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Here is my longterm view for the Bitcoin market.

Before we begin, I have been

attempting to post this from my phone, since I am traveling and don't currently
have access to any other means of posting. Please excuse the technical
difficulties. A complete view of the chart, as I see it, will be attached below,
shortly after I post this.

As you can see, Bitcoin is in a very clear cyclical uptrend. As I've shown before,
this uptrend clearly respects a specific curvature on the log chart (blue curved
trendlines .) You may have heard that Bitcoin has a cycle every four years, but
that is clearly untrue. To illustrate this, I have highlighted the cycles in
different colors. The first cycle (in blue) lasted 47 weeks. The second cycle (in
purple) lasted 129 weeks. The third cycle (in gold ) lasted 211 weeks. Clearly, the
cycles are not four years. I'm not sure hoe people concluded that, but they did.
However, there is something IMMENSELY more interesting here. The cycles are on a
perfectly linear rise! This is one of the most incredible things I have ever seen,
in my eleven years as a technical analyst. What I mean by that, is that the time
between cycles, when plotted on a graph, is rising in a trajectory that is
perfectly linear. That means we can calculate, with a high level of certainty, when
the next bull market peak will occur. Based on this linear rise in cycle duration,
I have projected the the future bull market should peak after 295 weeks, in August
of 2023. I have shown that on the chart (in green.)

Unfortunately, I cannot show this in a graphical representation on TView. I was

able to plot it out on a chat by hand, but there is nothing that I can use in the
TView software to show this. To the developers, it would be nice if we had a way to
plot linear graphs, with standard X and Y axes, for studies such as this.



Os cr�ditos e as d�vidas correspondem a situa��es jur�dicas de natureza
patrimonial, pelo que n�odeve haver obst�culos � sua transmiss�o, quer integrados
num patrim�nio (transmiss�o a t�tulo universal),quer isoladamente (transmiss�o a
t�tulo singular).Os cr�ditos e as d�vidas s�o objecto de transmiss�o por morte
(2024�) e podem ser transmitidosem vida em virtude da verifica��o de qualquer dos
factos que produzem esse efeito, como a cess�o decr�ditos (577� e ss.), a sub-
roga��o (589� e ss.), a assun��o de d�vidas (595� e ss.) e a cess�o da
posi��ocontratual (424� e ss).
Sec��o II

anto excep��o � regra geral de imputa��o dos danos na esfera jur�dica ondeocorrem,
a responsabilidade civil consiste no conjunto de factos que d�o origem �
obriga��ode indemnizar os danos sofridos por outrem
[ressarcibilidade].Relativamente � distin��o entre responsabilidade subjectiva e
objectiva, importarecordar:

Responsabilidade subjectiva ou delitual: a responsabilidade civil pressup�e,regra
geral, culpa [art. 483�-2]. A culpa deve ser aqui entendida como umju�zo moral ou
de censura da conduta, seja ela praticada com dolo ou meraculpa. A actua��o do
agente �, assim, il�cita e culposa: um delito, enfim.
As responsabilidades obrigacional e extra-contratual s�o, em regra,subjectivas,
assentando no princ�pio da culpa: vg devedor que faltaao cumprimento da obriga��o,
com culpa [responsabilidadesubjectiva obrigacional].

Responsabilidade objectiva: constitui uma excep��o � regra geral daresponsabilidade
subjectiva ou delitual [art. 483�-2], j� que o dano �provocado, ainda que
independentemente de culpa do agente. Pressup�eum dano, como toda a
responsabilidade civil, mas n�o existe delito.Modalidades de responsabilidade
objectiva, consoante o t�tulo deimputa��o:

Direito das Obriga��es II - Lara Geraldes @ FDL

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