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pLesson Plan

Name of Teacher: Sreetama Barik Date: 26/ 10/ 2018

Age Group: 3years to 4years old Number of Children: 20
Name Of the Activity: Material(s) used:
 Rhyme ‘jellyfish jellyfish’
Jellyfish : The letter J (35 min)  Story ‘Joe the Joker’
 Concrete objects
 Flash cards
 Letter card
 Green board
 Sand Tray
 Practice Tracing: The Letter H on
sand paper tracing card.
 Colour Pencils
 Worksheet.

How is it going to benefit the child:

 To help the child to recognize the letter j’ and the words related to it
 To help the child to understand the relation of sound with pictures
 To help the child to develop their vocabulary
 To help the child to trace the correct pattern of the related phonic sound on
the sand.

Introduction: (3min)
 1.Gather your children in a common area and recite the rhyme ‘jellyfish jellyfish’
is with actions to the children.

 Presentation(20min)
 1.Ask your children to identify the picture of Jellyfish and other objects with J
sound. Write the letter ‘J’ In green board to show the correct formation. Now
make the children pronounce the sound of letter J.
 2.Ask children what words begin with the /J/ sound. Show the flash cards of the
objects with letter J.(Jug Jet, Jelly, Jellyfish, Joker, Jeep, Jacket.etc)
 3.After this activity the children will be given sand trays to trace the letter ‘J’.
After this give the children individually the sand paper tracing card. They will
trace the card with their fingers to understand the formation of letter J. While
tracing the teacher will make the children say ‘Go down and make a curve and dot
on the top’ that makes the letter J.
 4.Give the worksheet to the children and tell them to complete it with the help of
teacher. The work sheet is about the circle the pictures with colour pencils whose
names are start with letter J.

Recapitulation(12 min)
1.To summarize the class tell the children the story on letter ‘j’ ‘Joe the Joker’
with the help of the flash cards.

2.To end the class divide the children in 4 groups and give them some picture
cards and ask them to pick the pictures that starts with letter J.
Jellyfish jellyfish

Jellyfish, wobble-wobble, I’m the jellyfish

I’m not really a fish, I’m a squishy jellyfish

I don’t have bones, I don’t have fins

I don’t have teeth, but I can sting!

My name starts with letter ‘j’

And down I go and make a small curve

With a dot on the top.

Joe the Joker

Joe the joker woke up in the morning and had a jug full of water. He

had bread with jam and a glass of juice for breakfast. Then he went to the

circus sitting on a jeep . He ran inside and he took his jacket and he

started to perform juggling . The circus master was very happy with his act so he

gifted him a box of jellybeans .

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