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Lengua 3 CLASS 6


Activity 1. Watch the video “Kids Describe Feminism to an Illustrator “:
Answer the following questions

1. What is/are their definition about feminism?

2. Why the kids admire the women around them?

3. What is the future of feminism/women?

4. How much (%) of women are firefighters?

10% 70% 7%
15% 17%

Activity 2. Watch the video “Noitamina Poulette's Chair”

1. Pair work. Make a connection between the story from the video and Feminism. Use ONLY ideas
in PRESENT SIMPLE and CONTINUOUS (positive and negative).

2. Create at least 3 questions about it. All of the questions/answers need to be defined in SIMPLE

3. Present your answers and ideas to the class

Activity 3. Research about an important woman in history and tell why she contributed to society.

Use ideas in PRESENT SIMPLE (positive/negative)

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