be more important in
relationship satisfaction and stability. For the context of problem-solving discussions
women, ‘‘I’’ use was positively related to their compared to everyday conversations. For
own levels of satisfaction, their partners’ lev- example, ‘‘you’’ use during conflict (e.g.,
els of satisfaction, and relationship stability. ‘‘You be can be really difficult sometimes’’)
There are at least two possible reasons why may be qualitatively different from ‘‘you’’ use
higher ‘‘I’’ use is associated with greater rela- in discussions about daily events (e.g., ‘‘Are
tionship quality. First, some researchers have you going to the basketball game tonight?’’).
suggested that greater ‘‘I’’ use reflects increased
levels of self-disclosure, which in turn promotes
Emotion word findings
intimacy and closeness (Laurenceau, Barrett, &
Pietromonaco, 1998; Rankin-Esquer et al., Emotion words that couples used in their IMs
1997). Second, ‘‘I’’ use may reflect positive were associated with relationship satisfaction
aspects of autonomy within a relationship. and stability in a variety of ways. The pattern
Although experiencing interdependence or of findings suggests important distinctions in
relatedness is one key to relationship closeness, the roles of emotion words depending on
managing a sense of one’s own autonomy whether people use them genuinely, precede
within a relationship is important as well. From them with negations, or use them sarcastically.
an interactionalist perspective, autonomy and For men, genuinely expressed positive emotion
420 R. B. Slatcher, S. Vazire, and J. W. Pennebaker

words were positively related to their own sat- evidence of links between word use and part-
isfaction and their partners’ satisfaction. This ners’ satisfaction as well. Perhaps most impor-
finding supports a growing literature demon- tantly, word use showed associations with
strating links between positive behaviors (e.g., relationship survival 6 months later, demon-
expressions of love and support) and relation- strating that the words that couples use predict
ship quality and stability in laboratory-based an important relationship outcome beyond
conflict discussions (Gill, Christensen, & Fin- satisfaction.
cham, 1999; Gottman & Levenson, 1992; Second, these results have implications for
Heyman, 2001), social support interactions understanding contextual influences on the
(Gable, Reis, Impett, & Asher, 2004; Pasch links between word use and relationship func-
& Bradbury, 1998), naturalistic observation tioning. Although previous studies have inves-
(Driver & Gottman, 2004; Frosch, Mangels- tigated contextual aspects of word use in other
dorf, & McHale, 1998), and daily diary studies domains such as adjustment to trauma (Cohn,
(Bolger et al., 2003; Laurenceau, Troy, & Mehl, & Pennebaker, 2004) and political
Carver, 2005). speech (Pennebaker & Lay, 2002), studies of
Genuinely expressed negative emotion word use in relationships have not taken con-
words were unrelated to satisfaction or stabil- text into account. Recently, scholars in our
ity. Among women, positive emotion words field have argued for an expansion of research
preceded by negations were negatively associ- on contextual issues in intimate relationships,
ated with both self-reported and partner- based on the premise that examining context is
reported satisfaction. Further, men’s positive necessary for gaining a complete and accu-
emotion words used sarcastically were nega- rate understanding of couples’ behaviors
tively related to their own satisfaction and to (Overall & Sibley, 2008; Reis, Capobianco,
relationship stability. Women’s negative emo- & Tsai, 2002; Warner, 2002). A contribution
tion words used sarcastically were negatively of the present research is that it integrates
related to self-reported satisfaction, partners’ a contextual approach to the study of word
satisfaction, and stability. Previous research use in relationships more extensively than
has demonstrated robust links between nega- has prior research, demonstrating, for exam-
tive emotions expressed during couples’ inter- ple, that negative emotion words are associ-
actions and relationship dissatisfaction and ated with lower levels of relationship
instability (Gottman & Levenson, 2000; satisfaction when used sarcastically but not
Gottman & Notarius, 2000; Heavey, Christen- when used literally.
sen, & Malamuth, 1995; Johnson et al., 2005). Finally, there are potential clinical impli-
Similarly, these findings show that expressions cations. In behavioral couples therapy, for
of negative emotions through word use are example, clinicians often encourage couples
negatively associated with relationship health, to use more ‘‘I’’ statements when discussing
but that these associations may be obscured problems in their relationship (Epstein &
when contextual issues of language such as Baucom, 2002). These findings present the
sarcastic tone and co-occurrence with nega- possibility that encouraging couples’ use of
tions are not taken into account. other types of words such as positive emotion
words in clinical settings may be beneficial as
well. Although therapists may not readily be
able to change how happy people are in their
There are three main implications for the relationships, they may be able to effect sub-
results presented here. First, these results dem- tle changes in the words that couples use.
onstrate that the words used by both people in This is in line with current cognitive and
a romantic relationship are linked to the qual- behavioral approaches to therapy geared
ity and stability of that relationship. Although toward enhancing relationship functioning
previous studies have shown word use to be through the modification of couples’ behav-
associated with self-reported satisfaction, this iors (Baucom, Shoham, Mueser, Daiuto, &
is the first study to our knowledge to provide Stickle, 1998; Epstein, Baucom, & Daiuto,
Couples’ word use in IMs 421

1997; Hahlweg & Markman, 1988). The best possible cases of interobserver agree-
potential for clinical application is, of course, ment. This could be especially problematic
tempered by the need for replication of these for sarcasm, for which there was very low
findings and subsequent studies designed interobserver agreement among our coders,
specifically to test the direction of the causal and which is often difficult to detect in
links between word use and relationship computer-mediated communication (Han-
quality. cock, 2004).
A third limitation is that the participants in
this study were undergraduate couples from
the United States. Future research should
There are important limitations of this project. examine the use of IM conversations in inves-
First, the language that couples use in their tigating the links between word use and rela-
IMs obviously represents only a fraction of tionship quality for older and married couples
the words that most couples—even frequent and for those in other cultures. Although the
IM users—likely exchange with each other. majority of IM users still are young adults in
We do not know the extent to which couples’ their 20s and 30s, IM use is increasing in force
IM conversations mirror their face-to-face use among older individuals (Shiu & Lenhart,
interactions. Although some have suggested 2004) and may potentially be useful in study-
that online communication may be more dis- ing the daily functioning of couples during
closing and emotionally expressive than spo- middle and later adulthood.
ken communication (Bargh et al., 2002; Fourth, with the relatively small conve-
Joinson, 2001), no studies to our knowledge nience sample size used in this study, there
have directly compared the association was adequate statistical power to detect only
between online communication and spoken medium to large effects. This is relevant, for
communication in naturalistic settings. It example, in testing gender differences in asso-
may be that certain words that couples use ciations between language use and relation-
have greater or less relevance in IM commu- ship quality. Although we did not detect
nication compared to spoken communication. gender differences in any of the effects
Nevertheless, a distinct advantage of IM is that reported here, the trend of results suggested
it allows researchers to examine the words that the possibility of small gender effects that
couples use in their everyday lives in the one might not detect without a larger sample
absence of most nonverbal cues. With IMs, size. Replications of these findings with larger
the words that people use are of singular probability samples would make it possible to
importance in communicating their goals, feel- generalize these findings to this population
ings, and thoughts. Because couples may and others and determine the robustness of
cover a wide variety of topics in their daily our results.
IM conversations, these findings show that Finally, these findings do not address the
word use in couples’ interactions has rele- causal direction of the associations between
vance beyond laboratory-based problem word use and relationship quality. Although
discussions. some have argued that the words that couples
A second limitation is that our IM coders use directly shape the quality of their relation-
were explicitly aware of when we were and ships (e.g., Bradac, 1983), no studies to our
were not evaluating them for reliability; this knowledge have tested this idea empirically.
may have amplified observer agreement be- It is equally plausible that greater relationship
tween coders because they might have satisfaction leads to, for example, more fre-
implicitly—or perhaps even explicitly—been quent ‘‘I’’ use and fewer sarcastic emotional
more careful in their coding during the mon- statements, and not vice versa. Longitudinal
itoring phase. Additionally, we did not reas- studies that assess language use and relation-
sess interobserver agreement after the initial ship quality over time are essential to deter-
training and monitoring phase. As a result, the mine whether the words that couples use
ICCs reported are possibly overestimates or merely reflect their underlying thoughts and
422 R. B. Slatcher, S. Vazire, and J. W. Pennebaker

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