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Daisy Listiani, 2019. Short Surah Memory Learning in Madina Samarinda

Integrated Elementary School. Master's Thesis, Early Childhood Education
(PIAUD), Samarinda State Islamic Institute (IAIN). This research was under the
guidance of Dr. Syeh Hawib Hamzah, S. Ag., M.Pdi as I and Dr. H. Suratman,
M. Pd as II supervisor.

This research is motivated by the memorization of Surah Short in the Madina

Integrated Elementary School using the method of movement in the activities of
memorizing short suras. The method of memorizing with movement is a method
of memorizing while moving limbs whose movements have the meaning of each
word. That way, children not only memorize but also understand the meaning
contained in each sura. Memorizing with movements will make the child more
interested, excited and easier to absorb memorization because it is done with

The objectives of this study are: 1) To describe the implementation of the

short surah memorization in Madina Samarinda Integrated Elementary School,
2) To describe the short surah rote learning method carried out at Madina
Integrated Elementary School Samarinda, 3) To describe the supporting and
inhibiting factors of surah memorization short at Madina Samarinda Integrated
Elementary School.

This study uses descriptive qualitative research with data collection

techniques carried out by observation, interviews, and documentation.

From this study it was found that the implementation of short surah rote
learning at Madina Integrated Elementary School was carried out every day with
a predetermined schedule and became habituations that were characteristic of
this school. The inhibiting factor is that there is more to the ability of children to
perceive the difference between one child and another child and the behavior of
children who are still fond of playing. Factors supporting short memorization of
surahs have a fairly dense schedule and are often very supportive of short surah
rote learning to get optimal results.

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