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Literature UK: Shakespeare – Macbeth – answers

Answers to Shakespeare – Macbeth – exercises


1. b 5. c
2. f 6. a
3. d 7. e
4. h 8. g

1. Check your understanding: ordering

2. Macbeth gets promoted.

7. Macbeth is killed in the battle.
4. Macbeth murders King Duncan.
1. The witches tell Macbeth he is the future king.
3. Lady Macbeth plans King Duncan’s murder.
6. An army from England comes for Macbeth.
5. Lady Macbeth goes mad with guilt and kills herself.

2. Check your understanding: true or false

1. True 7. True
2. False 8. False
3. True 9. True
4. False 10. True
5. False 11. True
6. True 12. False.

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