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16/3/2019 Grammar Practice Going to for Plans

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Grammar test – ‘Going to’ for plans 
 Guardado
Do the test then write down your score. 

1. Choose the correct sentence!

 Read the sentences and underline the correct one.


I’m going to stay with my friend at the weekend.

 Libros
a. I’m go to stay with my friend at the weekend.   _______
I’m to going to stay with my friend at the weekend. 
 Audiolibros
I’m going buy a nice present for my friend’s birthday. 
b. I’m going to buy a nice present for my friend’s birthday.  _______
 RevistasI going to buy a nice pr esent for my friend’s birthday. 

My sister is go be a police officer when she grows up.

 Documentos
c. My sister going to be a police officer when she grows up.  _______
My sister is going to be a police officer when she grows up.
 Partituras
 Are you going play tennis tomorrow?
d.  Are you to go to play tennis tomorrow?  _______
 Are you going to play tennis tomorrow?

Where are you going to go for your next holiday?

e. Where you going go for your next holiday?  _______
Where are you go to go for your next holiday?

2. Find the mistake!

Find the mistake, underline it and write the correct sentence.

a. I’m going watch TV tonight. ________________________________________ ______

b. My brother are going to read a book. ___________________________________ ______

c. I’m not go to play a game. _________________________________________ ______

d. They isn’t going to come to school. ___________________________________ ______

e. What are you going do next? _______________________________________ ______

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