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2nd term GROUP

1. Active listening.

Think to your mates presentation without cutting/interrupting them, if you need to remember
something, write it here:

2. Think of the weak points.

Think about what you think is wrong and do not say it or give any hint with your gestures or facial
postures. Write them here:

3. Think of possible better alternative solutions.

If you can think of a possible better way to do something and you know how to explain it, write down
the solutions to tell them:

4. Look for words to say it nicely.

After a hard work, changing things is not easy. Look at the way you have written your alternatives
and see if you can rephrase them in a way that really helps and does not annoy your mates:

5. Actually, say the words.

Keep track if your solutions are added to the project or not. If they have, you are an excellent
feedback giver!!!
Mantén una actitud positiva. Sé consciente de la fase en la que se encuentra el trabajo. Si estás
evaluando una etapa inicial, no critiques como si se tratara del producto final. Evita centrarte en
cuestiones de menor importancia. Recuerda que todo el mundo tiene una manera diferente de hacer
las cosas. Sé flexible y evita centrarte en cómo lo habrías hecho tú. Inicia y termina con algo
positivo. Busca ser útil.

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