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A Case Study
Presented to
Camarines Norte State College
Daet, Camarines Norte


Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

First Semester, 2015 – 2016



George is the head of the evaluation division of a lending institution. The division
is composed of five analysts of varying experiences. Cecile, Nina and Norma are all
senior analysts. Blessy and Carmen are juniors. All except Cecile are performing at par.
Being analysts, they are given the same type of work. The only difference is the
expectation by management on the seniors to be able to complete the task at a much
faster pace and thus within a shorter period of time.

The staff in the unit has different backgrounds. All except Carmen are
accountants. Carmen is an economics major. The three seniors had similar
experiences, having come from the same office prior to the present. However, Cecile
worked as an editor whereas Nina and Norma worked as project evaluators. Blessy and
Carmen are almost of the same age, 20 and 21 years old, whereas Norma and Cecile
were of the same batch.

The problem arose when the performance evaluation time, Cecile ended up the
lowest among the five. She was even surpassed by the younger ones considering that
she was much experienced and had the necessary training and background to be able
to perform her task as a project evaluator. Because of this, George impressed upon the
group that they must up their output, most especially the seniors. This, Cecile took
differently. She started becoming unreceptive to suggestions and comments made for
the improvement of the group’s performance. She became adamant in pressing that her
duties include those that she had been used to do. Outside of them, she could not
counted upon for inputs.

Prior to this, the whole office was one big happy family. George upon noticing
that there was something wrong and no improvement was being made in the past
periods after performance evaluation, started becoming easily irritated. What once was
a room of laughter after office hours became a space of silence in a matter of weeks.
George became unapproachable and the jolly appearance disappeared. The whole
office got the treatment they did not deserve. Everyone was treated the same as the
guilty one.

Because of this, everyone began to dislike George. His unapproachable style

was met negatively and produced an undesired atmosphere in the office whenever he
was around. There was the air of hostility among workers and management. Further,
Cecile was the least improved. She even worsened as a consequence of the negative
response of George over low productivity and slowness. Everything was aggravated by
the way George dealth with the problem with indifferences, sternness and


The analyst’ viewpoint in the problem of George and his management style is
that George is the type of manager that possess an autocratic type of management
wherein he wants everything to be as orderly as he wanted it to be, he decide on his
own without considering probable suggestions that others may give and he imposed
solutions to problems in which he thinks is right without considering the other factors. As
the head of the evaluation division, he must be very careful in analyzing the root of
every employee’s poor performance. In the case of Cecile, it is not safe to assume that
just because she’s already a senior analyst she can perform as fast as the other senior
analyst does. He should also take note that Cecile prior to the present, work as an
editor which is very different from being an analyst and that could be the reason of
Cecile’s poor performance. And George after evaluating his analysts must end up giving
wise advises in the best way he can without others feeling offended on how their
analysts can uplift their performance. He may use his past experiences in order to be
realistic in giving advises and thus refrain to offend others.

This study focused on the Management Style of George.

Specifically, it answers the following questions:

1. What serves as the basis for assuming that senior analysts are more capable
of performing more efficiently than the younger ones?

2. What are the probable causes of every employee’s poor performance?

3. How should George respond to those employees performing poorly in the


4. Is there any significant relationship between George’s management style and

employee’s performance?

5. What plan of action can be formulated to enhance George’s management

style and thus uplift employee’s performance?


This study aims to determine the most effective management style that George
must use.

A. Must or short-range objectives

1. To distinguish the basis for assuming that senior analysts are more capable of
performing more efficiently than the younger ones.
2. To pinpoint the probable causes of every employee’s poor performance.
3. To find effective ways on how should George respond to employee’s poor
performance that will contribute to uplift in their performances.
4. To determine whether or not there is a significant relationship between
George’s management style and employee’s performance.

B. Wants or long-range objectives

5. To formulate and implement an action plan that would enhance George’s
management style with the analyst.
As analyst of the problem of George in his management style, I include the
following sub-problems/objectives for the following reasons:

A. Must or Short-Range Objectives

1. There are a lot of factors that contribute to an employee’s efficient performance.
It is not always safe to assume that just because an employee is already a senior
employee, he is more capable of doing work faster than the younger ones. Most
of the time a manager assumes that senior employees are more efficient just
because they are well experienced but the manager often forgot to take into
consideration the other factors that contribute to an employee’s efficient
performance like if an employee is working within his//her field of interest or
specialization. The working environment and the co-workers also contribute as
well as the other factors to consider.
2. Pinpointing the probable cause of every employee’s poor performance. This is to
determine the root problems in the company and thus to make proper solution to
the problems.
3. Finding effective ways on how should George respond to employee’s poor
performance. This objective will help George find the best suitable management
style to use with his analysts and co-workers.
4. Determining whether or not there is a significant relationship on George’s
management style and his employee’s performance is needed in as much as this
will identify the effects regardless of whether positive or negative effect of George
current management style on his analysts.

B. Wants or long-range objectives

5. Formulation and implementation of plan of action is the most essential part for
this is the time that you will apply the most suitable management style.
Remember that the best management style will never be the best without its
actual application.


Based from the areas of consideration/analysis of the analyst, the following
alternative courses of action were drawn:

1. George must take into consideration the other factors aside from being a senior
before making any assumptions with regards to employee’s performances.
2. Identifying the root cause of every employee’s poor performance can be done
through an interview with the analysts regarding George as a manager and his
management style.
3. Reviewing George’s current management style and formulating solutions to the
current problems found in his management.
4. Trying other management style through team building activities for them to know
the difference on working as a team.
5. Formulation and implementation of the most suitable management style is very
essential if they really want to uplift everyone’s performance.

From the alternative courses of action, it is recommended that George must
select the management style that will suit best with his analysts and other co-workers.
George may try a style that is more of like teamwork, where he will function as a leader
and not as a manager because a leader chooses what is best more than just what he
thinks is right. And with that kind of management style his co-workers will think that he is
more approachable and will not get intimated asking him suggestions that will uplift his
analysts and co-worker’s performance.


Activities Strategies Persons Involved
1. Finding a management 1. Finding the root problem 1.Evaluation department
style that will suit best with with George’s current manager
George’s analysts management style. 2. Analysts
a) Interview with the analysts
and other workers in the
company on how they find your
2. Formulating solutions for the
current problems.
3. Trying the proposed
management style.
a) Conducting team building
4. Deciding on whether or not
to implement the proposed
management style.
(management decision)

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