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Elsayes et al.

A b d o m i n a l I m ag i n g • P i c t o r i a l E s s ay
MRI of the
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MRI of the Peritoneum:

Spectrum of Abnormalities
Khaled M. Elsayes1,2 OBJECTIVE. Our objective was to detail peritoneal anatomy, techniques for optimizing
Paul T. Staveteig1 peritoneal MRI, and the MRI characteristics of several disease processes that frequently in-
Vamsidhar R. Narra1 volve the peritoneum.
John R. Leyendecker3 CONCLUSION. Homogeneous fat suppression and dynamic contrast-enhanced imag-
James S. Lewis, Jr.4 ing, including delayed imaging, are critical technical factors for successful lesion detection and
characterization on peritoneal MRI.
Jeffrey J. Brown1
Elsayes KM, Staveteig PT, Narra VR, iseases involving the peritoneum lymphatic vessels going to and from the ab-
Leyendecker JR, Lewis JS Jr, Brown JJ
D are frequently encountered in
medical practice. Primary abnor-
malities of the peritoneum are
dominal organs.
The omentum is a double-layer extension
of visceral peritoneum that extends from the
rare. However, involvement of the peritoneal stomach. The lesser omentum, also known
cavity and its specialized folds secondary to as the gastrohepatic ligament, arises from
infectious, neoplastic, and traumatic condi- the lesser curvature of the stomach and ex-
tions that originate at other sites within the ab- tends to the liver. The greater omentum
domen and pelvis is frequent. arises from the greater curvature of the stom-
MRI, because of its excellent tissue charac- ach and extends inferiorly in the peritoneal
terization and multiplanar abilities, is a pow- cavity. Other peritoneal ligaments, such as
erful tool for disease characterization and an- the gastrosplenic ligament and splenorenal
atomic delineation. This article details ligament, are also formed by fused double
peritoneal anatomy, techniques for optimiz- layers of peritoneum.
ing peritoneal MRI, and the MRI characteris- The peritoneal cavity consists of several
tics of several disease processes that fre- communicating spaces [2]. Fused layers of
quently involve the peritoneum. peritoneum form the transverse mesocolon,
Keywords: abdominal imaging, MRI, peritoneum which is the mesentery suspending the trans-
Peritoneal Anatomy verse colon. The transverse mesocolon di-
The peritoneum is a serous sac consisting vides the peritoneal cavity into suprameso-
Received September 27, 2004; accepted after revision of a thin mesothelial membrane that lines the colic and inframesocolic components, as
March 14, 2005. abdominal and pelvic cavities and covers seen in Figure 1A. As depicted, the trans-
most of the abdominal organs contained verse mesocolon acts as the floor of the
1Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology, Washington University
therein [1]. Although the peritoneum is a sin- lesser sac. The transverse mesocolon pro-
School of Medicine, 510 S Kingshighway Blvd., St. Louis,
gle continuous sheet, it is divided arbitrarily vides a pathway of spread for pancreatic dis-
MO 63110. Address correspondence to: K. M. Elsayes
( into two types, the visceral peritoneum and ease to the transverse colon.
the parietal peritoneum.
2Present address: Theodore Bilharz Institute, Giza, Egypt.
The parietal peritoneum lines the abdom- Supramesolic Compartment
inal and pelvic cavities. The visceral perito- The supramesocolic compartment (Fig. 1B)
of Radiology, Wake Forest University School
of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC.
neum covers the external surface of most ab- is divided into right and left peritoneal spaces
dominal organs, or viscera. The small and by the falciform ligament.
4Department of Surgical Pathology, Washington University large intestines are suspended from the pos- The left supramesocolic peritoneal space is
School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO. terior aspect of the peritoneal cavity by the bound on the right by the hepatic falciform
AJR 2006; 186:1368–1379
mesentery, a double layer of parietal perito- ligament and consists of anterior and poste-
neum that has fused during embryologic de- rior perihepatic components. The anterior and
velopment. The mesentery serves as a con- posterior perihepatic spaces communicate
© American Roentgen Ray Society duit for the blood vessels, nerves, and freely below the lower border of the liver.

1368 AJR:186, May 2006

MRI of the Peritoneum

Fig. 1—Schematics of liver and right kidney. Fluid collections in the

peritoneal anatomy. right perihepatic space are usually explained
A–C, In these sagittal (A), Stomach
axial (B), and coronal (C) by abnormalities involving the right hepatic
views, pouch of Douglas lobe, gallbladder, and duodenum.
and lateral paravesicular Supramesocolic
spaces are seen to
communicate (green
Peritoneum Inframesocolic Compartment
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arrows) with peritoneal The inframesocolic compartment, depicted

cavity. Peritoneum is in Figure 1C, is divided into two spaces by the
shown in red. Ao = aorta, Greater obliquely oriented small-bowel mesentery.
IVC = inferior vena cava, Peritoneal
Spl = spleen. The right inframesocolic space is to the right of
Space the small-bowel mesentery but medial to the
ascending colon. The left inframesocolic space
Inframesocolic is to the left of the small-bowel mesentery.
Peritoneum The right and left paracolic gutters run lat-
Duodenum erally to the ascending and descending co-
lonic reflections, respectively. The right para-
colic gutter is continuous superiorly with the
Transverse Mesocolon Transverse Colon
right perihepatic space. On the left, the
A phrenicocolic ligament represents a barrier
between the left paracolic gutter and the left
Falciform Ligament
supramesocolic peritoneal space. Finally, the
Gastrohepatic Ligament
midline pouch of Douglas and the lateral
paravesicular spaces form the most dependent
portions of the peritoneal cavity, where in-
fected fluid and malignant ascites usually
Gastrosplenic Ligament
pool by means of gravity.

MRI Technique
Splenorenal Ligament MRI evaluation of the peritoneal cavity re-
Right Supramesocolic Space
quires meticulous attention to technique. Ap-
Left Supramesocolic Space propriate coil placement and homogeneous
Foramen of Winslow Lesser Sac fat suppression are essential. Oral contrast
material and IV glucagon, although not rou-
B tinely used, can improve image quality.
Pulse sequences used for MRI examination
Phrenocolic Ligament
of the peritoneum are similar to those of stan-
dard abdominal MRI. Our standard protocol
comprises four types of sequences: a coronal
Small-Bowel Mesentery
T2-weighted single-shot fast spin-echo or
Mesocolon HASTE sequence; a turbo or fast spin-echo
T2-weighted or long-TE inversion-recovery
breath-hold sequence in the axial plane (STIR
Ascending Colon eliminates field artifacts and is usually
Descending Colon performed as a fat-saturated T2-weighted
pulse sequence); a gradient-recalled-echo T1-
Right Inframesocolic Space
weighted chemical-shift in-phase and out-of-
Left Inframesocolic Space phase breath-hold sequence in the axial plane;
Dependent Pelvis and a 3D gradient-echo breath-hold sequence,
such as a volumetric interpolated breath-hold
examination, which is fat suppressed.
Dynamic gadolinium-enhanced images
must be included, because peritoneal disease
This space can be affected by abnormalities bound medially by the falciform ligament, typically enhances slowly after contrast ad-
involving the left hepatic lobe, lesser gastric and a posterior component, known as the ministration [3]. The arterial phase images are
curvature, anterior gastric and duodenal lesser sac. The two right supramesocolic acquired at 15–20 sec, the portal phase im-
walls, and anterior wall of the gallbladder. spaces communicate via the foramen of Win- ages at 60–90 sec, and the delayed phase
The right supramesocolic peritoneal space slow. Morison’s pouch (also known as the images at 5 min after IV contrast injection.
comprises an anterior perihepatic region, hepatorenal fossa) is a recess between the Homogeneous fat suppression is a critical

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Elsayes et al.

Fig. 2—45-year-old man feature of the sequence to eliminate compet-

with right indirect ing signal from fat adjacent to the peritoneum.
inguinal hernia (arrows).
A and B, Axial gradient-
refocused-echo in- Disorders of Peritoneal Confinement
phase image (A) and Hernias are abnormal protrusions of in-
axial fast spin-echo T2-
weighted image (B) show
traabdominal contents through a defect in the
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bowel loops and fat abdominal wall, usually as the result of a con-
herniating through right genital defect, a loss of tissue strength, or
external inguinal ring. trauma. Hernias are typically described by an-
atomic location. MRI characterizes hernias
well on the basis of its ability to differentiate
tissue planes.

Indirect Inguinal Hernia

In indirect inguinal hernias (Fig. 2), intra-
peritoneal contents herniate through the in-
ternal inguinal ring lateral to the inferior epi-
A gastric vessels and into the inguinal canal.
Bowel strangulation, incarceration, and ob-
struction may result from these and other
types of hernias.

Spigelian Hernia
A spigelian hernia is a hernia through the
lateral ventral abdominal wall at the point
where the semilunar and semicircular lines
intersect at the lateral border of the rectus ab-
dominus, also known as the spigelian apo-
neurosis. Classic spigelian hernias are cranial
to the junction of the inferior epigastric ves-
sels and the spigelian aponeurosis. Visualiza-
tion of a spigelian hernia on physical exami-
nation can be difficult, particularly in obese
patients. Bowel may herniate through the
spigelian hernia and become incarcerated or
strangulated. Omentum may also herniate
B through the spigelian aponeurosis. Abdomi-
nal pain may result from omental infarction
within a spigelian hernia.

Incisional Hernia
An incisional hernia results during or af-
ter closure of anterior abdominal wall inci-
sions (Fig. 3). Imaging may be useful for
showing the size and location of the abdom-
inal defect, particularly in obese patients,
and for differentiating hernia from he-
matoma early after surgery. MRI provides
excellent multiplanar tissue resolution for
hernia characterization [4].
Fig. 3—51-year-old
woman with left ventral
Peritoneal Inflammation and
incisional hernia. Axial
T1-weighted 3D Intraperitoneal Fluid
volumetric interpolated Inflammatory peritoneal disease may re-
breath-hold image sult in acute or chronic peritonitis. Peritonitis
shows left incisional
hernia containing may be infectious and is typically seen in the
mesenteric fat and small- setting of bowel perforation, diverticulitis,
bowel loops (arrow). appendicitis, or severe cholecystitis. Bacterial

1370 AJR:186, May 2006

MRI of the Peritoneum

peritonitis may also result from peritoneal in- Noninfectious causes of peritonitis include A dynamic, enhanced gradient-echo pulse
strumentation, such as peritoneal dialysis, pancreatitis and systemic diseases such as sequence is particularly pertinent for the diag-
surgery, or penetrating abdominal trauma. systemic lupus erythematosus. nosis of peritonitis. The administration of IV
contrast material produces peritoneal en-
hancement in cases of peritonitis. The perito-
neal contour may remain smooth, in contrast
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Fig. 4—36-year-old man to the nodular peritoneal contour more typical

with acute peritonitis. of neoplastic disease [5] (Fig. 4).
A and B, Axial T1
gradient-refocused- Sarcoidosis is a granulomatous systemic
echo volumetric disease of unknown cause that infrequently
interpolated breath-hold involves the peritoneum [6]. MRI characteris-
images before (A) and
after (B) contrast tics typical of sarcoid peritonitis include re-
administration show gions of enhancing peritoneum, with soft-tis-
smooth linear sue infiltration of the omentum and
enhancement of
peritoneum (arrows, B)
mesentery (Fig. 5).
with unenhanced
intraperitoneal fluid, Hemoperitoneum
representing acute Hemoperitoneum usually occurs second-
ary to abdominal trauma or tumor rupture.
Blood products evolve over time into deox-
yhemoglobin, methemoglobin, and other
A degradation products, with concomitant sig-
nal changes (Fig. 6). The appearance of
blood products on MRI varies with their
stage of evolution. Acute blood in the form
of deoxyhemoglobin is isointense on T1-
weighted images and dark on T2-weighted
images. Subacute blood in the form of meth-
emoglobin is hyperintense on T1-weighted
images. Initially, methemoglobin is intrac-
ellular and appears dark on T2-weighted im-
ages. Subsequently, it becomes bright on
T2-weighted images as the red cells lyse and
the methemoglobin becomes extracellular.
An old hemorrhage is dark on both T1- and
T2-weighted images because of the pres-
ence of hemosiderin. T1-weighted images
B with fat saturation are quite sensitive in de-
tecting methemoglobin. Gradient-echo im-
ages can magnify the susceptibility effects
of decreased signal intensity seen with he-
mosiderin and deoxyhemoglobin, thereby
increasing their conspicuity. Similarly, a le-
sion that loses significant signal intensity on
in-phase images compared with out-of-
phase images of shorter TE may contain
blood products. Smooth peritoneal wall en-
hancement is sometimes noted, likely from
reactive inflammation (Fig. 7).
Fig. 5—42-year-old man
with sarcoidosis. Axial Pneumoperitoneum
enhanced T1-weighted Pneumoperitoneum (intraperitoneal air)
echo volumetric usually results from instrumentation or vis-
interpolated breath-hold cus perforation and is characterized by re-
image shows irregularly gions of signal absence on T1- and T2-
enhancing omental soft
tissue (arrows) weighted images. Free intraperitoneal air
secondary to can be a subtle MRI finding, requiring a
sarcoidosis. thorough search pattern. Gradient-refo-

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Elsayes et al.

cused-echo sequences are the most sensitive Intraperitoneal Bile Leak dium (Teslascan, GE Healthcare), which results
in depicting dephasing artifacts from free A bile leak usually results from surgery and is in increased intraperitoneal T1 signal intensity
air due to “blooming” associated with mag- clinically occult when the leakage is present in on delayed enhanced images (Fig. 9). This in-
netic field inhomogeneities at air–tissue in- small amounts. An active bile leak can be eluci- creased signal results from biliary excretion of
terfaces [7] (Fig. 8). dated by administration of mangafodipir triso- the contrast agent, which usually collects in the
right upper quadrant. Formation of a pseudocap-
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sule results in biloma formation. Other findings,

such as peritoneal inflammation, likely related to
Fig. 6—55-year-old both recent surgery and inflammation secondary
woman with to bile leakage, are visualized as smooth perito-
intraperitoneal subacute
hematoma. neal contrast enhancement. Bilomas are typi-
A and B, Axial T2- cally cystic, heterogeneously hypointense on
weighted inversion- T1-weighted images, homogeneously hyperin-
recovery image (A) and
axial gradient- tense on T2-weighted images, and lacking inter-
refocused-echo image nal enhancement (Fig. 10) [8].
(B) show subacute blood, Mangafodipir trisodium is a hepatocyte-se-
best seen in perihepatic
space (arrows). Use of
lective contrast agent that is partially eliminated
inversion recovery via biliary excretion. Maximal hepatic paren-
eliminates near-field chymal enhancement occurs during the first 20
artifact. min after intravenous injection of this agent. De-
layed images acquired at about 60 min after in-
jection can be used to assess possible bile leaks.
Unfortunately, Mangafodipir trisodium is no
longer available in the United States. Multi-
Hance (Gadobenate dimeglumine, Bracco Di-
agnostics) is also partially excreted by the biliary
system, however, further experience is needed to
determine its efficacy in assessing bile leaks.

Peritoneal Neoplasms
Benign Tumors
A variety of benign tumors of the perito-
A neum can manifest as soft-tissue masses.
These lesions include lipomas, neurofibromas,
and other mesenchymal tumors. Peritoneal and
mesenteric neurofibromatosis is uncommon,
seen most often in patients with a diagnosis of
neurofibromatosis type 1 (von Reckling-
hausen’s disease). Peritoneal and mesenteric
neurofibromas have MRI characteristics simi-
lar to those of neurofibromas in other anatomic
locations. Typically, neurofibromas are hypo-
to isointense to muscle on T1-weighted im-
ages, are hyperintense to muscle on T2-
weighted images, and show moderate to brisk
gadolinium enhancement [9] (Fig. 11). Both
T2-weighted and gadolinium-enhanced T1-
weighted gradient-echo pulse sequences are
useful for the diagnosis of neurofibromatosis.
Cystic mesothelioma of the peritoneum is a
rare benign neoplasm that occurs predomi-
nantly in women and tends to recur locally. It
is seen as a multilocular mass that can be con-
fused with other intraperitoneal cystic lesions.

Malignant Tumors
Peritoneal mesothelioma—Primary peri-
B toneal mesothelioma is a rare neoplastic

1372 AJR:186, May 2006

MRI of the Peritoneum

Fig. 7—48-year-old man with infected intraperitoneal hematoma.

A–C, Axial T2-weighted image (A) and axial T1-weighted gradient-refocused-echo
volumetric interpolated breath-hold images before (B) and after (C) IV administration
of contrast material show linear smooth peritoneal enhancement, with presence of
intraperitoneal blood-intensity signal.
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Fig. 8—54-year-old man with pneumoperitoneum.
A and B, Axial in-phase (A) and out-of-phase (B) images show small amount of free air (arrows). Conspicuity is increased on in-phase images because of longer TE, resulting
in greater susceptibility artifact.

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Elsayes et al.

Fig. 9—48-year-old condition of the peritoneum, often associ-

woman with bile leak. ated with asbestos exposure. Peritoneal me-
A–C, Axial fat-
suppressed T1-weighted sothelioma spreads along the serosal surface
image (A) and axial (B) and may invade solid and hollow viscera di-
and coronal (C) fat- rectly. MRI of the peritoneum typically re-
suppressed T1-weighted
images 1 hr after IV
veals a peritoneal mass with delayed con-
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administration of trast enhancement, often in association with

mangafodipir trisodium sheets of enhancing peritoneal disease.
show hyperintense Small nodules may be seen in the early
perihepatic fluid
denoting bile leak stages. Later, these nodules may coalesce to
(arrow, C). form large, confluent masses or omental
caking [10] (Fig. 12).
Peritoneal metastases—Metastatic disease
is the most commonly encountered neoplas-
tic process involving the peritoneum. Peri-
toneal carcinomatosis is typically mani-
fested by enhancing peritoneal nodules
A (Figs. 13 and 14) or a rind of enhancing
perihepatic soft tissue. In patients with ova-
rian neoplasms, gastrointestinal malignan-
cies, or pseudomyxoma peritonei, the peri-
toneal surfaces, including the perihepatic
ligaments and transverse mesocolon, are
frequent sites of tumor deposition [11].
These neoplastic peritoneal nodules and
sheets enhance gradually after gadolinium
administration. Distinguishing between
simple perihepatic ascites and perihepatic
peritoneal neoplastic disease can be difficult
with CT because peritoneal disease may not
enhance significantly with iodinated con-
trast material. Gadolinium-enhanced MR
images, on the other hand, are sensitive to
peritoneal enhancement, which is seen with
inflammatory or malignant peritoneal dis-
ease but not with simple ascites [12]. The
most common locations of peritoneal me-
tastases are the pouch of Douglas, ileocecal
region, right paracolic gutter, sigmoid
mesocolon, greater omentum, and right sub-
diaphragmatic parietal peritoneum [13].
Mesenteric carcinoid—Intraabdominal
carcinoid tumors, although often arising from
the foregut, midgut, and hindgut, may also
arise from neuroendocrine cells within
Meckel’s diverticulum, within cystic duplica-
tions, and within the mesentery and perito-
neum. Mesenteric carcinoid tumors are usu-
ally seen as nodular masses associated with
mesenteric stranding. Ninety-four percent of
carcinoid tumors are hypervascular and ex-
hibit low T1 signal intensity, high T2 signal
intensity, and moderately intense gadolinium
enhancement [14] (Fig. 15). Independent of
site of origin, aggressive carcinoid tumors
typically spread to the mesentery, mesenteric
lymph nodes, liver, ovaries, and spleen. Bone
C metastases are not rare.

1374 AJR:186, May 2006

MRI of the Peritoneum

Miscellaneous Diseases a multiloculated or uniloculated well-de- Endometrial Implants

Mesenteric Cysts fined abdominal mass, usually in the mesen- Endometrial implants, the hallmark of en-
Mesenteric cysts are composed of a di- tery of the small bowel [15]. The MRI signal dometriosis, are focal deposits of functioning
verse group of fluid-filled lesions, usually intensity of mesenteric cysts varies depend- endometrial tissue outside the uterus
serous, sanguineous, or mixed. They are ing on the cyst contents. Serous cysts tend to (Fig. 17) [16]. Endometriosis is a common
classified on the basis of the tissue of origin have a low T1 signal, whereas proteinaceous disorder of women of reproductive age. The
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and can be divided into lymphatic, mesothe- and hemorrhagic cysts have an intermediate ectopic endometrium is responsive to ovarian
lial, enteric, or urogenital types or may be to high T1 signal. Mesenteric cysts show no hormones, resulting in a typical cyclic pat-
related to prior infection or trauma. The typ- internal enhancement with gadolinium che- tern of symptoms. Endometrial implants
ical MRI appearance of mesenteric cysts is lates (Fig. 16). commonly involve the serosal surface of the

Fig. 10—52-year-old man with biloma.
A and B, Axial T1-weighted 3D gradient-refocused-echo volumetric interpolated breath-hold image (A) and axial T2-weighted inversion recovery image (B) show lambda-
shaped fluid collection (arrows) adjacent to caudate lobe, representing biloma.

Fig. 11—39-year-old woman with neurofibromatosis type 1. Axial T1-weighted

volumetric interpolated breath-hold image obtained after IV administration of
gadolinium chelate shows heterogeneously enhancing mass (arrow) involving
small-bowel mesentery, representing neurofibromatosis.

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Fig. 12—58-year-old man with mesothelioma.
A–C, Gradient-refocused-echo out-of-phase image (A) and enhanced axial T1-
weighted 3D gradient-refocused-echo volumetric interpolated breath-hold images
(B and C) show enhancing large mass (arrows, A and B), representing mesothelioma,
which is entangling bowel loops.

Fig. 13—44-year-old woman with metastases from ovarian cancer. Axial enhanced Fig. 14—41-year-old woman with ovarian cancer. Axial fat-suppressed gradient-
T1-weighted 3D gradient-refocused-echo volumetric interpolated breath-hold image refocused-echo T1-weighted enhanced image shows peritoneal tumor implants in
shows nodular enhancement of peritoneum over liver surface (arrows), representing perihepatic space (white arrow) and Morison’s pouch (black arrow).
metastases in patient with history of ovarian cancer.

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MRI of the Peritoneum
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Fig. 15—48-year-old woman with mesenteric
carcinoid tumor.
A, Three-dimensional subvolume maximum-intensity
projection shows narrowing of ileocolic artery (arrow).
B and C, Enhancing mass (arrows) is seen on portal
venous phase images, with involvement of draining veins.

ovary, where they can be cystic and are re- decreased T2 signal). Chronic hemorrhage or teratomas. Common locations for endome-
ferred to as endometriomas or chocolate fibrosis can result in focal areas of signal trial implants, in addition to the ovaries, in-
cysts. The implants can incite an inflamma- void on both T1- and T2-weighted images clude the peritoneal lining around the rec-
tory reaction resulting in adhesions and fi- [17]. Fat-suppressed T1-weighted imaging is tovaginal pouch and the abdominal wall [16].
brosis. Because of cyclic hormonal stimula- the most sensitive MRI technique for depict-
tion, endometriomas often exhibit varying ing endometriomas [18]. The use of fat satu- Conclusion
stages of hemorrhage (most commonly in- ration helps to distinguish endometrial im- The peritoneum, including peritoneal re-
creased T1 and T2 signal or increased T1 and plants from fatty lesions, such as ovarian flections and spaces, is difficult to visualize

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Fig. 16—51-year-old man with mesenteric cyst.
A, Axial enhanced T1-weighted 3D gradient-refocused-echo volumetric interpolated breath-hold image shows large, nonenhancing extrahepatic cystic structure (arrow)
posterior to portal vein and anterior to hepatic artery, representing mesenteric cyst.
B, T2-weighted image shows homogeneously bright signal (arrow).

Fig. 17—48-year-old woman with cystic liver lesion incidentally discovered on CT.
A, Coronal T2-weighted HASTE image shows high-signal-intensity lesion (arrow)
posterior to right hepatic lobe.
B and C, Unsubtracted (B) and subtracted (C) axial T1-weighted gadolinium-
enhanced images show capsule-based lesion (arrows) secondary to endometriosis.


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