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Achieve Success, Live With Happiness,
Enjoy the Good Life

1st Edition
Cebu City, Philippines

Cover Photographer: RV Mitra

Cover Design: Joannah Jane Sy
Copy Drawing/ Illustrator: Joseph Gie Sabello
Copy Editors: Teofilo Mari Bacalso, Kurt Joseph Moring

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be

reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever,
electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying,
recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval
system without the expressed written, dated and signed
permission from the author.

©2018 FIBO LIM



Table of Contents

Preface 7
Introduction 17
Lesson 1: Why You Will Never Get Rich 31
Lesson 2: Why You Should Be Selfish 39
Lesson 3: Miracles Just Don’t Happen 45
Lesson 4: Investing Your Money Is Bad 51
Lesson 5: Business Is Not About Being Rich 57
Lesson 6: Why the Law of Attraction Is Useless 65
Lesson 7: Starting Many Businesses Will 69
Make You Bankrupt
Lesson 8: I Want You to Fail 75
Epilogue 83
About The Author 87





This book is dedicated to my hardworking father, Noel

Orlain Lim, and to my ever supportive mother, Jacqueline
Angelica Lopez-Lim. Thank you so much for everything.
I will always love you.






What’s Your Excuse?

Earning your first million is
If you can set aside
P100,000 a month for 10 months,
you will be a millionaire.
But guess what? Yes, I hear
“I’m not even earning P100,000 per month!”
And that is the reason why most people will never
become successful. Instead of looking for ways on how to
increase our earning potential, we look for excuses telling
ourselves why we can’t do it.



My Online Marketing Story

After earning my first million, many of my friends

were surprised that I was able to earn that much when I’m
always wearing my boxers.
Since online marketing is my passion, I was glad to
have taught that to them. I taught them step-by-step. I told
them that online marketing is very simple.
Here's my formula:
Find out how you can give value to other people
with your passion.
And that's it!
That’s the first thing to consider. The second one is
learning how online marketing works, and that's where I
come in. I teach it to them.
But sad to say, only 1% of the people I taught did
it, and it confuses me.
But then I have a friend, let's just call him Leo. He
worked as a farmer.



He neither had a laptop nor a WiFi connection. He

was doing online marketing through mobile phone and
mobile data.
To my amazement, despite being in that situation,
he was able to earn his first million within a year. Through
his hard work and perseverance, he was able to see the
fruits of his labor by being able to buy his own laptop,
have a WiFi connection set up and eventually, his own
dream home.
That's when I realized that a lot of people aren't
successful NOT because they don't know how, but they
just don’t do it. Even if you teach them what to do and
how to do it, these people still will not do it. Why?

The Number One Reason Why People Don’t

Achieve their Dreams

It is because of “this and that”, “what if's” and a lot

of objections and justifications.
In short, these are what we call EXCUSES.



After being able to break through my personal

challenges, struggles and failures, I realized a framework -
lessons that are not taught in school. The lessons that are
not taught in our traditional education system and are not
even taught by our elders.
And after achieving my dreams and goals, I heard
sentiments from people like:

“Because I stopped chasing it. I’ve been

running out of motivation and determination.
Parang hindi ko na siya kaya. Hindi ko na ma-
imagine yung sarili ko na maging successful.”

“I haven't achieved my dreams yet because

my dream is so mailap. Hahaha. Ayaw ata ng
dreams ko sa akin kaya d ko siya ma-achieve.”

“I haven’t done enough to achieve them.

Pero I think and believe na kung para sa iyo
yung pangarap mo, makukuha mo ito in a right
way and with the help of God. So I think that
waiting pa yung dreams ko para sa akin.”


Others were saying:

- I don’t know where to start.
- Because I’m still young
- Simply because I don’t have money as a
- I prioritize love over money
And a lot more!
All of which may seem valid at first but are
actually just excuses and/or objections as to why they
couldn’t do it.
I understood how they felt and it broke my heart.
Why? Because some of these excuses were also
mine. These were some of my own personal objections
before as to why I couldn’t do it.
I used to think…
“I can’t do it because I’m too young.”
“I can’t do it because no one will believe me.”
“I can’t do it because I’m too shy.”
“I can’t do it because I don’t have the money.”



“I can’t do it because internet is slow in the

“I can’t do it because my parents have a different

Thus, the Purpose of this Book

Henry Ford, the inventor of automotives, said,

“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re
right.” What he’s trying to say is, you are the one defining
your own limitations. You are responsible for putting a
ceiling to what you are capable of.
You can have all these objections, but I want you
to be able to see that your own potential is bigger than
When I made the commitment to do whatever it
takes to achieve my dreams, despite the obstacles that
were set by my own thoughts and by other people,
This is what I have become...



I am now earning a good amount of money. I am

able to support my parents and myself.
I am able to spend quality time with my friends
and the people I love.
I am able to allocate a budget for improving and
maintaining good health.
I am able to travel anywhere in the world without
I am now able to spend time on the things I always
wanted to do before.
I am now able to buy the things that I want without
worrying about the budget.
I am able to grow my company and help impact
people's lives.
But most importantly, I am happy, I am able to
appreciate everything, and I am enjoying every single step
of the journey.

“And if I can do it, you can do it too!”



You just need that little shift in your mindset and

overcome those excuses.
In this book, I want to show you that anything is
possible. Your dreams are achievable. And that you are
one step away from achieving your goals.
Let me be clear though...

What This Book Is NOT About

Even though the title of the book is Millionaire at

22, this is not only about earning your first million. I am
not saying to earn it on or before the age of 22.



NO it is not.
This is about the journey that I’ve been through.
The excuses, the goals, the lessons and the mindset shifts I
needed to achieve my dreams. This is about how YOU can
avoid the failures and how YOU can achieve the same
success as I did.
In general, this book is about success. Breaking
through your struggles in life. Breaking through the
objections and excuses that is hindering you from
achieving your desired life.
So what’s your excuse? Let’s break through it!

Your #1 Fan,






The Millionaire At 22
Move fast and break things. Unless
you are breaking stuff, you are not
moving fast enough.
-Mark Zuckerberg

Do you remember those little toy soldiers in Toy

Story? I used to sell them when I was still a kid. (Nope,
they don't move like the ones in the movie.)
One pack of those toy soldiers costs around P50
and each pack contains 20 pieces. After I played and
eventually got bored, I sold each piece for P1.
Selling all of them gives me P20. I was at a loss.



I thought that if I was getting money, I was earning

a profit. Then I realized, I still had to deduct my cost. Too
bad for me :/
As I grew up, I found another business
Do you remember those cheap junk
food called Lumpia Shanghai? One
small pack contains 3 pieces, and it
only costs P1.
Do you know how much I sold them for?
P5 each!
How did I do it?
I told them that each Lumpia Shanghai in the pack
is valued at P1. That makes the whole pack P3 in value
since it contained 3 pieces of Lumpia Shanghai right? The
P2 is what I use for the jeepney fare to get them from the
store. That makes the total P5.
After selling my first Lumpia Shanghai, I brought
more the following day.



After a month, I was able to sell more and more

Lumpia Shanghai packs. Please do note that I bring 2 bags
in school. One bag is full of Lumpia Shanghai. The other
bag is half filled with books and the other half (you
guessed it right!) - Lumpia Shanghai.

My First Partnership

As my mini business grew, I expanded and started

hiring people.
I was an introvert growing up. I only talked to my
close friends and chosen classmates. I am also not that
Since my mini business started to grow from
Lumpia Shanghai to a mini sari-sari store, I partnered with
the most talkative ones of my classmates.
I had all kinds of food and candies. I upgraded
from 2 backpacks to a stroller bag. My deal with my
partner was:



"I'll give you any food or candy you want, as long

as you will be the one who will sell all these food."
It was a dream partnership!
Unfortunately, after a few weeks, my partner
didn’t feel like doing it anymore. That being said, my
business came to a halt.
I thought that the business life wasn’t for me, so I
I continued to grow up and society started to
change the way I think.

The Right Path

My environment made me envious of my friends

because when I went to their house, I saw that they have
their own basketball court, their own swimming pool, their
own backyard and a really nice entertainment room.
I asked my mom how would I be able to achieve
that kind of life and be able to have that kind of house. She
gave me advice saying,



“Go to school, study hard, have good grades, and

find a high-paying stable job”

So I followed her advice and aimed to graduate

with honors so that companies will easily hire me.
She told me to graduate as a Cum Laude, so that
companies will be the one who will be contacting me left
and right. I would be too busy rejecting some of them and
I'll have the freedom to choose the best company that pays
me the best salary.
It made me believe that it was my ticket to success.
So I aimed for that goal: to graduate in college as a
Cum Laude.

The Entrepreneurial Itch

However, in the middle of my college years, I was

invited by a friend to attend a seminar.



He told me that the seminar changed his life and it

can change mine too... How interesting!
While the seminar was going on, I saw the speaker
drawing some circles. One on the left and one on the right.

Cool. A business with circles! Power!

To make the long story short, I signed up to be a
member of a network marketing company. I guess you
could say that I felt POWERful.
I went all-in. I “kidnapped” my friends, I gave out
flyers on the streets, I asked everybody out for coffee, I
tried talking to random people in the mall, added strangers



in my FB account, attended meetings late at night… or

was it at dawn?
And I almost dropped out of school.
In short, “payaman ako!”
I was able to build a team and earn 6 figures from
that network marketing business. In the process of looking
for the perfect car to buy...
I lost my team!
My leaders weren’t showing up anymore.
Production under my team was slowing down. Eventually,
I felt disappointed and lost my will to continue.
I failed again.
It changed my life however. I was opened up to
another perspective in life. I was able to relate to the
entrepreneurship trainings inside the company.
It made me realize that graduating in school is just
one thing. Your diploma will not dictate your future
success. This is where most people fail, when they think



that having a college degree is the only thing that will

define their future.
The Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) industry truly
transformed me. Without it, I wouldn’t have opened up
myself to the opportunities and information outside the
path I was on with my academics.

Failure After Failure After Failure

From the savings I got from network marketing, I

then decided to start a small traditional business which
was a water refilling station.
I wanted a business that wouldn’t involve selling
directly to people, and I thought that a water business
would be a good fit for me because people would have to
come to me if they wanted to refill or drink some water.
I invested everything there. Eventually, after 2
months, I decided to close it down.



I was only earning P500 net income per week. The

total capital was around P100,000. Through simple
computation, it will take forever to even break even from
my capital.
To make matters worse, I
was the one lifting those heavy
water gallons to save myself from
hiring more people. And when there
were problems with the machines, I
snuck out of classes to go and fix them.
I was devastated, so I decided to focus back on
schooling and finish college.
I am not intelligent, so I always do my best to find
a way to pass.
I frequently had to ask my smarter classmates on
how I can understand the lessons better. I often stretched
my neck to its limits to see my classmate’s artwork during
exams. It was really difficult.



Indeed, I graduated as Cum Laude and started

applying for jobs.
To my surprise, I was unemployed for many
months. Where are the companies calling me left and
right? I thought this was my ticket to success?
While waiting for job opportunities, I didn't want
to waste time. That was when I decided to enroll in Law
During the 2nd semester of law school, I found a
way to make money online. From there, instead of
studying law, I was busy studying online marketing.
Everytime I went to class, I brought my laptop.
While most of my classmates were reading the law cases
through their laptop, I was reading the ad policies of
Facebook. I was that determined.
After a couple of weeks bringing a heavy heart, I
decided to drop out!
I focused on online marketing.



It was such a struggle at first, but I was hooked by

the idea that you can make money(and I mean tons of
money as portrayed by my online mentors) while being at
home by using only a computer and an internet

Finally My Personal Breakthrough

After 3 long months of hard work and sacrifice, I

earned my first sale, P1,000!I told my friends about the
business and told them that I earned money. They asked
me how long it took me to earn that much. I told them that
I earned it after 3 months.



They told me, “Isn’t that a bad business?”

I answered, “Yes, it took me a long time. However,
it was the first time I was able to earn money while asleep.
It may not be a life-changing amount, but it was a life-
changing moment.”
I scaled my business, then I earned my first
P100,000 in 2 months. I then got my first million after 6
months. Eventually, I was able to make 7 figures every
single month.
I was able to buy the gadgets I wanted.
Eat in restaurants I couldn’t afford then.
Travel any part of the world without worry.
In short, I was living the good life.
After achieving all that, I felt a lack of fulfillment.
I was earning by myself behind the screen with
little to no interaction with people.
I felt that there was a different purpose given to me
by God.



During that time, a lot of my friends asked me to

teach them how to do online marketing. So I conducted
my very first seminar in Cebu and taught them how I did
Finally, I felt fulfillment. I was helping people
while making money. I was happy. And I told myself:

“This is what I want to do for the rest of my


Today, I continue to share my knowledge and help

entrepreneurs build a profitable internet business.
After all the lessons I learned from my personal
experience, mentors and courses…
I want to help you achieve your breakthrough!
All the things I learned condensed into 8 powerful
Lessons I learned in my journey from earning my
1st income to my 1st million. And with these needed



mindset shifts, I really believe you can achieve your most

desired goals too.



Lesson 1

Why You Will Never

Get Rich
Abundance is attracted to clarity. -Bo Sanchez

The number one reason why people don't get rich

or don’t get what they want is because they basically
DON’T know what they want.
They don't know their goals. They're not clear.
They're telling me:

“I haven't achieved my dreams yet

because… at 25, I'm feeling left behind, I’m
lacking focus, not having a solid idea or plan
about what to do with my life.”

Because of lack of clarity, they don’t know which

one to prioritize.



“Because I have so many dreams and don't

know how to set priorities”

And last but not the least, going with the trend. Not
knowing the exact direction to follow, only to end up in a
job they hate.

“Because I always go with the trend. I

always check what's “IN” (like BPO), what's
“HOT” (like being a cabin crew), what's “COOL”
(blogger/youtuber/ecommerce) and what's not
(cryptomining ayun nalugi) and so I ended up on
another person's dream”

Does any of this sound familiar to you?

If one is not even sure of his or her goals, how
much more with becoming rich and successful. To achieve
your goals, you need to be crystal clear with what you
really want.
Hey! This is common sense...



But why do people still not do it? Why don't they

create clear and specific goals? Here’s the not-so-common
sense reason.

One Thing That Holds People Back

It’s because of FEAR.

It’s the one major thing that holds people back.
They are afraid to dream because of many things.
If they don't achieve it, they might feel rejected, depressed
or they would be looked at as a failure by others or
Nobody wants that. That's why, instead of
dreaming, it’d be better to NOT dream to avoid these
negative feelings.
Another reason why most people don't set clear
goals is because they are afraid to dream. They are afraid
to share their goals to people.



Because of crabs. Nope, it’s not the crustaceans,

(Though some people are allergic to it)but it’s what we
call the crab mentality, the worst kind of crab.

Crab Mentality: Often Referred To As Dream


These people pull you down, suck your energy,

steal your dreams and let you settle for less.
This reminds me of one of my goals which was to
earn P500,000 net income every month. I wrote it on a
paper, pasted it on my laptop and every single day I’d look
at it.
My mom also saw it. I then remembered her telling
me to take the dream down. She's afraid that if I won't be
able to achieve it, I'd get depressed from the failure.



You see, the first people to put us down is our

family and closest friends. It's not because they want to
hurt us, but it's because they want to protect us.
In my case, my mom loves me so much that she
doesn't want me to get hurt if I fail.
And then one day...
When I was shooting a webinar(or online seminar),
I was doing a selfie and my friends saw my dream board
(with the P500,000 per month income goal) and I received
comments from them teasing me negatively.

"Who are you to dream such?!"

Well, they didn't exactly say that, but it was clear

to me that they didn't believe that I can do it.
Of course, I was affected. I felt hurt. They're my
friends. I then had 2 options: to delete or let it be.
In just one click, I could delete it but so would my
dream. If I follow the first option and listen to them - they



win. That would’ve been me allowing them to steal my

I chose the second option. I decided to listen to
myself, and instead of listening to them(bashers), I just
focused on achieving it!
Guess what? I earned P1 million in 1 month!
(Twice my original goal).
You see, it happened to me for a reason.
Experiencing it provides me a good story to share and it
allows me to help you realize that what you are
experiencing now is for a reason.
And if you follow and listen to yourself, it will be a
good story to share once you proved the naysayers wrong.
People will pull you down from your dreams, and
you should expect that. However, instead of feeling hurt,
you need to understand them. DON’T make them
understand you.



Dream Big or Go Home

You see, a deeper reason why some of our close

friends or loved ones do this is that they can't envision
themselves doing or achieving it. So, if it is impossible for
them, they'll also automatically assume that it is
impossible for you.
It's easy for people to pull down someone rather
than pushing them up. If people meet your standards or
your dreams, they need to get out of their comfort zone to
match yours.
This is because dreaming big is not comfortable,
and at the same time, no one wants someone to be higher
than them. So instead of going out of their comfort zones,
they pull you down.
However, for you not to get hurt, treat it as a



Not everyone dreams more. You should be the one

to understand them. You are blessed that you are dreaming
more than your friends, family and your surroundings.
So I give you permission to dream BIG and be
very clear with what you really really want.



Lesson 2

Why You Should Be

Take care of yourself first. -Gary Vaynerchuck

Imagine that you are about to climb a steep

mountain together with your family.
Everybody is excited, all bags are packed,
hydration filled to the brim and mosquito repellent spread
all over your body.
One, two, three, and everybody is ready to go.
Well, except your parents.



They're not excited. They’re spreading negativity.

Since it was already planned months ago, they have no
Since you don’t know how to climb the mountain,
you slowly go up together with your parents in front as
this allows them to set the pace for everybody.
However, you are not able to reach the peak
because of the slow pace.
Everybody is exhausted, and instead of moving far
and fast, the climb becomes a drag. Eventually, you will
have to go back down at a certain point without reaching
the goal.
Isn’t it easier to pull someone up a mountain
because they know you are where they need to be.



Prioritizing Yourself First

That is exactly one of the reasons why people are

having a hard time becoming successful.

“It's okay if I am suffering

(financially), as long as it's not them

“Cause I'm busy helping my siblings

achieve theirs. Hays”

“I haven't achieved my dreams yet because

I'm a mom and I want to help my children
achieve their dreams.”

They prioritize others first before themselves.

Well, I totally agree with this, but if you really
want to achieve your desired breakthrough, then I suggest
letting go of the things, people and circumstances that are
pulling you down. Things that are dragging you and
making the climb a tough one. Be selfish with your goals.



Yes, you read that right!

Be selfish first in order to be selfless.
Isn't it much easier to pull people rather than
pushing them up? As the famous line from your favorite
airline says:

"Put your oxygen mask first before you

put on the mask to help your baby."

The reason being, if you cannot help yourself, how

can you help others?
How can you give if you don't have enough for
Another reason why you should prioritize yourself
first is that..

You Don’t Want Them To Be Lazy

You don’t want them to rely on you too much.

If you help them always, instead of achieving their
dreams, they become lazy and dependent on you.


Are you familiar with some of our OFW friends?

The family left behind in the Philippines are
splurging (spending money like there’s no tomorrow)
while some of the OFWs are juggling 3 jobs to keep up
with their family’s demands.
And when they don’t send them money, they get
And that, my friend, is not healthy.
It breaks my heart.
Having been able to coach some of my OFW
students, I gave them permission to be selfish and so
should you.
Yes, it's okay to be selfish for a while.
Tell your family:
"I'm reducing a part of my income so I can save
and invest for myself."
Better yet, auto deduct a portion of your income to
a separate account exclusive only for yourself.



Because by the time it is your turn needing help

(and I believe this will happen to everybody), who’s gonna
be there to help you?
Yes, be selfish in order to be selfless later on.



Lesson 3

Miracles Just Don’t

I believe luck is preparation meeting opportunity. If you hadn't
been prepared when the opportunity came along, you wouldn't
have been lucky. -Oprah Winfrey

They don’t just happen. You create them.
The problem is that, 99% of people are blinded.
Why? Because success is difficult.
If we fail, it is hard to accept defeat. We all don't
want to get hurt. Thus, to make ourselves feel better, we
blame other people, we blame the circumstances and never



I once remembered a business owner who had a

very profitable traditional business..
His store was located on a high traffic area and
sales were coming in like clockwork.
The government decided to do a road renovation
near his area. The road was now dusty, unpassable, and his
business sales eventually slowed down.
He said to himself:
"I'd do a temporary close for a year, and after this
renovation, business should return as usual."
After waiting for 1 year...


and then 2 years... and then 5 years... The road was

still not finished!
And guess what?
He blamed the government for his business
Well, that might be true. We cannot control the
renovation, but if we continue believing that it is not our
fault, then nothing will happen.

Respond Instead of Reacting

Instead of waiting, you respond, act and take

A perfect example would be to relocate (granting
he has enough funds to do it) or think of another business
or strategy that instead of people having to come to his
store, he will be out there in the field selling or he could
have created a website where people could purchase his
products online.



Instead of reacting to the situation, you should

become proactive in looking for a way to make it better.
Yes, you'll feel bad at first. It's okay. Accept it, and
then move on to the things you can control. Once you do
that, it becomes a positive thing. You’ll improve your
attitude and you'll become a better person.
A similar incident happened to me in my business.
I trusted a partner in marketing one of my events. I
thought everything was running smoothly, until I realized
that nobody was signing up for my event.
I was stunned...
I couldn't have an event with no attendees!
I was furious, angry and I wanted to blame
everything on my partner.
But instead of doing so, I didn't.
I blamed myself and took full responsibility for the
I know these things will happen, and sometimes,
we cannot control it when it does.



Instead of blaming however, I realized I wasn't

careful enough in choosing the right partner.
I wasn't responsible enough to do my due diligence
in following up.
I trusted too much without having proper internal
control in place.
Because of that incident, I became a better person.
I was able to grow. When you blame yourself for your
failures and struggles, you can improve and become a
better person.
But if you don't and would still keep on insisting
and blaming others, you will never change.
Be responsible. You are the driver of your life.
You can control your life with God’s grace and blessing as
And if anything happens, you can redirect your life
to wherever you want it to be.



Miracles just don’t happen.

I create them and so should you.
Take control of your life and
Seek for God’s guidance and blessing.



Lesson 4

Investing Your
Money Is Bad
Your greatest asset is your earning ability. Your greatest
resource is your time. -Brian Tracy

Investing your money is bad and you should NOT

invest it (yet).
Why is this so?
Because when people hear the word “investment”
what normally comes into their minds are the stock
market, mutual funds, real estate, and so on and so forth.
The main goal is to let your money grow and
But here’s the problem…



When I was still in

college, I was already investing
in the stock market. I was
already exposed to the concept
of growing your money and
letting it work for you.
At that time, I was investing little by little until I
was earning good income and started investing more of
my money in stocks.
The growth of real estate prices in a good market is
6% per year, but the stock market has an average of 12%
per year. That got me excited to become a millionaire very
The problem was… it would take me 12 years to
double my money if I invested in real estate and 6 years to
double my money if I invested in the stock market.



Well, it isn’t really a bad thing because over the

long-term the value of my money will get bigger and
bigger, but it will still take so many years before you can
reap the benefits and returns.
Rather, invest in your best asset that can double
your returns in a short span of time.

Your Best Asset

That asset is your earning ability.

What do I mean by that? Say for example, you
invest money in attending a seminar or a course. You then
acquire a new skill and would start applying it to your
If you are currently earning P50,000 in your
business or career, you can potentially earn P100,000 by
investing in learning and improving your best asset: your
earning potential.



And that, my friend, is the best investment out

there. Investing in yourself, growing in knowledge, skills,
and increasing your earning ability.
In fact, personally, I invested more than a million
already in self-education. I started with few
thousands(with money I just borrowed) and every after
learning, I applied it to increase my earnings. Everytime I
earn from the new skills I acquire, part of it is reinvested
back into my self-education.
And with no fail, I always see my earning potential
growing and growing and growing every time I invest in

3 Steps In Wealth Creation

Remember, there are 3 steps in wealth creation:

1. Get Money
2. Keep Money
3. Multiply Money



Getting money is basically earning income.

Keeping money is learning how to save or set aside a
portion of your income. And finally, multiplying money
means investing your money in assets that can grow and
produce more income for you.
And if you haven’t maximized yet your earning
potential (your ability to get money), what is there to
keep? What is there to multiply?
To illustrate:
Let’s say, for example, you are currently earning
P20,000 per month with your job. Assuming 20% of your
income goes to investments, that would be P4,000. That’s
well and good, but that money is stuck for the long-term.
How about, instead of investing the P4,000, you
spend it on a seminar, teaching you about online
marketing and e-commerce. You become so inspired from
the seminar that you decide to start an online business.
Potentially, you can grow your earning ability to about
P50,000 per month part-time.



After that, you further spend on online courses,

trainings, workshops and finally, go on working full-time
with your new found business. By giving 100% focus on
growing yourself, you could then be earning P100,000 per
Now you are ready to invest.
Invest 20% of your P100,000. That’s a substantial
P20,000(compared to P4,000) per month for your
As one of my mentors said:
“Unless you are earning $10,000 per month,
investing money rather than investing in yourself is BAD.”
And that’s how you get, keep and finally, multiply
Invest first in yourself.



Lesson 5

Business Is Not About

Being Rich
It's not about the money. It's about creating a
business out of your life's purpose and mission.
-Robert Kiyosaki

People are starting a business for the wrong

“I have 50K, what's a good business to


“I haven't achieved my dreams yet because

I'm still busy working for others (JOB). I'm
planning to save a fund as a capital so I can
give up my work and then start to achieve my



You see, a business is NOT about having the

capital. It’s NOT about escaping your job. It’s NOT even
about making a lot of money!
So what’s the ultimate purpose of a business?
Again, a lot of people want to be in business
because they want to be rich, and to be rich, you need to
have a lot of money.
So when people ask me: “How do you make a lot
of money?”
They are actually asking the wrong question. Why?
Because money is a result. It’s a result of
something. This means that if you focus on making
money, you are no longer focusing on creation, but you
are focusing on the results of the creation.
Now, let’s backtrack a little bit.



Where Money Comes From

Where do you get money? When I ask that

question, a lot of people get confused. They say:
“Uhm, I don’t know.
From the bank? From the
government? From your job?”
Well, the only place you
get money is from other people.
Let me repeat that - the only
way for you to get money is by
getting it from other people.
So the next question would then be:
“Why would somebody give you their hard-earned
Is it because they like you? Is it because you have
a happy face? Is it because you have 6-pack abs? I wish
that was the case because then I would have been a
millionaire way earlier.



But it’s not. Nobody’s gonna give you money for

any of those reasons. Primarily, there is only one reason
why people will give you money and here it is:
It’s because you are going to help them.

An Entrepreneur’s Job

By helping people solve their problems.

That’s how you get money. Helping people solve
their problems.
- Do you have problems with your finances?
Let me help you lose weight.
- Do you want to lose some weight? I can
help you increase your income.

Oops, I think I got that reversed. But anyway...

And by helping them get rid of their problems,
they are most likely willing to pay you for it.
That’s it!


Now that you know how to make money, do you

know how to make more money?
Do it again! Solve the same problem with another
person. And guess what, they’re gonna give you money
Therefore, as an entrepreneur, your job is to solve
a problem(that you really are good at) for a profit. You are
a problem solver!

How I Made My Second Million

My first million was definitely the hardest. As

mentioned in my story, I was in a total imbalance because
I was just focused on making money. I was selling
products just for the money.
Then of course, I shifted my mindset into really
helping people with their problems. Here’s the problem I



What I noticed was that, it’s hard to start a

traditional business because of the increasing costs of
things like operating expenses and employee salaries.
So what I did was, I looked for an expert to mentor
me in starting an e-commerce business. He knew how to
build an online store and sells products he doesn’t own.
After getting huge results from his mentorship, I
knew it would be great to share this information to others.
Unfortunately, he is not teaching it to other people.
So I decided to partner with him and we created an
online program teaching what he knows. I was the one
who did the marketing.
It was something new, and it definitely solves a big
And the result?
P1 million pesos in sales in 1 month!
Mind blown!
But that’s not the best part. This one is:



"Coach permission to post to inspire lang

sa mga ka virtual classmate. First 2 sale agad
this day. Thanks sa opportunity na nakita natin
sa lesson na ito sana magkaroon tayo ng resulta
lahat na nasa groups. Tuloy lang ang learning
at focus sa goal na natutunan natin from week 1
till end. Salamat sa ating coach. God bless." -
Jo Han

I receive feedback like this every now and then,

and it totally changes how I see business. It’s really all
about helping and solving people’s problems.

The Right Way Of Starting A Business

Actually, we see this everyday. We just fail to

recognize it. How big businesses become successful is
because of this concept: being a problem solver.
- Are you angry at overcharging taxi drivers?
There's Grab.



- Want to communicate with someone overseas?

There's Facebook!
- In a hurry to get some food in the morning?
There's Jollibee.
From small to big businesses, the ultimate purpose
of a business is to solve a problem.
How about you? What are you good at?That of
which can help solve people's problems.
Solve it and people will pay you for it.
That is how you start a business the right way! It’s
never about the capital, it’s not an escape from your job,
nor is it because you want to make a lot of money. It’s
really about serving and providing value in the society. It’s
all about solving problems.



Lesson 6

Why the Law of

Attraction is Useless
Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer,
believe that you have received it, and it will be
yours. -Mark 11:24

What you focus on expands! We

all heard the famous law of
But does it really work!?
It states that what your mind can
conceive, you can achieve it!
Just think about your goal consistently. Focus on it
every single day. Lo and behold! You'll get it.
BUT to your surprise, it doesn't work!



It also happened to me. One of the things I learned

about law of attraction is that you need to keep having a
positive mind. If you are negative, you’ll attract negativity
into your life.
So if you want to have great success in life, you
need to be positive always. We need to always feed our
minds with success.
So that’s what I did.
I read tons of business and success books and
watched a lot of motivational videos. I was pumped,
inspired and ready to attract a lot of success in my life!
But to my surprise, my situation would be the same
as the previous 6 months. Sometimes, it would be even
The law of attraction wasn’t working for me and
here’s why…



Why Reading Books and Watching Motivational

Videos Don’t Work

Because it’s a trap. Everytime we learn something

through a book or a motivational video, there’s a part of
our brain that releases a “feel-good” hormone giving us a
sense of false accomplishment.
Why false? Because it
isn’t happening yet. Unless we
actually apply and act on what
we learn, nothing really
happened yet!
When we realize that nothing is happening, we
then go back to the same cycle of reading or watching
another motivational video to make us feel good again.
It’s addictive and it’s not helping you move
The only solution: TAKE ACTION!



The Secret to Activating the Law of Attraction

And that's why the law of attraction is spelled with

the word "action." You need to take action.
- You can't think your way to a healthy body.
- You can't meditate everyday to wealth.
- And surely you can't make a baby (or a
happy family) by just visualizing your
You need to attract first what you really want, and
when the opportunity comes, take action!
I believe in the law of attraction, but it is totally
useless unless we act.
That is the secret to the law of attraction.



Lesson 7

Starting Many
Businesses Will Make
You Bankrupt
Most people have no idea about the giant capacity we can
immediately command when we focus all of our resources
on mastering a single area of our life. -Tony Robbins

I thought I was superman!

When I finally figured out how to make money
online, I started doing almost everything.
From affiliate marketing, digital publishing,
cryptocurrencies, and dropshipping. I did a lot of
businesses that can be done online.



There were some successes.

I thought I had the Midas touch. I
thought that everything I put
myself into would achieve success.
But then, a lot failed and none
I remembered a story from one of my internet
marketing mentors, Anik Singal. When he was still in
college, he was so inspired with the billionaire Mark
Cuban that one day he emailed him saying:
“Dear Mr. Cuban, I’m a big fan of yours and what
you’ve achieved. I respect you a lot and would like to have
the success that you’ve had. I’m a young, ambitious
college kid and I want to be like you. I’m working on five
ideas as an Entrepreneur. I just wanted to know what
advice you have for me. - Anik Singal”
And to his surprise, here’s his reply:



“Hey kid, got to keep it short. On the way to a

game. My advice to you would be to drop four and focus
on one.”
He was so angry. Why on earth would he want him
to drop four and focus only on one?
How could Mark Cuban, a billionaire with multiple
businesses, advise someone to only focus on one?
Ironic but it is the truth because diversification will
not make you rich!
This is what’s happening to most entrepreneurs out
We think that starting multiple businesses will
make us rich. A lot believe that when one plan fails, you
need to have a back up. Well, this may sound well and
good but it is actually spreading our focus.



The Secret to Skyrocket your Business

Think of it this way.

Imagine a rocket with 4 thrusters. Obviously, all 4
will be facing downwards so that
during take off, all the energy is
focused and concentrated down
below in order for the rocket to
take off.
Now imagine, what if 1
or 2 of the thrusters are facing in
a different direction?
Well, you guessed it right. It will crash!
It’s the same thing with your business.
If you think that having multiple businesses can
make you rich, think again. Just like a rocket, none of the
businesses will takeoff and skyrocket to success. Even
worse, all your businesses might even crash.
Look at Manny Pacquiao. He plays both boxing
and basketball, but he’s not known for playing both sports.


He’s known for being the one of the best pound for pound
fighters in boxing.
Look at Michael Jordan. He plays both basketball
and golf, but he’s not known for playing both sports. He’s
known for being one of the greatest in basketball only.

You don’t need to be good at everything. You just

need to master one thing and be the best at it.

Look at Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook. He was

only focused on growing Facebook until he became big
enough, started diversifying, and buying other companies
like Instagram for business stability.
Another one is Henry Sy. He is best known for SM
Malls, but he is now the owner of multiple businesses,
including BDO, SMDC and more.
I could go on and on about people and businesses
who focus only on ONE THING and then later, would



So when you find that one thing that you are really
good at, when you find that “solution” that can solve
people’s problems, focus on it. Put all your energy. Go all
Remember: Diversification is horizontal growth,
while focus is vertical growth! Focus will make you rich,
and then later on, diversifying will keep you rich.



Lesson 8

I Want You To Fail

Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing.
– Warren Buffett

I once attended an investment seminar where the

speaker asked his audience:
"Who among you here doesn't know how to drive a
A few hands went up and then suddenly, he got the
keys to his car and said:
"Now, my dear friend, I want you to take this key
for a day. I'm going to let you borrow my car so that you



can go wherever you want without the need to ride a

Wow! Isn't that amazing?
A whole day free car. You can use up all his
gasoline for no fee. You get the convenience of driving in
an air conditioned vehicle compared to riding in a jeepney
with all the heat and dust on the road.
But guess what the response of the attendee was?
She simply said "NO."
Why? Because she doesn't know how to drive! It's
too risky!
But the real question is,
Is driving really risky?
I don't think so.

It's the Driver that is Risky

The same goes with starting a business. Having a

business is not risky.



It is the entrepreneur's knowledge, skills, and

attitude that create the risk.
So how do you minimize the risk?
Go take a driving lesson, and then practice until
you master the skill of driving.
Have you noticed that when someone has mastered
driving, even though he is busy talking with a passenger,
his movements with the steering wheel, brake, and gear
shift are almost automatic?
Where did the risk go? It isn’t gone. The risk is
still there, but the driver minimized it by learning and
actually driving.
And again, it’s the same thing with business.

The Prerequisite of Success

You need to learn. You need to have a mentor.

You need to buy and read books. You need to attend



BUT it does not stop there. After learning, you

need to practice and perfect the skills needed in business.
You need to apply what you learn, and yes, you
will fail.
Occasionally, you will fail. Just like having a
scratch on your car when doing reverse car parking or
having to suddenly break when the stop lights turn from
yellow/orange to red (making your fellow passengers
double check their seatbelts).
Yes, you will occasionally fail in business. You'll
lose some money. You'll make bad investments. But the
most important thing is, you will gain
Just like a baby who wants to
learn how to walk, he never gives up.
He stands back up every time he falls.
A baby is never negative and he
doesn’t tell himself:
“I can’t walk anymore. Owaa!”



A baby is determined. His actions portray that

failure is part of the process. He observes what adults do
and tries to follow them even if he’ll not be able to do it
right immediately.
The question we should ask ourselves is…

“If babies can do it, why can’t we adults?”

Risk is everywhere, but it is about how we manage


Knowledge Does Not Prevent Failure

When I ventured into e-commerce, I studied and

researched about the best product I should be selling. I
made sure it was a quality product with high demand and
has a wide market. I believed it was my winning product
that would make me millions a month. I then put it up for
A day went by…



Nothing. No sale.
I was shocked!
I researched and looked for another product. I
uploaded it on my website and…
The same thing happened. Still no sale!
I did the same thing again and again. I uploaded
different kinds of products, targeted different types of
And in my 20th product launch…
I made P50,000 in it’s first day!
I then learned a huge lesson.

We do not know what will work until we try it.

If I had stopped in my first, second, or third
product, I wouldn’t have found a winning product.
In e-commerce, we would not know if our product
is a best-seller until we test it out in the market.



Just like in life, you would not know if your career

or business is right for you until you take a shot at it.
Failure is not the opposite of success, but it
definitely is a part of it. It is the prerequisite of success.
So go ahead. Fail your way to success!






What’s Next?
Success is not based on your age or your
demographics. It is your determination and
willingness to achieve it.
-Fibo Lim

This is it!
This concludes the book.
I hope that in one way or another, I was able to
give you inspiration to be clear with what you really want
in life.
Find that one thing you can focus on and help
people solve their problems.
Once you find that, be selfish with your goals. Go
all in.



Because when you take enough action, not only do

you attract success in your life, but you also make them
Don’t wish for luck or miracles. Be responsible
with your actions. Don’t blame others for your failures.
It’s okay to fail anyway. Fail along the way. It’s
It’s normal, but please, stand back up.
Improve yourself. Invest in learning. Upgrade your
skills and be the best at what you do. Be the best version
of yourself.
BUT REMEMBER, reading books cannot change
your life. It’s useless unless you apply the learnings inside.
I don’t want this to be just another book that after
you read, you put it away in your bookshelf to accumulate
some dust.
I want you to take action now.
Now as in NOW!



What’s Next?

So here it is:
Whatever your business, career or job you have
right now, whether you have experience or not, I want to
help you further.
If you want to finally break through your
If you want to finally start your dream business...
If you want to multiply by 10x your current
business results...
If you are sick and tired of the job that you hate...
If you want to finally come home for good and be
with your family...
And if you want to build a business that truly
Then I’m giving you the opportunity right now to
apply the lessons inside the book, test your new mindset
and get ready for new and exciting times ahead.



Go to this link immediately, and experience your

personal breakthrough now.



About The Author

Fibo Lim has built an 8-figure business through his
websites in less than 2 years.
He has refined a system that has helped thousands
of entrepreneurs monetize their passion, earn passive
income online, and live the dot com lifestyle.
His trainings and system has been widely regarded
as the most strategic and innovative approach to growing
an online empire.
Today, Fibo Lim is recognized as one of the most
requested speakers in his country, the Philippines, in the
field of online marketing, business, finance, and
personality development.





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