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Dackery Williams

Ms. Cunningham

English 12

19 February 2019

Distracted Driving Awareness- Introduction

Distracted Driving Awareness needs to be spread more and along with people needing to realize

that whatever you are doing that is distracting you from driving can wait, like using cellphones

while driving or distractions from passengers. On this capstone journey, I plan on learning what

other people’s perspectives are on distracted driving and what they think about it. ​In the article

“Distracted Driving Leading Cause behind Fatal Crashes in 2016”, the author Larry Higgs uses

sources from the State Police of New Jersey to identify that the reasoning behind distracted

driving is alcohol and drugs which was a major factor in 151 crashes to identify the number of

drivers under the influence involved in fatal crashes in 2015 grew from 90 to 130 in 2016.​ This

article mainly explains that DUIs are a factor that causes distracted driving and I plan to learn

more about what other peoples perspectives are on distracted driving.Over the next month, I plan

on making a social media page so I can spread more awareness on distracted driving.

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