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elements and layout elements, together known as the “three map elements,”

in which geographic elements make up the main portion of maps and serve as
a basis for positioning and orientation.3 Maps can roughly be divided into the
following three categories:4
1. R egular maps: show natural elements and social and economic
phenomena within a specific region.
2. Thematic maps: emphasize one or several natural elements or social and
economic phenomena.
3. Other maps: contour maps, hypsometric maps, shaded relief map and 3D
topographic maps.5

Following the development of science and technology, our understanding

of natural elements has grown, and this continuous growth has been changing
the definition of maps. Thanks to the rapid development of electronic and
information technologies, diversified applications of maps have been derived
from the integration of digital technology with traditional cartography, thus
leading to different opinions on the meaning of maps. For example, we can
store and transfer maps in digital form after digitization, and search or overlap
different information layers at will, creating broader and richer applications
of maps. Digital technology has brought maps into the electronic era. The
limitation of paper maps application can mainly be observed in the following
1. S ource data gathered from surveys must be simplified and categorized
to make maps easier to understand, but useful information is often lost
during the process of categorization .
2. To reduce the loss of information, maps must be elaborate and precise.
This increases the workload, while over complex and detailed maps
makes observation difficult.
3. I f a n e w m e t h o d i s u s e d f o r c a t e g o r i z a t i o n a f t e r i n f o r m a t i o n

 ntry: Map method, “Encyclopedia of China,” Search: January 2009,
Entry: Maps, “Encyclopedia of China,” Search: January 2009,
Same as Note 1, pages 1-10.
Wu Lun, Chang Ching, “Geographic Information Systems,” Beijing Electronic Industrial Press, July
2002, pages 11-12.

Maps and GIS Digitization Procedures Guideline 9

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