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5th Semester Back Examination 2017-18

Under Ground Coal Mining

Time: 3 Hours
Max Marks : 70
Q.CODE : B290
Answer Question No.l which is compulsory and any five from the rest
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.

Q1 Answer the following questions:

a) What is incubation period?
b) Differentiate between continuous and cyclic mining.
c) Define line of goaf.
d) What precautions are to be taken against inundation during depillaring?
e) What do you mean by 'district' in bord and pillar mining?
f) Differentiate between longwall advancing and longwall retreating.
g) Define percentage of extraction.
h) State the demerits of horizon mining.
i) What is the significance of safety factor of coal pillars?
j) Why diagonal line of extraction is preferred in depillaring?
Q2 a) Discuss how the dimension of the following elements vary while designing a
bord and pillar working: (i) pillar size, (ii) width of gallery, (iii) size of barrier
pillar, (iv) size of panel.
b) Percentage of extraction of a developed bord and pillar working at a depth of
200m is 25. The pillar size is 25m x 25m and height of pillar is 3m. Overlying
strata pressure increases with depth at the rate of 0.025 MPa/m. Calculate (i)
load on pillar, and (ii) factor of safety. ( Pillar strength (S) is estimated by
using empirical formula S =7.2 ha Wp, a= -0.66 and p=0.46)
Q3 a) How does bord and pillar mining differ from longwall mining?
b) What is a double unit face? Draw a figure and explain it.
Q4 What is meant by a contiguous coal seam? How workings in contiguous coal
seam and thick seam with multi-sections to be done? What safety measures
to be adopted during simultaneous extraction of two contiguous seams?
Q5 a) Why stowing is done? State different types of stowing.
b) What is horizon mining? In which conditions it is adopted?
Q6 a) Describe power shield support with neatsketch.
b) Describe the method of depillaring in a seam of 3m thick. Give a layout
showing the sequence of pillars and stooks to be extracted.
Q7 a) What precautions are to be taken against fire during and after depillaring?
b) Discuss the elements of a longwall face.
Q8 Write short notes on any TWO :
a) Coal plough
b) Pillar design approaches
c) AFC
d) Stowing
7m Semester Regular / Back Examination 2017-18
Advanced Underground Coal Mining BRANCH: MINING
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 70 Q.CODE: B433
Answer Question No.l which is compulsory and any five from the rest The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.
Q1 Answer the following questions: (2 x 10)
a) Differentiate between main fall and local fall.
b) Define horizon mining.
c) What is coal bed methane?
d) Explain the utility of Sylvester prop withdrawal system.
e) Differentiate between long wall and short wall mining method.
f) What are the applicable conditions of CBM and CMM?
g) What is traverse slicing?
h) What are the strata problems associated with multiple seam mining?
i) What are applicable conditions of high wall mining?
j) What do you mean by hydrohoist?
Q2 a) Explain with neat sketches short wall mining method. (6)
b) Discuss the conditions for application of coal plough. (4)
Q3 a) Describe highwall mining method. What are the limitations of this method? (6)
b) Discuss the qualities of a good stowing material for pneumatic stowing. (4)
Q4 a) Describe sub level caving method of working thick seam. (6)
b) Write a short note on integrated long wall advancing and retreating method. (4)
Q5 a) Describe hydraulic mining method of working coal seam. (6)
b) Discuss various problems associated with thick seam mining. (4)
06 a) How will you assess the correctness of the hydraulic profile of the pipe line layout of a sand stowing installation? (6)
b) Write a brief note on Indian coal mining industries. (4)
07 What is underground coal gasification? Explain in detail the principle and working of UCG using a neat layout? What are the limitation
of this method.
Q8 Write short answer on any TWO: (10) (5x2)
a) Longwall Z face
b) Mechanical stowing
c) Mass Production Technology using continuous miner
d) Inclined slicing method

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