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Are you struggling with writing your thesis on drug abuse in Kenya? You're not alone.

Crafting a
thesis on such a complex and sensitive topic can be incredibly challenging. From conducting
thorough research to organizing your findings into a coherent argument, every step of the process
demands time, effort, and expertise.

Drug abuse is a multifaceted issue with various dimensions, including social, economic, and health-
related aspects. To produce a high-quality thesis, you need to delve deep into the complexities of
drug abuse in Kenya, analyze existing data and studies, and propose insightful solutions or

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They usually pretend that there is nothing wrong thus hiding away all their fears and resentment
takes a toll on them. Racial profiling by law enforcement essay how to write application essay for
scholarship. The findings show that content on DSA in the curriculum was inadequate. The study
Dangers of substance abuse on the academic performance of secondary school students in Kano
municipality: implication for counseling. They are prescribed medications to overcome these
symptoms. There are many factors that can trigger a relapse, essay drugs. Instruments used were
questionnaires for students and guidance and counselling teachers, interview guide for principals and
focus group discussion. However, gradually it becomes difficult to resist them. Data was analysed by
use of descriptive statistics with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). One should
not blindly accept and follow old ideas or new truths. The Study was guided by the following
objectives: To examine the extent to which drug and substance abuse influences level of education
among the youth in Bangladesh Village Changamwe Constituency, To find out the extent to which
drug and substance abuse influences economic productivity among the youth in Bangladesh Village
Changamwe Constituency, and, To examine the influence of drug and substance abuse on teenage
pregnancies among the youth in Bangladesh Village Changamwe Constituency. Despite NACADA’s
and other groups’ interventions, drug abuse is on the increase; with over 30% of youth in Kenya
abusing various types of drugs. The worst still is when the menace has not only been pronounced in
the urban settings as it was in the 18th to early 20th century but has been implanted in the rural
settings too. It is suggested to stick to a healthy lifestyle and steer clear of unhealthy practices such
as dependence on drugs or alcohol to stay fit and active. Most of them are not able to contribute in
the development of national economy and pass their lives parasites. Data was collected through
interviewer administered questionnaires containing b. The main reasons why students took drugs was
influence of peer pressure and lack of models at home. In order to save their status and honor,
authoritarians oppose new ideas and truths. Essay drugs those who recover stand a high risk of
returning to drugs even after years of recovery. Substance abuse can also lead to addiction, which is
a chronic and relapsing disease that can be extremely difficult to overcome. Data was collected
through interviewer administered questionnaires containing b. The study hoped to provide additional
information to the already existing records about drug and substance abuse which can be of much
importance to future scholars and those interested in researching on the same issue and the relevant
authorities like the Ministry of Health to find out the effective measures to put in place in order to
solve this issue. Youth involvement in social vices presents great concern to parents, government and
non-governmental organizations. Regular use of drugs is self damaging, essay drugs. Today, there is
a great discrepancy between that perception and the reality of who is likely to abuse drugs. To
browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to
upgrade your browser. Pressure at work place and competition at the school and college level is
another major cause essay drugs drug abuse. The Content Validity Index (CVI) was utilized for the
purposes of validity. The objectives of the research were to investigate the sources of drugs of abuse
among secondary school students in Kitui district and to establish the factors influencing drug use in
the same district. Different people have different views about the existence of God, life after death
and origin of earth etc. This has amplified with globalization, changes in communication technology,
changes in living styles and climate change.
Data was collected through interviewer administered questionnaires containing b. The study
identified the types of drugs and substances commonly abused, the reasons and effects for abuse and
the effectiveness of the strategies being used to manage the menace. Purposive sampling was used to
select only students in form three. The descriptive statistics that was used included the mean,
standard deviations and frequency distributions. Majority also indicated that same drugs and
substances were the most frequently abused. The findings show that content on DSA in the
curriculum was inadequate. About the Author Jennifer Brozak earned her state teaching certificate in
Secondary English and Communications from St. For instance, in India, there is the Ministry of
Health that deals with the treatment of substance addicts, and the Ministry of Information and
Broadcasting that uses the government media for the advertisement of the cons of drug abuse. It
negatively impacted individuals' mental and physical health, strained relationships, and hampered
educational and employment opportunities. If so, you may be eligible for a VA loan, which can offer
many advantages over traditional loans. Data was collected using structured questionnaires and
analysed using the linear regression analysis where hypotheses were tested at the.05 level of
significance. The most commonly abused substances included alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and khat
(miraa). The researcher used descriptive research design because it facilitated the research operation
thereby making the research efficient and yielding maximum information with minimal expenditure
of effort, time and money. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Psychological
independence gives rest to mental, emotional, biological or physical, social and economic instablity.
Drug abuse is a more intense and often willful misuse of drugs often to the point of addiction. The
purpose of this study therefore was to evaluate the effects of drug and substance abuse on youth
development in Bangladesh village, Changamwe Constituency, Mombasa County, Kenya. This
indicates that the rise in disasters and their consequences are related to the rise in the vulnerability of
people all over the world that is induced by the human determined path of development. The study
recommends that peer education should be carried out in public secondary schools. Truth also means
some new facts that are unknown to us. Youth involvement in social vices presents great concern to
parents, government and non-governmental organizations. The findings of the study show that
students obtain drugs from the school community. The respondents who were made up of 90 males
and 74 females, 44 respondents fell between the age category of 10-13, 38 and 82 respondents fell
within the categories of 14-16 and 17-19 respectively. You can download the paper by clicking the
button above. It is imperative for the government as well as civil society. The long essay consists of
words and a short essay of words. Problems in the family, bad company, competition at work and
lack of proper guidance and support from parents or teachers can often lead to drug abuse, essay
drugs. Unfortunately, substance abuse is often glamorized in the media and in popular culture, which
can make it seem like a normal or even desirable behavior for teenagers. The data was collected by
use of a Core Alcohol and Drug Survey Questionnaire. Investing in Drug Abuse Treatment - United
Nations Office on Drugs.
There are many reasons why teenagers might start using drugs or alcohol. The step by step approach
followed at the rehabilitation centres is an effective way to curb this issue, essay drugs. Most of
them are not able to contribute in the development of national economy and pass their lives
parasites. The treatment for drug abuse is extended over a long period so as to ensure that the
problem does not relapse, essay drugs. Out of the twenty-nine (29) boys’ and girls’ boarding schools,
six (06) were purposively sampled representing 20.7 %. Some twenty-five (25) form four students
were randomly sampled from each school. It leads to addiction and causes behavioural changes.
Content validity and reliability of the research instrument s was ascertained. Those who abuse drugs
are unable to resist them despite being fully aware about their harmful consequences. The study
makes a number of recommendations for policy and further research. Drug Abuse Among Youths
Research Papers - Paper Masters. Essay writing check grammar, asam criteria case study case study
on counselling psychology. Pressure at work place and competition at the school and college level is
another major cause essay drugs drug abuse. Physical activities such as jogging, dancing, essay
drugs, swimming, yoga, essay drugs, etc promote the growth of endorphins also known as the happy
hormones. This research, therefore, traces the history of substance abuse amongst Nigerian
undergraduates. You can select any drug abuse essay as per your need and interest. Fourteen public
secondary schools were involved with population of 1701 students. They usually pretend that there is
nothing wrong thus hiding away all their fears and resentment takes a toll on them. However, it is
also believed that truth always starts away from the traditions and conventions. Download Free PDF
View PDF MCOM 6364 Syllabus - Selected Research Methods Brian L. It is causing poverty
through unemployment; those who are current drug abusers lack the ability to quit their habit and
maintain a job, and those who were previously addicted to drugs are often turned down for job
opportunities. We also process bank transfer, direct bank debit, mobile money and USSD payments.
Different people fall prey to this self-damaging habit due to different reasons, essay drugs. Marijuana
and alcohol use during early adolescence: Gender differences. You can download the paper by
clicking the button above. From the findings, the researcher concluded that the types of drug and
substance commonly abused cited by most of the participants were; emergency pills, alcohol,
painkillers, sedatives and antibiotics. The users who abuse drugs often try to conceal this and it might
be hard for one to know unless you catch them in the act. People who suffer from substance
addiction are twice as likely to suffer and more likely to be diagnosed with mental or mood
disorders than people who have never suffered from substance addiction. Various neurological
circuits are affected by prolonged substance abuse. Proper medication, support from loved ones and
strong will power can take one out of the dark world of drug abuse, essay drugs. Psychological
independence gives rest to mental, emotional, biological or physical, social and economic instablity.
Many people take to drugs to overcome the feeling of loneliness, essay drugs. Majority also indicated
that same drugs and substances were the most frequently abused. The specific objectives of the study
was; to establish how literacy levels influence drug and substance abuse among the youth, to
evaluate the influence of type of employment on drug and substance abuse among the youth.
Research Papers deal with the diagnosing the disorder. Losing a loved one is a difficult and
emotional experience. The main o bjective was to assess the effectiveness of the sch ool urriculum in
curbing drug and substance abuse (DSA) among second ary school students. Your mental as well as
physical health deteriorates due to heavy intake of drugs. However, substance abuse is anything but
normal or desirable. Most of the teenagers that are involved in drug abuse have either, broken
families, parents that are drug abusers, a unstable environment where they are constantly moving
from place to place, or there parents aren't exactly making a lot of money and they are never around
because they are trying to make enough money for them to s. Government institutions included,
Sindh Medical College, Institute of Business Administration and S.M. Law College, private schools
were Ziauddin Medical College, SZABIST and Lecole for advanced studies. The article however
does not give its definition of the terms that would form a basis of argument on the matter, instead it
recommends for further research. For Later 100% 100% found this document useful, Mark this
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The study reco. Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview
Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. From the information gotten, almost over 80% of the
respondents supported the ideas that drug and substance abuse has led to early teen pregnancies,
poor economic development, poor performance in schools in Changamwe’s Bangladesh and many
more. Addiction, Benzodiazepine, Date rape drug 1103 Words 4 Pages Drug Addiction: Disease or
Habit. In this note, drug and substance abuse is a problem that has raised concern all over the world.
Data was collected through interviewer administered questionnaires containing b. The statistics show
that the problem of drug abuse is just getting worse. Repeated use of drugs results in developing
addiction that has harmful repercussions, essay drugs. Findings indicated that nyaope users
encountered devastating psychological experiences such as; self-blame, stress, mental relaxation,
drug dependency, and addiction. The study assessed the effectiveness of the school community in
curbing drug and substance abuse (DSA) among secondary school students. By setting clear rules,
having open and honest conversations, and providing education and support, we can help young
people make healthy and informed choices about drugs and alcohol and prevent the negative
consequences of substance abuse. Drug abuse relates to excessive use of psychotropic substances
resulting to changes in behaviour and normal functioning of the body. The descriptive statistics that
was used included the mean, standard deviations and frequency distributions. Out of the twenty-nine
(29) boys’ and girls’ boarding schools, six (06) were purposively sampled representing 20.7 %. Some
twenty-five (25) form four students were randomly sampled from each school. The stud y concluded
that curriculum as an administrative st rategy for curbing DSA was not effective. Most people will
not prefer to change their ways of life and thinking, as it is accepted and prevalent from time
unknown. Therefore, you should be prepared to spend time writing and rewriting the work, until you
are happy that you have created something that is of as high a standard as can be. Content validity
and reliability of the research instruments was ascertained. Drug abuse is a more intense and often
willful misuse of drugs often to the point of addiction.

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