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Evaluation of Natural and Commercial Probiotics for Improving

Growth and Survival of the Pearl Oyster, Pinctada mazatlanica,
during Late Hatchery and Early Field Culturing
Oscar L. Aguilar-Macías, Josafat J. Ojeda-Ramírez, Angel I.
Campa-Córdova, and Pedro E. Saucedo1
Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste (CIBNOR), Mar Bermejo 195, Col. Playa
Palo Santa Rita, La Paz, Baja California Sur 23096, Mexico

Survival and growth of pearl oyster, Pinctada mazatlanica, juveniles fed microalgae supplemented
with natural and commercial probiotics were measured for 21 d at the hatchery. Probiotics tested were
(1) a Lactobacillus sp., (2) a mix of two bacilli, Burkholderia cepacia and Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
(3) a marine yeast, Yarrowia lipolytica, (4) Epicin-hatchery® as commercial probiotic, (5) an antibiotic
oxytetracycline, and (6) the control group fed Isochrysis galbana, Pavlova salina, and Chaetoceros
muelleri only. When the hatchery phase ended, the effects of probiotics were followed during the
early stages of field cultivation (90 d). Different from the control group, natural probiotics significantly
improved performance of juveniles during both phases, particularly in the field. The treatment with
Lactobacillus sp. significantly increased survival by 72%, growth in shell height by 63%, and growth in
wet weight by 83% over the control. The marine yeast and mix of bacilli provided intermediate results,
enhancing survival by 55–65%, shell height by 55–58%, and wet weight by 70–76% compared with
the control. Conversely, growth and survival in the treatments with Epicin and oxytetracycline were
significantly lower than in the control. These results show the potential of natural probiotics for
improving hatchery rearing of this pearl oyster.

In aquaculture, probiotics have been tested physiological regulation of larvae, spat, or juve-
in recent decades with promising results for niles of other bivalve species of economic inter-
enhancing the immune system and promot- est still remain unknown.
ing growth and survival of many marine Pearl oysters (Pteriidae) have been raised
species (see reviews by Gómez-Gil et al. 2000; in hatcheries since the 1970s and success-
Balcázar et al. 2006). This is true for fresh- ful protocols for controlled production of the
water and marine fish (see reviews by Ringo three main pearl-producing species (Pinctada
and Gatesoupe 1998; Gatesoupe 2007), penaeid fucata, Pinctada maxima, and Pinctada mar-
and nonpenaeid shrimps (Gullian et al. 2003; garitifera) are well standardized (see review
Farzanfar 2006; Ochoa-Solano and Olmos-Soto by Southgate 2008). Despite this, larvae of
2006), and bivalve mollusks (Douillet and the Pteriidae are susceptible to higher die-offs
Langdon 1994; Riquelme et al. 1997, 2000; from external factors that larvae of other fam-
Gibson et al. 1998; Avendaño et al. 2001, ilies (e.g., Ostreidae, Pectinidae) resist better
2002). With marine bivalves, however, stud- under confinement (Southgate and Beer 1997).
ies have been carried out only with lar- Among some important factors, growth of Vib-
vae and spat of two species of commercial rio and Pseudomonas pathogenic bacteria in
value, the Chilean scallop, Argopecten purpu- seawater used for hatchery rearing reduces sur-
ratus, and the Pacific oyster, Crassotrea gigas. vival of larvae and final yields of spat, lead-
Consequently, the real effects of probiotics on ing to high economic losses (Saucedo et al.
2007). This is true for P. mazatlanica (Hanley,
1856) in Mexico, where survival of larvae is
Corresponding author. 3–5% (Saucedo et al. 2005) and development
© Copyright by the World Aquaculture Society 2010


of adequate protocols for preventing bacterial

0.05 × 106 cell/mLc

infections and promoting hatchery production

1 × 106 cell/mL
1 × 106 cell/mL

1 × 106 cell/mL
of spat is very recent (Saucedo et al. 2007).
Additionally for this species, knowledge of

10 mg/Lb
10 mg/La
physiological and nutritional needs of hatchery-
reared larvae and postlarvae is still very limited.
As part of a project for hatchery production

of the bacteria constituting the product were not specified by the supplier (Epicore BioNetworks); dose reported by Guerrero-Avalos (2007).
of pearl oysters in Mexico, this study measured

Table 1. Specifications of the different probiotic treatments given to Pinctada mazatlanica juveniles during the late hatchery-culturing phase for 21 d.

Culture media

Silicate sol.
f2 medium
f2 medium
MRS agar

YPD agar
YPD agar
growth and survival of P. mazatlanica juveniles
fed basic diets of microalgae supplemented
with natural and commercial probiotics during

the late hatchery phase, with a follow-up
period of growth trends during the early field
cultivation phases. The goal is to find improved

Produced at the hatchery

Crassostrea corteziensis
Nodipecten subnodosus

Litopeneaus vannamei
hatchery production protocols for supporting

Bacteria formulationa
CIBNOR collection
Host species
pearl culture activities in northwestern Mexico.

Materials and Methods

Origin of Specimens and Experimental Design

Larvae were hatchery-reared in spring fol-
lowing the protocol of Saucedo et al. (2007).
Experiment code

After postlarvae settled (Days 21–23) and

remained under nursery care for 3 wk (Days



44–45), a group of 540 healthy juveniles mea-

suring 2–2.5 mm shell height were randomly
selected and divided into six groups of 90 juve-
niles each to test the following treatments of
Strain code

microalgae supplemented with probiotics for 21



d: (1) a Lactobacillus sp., (2) a 1:1 mix of two


bacilli, Burkholderia cepacia and Pseudomonas

aeruginosa, (3) a marine yeast, Yarrowia lipoly-
tica, (4) a commercial formulation of dried
probiotic bacteria (Epicin-hatchery®; Epicore
Scientific name/commercial name

Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Dose reported by Luna-González et al. (2002).

BioNetworks, Eastampton, NJ, USA), (5) the

Chaetoceros muellerii
Burkholderia cepacia

Yarrowia lipolytica

Isochrysis galbana

antibiotic oxytetracycline (Sigma, St. Louis,

Lactobacillus sp.

Dose reported by Saucedo et al. (2007).


Pavlova salina

MO, USA; no. O4636), and (6) a control group

consisting of the microalgae Isochrysis gal-
bana, Pavlova salina, and Chaetoceros muel-
lerii given at a 1:1:1 ratio (estimated by cell
count). For all treatments, juveniles received
first the basic diet of microalgae and 15 min
later the corresponding treatment of probi-
otics. Data of each probiotic treatment (Centro
Probiotic type

de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste’s

Marine yeast


a Details

(CIBNOR) collection code, experiment code,


culture medium, host species, and concentration


used) are presented in Table 1.


Probiotic treatments consisted of 4-L plastic were collected when starting the trials (Day 1
containers holding 30 specimens each. For or t0 ) for obtaining data of shell height (to the
each treatment, containers were managed in nearest 0.1 mm) and wet weight (to the near-
triplicate. Containers received fresh, gently est 0.01 g). Subsequent measurements of these
aerated seawater (27 ± 1 C; salinity of 37), variables were taken at Days 7 (t1 ), 14 (t2 ), and
further filtered at 1 μm and sterilized by 21 (t3 ) on groups of 30 randomly selected spec-
UV radiation. Every third day, containers imens from each treatment (10 per replicate).
were drained, washed, and refilled with fresh Absolute growth and survival of specimens
seawater at the same temperature and salinity. under each treatment were estimated with these
data. Growth rates were estimated by the dif-
Culture of Bacterial Strains ference between final and initial values, divided
by the experimental time at the hatchery (21 d).
Bacteria were isolated from different host
species (Table 1). Each strain was first selected Transferring Juveniles to the Field
from in vitro antagonism tests against the
pathogenic bacteria Vibrio alginolyticus and At the end of the hatchery phase, juveniles
Vibrio harveyi and then from hemolytic activ- were transferred to the field for a follow-
ity tests with bovine erythrocytes to confirm up cultivation period lasting 60 d. Juveniles
that none were toxic. Strains were stored in were placed on plastic trays (Nestier, Buckhorn,
Man, Rogosa and Sharpe (MRS) agar medium Milford, OH, USA) and kept on a submarine
(Difco Laboratories/BD Microbiology Systems, trestle at 10-m depth in Bahía de La Paz, Gulf of
Detroit, MI, USA; no. 288130) or yeast pep- California, Mexico (24◦ 16 N, 110◦ 19 W). Trays
tone dextrose (YPD) agar (Sigma, no. Y-1500) were managed in triplicate at each treatment.
supplemented with 15% glycerol at −80 C until Field samples were taken every 15 d (for t4 and
used. Each strain was identified by the BIOLOG t5 ) and then every 30 d (for t6 and t7 ). Juveniles
system (Biolog, Hayward, CA, USA). under each treatment were counted to estimate
survival rates and then measured (0.1 mm) and
weighed (0.01 g) in the same way described for
Preparation of Probiotic Treatments the hatchery phase for estimation of absolute
Probiotics were thawed and incubated in growth and growth rates in the field.
agar media (Table 1) at 30 C for 24–48 h.
The cells were removed from the culture Statistical Analysis
medium by centrifugation (14,000 g, 5 min Group normality (shell height and wet
at 4 C) and suspended in 3% sterile saline weight) was initially analyzed with the Kol-
solution. Proper optical density at 540 nm mogorov–Smirnov test and then confirmed
allowed having a stock density to 1 × 109 with the Levene test for homogeneity of vari-
CFU/mL (Ausubel 1999), further adjusted to ances (Sokal and Rohlf 1981). Thereafter, one-
1 × 106 cell/mL for addition to culturing way ANOVA was applied to assess significant
tanks. Additionally, a stock solution of 10 mg/L differences in survival and growth of speci-
was used for the Epicin and oxytetracycline mens as a function of the probiotic treatment.
treatments, as suggested for whiteleg shrimp The analysis was performed separately for the
postlarvae Litopenaeus vannamei (Guerrero- hatchery and field culturing phases. When nec-
Avalos 2007) and veliger larvae of four bivalve essary, post hoc, multiple-range comparisons
species (Luna-González et al. 2002). using the Tukey’s test were included. The level
of significance was set at P < 0.05.
Monitoring of Juveniles at the Hatchery
From the stock sample of 540 juveniles to Results
be fed with different probiotic treatments, a Figure 1 shows survival rate of specimens
subsample of 150 randomly selected specimens from all treatments during nursery and field

Figure 1. Survival rate of Pinctada mazatlanica juveniles

fed microalgae supplemented with different probiotic
treatments during late hatchery and early field culturing
phases. LAC = Lactobacillus sp.; YAR = Yarrowia
lipolytica; BAC = mix of Burkholderia cepacia and
Pseudomonas aeruginosa; EPI = Epicin-hatchery; OXY
= oxytetracycline; CON = control group. Bars denote
standard deviation. Survival means sharing superscripts
are not significantly different (P > 0 .05 ).

phases. At the end of the study, juveniles fed Figure 2. Absolute growth and growth rate for shell
the LAC treatment had the highest survival height of Pinctada mazatlanica juveniles fed microalgae
(68.8%), whereas the lowest survival (32%) supplemented with different probiotic treatments during
occurred in the OXY treatment. Survival was late hatchery and early field culturing phases. LAC =
significantly affected by the probiotic treat- Lactobacillus sp.; YAR = Yarrowia lipolytica; BAC = mix
of Burkholderia cepacia and Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
ment used at the hatchery (F = 4.86) and field EPI = Epicin-hatchery; OXY = oxytetracycline; CON
phases (F = 6.88). = control group. Bars denote standard deviation. Means
Absolute growth and growth rates, deter- within columns sharing superscripts are not significantly
mined by shell height, are presented in Figure 2. different (P > 0 .05 ).
Specimens fed with the LAC treatment grew
larger (18.5 mm) and faster (0.39 mm/d) than
those provided with EPI treatment, which (F = 5.89) and field (F = 3.22) phases, but
grew less (11.3 mm) and slower (0.24 mm/d). significance at the field was marginal.
These size differences were significant during
the hatchery (F = 8.89) and field (F = 4.18)
phases. Discussion
Results of growth in wet live weight are While some Vibrio and Pseudomonas bac-
presented in Figure 3. During the hatchery teria are commensals with no negative effects
phase, greater gain in wet biomass occurred in on the host, some others are pathogenic bac-
the YAR (23.5 mg and 0.96 mg/d) and LAC teria causing large economic losses in bivalve
(19.1 mg and 0.75 mg/d) treatments and less hatcheries (Riquelme et al. 1997; Gibson et al.
biomass in the EPI treatment (10.4 mg and 1998; Luna-González et al. 2002) and mari-
0.33 mg/d). During the field phase, both treat- culture farms (Beleneva et al. 2007). At CIB-
ments yielded similar body biomass increase NOR’s experimental hatchery in Bahía de La
(ca. 88 mg and 0.77 mg/d); less biomass Paz (Mexico), pathogen Vibrio occurs in sur-
gain occurred in the control group (55.9 mg; face seawater throughout the year at counts of
0.66 mg/d) during both phases. These weight approximately 35 × 103 CFU/mL and peaks
differences were significant at the hatchery at 80 × 103 CFU/mL during the summer

bivalves such as the Chilean scallop, A. purpu-

ratus (Riquelme et al. 1997, 2000; Avendaño
et al. 2002) and the Pacific oyster, C. gigas
(Douillet and Langdon 1994).
At the start of the trials, juvenile P. maza-
tlanica were approximately 45 d old and
measured 2–2.5 mm shell height. This size
range is consistent with sizes reported for
other Pteriidae of the same age produced in
hatcheries (see review by Southgate 2008).
At the end of the hatchery phase (66 d
old), juveniles reached 8.9 mm shell height
and weighed 13.4 mg wet weight, yielding
growth rates of 0.3 mm/d and 0.48 mg/d,
regardless of the treatment. Alagarswami et al.
(1983) and Southgate and Beer (1997) reported
growth rates of approximately 0.4 mm/d for
hatchery-reared P. fucata and P. margaritifera
on transfer to the sea. In contrast, shell growth
rates declined by 27% and weight growth rates
increased by 14% at the end of the field phase
Figure 3. Absolute growth and wet live growth rate of
Pinctada mazatlanica juveniles fed microalgae supple- (again, regardless of the treatment). This result
mented with different probiotic treatments during late suggests that the change from the controlled
hatchery and early field culturing phases. LAC = Lac- hatchery environment to a highly variable field
tobacillus sp.; YAR = Yarrowia lipolytica; BAC = mix environment differently affected gain in hard
of Burkholderia cepacia and Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
EPI = Epicin-hatchery; OXY = oxytetracycline; CON =
(shell) and soft (body tissue) biomass. As the
control group. Bars denote standard deviation. Means trend was the same for all probiotic treatments
within columns sharing superscripts are not significantly and was not related to the nutritional status
different (P > 0 .05 ). of the specimens, the explanation probably
comes from the difference of 4 C between the
hatchery (26 C) and the field (22 C) at the
(Sainz-Hernández and Maeda-Martínez 2005). time of transfer of specimens. Christophersen
These concentrations usually cause high die- and Magnesen (2001) observed that survival
offs of P. mazatlanica larvae during the sum- of Pecten maximus during the first days of
mer reproductive season and affect hatchery field cultivation depended not only on the
propagation of the species (Saucedo et al. 2007; temperature changes but also on the length
Abasolo-Pacheco and Saucedo 2009). In the of the acclimation time given to spat at the
Chesapeake Bay, Wright et al. (1996) also hatchery; specimens acclimated for 2–3 wk had
found higher concentrations of Vibrio vulnifi- 64–75% better survival than those receiving
cus during the warmer months of May, July, either none or 1-wk acclimation. We kept
and September, which are much lower than at P. mazatlanica under nursery care for 3 wk,
CIBNOR’s hatchery (3.0 × 101 to 2.1 × 102 which ensured 46% survival in the field for the
CFU/mL). Because of these findings, we tested control group and 65% in the LAC group (the
whether oysters fed a basic diet of microalgae difference is significant). While the acclimation
supplemented with probiotics in months where frame is consistent with the protocol of Pit and
the activity of pathogenic bacteria is lower Southgate (2000) for rearing P. margaritifera
(spring) would yield better results during the spat, our final survival rates are approximately
hatchery and field stages, as occur with other 50% higher than those reported for spat of

this species (26–34%) after transfer to the sea for postlarval shrimp is 10 mg/L, recent stud-
(Southgate and Beer 1997). ies with this product report inconsistent results.
When compared with the control group, the Guerrero-Avalos (2007) reported that growth
LAC strain significantly increased shell growth of shrimp postlarvae could only be achieved
rates by 63% and wet growth rates by 83% at when the dose was increased to 30–50 mg/L. In
the end of the trials. The YAR and BAC treat- marine bivalves, Abasolo-Pacheco and Saucedo
ments also enhanced survival (55–65%), shell (2009) observed that microalgae diets sup-
height (55–58%), and wet weight (70–76%) plemented with Epicin at 30–50 mg/L were
over the control. Better results with the LAC harmful (not lethal) for A. ventricosus, N. subn-
treatment were probably obtained because this odosus, and P. mazatlanica larvae rose at the
strain was isolated from the gut of a bivalve hatchery. In contrast, Granados-Amores (2008)
species (lions-paw scallop, Nodipecten subno- reported that growth of hatchery-raised N. subn-
dosus) and did not include mixtures with strains odosus juveniles was significantly improved
extracted from other zoological groups, such at concentrations of Epicin at approximately
as whiteleg shrimp, L. vannamei (in the case 3–6 mg/L. Hence, we suspect that the doses
of the BAC treatment). There are no available used as adequate for shrimp postlarvae (either
10 or 30–50 mg/L) may be adequate for
studies reporting efficacy of bacilli and yeasts
bivalve mollusks during their adult stage only
with marine bivalves, but some bacteria have
but not during their juvenile stages. We also
given satisfactory results as probiotics. Douil-
believe that the dose of OXY (10 mg/L) was
let and Langdon (1994) and Gómez-Gil et al.
excessive or toxic to juveniles.
(2000) reported that growth of C. gigas larvae
In summary, all natural probiotics (particu-
was enhanced by adding the strain CA2 (likely
larly lactobacilli) were beneficial and improved
Alteromonas spp.) as a supplement to the diet survival and growth of juvenile P. mazatlanica
of microalgae. With the same species, Gibson when used at the hatchery (further followed
et al. (1998) observed similar protective effects at the field). These results will help improve
of Aeromonas media (strain A199) against Vib- the protocols for rearing this pearl oyster, the
rio bacteria when rearing larvae at the hatch- species in our experimental hatchery. Addi-
ery. Moreover, a probiotic strain of Vibrio sp. tional tests on the immune response of the
helped increase survival of A. purpuratus larvae species are recommended, particularly during
by 240% over a control fed only with microal- the larval stage.
gae during the settlement stage (Avendaño et al.
2002), and at the same time provided pro-
tection against successive challenges from V. Acknowledgments
anguillarum (Riquelme et al. 1997, 2000). In We thank Mario Osuna and Pablo Ormart at
contrast, probiotic yeasts appear to yield better CIBNOR for technical support during hatchery
results as growth promoters of larvae of some rearing of spat and Ira Fogel for editorial review
marine and freshwater fish, including sea bass, of this manuscript. The research was carried out
Dicentrarchus labrax (Tovar et al. 2002, 2004) with a grant from CIBNOR and is part of a
and Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (Lara- BSc project supported by a scholarship from
Flores et al. 2003). CONACYT to the first and second authors.
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