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Care of the transgender patient: the role of the gynecologist
Cécile A. Unger, MD, MPH

introduced as a standard psychiatric

Gender dysphoria refers to distress that is caused by a sense of incongruity between an term.6 In 1994, “transsexualism” was
individual’s self-identified gender and natal sex. Diagnosis is made in accordance with removed from the DSM and replaced
the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and treatment first involves with “gender identity disorder,” a term
psychiatric therapy, which can help determine a patient’s true goals in regards to used to diagnose patients who experience
achieving gender identity. Patients who wish to transition to the opposite sex must significant gender dysphoria and wish to
undergo a supervised real-life test and often are treated with hormonal therapy to live their lives as the opposite sex.7 The
develop physical characteristics consistent with their gender identity. Sex reassignment DSM-V, published in May 2013, revised
surgery is an option for patients who wish to transition completely. Transpatients face their diagnostic criteria for patients
many barriers when it comes to basic health needs including education, housing, and experiencing gender incongruence. In an
health care. This is a result of long-standing marginalization and discrimination against attempt to depathologize gender identity
this community. Because of these barriers, many patients do not receive the proper and to eliminate some of the social
health care that they need. Additionally, because of certain high-risk behaviors as well as stigma attached to it, “gender identity
long-term hormonal therapy, transpatients have different routine health care needs that disorder” was removed from the DSM as
should be addressed in the primary care setting. Gynecologists play an important role in a formal psychiatric diagnosis, and it was
caring for transgender patients and should be knowledgeable about the general prin- replaced with “gender dysphoria,” which
ciples of transgender health. refers to the distress that is caused by a
discrepancy between a person’s gender
Key words: gender dysphoria, gender identity disorder, sex reassignment, transgender, identity and natal sex. This new diagnosis
transsexual attempts to avoid classifying patients
who may vary in their gender identity
or expression with an actual psychiatric

G ender identity is the sense one has

of being male or female.1 Trans-
gender individuals are people who feel an
the transition with genital reassignment
About two-thirds of transgender in-
condition, and it provides guidelines
for diagnosis that will assist providers
with treatment to reduce the distress
incongruity between their self-identified dividuals have early onset of identifica- that these patients experience. “Trans-
gender and their birth gender.2 Mani- tion with the opposite sex in early sexualism” is still used to describe
festation of transgenderism exists on a childhood, while a third of patients those individuals who wish to or have
spectrum. Patients may simply live their discover their identity later in life.3 Un- completed transition with reassignment
lives as members of the opposite sex, they derstanding proper terminology is an surgery. “Gender nonconformity” refers
may choose to undergo partial transition important part of the diagnostic stage, as to behavior and is the extent to which an
with hormonal therapy and/or some historically, there has been muddling of individual’s expression of gender identity
minor physical changes, or complete certain terms. Psychiatric diagnoses in differs from cultural norms for that
the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of particular gender. The most important
Mental Disorders (DSM) for conditions thing to realize is that while there
From the Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Women’s that relate to gender identity and sex are subtle distinctions among “gender
Health Institute, Center for Female Pelvic behaviors have always been very contro- nonconformity,” “transgenderism,” and
Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery,
Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH.
versial. It was not until the 1940s that “transsexualism,” any of these conditions
a distinction was made among the or forms of expression can be associated
Received March 14, 2013; revised May 11,
2013; accepted May 20, 2013. terms “transgenderism,” “transsexualism,” with gender dysphoria, which implies
The author reports no conflict of interest.
and “homosexuality.” “Transgenderism” distress in an individual’s life, and can be
was used to describe individuals who treated with a combination of psycho-
Reprints: Cécile A. Unger, MD, MPH, Obstetrics,
Gynecology, and Women’s Health Institute, identified with the opposite sex and therapy, hormonal therapy, and surgery.8
Center for Female Pelvic Medicine and desired to live their lives in that role; Figure 1 lists the different terms and their
Reconstructive Surgery, Cleveland Clinic, while “transsexualism” was specific to definitions commonly used to describe
9500 Euclid Ave./A81, Cleveland, OH 44195. individuals desiring complete transition gender identity and sex behaviors.
through sex reassignment.4 However, Large epidemiologic studies on the
“transsexualism” did not appear as a incidence and prevalence of trans-
ª 2014 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved. formal diagnosis in the DSM until 1980,5 genderism have not been conducted, as
7 years after “gender dysphoria” was this population has proven to be very

16 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology JANUARY 2014 General Gynecology Expert Reviews
difficult to study. The only data available
are on the prevalence of individuals who FIGURE 1
present for sex reassignment or gender- Terminology
related care in Europe. A study from
Sex: Biological and physiological characteristics that define “men” and “women”
The Netherlands reported a prevalence without regard to one’s own identity.
rate of 1:11,900 and 1:30,400 in men and
women, respectively.9 In Europe, this 1:3 Gender identity: Inherent sense of being male or female regardless of sex.
ratio of women to men is common, Sexual orientation: The sex that a person is physically attracted to; also known as
perhaps because it is easier for women to sexual preference.
assume masculine roles in these societies
Gender nonconformity: The extent to which a person’s gender identity, role, or
without having to seek sex reassignment, expression differs from the cultural norms prescribed for people of a particular sex.
whereas assuming a feminine role for
men is less accepted. However, in other Transgenderism: Individuals who identify with the opposite sex rather than their
natal sex, who have not achieved reassignment to the desired sex or want only
parts of the world, small studies have partial adaptation.
revealed that there are as many, if not
more, women than men who are trans- Transsexualism: Individuals who desire to achieve reassignment and have
gender.10 Therefore, no definitive con- committed to transitioning to their desired sex.
clusions can be drawn regarding the
Transvestitism: Individuals who have a preference for cross-dressing but have no
actual prevalence between the 2 sexes. desire to change their biologic sex.
The etiology of transgenderism is not
Gender dysphoria: Discomfort or distress that is caused by a discrepancy between
known. A biological theory supports the
a person’s gender identity and that person’s natal sex. Current formal diagnosis
concept of sexual differentiation in the found in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th edition).
brain and relies on the notion that
the human brain is dimorphic in nature Gender identity disorder: Previous formal diagnosis found in the Diagnostic and
and in utero develops into either the fe- Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th edition) for individuals who experience
gender dysphoria; these individuals can be transgender or transsexual.
male or male brain.11 Cadaver studies
examining male-to-female transsexual Unger. Care of the transgender patient. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2014.
brains have shown a female-specific
pattern of development and size specif-
ically in the bed nucleus of the stria ter- stereotypically associated with one’s Endocrine Society. The first Standards of
minalis, which is responsible for sex assigned sex at birth is a common and Care for Gender Dysphoric Persons was
behavior.12 Interestingly, the size of this culturally diverse human phenomenon drafted in 1978 with the most recent
bed nucleus was shown to be independent [that] should not be judged as inher- version (7th edition) published in
of sexual orientation and only correlated ently pathological or negative.” The or- 2011.14 While these standards are flexible
with biologic sex.13 These limited data ganization emphasizes that gender to meet the needs of all transgender in-
imply that there may be an inherent bio- nonconformity is simply a matter of dividuals, they offer a framework for
logic component to gender identity, but diversity while gender dysphoria may providers to care for these patients.
this theory requires further research. require treatment as the individual’s An important goal of WPATH has
While there were once strong beliefs feelings of discrepancy between natal sex been “lasting personal comfort with
that transgenderism was purely psychi- and gender identity may cause signifi- the gendered self to maximize over-
atric in nature,11 there is no evidence cant distress.14 Only some individuals all psychological wellbeing and self-
currently that this is the case. Addi- with gender nonconformity experience fulfillment.”1 Individuals who experience
tionally, theories exist regarding the role gender dysphoria and it is crucial to gender dysphoria must be properly
of the environment and child rearing, understand that while this is mislabeled evaluated before this goal can be ach-
but there are not enough data to as a psychiatric disorder, the actual eti- ieved, and this evaluation takes place in
conclude that this plays a major role in ology is multifactorial, and should 2 parts. First, the criteria put forth by the
the disorder either. As previously simply be considered a variant of what DSM must be met (Figure 2). This is
mentioned, there have been efforts society may consider to be normal. determined by a trained mental health
recently to “depsychopathologize” con- professional who is competent in the care
ditions related to gender nonconformity Diagnosis and initial management of transgender patients and understands
and identity. In 2010, the World Pro- The standards of care and treatment his or her role in the care of these
fessional Association for Transgender for patients with gender dysphoria patients, as outlined by the WPATH
Health (WPATH) released a statement have been established by 2 important standards of care. Once patients are
addressing this, stating the following: organizations: the WPATH (formerly determined to meet criteria for gender
“the expression of gender characteris- the Harry Benjamin International dysphoria, a period of up to 12 months
tics, including identities that are not Gender Dysphoria Association) and the is sometimes necessary to assess the

JANUARY 2014 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 17

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if not 2 separate referrals, while some

FIGURE 2 procedures require 12 months of con-
DSM diagnostic criteria for gender dysphoria tinuous hormonal therapy as well as
the completion of the real-life experi-
A. A marked incongruence between one’s experienced/expressed gender and assigned
gender, of at least 6 months duration, as manifested by 2 or more of the following indicators: ence. Providers managing hormonal
therapies and/or performing gender-
1. A marked incongruence between one’s experienced/expressed gender and related surgeries are responsible for
primary and/or secondary sex characteristics (or, in young adolescents, the
anticipated secondary sex characteristics) ensuring that these requirements have
been met. While some providers be-
2. A strong desire to be rid of one’s primary and/or secondary sex characteristics lieve it is important for patients to un-
because of a marked incongruence with one’s experienced/expressed gender (or, in
young adolescents, a desire to prevent the development of the anticipated secondary dergo formal psychotherapy for gender
sex characteristics) dysphoria, it is not an absolute re-
quirement for hormonal or surgical
3. A strong desire for the primary and/or secondary sex characteristics of the other
gender management.

4. A strong desire to be of the other gender (or some alternative gender different from Hormone therapy
one’s assigned gender)
Many transgender patients choose to
5. A strong desire to be treated as the other gender (or some alternative gender initiate hormone therapy to help make
different from one’s assigned gender) their physical appearance concordant
6. A strong conviction that one has the typical feelings and reactions of the other with their gender identity. The diag-
gender (or some alternative gender different from one’s assigned gender) nostic phase must be complete prior to
initiating hormones and many patients
B. The condition is associated with clinically significant distress or impairment in social,
occupational, or other important areas of functioning, or with a significantly increased risk of also remain in therapy during this time
suffering, such as distress or disability period. Some patients choose to overlap
the real-life experience with hormone
therapy, which is encouraged. The main
With a disorder of sex development objectives of hormonal therapy are to
Without a disorder of sex development suppress the sex characteristics associ-
ated with the patient’s natal sex, and to
induce the characteristics of the desired
DSM, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition.
sex. Figure 3 describes the options for
Unger. Care of the transgender patient. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2014.
hormonal therapy for both male-to-
female and female-to-male patients and
Figure 4 outlines the standards for
severity of the gender dysphoria and to (at least 12 months) where the patient monitoring hormonal therapy once it is
determine if the patient will benefit lives full time as a person of the desired initiated. Guidelines for initiation and
from a variety of transition processes, sex.14 This experience is imperative for maintenance of hormonal therapy for
including sex reassignment surgery. individuals as they learn to interact in the transgender patients are outlined by the
Additionally, in this stage, patients are community as their desired sex, and Endocrine Society.15 The most impor-
assessed for psychiatric comorbidities helps them to affirm their decision to tant step in the initiation of hormonal
and treated accordingly. Because of move forward with hormonal therapy therapy is to ensure that patients do not
the stigma that is attached to gender and surgical reassignment if desired. have comorbid conditions that could be
nonconformity, prejudice and discrimi- As outlined by the 2011 WPATH exacerbated by hormonal treatments.
nation often ensues toward this popula- standards of care,14 the above-mentioned Per the society’s guidelines, estrogen
tion, which can result in a phenomenon initial management strategies are im- therapy should be used with caution,
termed “minority stress.”1 This type of portant for patients before they proceed if used at all, in male-to-female pa-
social impact and stress can lead in- with further treatment. The most basic tients with history of thromboembolic
dividuals to experience debilitating stress requirement is that patients undergo disease, prolactinoma, significant liver
and anxiety, and therefore, psychiatric assessment by a mental health pro- disease, breast cancer, coronary artery
therapy is sometimes necessary to treat fessional, and have well-documented disease, and migraine headaches with
any comorbid psychiatric conditions gender dysphoria. To proceed with hor- aura. Similarly, female-to-male patients
such as depression, anxiety, and post- monal therapy, a referral from a mental are at risk for exacerbation of breast or
traumatic stress disorder. During this health provider is important and at endometrial cancer and significant liver
diagnostic phase, patients are encouraged least 3 months of the real-life experi- disease while on testosterone therapy.
to participate in the real-life test, which ence is recommended.15 Most surgical In male-to-female patients, androgen
involves an extended period of time procedures require this referral as well, effects are suppressed with progestational

18 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology JANUARY 2014 General Gynecology Expert Reviews
agents such as progesterone or medroxy-
progesterone acetate. In Europe, the FIGURE 3
most commonly used progestational Hormonal therapy for transsexual patients
agent is cyproterone acetate, which
is currently not available for use in Male-to-Female
the United States. Nonsteroidal anti- Estrogen therapy options
Estradiol 2.0-6.0 mg PO daily
androgens such as spironolactone and Estradiol patch 0.1-0.4 mg TD twice weekly
finasteride can be used, as well as the Estradiol valerate 5-30 mg IM every 2 weeks
gonadotropin-releasing-hormone ana-
Antiandrogen therapy options
logue leuprolide and gonadotropin- Progesterone 20-60 mg PO daily
releasing-hormone agonists such as the Medroxyprogesterone acetate 150 mg IM every 3 months
histrelin implant, commonly used to Cyproterone acetate 50-100 mg PO daily a
treat prostate cancer. Feminine charac- GnRH agonist (leuprolide) 3.75-7.5 mg IM monthly
Histrelin Implant 50mg implanted every 12 months
teristics such as breast formation, female Spironolactone 100-200 mg PO daily
pattern of fat distribution with reduction Finasteride 1 mg PO daily
of overall lean body mass, and a reduc-
tion in male-pattern hair growth are Female-to-Male
Testosterone therapy options
induced with the use of estrogens.16 The Testosterone enanthate or cypionate 100-200 mg IM every 2 weeks
most commonly used form of estrogen is Testosterone undecanoate 1000 mg IM every 12 weeks or 160-240 mg PO daily a
estradiol, which can be administered Testosterone gel 1% 2.5-10 gm TD daily
Testosterone patch 2.5-7.5 mg TD daily
orally, intramuscularly, or transdermally.
In the past, oral ethinyl estradiol was IM, intramuscular; PO, oral; TD, transdermal.
commonly used, however the doses a
Not currently available in the United States.
required to achieve sex reassignment Adapted from the Endocrine Society Guidelines, 200915 and Spack, 2013.46
were associated with a high risk of venous
thrombotic events,17 and use of this
medication is now avoided. The trans-
dermal route of estrogen administration this treatment. A metaanalysis of 28 these visits, patients are monitored for
is highly recommended, as therapeutic observational studies looked at 1833 metabolic alterations resulting from
effects are achieved at lower peak doses patients who received hormonal thera- therapy as well as changes in their quality
since first-pass hepatic metabolism is pies. In all, 80% (69-89%) of patients of life. Documented side effects from
avoided, plasma hormone levels remain reported significant improvement in these formulations include depression
constant, and the sustained drug delivery gender dysphoria, 78% (56-94%) re- and increased risk of suicidal thoughts,
reduces the need for frequent self- ported significant improvement in psy- mood swings, hyperprolactinemia, ele-
administration, which improves patient chological symptoms, 80% (72-88%) vated liver enzymes, migraines, and
compliance. had improvement in quality of life, decreased insulin sensitivity.19,21 All of
The primary objective of hormonal and 72% (60-81%) stated they had these changes are important to monitor
therapy for female-to-male patients is improvement in sexual function.8 While as they can significantly impair the
to induce virilization. This is achieved there are formulations of hormonal health of these patients.
with testosterone therapy. The 2 most therapy that are commonly used to reach
commonly used formulations include the above goals, it is important to Sex reassignment surgery
testosterone enanthate and testosterone note that there are no comparative or Figure 5 provides an overview of the
undecanoate. Androgen therapy results randomized studies to test the efficacy most commonly performed procedures
in increased muscle mass, decreased fat and safety of these drugs. Current rec- for transsexual women and men. Male-
mass, increased facial hair and acne, ommendations for management are to-female sex reassignment surgery in-
male pattern baldness, and increased based on expert opinion and experi- volves gonadectomy, remodeling of the
libido.18 Frequently, testosterone ther- ence.15 Continued medical supervision male external genitalia to create female
apy will lead to the suppression of by a trained physician is required during external genitalia with reconstruction of
menses, especially if it is administered hormone therapy.19 This is paramount the urethral meatus and a sensate
intramuscularly. If this is not achieved, as the prevalence of unsupervised hor- clitoris, and creation and lining of a
especially in the case of transdermal mone use has been reported to be as high neovaginal cavity.5 The neovagina can be
testosterone administration, progester- as 58% in male-to-female transgender lined using penile and sometimes scrotal
one therapy can be used concomitantly patients.20 The Endocrine Society rec- skin, nongenital skin flaps, or colonic
to stop menstrual flow.15 ommends monitoring patients every 3 grafts.22 While skin grafts are the most
Patients who have initiated hormonal months during the first year of therapy commonly used, colonic flaps have been
therapy report good satisfaction from then once or twice yearly thereafter.15 At taken from the cecum and rectosigmoid

JANUARY 2014 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 19

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in this patient population to recom-

FIGURE 4 mend the above surgeries as cancers that
Monitoring of hormone therapy in transsexual patients develop in these organs are not easily
detectable, and so, removal may be
Male-to-Female beneficial. Additionally, removing the
Evaluate patients every 2-3 months in the first year and then 1-2 times per year female pelvic organs is helpful in the
thereafter to monitor for appropriate signs of feminization and for development of transition process and helps patients
adverse reactions
identify with their gender. Those pa-
Measure serum testosterone and estradiol levels every 3 months tients who have undergone mastectomy
Serum testosterone levels should be <55 ng/dL often choose to have chest-contouring
Serum estradiol levels should be 100–200 pg/dL surgery as well. After testosterone ther-
Adjust estradiol dosage according to serum levels apy, approximately 5% of patients find
their clitoris to be enlarged enough to
Measure serum electrolytes every 2-3 months for the first year if patients are serve as an adequate phallus.21 Other-
taking spironolactone
wise, patients have the option of un-
Measure serum prolactin levels at baseline, at 12 months following initiation of dergoing metoidioplasty, which involves
treatment, and biennially thereafter elongation of the clitoris and use of local
and distal flaps to create a neoscrotum
Female-to-Male and neophallus, preserving erectile and
Evaluate patients every 2-3 months in the first year and then 1-2 times per year urethral function. Implants and pros-
thereafter to monitor for appropriate signs of feminization and for development of
theses can be used to help with penile
adverse reactions
rigidity and appearance of testicular
Measure serum testosterone every 2-3 months until levels are in the normal tissue in the scrotum.23
physiologic range (320–1000 ng/dL)a Most transgender patients seek surgical
Testosterone enanthate/cypionate: measure between injections sex reassignment as the final step in their
Testosterone undecanoate: measure prior to the next injection transition to their desired sex. Review
Transdermal testosterone: measure any time after week 1
of the literature reveals that in the past,
Measure estradiol levels during the first 6 months of testosterone treatment or male-to-female patients reported signifi-
until there is cessation of menses for 6 months cant dissatisfaction regarding sensation
Estradiol levels should be <50 ng/dL and their ability to orgasm post-
operatively. As techniques have improved
Measure complete blood count and liver function tests at baseline and every 3 in their ability to preserve genital sensa-
months for the first year and then 1-2 times per year thereafter tion, patients now tend to report signifi-
cant improvement in quality of life and
Because of high sex hormone binding globulin levels in natal women, total testosterone levels may be high while free testosterone levels self-image after recovery from surgery.
are normal during the first 9 months of therapy. Two studies have looked at postoperative
Adapted from the Endocrine Society Guidelines, 200915 and Spack, 2013.46
outcomes and report ability to orgasm
and erogenous sensitivity in 65.3% and
93.9% of patients, respectively. Urinary
to create a neovagina that has natural Adam’s apple with or without voice and voiding dysfunction were the most
lubrication. While this seems favorable, surgery to raise the pitch of the voice, commonly reported symptoms in these
patients have had problems with ex- facial feminization with rhinoplasty, and studies, with patients reporting urethral
cessive mucus production as well as body contouring through liposuction stenosis (23%), spraying of urine (20%),
episodes of colitis and intestinal and fat redistribution.5 and upward urine stream (26%).25,26
obstruction.23 For these reasons, local Female-to-male patients can undergo Patients are also at risk for poor wound
skin flaps remain the preferred method bilateral mastectomy, hysterectomy, and healing, especially in cases where grafts
of lining a neovagina in male-to-female bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. When have been used. This is managed with
reassignment surgery. After 2 years of these patients initially present, there is good patient follow-up postoperatively
hormonal therapy, approximately 50% sometimes hesitancy about the extent and careful debridement of granulation
of patients find their breast size adequate of surgery they may need to transition tissue when needed. The most important
and do not seek further enhancement,21 to their desired sex. Although aro- part of surgical management is the pre-
while those who wish to have larger matization of testosterone to estradiol operative counseling and teaching that is
breasts usually undergo standard breast could theoretically be a risk factor for provided to patients. Patients should be
augmentation. Additional nongenital endometrial cancer,24 there are no re- counseled thoroughly in the preoperative
feminizing operations include chon- ported cases of uterine cancer in these stage about the need for an adequate
drolaryngoplasty to reduce the size of the atients. However, it is not unreasonable recovery period as well as cosmetic

20 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology JANUARY 2014 General Gynecology Expert Reviews
and functional expectations once post-
operative healing is complete. FIGURE 5
The risk of regret still remains Surgical options
considerable as approximately 1-2% of
patients report regret or dissatisfac-
Breast/chest surgery: augmentation mammoplasty (implants/lipofilling)
tion.27 This risk appears to be more Genital surgery: penectomy, orchiectomy, vaginoplasty, clitoroplasty,
common in patients who experience vulvoplasty
gender dysphoria late in life, and subse- Feminizing procedures: facial feminization surgery, liposuction,
quently undergo their transition later.21 lipofilling, voice surgery, thyroid cartilage reduction (tracheal shaving),
The risk of regret is not trivial, and sex gluteal augmentation
reassignment surgery is an irreversible
procedure that can have detrimental Female-to-Male
consequences if patients are not com- Breast/chest surgery: subcutaneous mastectomy, chest contouring
pletely committed to their transition. Genital surgery: hysterectomy + salpingooophorectomy,
metoidioplasty/phalloplasty +/- implantation of penile/scrotal
For this reason, providers evaluating prostheses, vaginectomy, scrotoplasty
these patients for diagnosis, during the Virilizing procedures: liposuction, lipofilling, voice surgery, pectoral
real-life experience, and during hor- implants
monal therapy should monitor patients
closely for social adaptation and initial Unger. Care of the transgender patient. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2014.
improvements in life quality. Similarly,
surgeons who perform reassignment
surgery should choose their patients represent a significant underserved regarding access to health care. The ma-
carefully and with appropriate scrutiny population as there has been long- jority of health insurance plans in the
to try to reduce this risk as much as standing marginalization and prejudice United States do not include coverage
possible. against this group of individuals based for most treatments related to gender
As outlined in the 2011 WPATH on their sexual identities or lifestyle transition, which imposes a significant
standards of care, patients must have choices. As a result, basic needs such as financial burden on these patients. Some
well-documented gender dysphoria and access to education, health care, and plans deny coverage for gender-specific
a mental health professional’s referral for housing has been compromised in care based on a patient’s natal sex and
breast augmentation, while 12 months this group. A national survey study pub- only cover care that is consistent with the
of hormonal therapy is recommended. lished in 2003 showed that only 30-40% patient’s current gender. Examples
Patients who desire feminizing genital of transgender individuals received include transgender women who develop
surgery are required to have referrals by routine medical care.28 The Washington cancer of the prostate or transgender
2 separate mental health professionals, Transgender Needs Assessment Survey men who develop ovarian cancer.30 Some
12 months of hormone therapy, and conducted from 1998 through 2000 re- of these problems are due to the coding
12 continuous months of living in ported on the most common factors system that insurance plans use to reim-
their desired gender role. Masculinizing contributing to poor access: lack of in- burse care rendered to patients. Some
procedures such as mastectomy re- surance (64%), inability to pay (46%), insurance plans simply exclude health
quire documented gender dysphoria provider insensitivity or hostility to care treatments for transpatients even
and a mental health professional’s re- transgender individuals (32%), and fear when they are not related to the process
ferral while hysterectomy and salpingo- of transgender status revealed (32%).20 of gender transition. The provider plays
oophorectomy require the same referral A more recent study looking at 101 an important role with these dilemmas
as well as 12 months of continuous hor- male-to-female transgender individuals and can act as an interface between the
monal therapy. Masculinizing genital in New York City showed that 77% of patient and the insurance carrier to
surgery has the same requirements as their study participants reported having explain why certain treatments should be
male-to-female vaginoplasty: 2 separate some form of medical insurance while covered under the patient’s plan.
mental health professional referrals and 81% of participants reported having a The following was written in an
12 months of continuous hormonal general practitioner.2 While these results article published in 2010 in the Journal
therapy and completion of the real-life are more reassuring than previous sur- of Medical Practice Management: “For
experience. vey studies, the percentage of individuals transgender people, seeing healthcare
without health care insurance remains providers usually involves some degree
Barriers to health care greater than the 16.3% of the general of ‘outing’ themselves as transgender,
Similar to the lesbian, gay, and bisexual population that is uninsured in the which can be a frightening proposition
population, transgender patients have United States as of 2010.29 for members of a community that rou-
particular medical needs but experience Even with health insurance, trans- tinely faces discrimination and stigmati-
barriers to accessing care. These patients gender patients experience obstacles zation inside and outside the healthcare

JANUARY 2014 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 21

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profession.”30 Providers who are knowl- Additional measures can also be taken consider when screening these patients.
edgeable about particular transgender in the office space to make patients more First, while the preoperative male-to-
health issues and sensitive to the needs comfortable with their surroundings. female transsexual can be evaluated by a
of these patients will establish trusting The importance of these measures standard annual rectal examination after
relationships with their patients, which should be instilled in the entire office age 50 years, a postoperative patient
is imperative for providing good medi- staff and cultural competency should be who has had a neovagina created between
cal care. The dynamics of a health care emphasized and taught on a regular ba- the rectum and the prostate may require
relationship can be very challenging, sis. Such measures include making a transvaginal palpation for adequate as-
especially when the patient group is a unisex bathroom available for trans- sessment. Second, prostate-specific anti-
complex one such as the transgender gender patients,31 using a transgender gen (PSA) is sometimes used for prostate
population. There are, however, prac- individual’s preferred name and appro- cancer screening; however, in the setting
tice habits that can be put into effect priate pronouns as often as possible, and of prolonged estrogen exposure, PSA
that might improve patient access to ensuring that all medical forms and levels can be falsely low.33 PSA is there-
health care. The most important thing materials are transgender-inclusive.30 fore not an appropriate test for prostate
that a provider can do is recognize that cancer screening in these patients.
their personal belief system is mutually Health care maintenance The risk of breast cancer is an
exclusive from the medical relationship Because of the challenges associated with important consideration in both male-
that is established with any patient.31 this highly stigmatized community, there to-female and female-to-male trans-
If providers are not comfortable caring is a lack of data on the actual population sexuals. Transwomen sustain long-term
for patients who are transgender, a size of transgender individuals as well as exposure to estrogen. Although there
referral list of physicians who provide outcomes after hormonal and surgical has been no conclusive evidence that the
routine medical care for this commu- therapy. There have been some cases of risk of breast carcinoma is greater in
nity should be easily available to all breast and prostate cancer reported,16 these patients compared to the general
patients. however in a large series of 2200 pa- population, risk factors such as longer
Identifying risk factors and screening tients from 1975 through 2005, no cases duration of feminizing hormonal ther-
for them is also an important part of the of breast cancer were observed.32 No apy, family history of breast cancer, and
medical care for these patients. While follow-up studies have followed up obesity should raise concern for pro-
transgender individuals carry the same patients beyond the age of 65 years; viders. There are good data, however,
risk factors as the general population for therefore, we cannot determine the demonstrating the increased risk of
most diseases, it is important to recog- actual risk of hormonal therapy on breast cancer in postmenopausal women
nize that these patients may be very patients beyond this age. Because there exposed to both estrogens and pro-
sensitive to screening questions that ask is such a paucity of data, there are no gestins.34 Therefore, patients who un-
about sexual behaviors and activities. To published transgender-specific guide- dergo orchiectomy should be taken off
strengthen the physician-patient rela- lines based on level-1 evidence for the of progesterone soon after surgery, and
tionship and establish trust, providers routine health maintenance of these if therapy is continued, they should
should explain to patients that their patients. However, preventative health be screened earlier for breast cancer.
screening questions are routine and that strategies can be extrapolated based on Otherwise, it is reasonable to screen
they are posed to all patients regardless evidence that has been determined to patients according to standard guide-
of sexual preferences or identity. Addi- be accurate for the general population. lines, which include annual or biennial
tionally, using gender-neutral terminol- Figures 6 and 7 list the recommended mammograms starting at age 40 years
ogy such as “partner” or “significant screening guidelines for male-to-female and then annually after age 50 years.
other” and asking broad questions such and female-to-male transsexual pa- Many of these patients have had breast
as “Do you have sex with men, women, tients. Before applying these guidelines augmentation, and while routine mam-
or both?” allows patients to assume to patients, one must first keep in mind mograms are appropriate for screening,
that the provider is both comfortable the patient’s natal sex and then take into providers should acknowledge that in
caring for patients who are lesbian, gay, account the patient’s hormonal and the setting of inadequate screening,
bisexual, or transgender and knowl- surgical status. magnetic resonance imaging studies are
edgeable about this patient group and For instance, prostate cancer screening recommended. Most female-to-male
their health care needs.31 It is important is important in male-to-female patients. patients undergo mastectomy with or
to avoid making assumptions about The prostate becomes atrophic in the without chest-contouring surgery. After
sexual orientation based on an in- setting of androgen suppression, how- this type of surgery, breast tissue
dividual’s gender identity as there is ever the risk of cancer remains. For this still remains and routine screening
significant diversity in sexual preference reason, the Endocrine Society recom- should be applied to these patients as
and behaviors among the transgender mends the same screening guidelines for well, especially if mastectomy only was
community. Gender identity does not prostate disease recommended for natal done.15 This is because a portion
define one’s sexual orientation. men. There are 2 important factors to of administered testosterone can be

22 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology JANUARY 2014 General Gynecology Expert Reviews
aromatized to estradiol and some pa-
tients may be at risk for estrogen recep- FIGURE 6
torepositive breast carcinoma. Metabolic screening recommendations
When screening transmen at their Cardiovascular disease
annual visits, it is important to know General population:
whether or not their pelvic organs
Men and women should be screened annually for elevated blood pressure after age 18 (A);
(uterus, cervix, ovaries, fallopian tubes) Target blood pressure is systolic blood pressure ≤135 and diastolic blood pressure ≤80
have been removed. If they have not Beginning at age 35, men should be tested routinely for lipid disorders (A); men at higher risk
undergone hysterectomy, routine Pap for coronary disease should be tested routinely after age 20 (B).
smear guidelines should be followed Beginning at age 45, women should be tested routinely for lipid disorders (A); women at higher
according to the American Society risk for coronary disease should be tested routinely after age 20 (B).

for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology Transgender population:

(ASCCP). Additionally, abnormal uterine Screen annually for elevated blood pressure after age 18; Target blood pressure is systolic
bleeding should be evaluated no differ- blood pressure ≤135 and diastolic blood pressure ≤80

ently than in natal women. Prolonged Beginning at age 20, screen routinely for lipid disorders.
testosterone exposure can lead to an Diabetes mellitus
increase in endogenous estrogen levels, General population: Beginning at age 45, screen every 3 years for diabetes; if symptoms present or
which can increase the risk of endome- blood pressure persistently ≥135/80, screen earlier (B).
trial hyperplasia and carcinoma24; there- Transgender population: Screen annually regardless of age
fore, bleeding in these patients should Osteoporosis
not be overlooked. As is the case for General population:
natal women, there is no recommended Begin screening women every 10 years after age 65 or in younger women whose fracture risk
screening for endometrial cancer in is elevated (B)
Initiate vitamin D and calcium supplementation after menopause
asymptomatic transmen. Patients who
still have their ovaries are at risk for Transgender population:
ovarian cancer. While there was concern Begin screening transgender women every 10 years after age 65 or in younger women whose
that exposure to testosterone would fracture risk is elevated or if patients have stopped hormone therapy
Screen transgender men 10 years after initiation of testosterone therapy and then every 10
increase the risk of ovarian carcinoma years thereafter
in female-to-male patients, there is no All patients who have undergone gonadectomy should be started on vitamin D and calcium
evidence to support this.16 Therefore, supplementation regardless of age, this is especially important for transgender men on
testosterone therapy
these patients are considered to be at
Additional screening, transgender population:
similar risk as the general population,
Hepatic function: Screen patients annually for liver function abnormalities
and no screening guidelines currently
exist. Patients who have undergone Prolactinoma: Measure serum prolactin levels at baseline, at 12 months following initiation of
treatment, and biennially thereafter
total hysterectomy with a history of
cervical dysplasia should also have
vaginal cuff screening according to the
Adapted from the U.S. Preventive Task Force (USPTF), American Diabetes Association, Endocrine Society.
ASCCP guidelines. *Grade levels for USPTF recommendations are in parentheses.
Metabolic diseases also need to be
considered in transpatients. Androgen
suppression and estrogen substitution
in male-to-female patients can lead to because of its ability to maintain physi- estrogen therapy has a protective or
increases in visceral fat, which is associ- ologic serum levels of estradiol. Patients detrimental effect in male-to-female pa-
ated with increases in triglyceride levels, should be screened annually for ele- tients.36 Based on this information, the
insulin resistance, hepatic dysfunction, vated blood pressure, with the following recommendation is to monitor lipids
and elevated blood pressure.15 While target goals: systolic blood pressure routinely. Recommendations for the
these metabolic changes can increase 135 mm Hg and diastolic blood general population include screening
morbidity in these patients, a study with pressure 80 mm Hg. Per the US Pre- men aged 35 years and women aged
a median follow-up period of 18 years ventative Services Task Force guidelines, 45 years for lipid disorders (grade A).
reported no increase in risk of death if blood pressure remains persistently For patients who have been exposed to
from cardiovascular causes in this pa- elevated beyond these parameters, anti- prolonged use of testosterone or estro-
tient population.35 Recommendations hypertensive therapy should be initiated. gen, grade-B recommendations should
include using the lowest doses of estro- Testosterone therapy in female-to- be employed, which include screening
gen available as outlined in Figure 2, male patients can lower high-density for all patients aged 20 years. Target
with the transdermal route as one of lipoprotein cholesterol and elevate tri- goals for low-density lipoprotein levels
the preferred modes of administration glyceride levels, but it is unclear if should be 135 mg/dL. Transsexual

JANUARY 2014 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 23

Expert Reviews General Gynecology

the recommended age as it is unclear

FIGURE 7 what effects exogenous testosterone may
Cancer screening recommendations have on bone loss. Vitamin-D and cal-
cium supplementation can then be star-
Prostate cancer
ted according to DEXA results in
this population. The Endocrine Society
General population: Beginning at age 50, men should have a discussion of the risks and benefits of
prostate cancer screening. If they desire screening, prostate specific antigen (PSA) +/- rectal examination currently recommends that bone mineral
of the prostate should be done.
density measurements should be ob-
Transgender population: Beginning at age 50, transgender women should have a discussion of the tained if risk factors for osteoporosis
risks and benefits of prostate cancer screening. If they desire screening, PSA should not be drawn and
instead, rectal or transvaginal examination of the prostate should be done. exist, especially in patients who have
Breast cancer stopped sex hormone therapy after
General population: Annual or biennuial mammograms are recommended starting at age 40 and then
annually after age 50 continuing for as long as a woman is in good health. Clinical breast exam about The incidence of venous thrombo-
every 3 years for women in their 20s and 30s and every year for women 40 and over.
embolism (VTE) among male-to-female
Transgender population: Annual or biennial mammograms are recommended starting at age 40 and
then annually after age 50 continuing for as long as a woman is in good health. Clinical breast exam transgender persons on estrogen therapy
annually. ranges from 0.4-2.6% per year.16,17 The
Colon cancer highest risk of VTE is among patients
General population: Beginning at age 50, both men and women should follow one of these testing who are maintained on high doses
schedules: of synthetic estrogen, namely ethinyl
Flexible sigmoidoscopy every 5 years, or estradiol. Patients who are taking this
Colonoscopy every 10 years, or
Double-contrast barium enema every 5 years hormonal therapy should be tapered
Transgender population: Same as above; if a transgender woman has a colonic neovagina, she should
off and transitioned to a lower-dose es-
also undergo vaginoscopy at the time of sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy; or careful speculum examination trogen regimen, preferably via a trans-
Pelvic organ cancer (ovarian, endometrial, cervical) dermal route. There is no recommended
Transgender men who have not undergone hysterectomy should have routine PAP smears as per the screening for VTE, but index of suspicion
American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (ASCCP) guidelines; transgender men who should be raised in patients who present
have undergone hysterectomy but have a history of cervical dysplasia should have vaginal cuff PAP
smears as per the ASCCP guidelines. with extremity edema or pain or pul-
Transgender women do not require routine PAP smears. The neovagina should be examined routinely monary symptoms concerning for pul-
for presence of HPV condyloma.
There are no guidelines for screening asymptomatic patients for endometrial or ovarian cancer; monary embolus, especially if they are
transgender men should have a bimanual pelvic exam every 1-2 years and a pelvic ultrasound if
symptoms are present.a age >40 years, are obese, have decreased
mobility, smoke, or have a personal or
family history of thrombophilia.
Data from the Centers for Disease
HPV, human papillomavirus; PAP, Papanicolaou. Control and Prevention (CDC)-funded
If transgender men have undergone hysterectomy and oophorectomy, a discussion between the provider and patient is recommended human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
to assess the risks and benefits of performing routine pelvic exam.
Adapted from the American Cancer Society, U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, American Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
testing programs show a high rate of new
HIV diagnoses in the transgender com-
munity. In 2009, the CDC reported that
patients who are maintained on hor- Patients who choose to have sex reas- the prevalence rate for newly identified
mones should also undergo annual signment surgery often undergo gonad- HIV infections was 2.6% among trans-
testing for diabetes with fasting glucose ectomy, and hormonal therapy should be gender individuals compared to 0.9% for
levels, glucose tolerance testing, or he- altered after removal of either the ovaries natal males and 0.3% for natal females.
moglobin A1c levels. Patients on estro- or testes. Progesterone or androgen- Notably, 52% of these diagnoses were
gen maintenance are at especially high suppressing therapy can be stopped in made in the nonclinical setting.37 A
risk for developing insulin insensitivity all transsexual patients, while estrogen metaanalysis reviewing 29 publications
but patients on testosterone therapy are and androgen therapies must be showed that 11.8% of transgender
at risk as well and should be tested continued to avoid loss of bone mineral women reported a diagnosis of HIV, but
routinely. Estrogen and testosterone density and the development of osteo- when tested, the HIV rate was 27.7%
therapy can also cause a transaminitis porosis. Vitamin-D and calcium supple- (range, 16e68%). Additionally, 73% of
that is usually self-resolving. In patients mentation should be initiated according male-to-female transsexuals who tested
undergoing routine lipid and glucose to standard guidelines for the general positive for HIV were unaware of their
screening, an initial evaluation of liver population. Transmen who have been status.38 Given these data, providers
function should be done and repeated at on testosterone therapy for a prolonged must make a point to identify risk factors
routine annual visits or sooner if the amount of time may require bone min- for HIV that may be more prevalent in
patient develops symptoms suggesting eral analysis via dual energy X-ray ab- this population than in others. Among
hepatic disease.15 sorptiometry (DEXA) scan earlier than newly diagnosed transgender women,

24 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology JANUARY 2014 General Gynecology Expert Reviews
50% of them report substance abuse, prolapse as well as anatomic urinary tract patients disclose that they are trans-
commercial sex work, incarceration, dysfunction, while rare, does exist.41 gender during a routine office visit, they
homelessness, and/or sexual abuse.37 Patients may initially seek the care of a may require counseling regarding their
Discrimination may explain why some gynecologist to address the problem transition options. During that initial
transgender individuals experience eco- and to determine the need for referral to discussion, options about fertility can
nomic hardships and, as a result, engage a subspecialist. Additionally, some pa- also be addressed. Although there are no
in high-risk behaviors such as commer- tients prefer to have their annual breast data on the rates of infertility among
cial sex work. Preoperative transgender examination with a gynecologist. Trans- transsexual patients treated with hor-
women are more likely to engage in this gender men sometimes seek gynecologic mones, data can be extrapolated from
behavior,39 subjecting them to high- care as many of these patients do not patients who have experienced damage
risk receptive intercourse, which in- fully transition with sex reassignment to their gonads as a result of cancer
creases their risk for HIV infection. and do not have their pelvic organs treatments.14 Male-to-female patients
Additionally, social stigma and poor removed and need routine screening should be given the option of sperm
self-image may also play a role in such as Pap smears and bimanual pelvic preservation in sperm banks prior to
risky behaviors involving unprotected examinations. In addition, some patients initiating hormones. If patients have
receptive intercourse, as these in- may receive their hormonal treatments already initiated hormones, there are
dividuals seek acceptance and gender and surveillance through reproductive data that report eventual recuperation
affirmation and fear rejection by their endocrinology specialists who may pre- of sperm count after a hormone-free
sex partners. Patients who participate fer to refer patients to gynecologists in period43 and so, these patients can be
in high-risk behaviors such as unpro- their practice for routine health man- given the option to stop hormonal
tected sex with different partners, anal agement to facilitate good continuity of therapy temporarily to bank their
intercourse, needle sharing for injection care. sperm. There are also limited data on
of hormones or illicit drugs, or who have For all the reasons above, gynecolo- female-to-male preservation of fertility.
a history of sexually transmitted in- gists need to be familiar with the health These patients can consider oocyte or
fections should be screened routinely care needs of these patients. Care should embryo cryopreservation prior to start-
(every 6-12 months) for blood-borne be rendered according to standard ing therapy, while those who have
diseases which include HIV and hepati- guidelines based on level-1 evidence for already initiated hormones have the
tis B and C. Additionally, patients should the general population, but then some option of interrupting their treatment
be screened for other infections in- alterations should be made with impor- to undergo ovarian stimulation with
cluding syphilis, gonorrhea, and chla- tant considerations in mind including subsequent oocyte retrieval and freezing.
mydia. In male-to-female transsexuals, biological sex, surgical status, declared Studies have shown that there has
cultures of the urethral meatus are gender, and past or current use of hor- been some success in ovarian recovery
acceptable for gonorrhea and chlamydia monal therapy. Additionally, gynecolo- after cessation of testosterone with sub-
testing. For patients who do not engage gists should be aware of the most sequent successful pregnancies.44,45
in risky behaviors, 1-time testing is commonly used hormonal therapies, Lastly, gynecologists should be aware
indicated followed by as-needed testing which ones are given preoperatively of the barriers that transpatients face
throughout their lifetime. and then postoperatively, and how they with regards to accessing care as well
can be changed if there are metabolic as feeling comfortable once they have
The role of the gynecologist concerns. Although trained endocrinol- found a provider. Simple things can be
According to Healthy People 2020, a ogists usually make adjustments to done within the office setting to ensure
major governmental health care goal is regimens, providers caring for these that patients understand that they are
to improve the health, safety, and well- patients should have general knowledge in a safe space and that they will receive
being of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and to help guide their management in the same care as other patients. Most
transgender population.40 Gynecologists other aspects of their care. importantly, they should feel safe dis-
play an important role in reaching this Gynecologists may play an important closing their gender identity as well as
goal, as transpatients often seek primary role in counseling patients about fertility their sex preferences so that the provider
care in gynecologic practices. Male-to- or referring them to reproductive en- may take care of them and identify
female transsexuals sometimes prefer to docrinologists for care. The initial all possible risk factors for disease.
see a gynecologist for their annual health discussion may take place in the gyne- This can be accomplished with an
care as this helps them to affirm their cologist’s office. Feminizing and viriliz- open-minded approach to patient care,
gender and also gives them the oppor- ing hormonal regimens have been use of screening questions that do not
tunity to share any gynecologic concerns shown to diminish fertility in patients.42 discriminate against any individual or
such as recurrent neovaginal and urinary The significant challenge is that these group, and demonstration of knowledge
tract infections, problems with voiding, discussions should take place prior to of the general principles of transgender
and pain with intercourse. Neovaginal the initiation of hormonal therapy. If health. -

JANUARY 2014 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 25

Expert Reviews General Gynecology

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26 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology JANUARY 2014

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