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(Poverty Alleviation and Rural Reconstructive Society)

PARRS will work with both women and men to address the specific ideas and beliefs that create and
reinforce gender related Poverty.

Women and men are to have the same rights and opportunities to be active citizens and to
shape the conditions for decision-making.

Women and men, girls and boys must have the same conditions for a good health and be
offered care on equal terms.
Providing women and men with equal access to education, health care, decent work, and representation in political and
economic decision-making processes will fuel sustainable economies and benefit societies and humanity at larg:

promote opportunities for women and men to obtain decent work in conditions of freedom, equity, security and human dignity.
Gender equality is a key element in reaching this goal and is a cross-cutting policy

these objectives by working at two levels: 1. Organizational level 2.

PARRS wil achieve
Partners/programme level:

Organizational level :

lTo have a truly effective performance management process that supports employee performance, development and
success, you need to get everyone involved.

Having engaged and informed senior executives, managers and employees will ultimately result in higher participation rates
and better quality performance management.

So you need to clearly communicate to everyone, what they are responsible for as part of your new performance
management process. Here's breakdown of the responsibilities of each stakeholder group: executives and leadership,
managers, employees and HR.
PARRS staff at all levels, both programme and support staff, will become more gender aware by
attending training, having regular sessions/discussions, organizing forums on gender, and promoting
women rights as human rights, especially in areas of abuse and violence. Staff would ensure to work
with both men and women, together and separately, to have a more lasting impact on beliefs and
behavior and any work we do with women and men’s groups supports the promotion of gender equality
Staff will be ensuring that gender equality is reflected in all our planning, implementation and
monitoring/evaluation of all projects/ programmes. SPO staff will be capacitated on how to assess
change in the lives of women as a result of our intervention, having gender segregated data, collecting
success stories. All documentation will indicate that women’s interests have been taken into account
like SPO staff will not complete community visits without seeking the views of women and men. (Refer
to gender strategy for details)

Back ground:
PARRS is dedicated to a society where all people enjoy the freedom to pursue their own sustainable
development. We believe that development works when:

 Solutions are tailored to the local context and address the real needs of people living in poverty.
 It changes the underlying systems that keep poverty in place.
 It gives all people (women, men, girls and boys) the tools to guide their own development.
PARRS has six organisational values:
1. trust,
2. respect
3. equity
4. quality
5. diversity
6. people-centeredness. Specifically equity underscores the importance of addressing
inclusion, inequality of opportunity, and power imbalance through ’s parrs work.
Gender poverty reduction gender equality and women’s empowerment is enshrined in
PARRS’s mission reduce poverty , organisational values, project initiatives and
operational practices. As an organisation whose core principle is inclusive, sustainable
development, leverages tailored gender solutions, adapted to different socio-cultural
contexts in order to challenge structures perpetuating gender inequalities.

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