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Reaction Paper on the Condition of the Philippines in the Advent of Rizal

I. Introduction

This paper deals with the condition of the Philippines in the Advent of Rizal. Specifically,
it will focus on the economic situation in the Philippines during the 19th century. It will present
some conflicting ideas and thoughts relevant to the economic development after the termination
of galleon trade in 1815. At the end of this paper, the writer will provide her own view regarding
the ideas and thoughts presented.

II. Conflicting Ideas/Arguments

One of the important developments during the 19th century was the termination of galleon
trade in 1815. Once more, the economic landscape of the country benefited not only foreign
merchants but a great number of native workers and the government in general. This resulted
positive international impressions from international traders. The main conflict that will be dealt
with in this paper is about the opposing thoughts particularly on economic change of the

In his written discussion about the economic change, De la Costa (1992) stated, “The
character and interests of the trade in these possessions is now entirely changed.” He also added,
“It was only for traffic commodities of other countries exclusively; now it is that in those of its
own soil, how advantages are diffused through laboring masses of the population and contribute
nearly half annually to the treasury.”

III. Conclusion

Based on the ideas and thoughts presented above, I suppose that bringing our state into
disrepute cannot deliver real service to people. Because if only our country will remain covenant
– upholding native traders against powerful corruption, the country will still be advanced and
progressive. I believe that our government can still eradicate economic divergence.

Lyka S. Diaz

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