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Calculation of Satellite Position from

Ephemeris Data
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Table A3-1. Representation of GPS Broadcast Ephemeris

Time Parameters
t0e Reference time, ephemeris parameters (s)
t0c Reference time, clock parameters (s)
a0, a1, a2 Polynomial coefficients for clock correction (bias (s), drift (s/s), drift rate (aging)

Keplerian Parameters
兹莥莥A Square root of the semi-major axis (m1/2)
e Eccentricity (dimensionless)
i0 Inclination angle at reference time (semicircles)
⍀0 Longitude of ascending node at reference time (semicircles)
␻ Argument of perigee (semicircles)
M0 Mean anomaly at reference time (semicircles)

Pertubation Parameters
⌬n Mean motion difference from computed value (semicircles/s)
⍀̇ Rate of change of right ascension (semicircles/s)
i̇ Rate of change of inclination (semicircles/s)
Cus Amplitude of the sine harmonic correction term to the argument of latitude
Cuc Amplitude of the cosine harmonic correction term to the argument of latitude
Cis Amplitude of the sine harmonic correction term to the angle of inclination (rad)
Cic Amplitude of the cosine harmonic correction term to the angle of inclination
Crs Amplitude of the sine harmonic correction term to the orbit radius (m)
Crc Amplitude of the cosine harmonic correction term to the orbit radius (m)

Source: Seeber (2003).

The individual satellite time, tSV, is corrected to GPS system time, t, using:

t ⫽ tSV ⫺ ⌬tSV


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in which

⌬tSV ⫽ a0 ⫹ a1(t ⫺ t0c) ⫹ a2(t ⫺ t0c)2 (A3-1)

Differentiating Eq. A3-1 with respect to time yields satellite clock drift.
The satellite coordinates in the WGS-84 Cartesian system are computed for a
given epoch, t. The time, tk, elapsed since the reference epoch, t0e, is tk ⫽ t ⫺ ⌬t0e.
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Table A3-2. Calculating Satellite Coordinates from GPS Broadcast Ephemeris


GM ⫽ 3.986005 ⭈ 1014 m3/s2 WGS-84 value for the product of gravitational

constant G and the mass of the Earth M
␻e ⫽ 7.292115 ⭈ 10⫺5 rad/s WGS-84 value of the Earth’s rotation rate
␲ ⫽ 3.1415926535898 (exactly)

Keplerian Parameters to ECEF Coordinates

T ⫽ 2␲ Ⲑ GM Ⲑ A3 Satellite orbital period

n0 ⫽ 3
Computed mean motion
n ⫽ n0 ⫹ ⌬n Corrected mean motion
—– —–
M k ⫽ M 0 ⫹ ntk Mean anomaly
Ek ⫽ M k ⫹ esin Ek Kepler’s equation of eccentric anomaly is solved by
Because of the small eccentricity of GPS orbits (e ⬍
0.001), two steps are usually sufficient:
—– —–
E0 ⫽ M , Ei ⫽ M ⫹ esin Ei⫺1, i ⫽ 1, 2, 3, ...
cos Ek ⫺ e
cos ␷ k ⫽ True anomaly
1 ⫺ e cos Ek

1 ⫺ e2 sin Ek
sin ␷ k ⫽ True anomaly
1 ⫺ e cos Ek
⌽k ⫽ ␷k ⫹ ␻ Argument of latitude
␦uk ⫽ Cuc cos 2⌽k ⫹ Cus sin 2⌽k Argument of latitude correction
␦rk ⫽ Crc cos 2⌽k ⫹ Crs sin 2⌽k Radius correction
␦ik ⫽ Cic cos 2⌽k ⫹ Cis sin 2⌽k Inclination correction
uk ⫽ ⌽k ⫹ ␦uk Corrected argument of latitude
rk ⫽ A(1 ⫺ ecos Ek) ⫹ ␦rk Corrected radius
ik ⫹ i0 ⫹ i̇tk ⫹ ␦ik Corrected inclination
X⬘k ⫽ rk cos uk Position in the orbital plane
Y⬘k ⫽ rk sin uk Position in the orbital plane
⍀k ⫽ ⍀0 ⫹ (⍀̇⫺ ␻e)tk ⫺ ␻et0e Corrected longitude of ascending node
Xk ⫽ X⬘k cos ⍀k ⫺ Y⬘k sin ⍀k cos ik Earth-fixed geocentric satellite coordinate
Yk ⫽ X⬘k sin ⍀k ⫹ Y⬘k cos ⍀k cos ik Earth-fixed geocentric satellite coordinate
Zk ⫽ Y⬘k sin ik Earth-fixed geocentric satellite coordinate

ECEF, Earth-centered, Earth-fixed.

Source: Seeber (2003).

Applied GPS for Engineers and Project Managers

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