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Contextualization of the theme: The use of legalized drugs, such as alcohol,

has become an aggravating factor in Brazil's public health, since undue use has
led to an increase in physical, mental and social problems, such as family
crises, episodes of violence, hospitalizations hospital care due to preventable
causes, thus increasing the occupancy rate of hospital beds, primary and
secondary care services and, consequently, causing an overload to the system
only of heath (SUS). In addition, it causes those involved in the social
environment of alcoholics, fears of emotional instability and outbreaks of
violence, being necessary when they recognize the problem, seeking help in
places such as AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) and institutions such as CAPS AD
Psychosocial Attention Alcohol and other Drugs). Guiding question: What
nursing care provided to relatives of alcoholic patients in the CAPS AD of the
city of Sete Lagoas, Minas Gerais? General Objective: To understand the
perspective of family members on the daily life with alcoholic patients
accompanied by the CAPS AD of the city of Sete Lagoas, Minas Gerais.
Specific Objectives: Identify how the family faces alcoholism in family life;
Analyze how Primary Care actions support family members in coping with
alcoholism. Methodology: This is a case study of a qualitative nature, with an
exploratory descriptive character. The researched population will consist of 12
relatives of patients followed by CAPS AD of Sete Lagoas. Obtain the data, we
chose an audio-video interview with semi-structured script, created from the
researched literature, and non-participant observation with data recorded in a
field diary. The data will be analyzed according to the proposal of content
analysis of Bardim (2016). Expected Results: It is expected that with this study
there will be a greater understanding of the family dynamics of an alcoholic
patient, emphasizing also the nursing actions to improve the quality of life of him
and his family. So that measures and strategies can be designed to help raise
the quality of family life, reducing problems caused by abusive use of alcohol.

Keywords: Alcoholism. Family relationships. Nursing care.

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