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S-1 Program of Nursing Science

College of Health Science Cahaya Bangsa


Novita Karina


The Effect of Relaxation Breath Technique Toward Oxygen

Saturation of Child Pneumonian at Region Hospital Idaman Banjarbaru


Pneumonian is the most one motive of child death in thr world. Pneumonian can
make death than 2 million of in every years. Pneumonia can happen because lungs
infammatin whoose can nake feel pain every take a breath and make the oxygen

Relaxation deep breath technique is a ners intervention in a self manner to

internis painful down, to lungs up vertilation, and blood up on oxygen.

Oxygen saturation is a hemoglobe presentation connection eith the oxygen on

artery. In normaly oxygen saturation is between 95-100%.

This research design use Quasy Experiment with pre and post sign design. In
this taking sampel technique use exidental, is that sample determine technique with
taking population at there when did research at tge hospital. The total of the sample
is 30 child.

Results of this research have effect indicatio of deep breath technique toward
raise oxygen saturation of pneumonian child. Perifer before oxygen saturation is
89.93% and after give deep breath technique is 94,20%. The result of “T couple”
ecl, periment with value p=0,000 (a<0,05).
The characteristic is suitable with dominant gender to famale with presentation
(53,3%) which total 8 child, suitable with respondent age between 10-12 years old,
which total 8 child (53,3%) and 7-9 years old which total 7 child (46,7%).

The conclusion of this research is te effect of relaxation deep breath technique

toward oxygen saturation of pneumonian child at Region Hosipital Idaman
Banjarbaru City 2018. And the suggestion is to use relaxayion deep breath
technique to alternatif teraphy to handle crowdes of pneumonian and to oxygen
saturation up at Region Hospital Banjarbaru City.

Keywords : Relaxation Deep Breath Technique, Oxygen Saturation,

Pneumonian Child.

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