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) ~I(~()I J.E PI I)) ( ] II{)S'r()PI IER R( rrIIE){()


lmm MEl\"-AT-ARMS SERIES 210


EMPIRE 1200-1670
I'our :\Ii·mi·r.'.

FiN puhli,llI'd in (;1"'.11 Ihil.lill ill I~~) h~ Artist's Note

O'pn·~. ;Ill Impl'illt IIr R",·.I (:"tNllll"r l~ol1b I.ul. RC;ldcrs ma~ C:lft· 10 11111" Ih.1I t1w IIri.,t.:illal p.lil1lillj.,'J<
:\ lidwlill 11,111'01.'. 81 Fulh.lII, R, t,;ltl. from \.hich Ih" ,'olour 1)1;llf'" in Ihi' II(HII. ",'n'
IAllltl.,n sw, loRn prep:tn-c! an' ;l\';lil;lblt- fur pri\.llt· ... tI" .. \11
.lUli . \Ut k1.llId. "ldIHIIl"',,'. Sillc;.lporo· .tlltl T"roilin 1't'!)I"l>tlu.-.ioll ('"UIJyl;J,::ht "h.l1'OOt·\l·r i_ 1't'I:tillt'fl IJ~ Ill,'

t: (:.lp\ric;llllljHtl R'·I'fIIIIl'·fll.tliu'lallk.H,k., l.tel.

puhli_lwr..\llt·lIIluiril-.... ,Iumld 'M' ;ultln""--.c'fl to:
Sn.rpiu Gatl"r~
R,·prilllt'flllllJ:.!. I~IIII. I!,f,
50 Hi.t.:h Slrl"t."l.
. \lIl'i~hh l'l·-.c'I"'Wfl. .\p;"1 li,.,m ,m~ 1.111' tko.llint: fill' tl ...
I>urpo.bt· "f pl;\,Il" 'Iud~. n''\t',10 II, "ritici'lIl Ill' n·\·k,,,. a..; ~us.",·x Tr-.:33 "E~
Ix-ollill"d u'Klt-r 1111' l~)~ ,i~lll 11t',iJ.,'lI' ,\lId l':lI,·m..;. \n, TIlt' pllhli~llI'f'\ rel:\r"1 lhal Iht'~ ellll 1'111"1' illl.. Ill!
19H1t. 11<) p:ln (,r thi,. puhlit~lli, III 1lI;1} h,' l'l-pl1lChK"t'(1. ('"orrespclIldnl'T "1'011 Ihi, malleT.
slon'1l 111.1 R'lrle\,11 ""I,·m. "r 1r.III'mith'1l ill ;1lI~ ronn or
b\ am !U'''I1''. ,·1... tnllik. d''1-II'M'11. ,bnllit"l.llIl'1·h;lIlit,,1.
I,j)(ic;;l. ph"l.,u 11) ill~. n"t·.,J'tlill~ Ill' ulh,'''\ i.--.·. witlu.H.11 th.,
PI'M Ir pl·nnls;.,i< HI "r III" n"l~ rit.:111 U\\ ",·r. ElItjuirit.... ,h(lul.1
1M' .lddr'......-.c't1ll1 Ih,' l'uilli,I,,·.....

~ic:,-,Ik. O,wid
TIlt' \',-lIt'llan Empin: I!'HI 17IH', rl\II-Il-al·arms,
I, 11:lli.tlIl1lilil;ll'~ l',n·,·' l.lOU 17"11
I. Tillt- II. SI'l'i,',

FiIIllS!'1 ill (il"';l! Hrilaill

Prilllnl Ihl"III.t.:h U"okbllildt'l'll I.Ht. H(Jrl~ K()n~
The IEne/ian Empire 1200-1670

\'l'lltlir 'S \\CIT ortcn almost pinui al ill themsl'k 's:

,wc!th ity's Lrade ('lInlaCl~. SlrCll'hil1~ I~tr bey md
Ihe Adrialic, were well ('slablished before the
'I'll(' stur)' 01'\' 'Ilice i" lO .'om 'xtcnt separaLr li'om (Tea tin or I h' ;rusaekr S I a t{'s leel to tl (' f(ILI nel in.'
l!lat ortlH'rl'st or EUI'OI . The.'anw '(t1ldb'S:li I' ors 'mi-alllonOm( LIS \'clIl'lian c 101lies on th' oa,';(
L111' cit \ military history an I organi~atioll. Early in or, '\'I'ia ami Palestine,
11Ie ~)t h ('('lllliry the \' 'Il(·tialls ddl'a ll'd Pepi 11 the The mililar anel pulilic,d Slnl'tun' whi h
Frank's aw'mpls to \' TaWl' Ihem, and they .'upp rt cl thc~(' <leh' lllun"; ill ROl//fIIlia (tl1l'
J'l'mailll' l. at leasl ill lhcory, sul~jcci 10 B 'zantiUIll, Byza mine z Ill'l alld Ollll'lIw)'1' (I hl' l\ I L1sli m east rn
Gradually. !lO\\T\Tr. \'mice driliccl illl inckpell- 1\lcrliterralleanl \\"IS itself a mixtlllT or Ea,l and
c!l'nl'e; anc! suhsl'qul'lIt1y canTd OUI its O\\'n l'Jnpir' \V/'s!. B)'z<lntinl' and Italian s)':lems. TI ('s,' wen'
a [ Ihl' 'x I l'nse (lr its lurmcr Byza 11 ti 11<: masters,
Their ppsiliol\ on a snies orislane!. .c[ in a marsh) The campanile or b U-rower of Koper (Capo d'lnria) which, in
the late 12th century, was Venice's main i land trongbold in
Ia~()()n at 1he head (I' tl\(' Irialic made the lstria and feU finally under Venetian rule in 1279. This 15th
century lower also serv d as a lighthous and observation POSI
V('11 ,[ialls \'inually ill\'llln rahle while lhey stndily
against pirates, such tall Sl.rucrun becoming symbols of
built III bCJth Iheir com n1l'rcia I 'Inc! naval strength. Venetian sovereignty along the Yugoslav coast.
III this till' l;tl11uus ,\rs('I1<11 or cni (' I layed a
leading 1'61,., 'Ollll' kind orByzalltil\c-slyle shipyard
and 11 ilitary leI otl,ay 11' Vl' exisL 'c! as carl ' a~ lhe
Btlt n'nlllry, though th ' III ' lin'al Ars 'nal \\'as not
,'ITC'«,d uI11il I I o,~, Its l1al,l' cOlnes li'ol, lhe \rabi
!Jur (If Sil/o'a, 'Do kyard', and 111(' concept karly
ow('d as much to Islamic in, piralion as III the
l3yzantil1' l110del 011 \\'hich the \rsenal \Va,
supposed to Ill' ba~ecl,
By ['20'.!, anel the arrival orlb . Fl unh :I' us", cl, in
\'<'Ilice, lite ei I y alrea I . held III teh t Tri tor' aroulld
1111' .\drialir. TIll' I1lCl1<lCe or piracy had led
\'ell('ti"lls III seiz' the pirate-i. 1<" ted aSlel'll shun's,
",hne til(' inhabitants or many lown still spoke a
li,rm or II ,"i,lIl, I)('i n~ eksc('ndec! li"om I he L'lli n
lJl'llplc~ or till' R(/IlHIIl Empi rl', Th Do,!!,(' or Du ke or
C'llict' aln'ady had. among his IlUl1lcro IS tilks,
Ihal ( r DlIke II' Oal matia all I Duk(' or lSI ria whi h,
till" f~lI1 ous symholic ('J'('Il1CJIlY o[',\/JlI,\(di-io dd ,\/t/r,
'l\larria~l' 10 thl' .. '(I', had also bet-ull. \'l'I1Cliall
dlJmination orl1oJ'!h- aSlern J tal)' 'amc ll1uch lall'r:
bill \'('Ilin' did 'Oillmi lhe la~()oll (oast ancltook a
do~e illl('I'('st ill the military a I1ili rs fits l1l:i,l!;hbours.
panicularly ill til(' turbulellt al1d olll~ partially
II,IIiall region .1' Friuli, \'cnCliall melThant

Car"';ngs nn th" w ..lIl door of Trogir C,uh"dral in Olllmatia,
mad .. by Mastu Radovan in 12.0, Though "ssenlially
Romanesque in style, Radovan'lI carvings includ" unullual
costume and weaponry reO..cling th .. Slav population of
Dalmal.ia, This archer (I"fl) hall a "omposile bow and a quiver
of almost Central Asian form" Th.. 'Guards at tb.. Holy
Sepulchr..' (right) w ..ar scal.. Or lamdlar armour o""r th"ir
mail haulnrks and, with their wid ... brimn.rd cI".pd_J"':/...·
h"lm.. u, ar" probably based on Serbian or Byzantine soldi.. rs,

Venetians had a businesslike attitucle In war whieh

seems to have been regarded as an ,'xl('llsion or
refkncd in till' Doge's 1':.\fII,wfi or Guard as well as COllllneree by olhn lneall~" 'I 'Ill' te;lrly appl';lraIU",' tlf
his ccn'lllonial parasol ;llld sword" NC\"l~rlhdess, the mercellant'S, <lrlceswrs of the bmolls I wliau
Vl'lll"lian sOl"ial orell'r was strictly I(:uelal. Though (ol/doffiai, In 1:.!lh century' 'enice was a siKrl of I his
within till' city no individual hdd land hy knight ;lItitude and tlot of any lack ufmanial spiril" 11l1:ICl
tl'nun', \'arioLls Church ami olher propcrties WLTe the "cnetlan Republic norma11y lril'd It! ;1\'oid
lied 10 milit.lry Sl'r"\"in'" wars. unless thesl' Wl're ol),'ioll~l) ,l..:llillK t~l hI'
The Vt'lll'lians Wt'n' soon blll()tls lur their roving prolitable-, Newrt hekss "cnin: .sutli:rl'd a wry \\'ar-
and warlike spirit. kl't'll business acumcn ami pride, torn history, ti'cf[llt:llIly dashing with lhe rival
All almosl model'll St'llSt' or 'nalional' ilkntily maritime republic of Genoa over till" cOllllllncial
unirll'd lilt' cilY and savcd Venice fi'om mallY 01" domination of "arious rc~i(ll1s, slrug:Rlillg" wilh
thos\' class SIJ"llg.l~ks whidl ITIll the rest of !lwd ic\"al Hungary and later lI'ith Ih(' 011111n;\11 Empin' .1\"('1'
Iialy. Evt'll tilt, S/,/,m((' tile 'Iocking' or 'closing' of Dalmatia, and IX'Ing dra\,"n illln 1JIlIHITUUS W'lrs ill
the Velletian rulillg- cf:tSS at the end of tht: t3th dcJctlcc or the T",.m I'i-mlll, Vellin:s Illainbnd
cenlury did not dampell Ihe loyalty of the possessions, The TI'IT(/ Fiflllll was takelt partly as a
Vt:lletians, rich and IXM"H', to their Seren~ Repuhlic. buller a~ainst pn::dalory lJcighbollr~, partly In
e\'(.:n though il thnearttT exc!U<lt:d all other Ihmilics guaranlee lrade rULlteS 10 tIll' Alpine pa~s~'s. ;md
Ii-om pnliliGll power, partly hec<1Usc Vcnlce rdit~d CHllllaill!and wheal fill"
It is worth notill/-{ that ollly om' Order or itS survi\·al.
Cbi\'alry, thl: C(l1'flfi(ri di Sail .\/al"ro, was en:r Laler, of coursc, the VeJH'ti;lll Empir\' hl'canw
f(Junded in VClliCl' :l11d 110 Vtnetian could join a locked in a lili.:-or-ckalh struggk with Ill(' vasl
loreign Ord(T withOut govcrnmelll appro\"al. Ve- Otloman Turkish Empire. 'rhes(' Vt'nctiall-
nice remailled ;1 rq)ulJlil' throughout ils indl'- Ottoman \"aI'S look at first sight like a typical D,t\'id
pt:ru-!em history, whik polities and Ihe army were and Goliath conti'olllation, hut in miliwry Il'rtll"~ the
kq11 firmly ~q)araH', Iklligen'lll as they WlTe, the V('rwtians \\'('r(' not S0 small as lhl'~ might han'

appeared. From th . \"(:1'y dawn )1"\ ('neuan hi 'lory
all d<L~.T: \\('1"(' called UP( II Ie fig-hI. \'enic' wa'
h"'l'<ll ('il~ wilh a p pulation rsome '200,0 )0 by the
(',trly Il:lh -cnllW'; \ as immcnsdy ',,\"althy,
polilically ulliu' I and c1ipl maLi'aU xp 'riel c d;
;Jnd had a hUKl' lta\')'.
The people Ill' medic\'al V('IIi e \ ere also noted
rlrth'irbrawlill1-, neltheirl \,. rdi,pl y.\\hil
f(l!' o'ntllries olein men 'ontinul'eI to wear
traditiollallollg dark cl l k , in th I +th elltury th
YOllllgn mcn a lUI t d lighl-litLin multi- 'oloured
hus('. TI C' d 'sign: I th I fTging oflcn indicaled
thl' :1)J1I!)fI/!.lIiI dr/Ill (;(11-0 or '1'1' lI' 'I' Club' t which

lh· We<llTr lx'iong d. umpluary la\\': w'I"e

'UI 'l'lnd} 'na 'l' I t urb th xtru\'aganl dress or
men and V.0111 'II, but these' uld lead l11'r-1 . to a
'hange ill li\shi 1I1, a, \vhl'n leg-aI but dull OUlel
~a!'n1l'IIts Wt... · slil to n'v 'al legal but more
sumptlluu: L1llder·1 thes, This wa: pr bably lhe
origin or 1511 ,n I IUlh l·ntury':1 :h>d' fashions.
en tian 1(1\'1' 01" lispla' I ara I< xic II)' mad this
I11<U'ilinw l-il~ a Ellrope. n 1 ad r whn i cam' to
jousls, IOllrnanl('lll: an I com;pi uous cOIl:umpti n
by tI (' military ',Iile,
fn its o",n da' '('nice was seen a" a parad x
lhrough it: al ilil)'. a, am n y-mindc I !'epulli . I
d '!Cat so on 'n warlik' I" udal and Renai' 'ane
pnnc(·:. \'enicl' al' enjoyed un hara tcri li'
:tabilit) I 'spit, it. turbul Ilt politi sand . a'i Ilal
military lisasl TS \ hill', b. lh(' 'nd or the 151h
l"elllurv, Ihe Venetian army rem ill d lh nl
ill kpCIl(!ellt It'lIi'ln 1 jlit'u'y r rc ill Italy. E\· 'n
th(' inex()l"\blt- d(\\-an C )rth· lloman Turks was
at firsl tllrneJ to ac!\'alllag , \' ni "nappin up

n"l\"al bas\" 'wd wi ni S 'It a heap pri r in ,,

return li>r prole ti In. In this way the nClian
Empire rcachf'cl a piul a k Cp weI' !lei pI'( spcril.
in tilt' lllid-IStl Tl1lUr', The;' osmopolitan \
charal'lt'r or tilt' 'it, it.'c1r gr '\ \'(,1' mol"
proll(lU lieI'd through all ob\"ious Dalma tian in- \ .
lIU('lln'(\1l mnn. a'p' t ' ( 1'1&, nd lhl'large r'ek, ..\ ..•.
Arnwlli'1I1. i\lll'lirn n I bh k populaliolls within " .
\' 'nice. ......
Despit(, V 'uill"s maim nanc r r n rall g ad ".
I' latioll: \ ilh thl' tl man' until Ih late 15th 1-=---------..,",.....
'cllLury. the Turki'lI 'XI ansion inevitably under-
mine I I t;.dian 111111 r iaJ dominaLion II" th
asterll Ml'diterrane, n; and a' soc 11 as th-
Ottomans turn d lheir allen Ii n 10 the, ea a la h
1.)\,:Clllle iIll'\'i l;t hie, Vt·nin.'s Inss or the Grt'l'k isla lid lhe centuries pas~ed. Inll gall!")' eaplaill~ :1I\\'ays had
or En'oia in 1.1]0 1I1;lrkt,d a lurning" pllilll which 11'mklley 10 aet a,s 1i"T agel Il.~, lk,~pi It' lilt' tTt';ll il HI

WitS f\,('(,gnisl'd 1'\'1'11 al !Ill' lillll', One y,';lr IaltT til(' of a Caplain Gl'lIl'l';1I 01" till" Sea ill u\'I"]":1I1 1I;1\'al
Vellelians Il'\'re sending' al'lnalllt"llts !ll Pn-sia ill a conlin;! nd, :\ sysl,'m 1,1" na \'a I p;ll ro!s was a lSI' ,S"l II P
classic dlort to win allies UII tht'ir n1l'rny's caSll'!"]1 ill lilt: 1 Jill ('enlur)' 10 t'llllll'lJ! the m{'~1 s{"n~ili\'t, seas
flank, Thcsc yeilrs ;lIso ~ilW \'clliel·lusl' dominatiun alii!. when' ]JossilJk, lO CUI oil' ('IH.:I11Y supplil's.
or tilt' s('as, al kasl Jlt'ylJlld lht' Adl'i;tlic. ami til(' 'l'III,lilllilatit,IIS 1,l"l11edin'al shipping- nlt':tlil Ihal
s\;lrllfl";11I ('pit, lI;t\';1I slrugg:!t' sueh as had nOl !JI't'n Vt'!lice eould IUTCI' entirdy nllllrnl allY parlllrihe
SITlI Illl' n'llillri"s. t\1t;dilcrraIICilll, Ilulugh Ve\leliall Irade could he
pnllt;('ll'd and piracy sllpprcssl'l!. ,\ COII\'oy syslem
was not hi Itg llt;W. bll t by llll' I:ilh c{'ntu ry t'Sl'01"lS or
TI,(' Ji/!/ OjEXjJfl//,lio/1 II'om l,e, III 30 galll'Ys proll'cted many slow amI
ndllt..'rabk l1lt;rt..'halll 'rnlllld ships', TllI'sl' l'oIIVOyS.
Lhei r rou Ll'S ami desti 1111 tiol1.s, 1I'I'rl' ,Sl ricII ~ n',l.!;ula It'd
by Ibe gO\Trnllll'lll, hilt il" lheir l',,('orting galleys
could be lured away or ,kkatn!. 111\"11 Vl'lll'liall
\'(.'llin'lJn';lllwa ll'uly illlpnial pOWtT ill tilt' \I'ake losses could be Cl'ipplin!-(", Sueh convo)'s \\'l'l"t'.
or Ihe FOlll'lh Crll~;](k which. in 1'21f.I, sl'izl'd lhe 110\\'(:\"(:1", only s",'n In dal1g1'I'ous ~l';ts or ill wart;nll'
Byzaillilll' capilal tJI' Ct,nslalltinopll' (lsl;lnbull as, fill' example, Whl'll Vellin' was locknl ill nil" 01"
and. Wilh \','Ill'li;11I ;li,!. 1l'IIlporarily estahlished a hlT nUIlH'I'OllS t'lJllflins with hcr areh-ri\'aL Gel1oa,
'1.;11in Empil'(: in till" Byzanlillt' IwartLtl1d, 1'11 1, Thl' \"(Tr limiled nper;lIiunal \";Illg'l' "I' IlH:dieval
SUCH'SS I,I" til a 11 YsUl'h \ Vestl'rn III iii lary n'm lIl'es in 10 galleys at firSll'lHllillnl C011\'OY ('-",'orls 10 til(' chaill
lhe ('asll'rn i\kdiltTr;u1l'an dCpt'l1(kd UPOIl an orlla\'al bases which constiluled tilt" Vt'lH'liall
abililY to tl'anspon w;lI'-horst's long dislallccS by O\"Crscas t"tllpirl'. or to li'icndly porls, Only the
s,'a, This prl1lJknl had apparl'ntly h'TII SOhTd by building orllllich Iarg-n llleIThalll-g:allI'Ys. whirh
the \'Clleti;llIs ill till' I:,nh t.Tlllllry with t1wir us,' or I'TIT able In defend tlW11lSd\TS. "I];l hlnl Ihis ClHl\'l I)'
lal',e;l'r ships ami a sySl"1ll !II' carryill/-( a,kqualc system 10 hI' ,'xlcnded hert/lld lh,' t\ledill'ITallt':III,
drinking water. OU! inlo thl; Atlantic :llld {'veil to Iht' eoasl.S or
England and Flallc!tTs, 'I'hc abS('lll'" {If;1 VI'11t'1ia11
The Fleet galley flCCI could abo influl'llo' \'\'('I1[S 011 land, as
V('nin:s power dept·mit-d. orCOllI'Sl', upon ;I~ flt'c!s Whl'll Ihl' Byzalltim:s 101)k ;Hh'alilagt' 01" stich :1
wh ich, Wlll'l her pt';ltTliJ I (Jr warli kc, were comma 11- silualion It) reGlplUI"C ISl<lllbul from Ihl' 'I,alill
ded by ;lll adilliral ad\'ist'd by 111'0 gu\'t:rtlmclll- Elnpire' ill I:lGI, FurtlwflllOrl', !4<llkys had 10
appoillll'd l'i\'ilians, Ikn(:;1\1t Ihe admiral were ddl.'lId lhcir own bast;s. c<lpl;lins ;l1lrl (I'C\\'S
!JI"u/'f'(lilori. administratr,rs and J/J/JI'(I(()/Ilili, galley man ni llg I h(' walls whclln','f IllI'y lI"el'l' at lacked hy
capl:lins, 'rllC l"!la;11 t,fl'I)lllnWlld was tiglw':llCd as laneL
O\'C!" :~,nou \'Cllctiall IlllTdWlll ships \Wrt'
Iradi ng by llil': mid- I51 h ccnt ury, a nd mall)' ul" ,hest'
could be readily cOllH'l'1ed inlu \\':lr~hips or al I"ast
into mililary lranspons, In Ill,' Al"st'mtl wel"e ;t
rCSl'rn" of origina 11 y '1.'), la 11'1' su and 1'\"l'IIIUall Y IO( 1
\\':lr-,~alkys, The ddt'nsi\'(' equiplIlellt carried hy
cadI ship was cloSt,I} rq~·lIl;lll'd by tl1l' ,~O\'t'l'llll1Ctlt.
In 125':1 a small \'I'sse! c:lrril'd liw assortcd
crosslXJ\\'s. ;1 l;u'ge ship al kas! l'igh1. plus hl'llll(,IS,

Th~ pori of Aona ..ra on lh~ Blaek s,,".lhoul;h held by V,.n"',.',.

d~adly rival Genoa, wa .. a lypie"l lIalian mwi~..a! fortifi,.d
oUtpoNt ..urround,.d by pol,.nlially hoslil~ Irrritory and
,.><illiing 501,.ly to ..,.eurt ,he hom~ dly'" trading network,
"'mura finl>l1y frll 10 lh .. Ollom"n.. in '460,
~liidd~, j:I\'t'1ilb, spcar~ and grallpling hooks,
~It'dil'\'al :,>hip~ al~o had \"l'f)' lal',l~C news,
p;lI·ticlilarly Wlll'll 'arnwd' tor a \'oyagc III
dall.l.;I'l"lIU~ watt't'~,
E"CII a tI1CI'Ch.lI11 ship "'ould thCll carry al k:l.~t
60 llIetl, all ordin,ll'~ g,dlc'y li'olll '240 to "lBo. Skilkd
s:lilor~ \\"1'1"1' n'cruitt'd in \'ellice, Dalmatia and
(;n'ecl', Then.' were 110 gallt-y.sla\"t's ill llle l\liddk
,·\gc's :lllcl o,lrSlltt'n ea tile from \ 'l'llin' or iIS C'1ll pi n:,
partinll:lrJ) li·tltll Dalmatia, \felll'tiall oarsmcn
\\efl' !>el1"("h·d hy IOl I"rom lhc eity's parishes, beillg
Iitlallt'i;llI> ~llpP(l1'led by Ihosl' who rt'll1<tillCd
Carv",d ;"'01")' ~ntl ... of an ....... Iy ..."h .,.... Iory lIa.I;.....ddl",.
Ix'hind. FrulH tht' 1.l1h l:t"1ltlll'y dehlon wt'n' H",re ,. knight h:IIl' a I);r..".1 h",lm and ",a.. ly form!! of pial"
j"t·("tJl"lkd wllrkillg' ull"lltt'ir cIlJli,l.;"aiiotl~ al IhI' oars. .rmour for hi" .rm" and I"'gll (Louv ....., Pari,,).

Rowill,l.;" skill:,> lI"ere l'llcuuragcd lhnlu).{h rat"l"S alld

l'c'g"<tUas ill \'l·nice. especially 011 the f('a~l day t,fS, with soap to makt' lht' l'Ilemy's dt'('ks slippl'l'y, lin'·
Paul. Olher c:olllpeliliollS illclllded iI son of rough grcllacks alld blitlding: sulphul', SWitnllllTS ('tluld
wa !t'r roll I, and w:, H:r-li I,in~: hert jUllsu:rs stood on en'll ;lllOu:-k lhl' IOt·'s hull.thrl':ul'nil1g Illsink hint
tht' :'>tl'l"Il of' c',ll'll boal as thcy t't)\\'l'd towards tach though in li,el wry fC:w ships Wt"l"l' '.l'lually ~uttk in
"t1H"f, tllt' Josn being- puslwcl inlu lhe l'allal. AI sca tlwdk\'al W;.r1ilt"t", Cro:>s!Juw:> \lt'rl' tlllW lIlt" I\l;lill
sailor~ :llId oarSlllCrl were arllled wilh ~lI'ords or long-distancl' \\'I"<I]>on, e:OIllan and IJllarcling still
spc'ars, but dwnges ill lI'eapo,,:,> ledlllology grad· dl"ciding the lilla IClute. lint". I II I 3{ ):'1 tilt' ,l..(t fVt't"IIIll<.:nl
uall)' kd to a ckditll' ill the military status ur till' inStrllClnlthat t'adl g,dl\") (',OT) :'10 ~lH'h IT.,s.shcJ\\··
IIrditlar) s<lilor. Yl'l all <I!.>oafd \WIT still nqx'C1ed to tlll"lI. whll wI,uld al~(1 I"Cm 011 tilt" i1\lwr IlI'lleltes,
lig-Itl \\ ht'll IIC'('I'ssary, ('\'('n Ihl" lTIl"t'ch;lIl1 p:lsscn- Shouling pr:lcticc' \\,a:; ('otllpulsol')" ill Veniec.
,1.;"('1':,>. E\'l'l') mall had his Wt',q"XlIl, Ihe mosl citizt.:ns training a, tilt' hullS in g:I'UUPS (1[' l:t. Tltc~
itlllJlIt'I:tlll ht'illgstOl'c<lIII'lwallt lhl't·aplain'srabill. also eUlIllX'll'd in thn'l' anllual eUll1pelitions where
l)n ,Ii's:'>il ilIa 1:'>c ,It lin'S tH' Ina 1"i III'S ltad ,llways ~ai Il·d Ihl' g,m'('I'IIllWIII olli,rt'd rich prizl"s: \'alll:l bit' scarlet
:11Jllanl shi p, Iml tllc'ir rult, becarnt: Ill. Ire im p.II·I;] III clolh fill'lhe Wlntll'1". a :;hortlT It-rlg:lh ofduth pillS a
a~ WI'" POlll') became I11m't' PO\\ l,tTlll amll'xpellsi \'e. Ill'\\ cro,~:,>boll' and qlli\~T [ill' Iht' rtttllWI-:; lip, Ollt'
\'I'I\l"liall~ Llst'djanlin~ as 10111.' as lll(' 1:)lh l'('tllllry. group of t.:roS~I)I)Wllll'ti kllll\\It as the: 'lit/hie:
whill' otlw1" \\I';ll)(II1S im.:luded cooking PlJl.~ filled lXI\\"InL'n' WtTl' recruiled fl'wn the ari~tucraC) and
s(:t'\'l,d alXI:Lrd 110lh war g-:tlll')':'> :md al'11le:d
Th., forlified gIlU.,)'.harbour OIl Amasra whu.. C"'DOII'li" ship..
could shelc.,r, Dol onl)' f ..om th.. Bla.,k s.,a'.. f.,a ..1I0m., ..lOrm" 1llerChamlll~'llli'ol1l I1t(,I<I«' !.lth century Oil wards,
bUI al ..o from ri ..... l V.,n..lian. Onoman and OIh ..r fl.,.,ts. II waS ha vi III; Ih.. privi kg.. ul'li \'i Ilg ill tilt" G11'Iai Il 's ra hi n.
"v"r)' ..in.pl""lruClur., compa ..ed 10 Ih.. lat"'.. V..n"'lia. gall",y_
harbour al Z.dar (..",,,, pag.. 2.4)' Such sc'n'ie:t, t'tmld also hc Iht, nl'St step in a military
or pt)lilil·,tll·~II'l'lT. Fl'\\' proli:ssional tlIt'ITt'lI:lrit's yt·t
St'em to havc :'>l'r\"t'd at sea, ami 110 ll1:lI'ititll('
(1)IIdull;,ri are: n::l"Orde:d 1111lillltt;' mid-tlilh ('c'lIllIr)".
A nOI hlT illl purt a Ilt lUll ndat ion l ,f'VI"IICI i:lll 1l:1 \'<11
mighl was hl'!" ability 10 tIla~:,>-prodllcl" ships illlhe
ArSl'nal. TIlI's(' tlt,\\ Il<1d tilt' li'allll'-lIrst ~yslel1l
whidl diniTed li'otll CratTo-Rotnatl :,>hippitl"; in
lhal till' ribs.,r li',tlnt, Wt'n' l'tlll.~It"llt"tl'{1 bdiWt, lhl'
planking was applied, till' an<'il'lll:; having made ;I
planked hlillto which thq tlll'n attae:hed tlw ribs.
Thi~ modern syslem was not tlllly I~lsler hUl USl.'·d
much It'ss \\'(Iocl, \\'ar-gallt,ys Wt'rl' lltemsd\'t.:s also
chang:irlg". 'I'hough tht, dilli.'r"ll("('s 1)t'IW('C1I ('arly

Carved capitals 0 .. the lowelil level of the Doge's Palace, mOllnled in Ihe woo<kn rOllbal(1 or l'a~J1I', and tp a
Veni".., ..arl), '1th centur)" An.ong l.h.. mililar)' figuns on
thes.. carvings "r" a h.... d w .... ring .. b ..scinec .. nd mail av.. ntail It:."ser extenl in the st~'rn. \\'Oudt'll p:lr:lpet~ or
w;lh loosenM bnlach.. hanging from th.. chin (Iefl); and" full)' im/J(//'/,Hlli rail aloll!-; cadl ~ick ofdl~' ship III pnJlt'l'1
armoured rider carr)';ng an unidentified weapon {righl}.
the uarSl1lell. Greek Fin' and l'l!ler pyroll'dlllics
flledit'va I B)'za llli llt' dmll/o/II. wi th Ihej r t wn ba nks or \\,('1"t' greatly Ican'd, SOIUt' ships bl'il1~ swathed ill
oars, and till' ~ing:k-h;lnkl'd Ilali;Lll wnr-galky arl' protectin' \-inC,l{ar-snak('d hid('~ or sh\'I'\.' ur Il'lt il,
not Yt't clltirdy ('"kar,;1 ILCW "y~tt'lll Orl-(]'(lupi1L~ tilt' Iililt' ofha Itit:. YCt ballil's 011 tht, 1'1'1'11 s~'a l"t'lIlai 11\,£1
oal"!:> dOl'ssecm to h;L\'t, I)tTIl inVt'lltet! illlhl' I I th or rar('. Ap;II't li'om dercmlin!-{ enll\'oyS :llld ~LLppre"s­
12111 cenluril's. This sYSll'lll {ll/rI ~(//~i!f, or 'ill simple ing piraey, the primary l'lInetilili of the \'t'lIl.:tian
1:lshion', \\'as itself 10 hi' .HljX'n.:tc!ec! C;l r1y in the Itidl gaikp St'cms to h:HT bt'('ll in 'nllllbilled oper-
Ccnt111·y. 'Cr'cat galll")·.,:, dl'sigl1t'd spt'cifically 1(11' alions', :>upponillg: a landing lorn' eilher III au,ld.
long-dist;L1lo' trade in dallgt'ruus waters. illso a 11 elWIll y base or de/end t hei l' IIWll, Th\' \'clictia lIS
appearnl ill tl1\' mid-I.ph ceillury. '-ka\'ily \\'crc Ilo\l:d CXP~Tts \\'hen it ealLlI' 10 ;lIt<l\'king:
ddellded, th(ILlgh hulky ;11lt! unwieldy, lllcl"chalit harbours and sea Willis, I-:\"{~ll thc (';lIapllll :Ihuanl
'round ships' alsl' provl'd their'wo1'lh a,!{ainst thc ship was, in faet, called ;\ lilflboli Ill' 'sILlIn' husta'.
Otloman" whell II Lt' la Itl'l" Slid den ly IUJ"llt'd to naval \ "ooden lOwers cOlild bc l'IT("l(,d 011 c1t'('k 10 O\'tTtop
waJ"l:lrt' I"tt, 111 thc 15th o'lltury, By Ihen the 1;H1<1 lh.:fclltT!>. Small hoat:> could lit" ,,11l1l~
1\ Icdi \t.Tra IIca II "hi ps cm played thl' mort' dlicielH bt,t wccn Ihl' mast-Ilcads to Glrry cruS'Sl)( '\\'lnCI1. a lId
Slcrn ruddcr iJL~ll'ad or til(' sicering oars that had spars could IX' sWllng li'om ropes ;I~ hallaill,l.\ ral1l~,
beell Llsed sinn' antiquity, Thollgh this ilL\Tlllion is \\'h('11 battk hClwt'('n opposirl,l{ (let'ts did occur it
gellerally bdit'wd to han' elltt'rl'd the Mediler- onen began wilh the same ct'rt:moniolls COI1r1csy as
ranean from nonlLl'1"ll Europe, reC('1L1 I'videnl'l' a land battlc. A special f1a~, \\'ilh a ~word pllil1lillg-
shn\\'~ Ihat il wa!> known 10 i\lustim marillers as skywards, could he raised 10 signal a willill,l{JleSS 10
t:arly as th(' 11th century alld may alS() han' been fighl, and ellemy slandards \\'o11ld bt, traih'd in the
known 10 the Byz;ulJirU's, Oth(,1' tt'chnical a(h-anccs wall'r hchind \'ictoriousships ",hell tlw)" n'turlled 10
indLl(kd till' n'lllpass, which was ('karl)' or Islamit' porl. A commander's primary tactical ('(msidcr-
and llllimaldy Chillt:se origin. alion was 10 ket'p his fleet togt·t1l1"l". Thl'lI hl' had to
Ramming was nu Inn~t:r all irnportant naval make hl'st usc bOlh of his low hut (;ISI ami
tat.:tic, the trill' ralll having het.:ll rq)lal't.:d by the manoemTahll' galleys and his slow bUI wll ami
higher ami mon' flimsy mimI' or hoarding 'bcak' almosl invulncrable 'round ships'. AI.IOH' all he had
cad)' in Ihc rt.liddlt· A~~'s; bUI ('\'cn ,I ml(af cOllld to brcak Ihe ellcmy formation lwlort' u\"t'r",hdming
smash the Cllt'lny's 0,11"5 ,1l1d (Tippk his ruwers, A il picccmt:al by boarding. This could be athit'wd by
/{alky's ddcll(TS Wl'lT nl11l"l,.'llIralt:d in lh\, bow, lcignin~ flig:ht, thell wrning 011 the lOe; or by
whl"l"e a stl,ne-lhrowin,1{ l'alapllll might also hc catching his galk)'s with their sails lip ami oars
stc 1\I'n!. \!a \ i.'-:"lil III 1\ a~ alll1o~1 alwOl y~ wi Ibill ~igh t
uf laud, MJ 111;'1 ,I I'olll'l'all'd part of llil' fkl:l could
bundl .111 all1bu~h li'olll Ix:himl i..lands, capes or
hay... ( :IIIN'q Ilt'llll ~ ..m'llI M'OI\I il1R \'l~wl .. also had a
\'ilal rl',ll' In pl'l) ill na\':l1 \\'arE"ll'C, If Il('("CSSO:lI'Y
\\ar,hipi> could 1)(' la~lll'd log"llll'r to u\I'm asIatic
lIoalill\.: 1.11·11'1·..... Tilt·) could Ix' hCildwd \,'ilh Iheir
1>lrnllgl~ ddi..'ll(!I·d bo\\~ poilllinj.!; 0111 10 st·a. 01' lx'
mournl ~lI'n, to lilt' Iwadl n':lcl~ h, Ix' cui lou~ ~11:1
mlln1t'III'~ Iltltin.·,
En'n lilt' appl.';lr;IlI<'l· or till' first GlIIllUn ahoard
~Ilip did Iii lit' to change ~ut'h Iradiliollall,u:,ics ulltil
lilt' 10111' Illlh l'elllur~, SUdl/m/1/hmdJ \\lTl' rn::,'nlt'c!
TIo", ....d"'.t Trocar. D.lrna,o., which .I.iII ....'" c.....itd V.-tiaa
in tilt' li,l't'cl"lk'" IIfa Ii.'\\ \'t'IWlian ~alleys in Ihe ~,_r ..rm. ""'-I ;ala ;1. wall ...

I :H''S. and 1,.,-can1\' "'~Illdard annaml'I11 in lite '51h

n:ntur), 1'\ UIlWrUlI1> ,mall ~1I11~ we're h) thcn The Army
muUlHl·d t1111-;"~11IC),.1 Ild rOllnd ship:. Itl ("Ill duwn ,hI' The \'1·1lt·li"n ;Inn)' \\ a~ '1"i,,' a.. dli"("lin' a, ih Ike!.
1'11\'111) Ht'\\. \\ hik a ~illgh- Iargl'l' cannon could I,.,· cit-spilt' jihe.. Ihal lilt' ma ...... h·d\\cllitl~ \\'lleliam
plan'd ill a j.!;alle~ 's 1)0\\ lopicrn'lll\'t'llt'llI) 's hull or didn"t \';'lIIm hO\\ til riel~' prupt'rl}, Tht' "rmin. uf
topplt: hi.. m.I"t. Sueh \\r~lpOIII') 011 III'S! pmn'd \'l'r) 131h n:ntur} h.lli;m '1.111" .tln'ad) induded
SUC'Tt.....d lll a~:tilhl Olluman galll'y", \\ hOSt' ncws IlIt'I't'I'Il;II;I':- li'lllll I1ll1t'r IlOlrt-. of tilt' I.:uunlr~ ill
..Iill T1lf~,h u"t,d t'umpnsilt" btl\\~. "del it im, It, a Ii '1Il1 ,t1 It-atlt·J'·.. I m II 111I1111111111, \Iusl
('nrl} I:~th CI.·lItUI') \\·I1\·ti,ltltroops \\1'1'('. hll\\I"\'I'I".
River \Varfare ~liII n>(,"l'uilt·d li·"m lht· 1.1).:01111 ,11','.1, ph" a It,\\
\ 'I'nin' \\ .IS .Iho i 11\ 111\ t'c\ in \\ al'!;ln' along Ihe hroad 1);t1rn;lli,1l1 and 1~II'i,11I ll'udal nllllill~(·nt:-. In
l·i\'lT.... lakl·.. antlillarsht.~ Ilrnorthern Iialy. though cmcr!(t'llri,.... likl' lhal HI' l.l!),!, lh~· \·ellt.'liall
1101 al WOl}" \\ il h .,-:rl'al ..ucn".., l\ Ilist such campaigns pari..lws rl'gi""'rrd all malt ... 1)I:I\\I't'll I i and ()o
a ro:-t , alin \ "'lIiIT 1'(II'(j Ill'n,d wide Il'rrilOrit.:s 011 Iiw )".;1 ..... or a~l' arid li~It'l1 all IIII' \\(':'1)(/11 .. thl')
Trrm FIIIIIII ill \\ hal an' 110\\ Lomhard), tht., \ 'cnew pOS.'il:"Sl·CI. I h(l.~t' r;llk,d It I lit:hl 1)I'ill~' Irj.!;alli~l·d inlo
ami Friuli. wlwrt· ri\'('1' IIn'ls l'Hlllel support groups or I:.!. Sueh dorllt.·~lit- lro"p". 1'lIlIscript~ .lTId
VI'll\'liall land arlllil'~. F\ltt-~izl'd ~all\')'s 0IXTalcd \'Olllllll'tT'i, \\('1'1' slitt p..dtTred to rlll'rt,:ellarit'~ in
011 I.akl· Garda ami ~rt'''1 l'in'rs likl' JIlt' Po, I.Ilh cl'nlur~ \'t·niCt'. \In..t lilllJ.:hl 011 li.K'1 ",hilt'
Kelt-relll'\' t\1 tl1I' liri>t pJlllrul/1 prubahly lIwalit small richer IIlt'll or arislocrat-. "1·tTt'd a.. a t·a\·alr~. as I hI')
.{{alh·ys Wilh an llppn lig"ll1ing: ckck 0\"\'1' Ihe did ill att Italialll·ilies. !\ n·.L:i... tt'l' CIt" l:tiH ('slim,Hed
lI'Il'Slllt:l1. Olher \·es:'(·J.~ ilicludl'(l sailill.l;" ships. anti that 3",000 \'l·llt·tialls ('ould hc'ar <lnl\S: nul' \\'t't"e
till' link barrllf whit'h l':tI'I'il'd only Ihrl"\' rOWl'l" and till')' a 1111't'I· rabbit'. as ill .~"llH· lIthl'l' tlledin,.11
lW\, (l"\I."S1JIIWI"l·ll. Vt.'llicl· t11ililltaill(·d sizcalll\' Url"111 mililias. ;\'Iany wert' skitit'll l'nls~IJIIWlll\'n,
l1n'ls of Sill'll \"\'ssels until lhe use or ,It'curatc whilt, othlTS lilll~hl wilh slill~s ami lin'-g:rC'lladt:s,
1·,mIlOIi. lirillg-li'lI111 a ri\'cr's hanks. plll an e11'i:cti\"(' Venice also Ilael ils uWlIlol'al prlll;.'...~i"llal i'oldil·l". a
\'lId 10 t hi~ typl' or \\'a r1:u'e al thl' wd of Ihe 151 h small corps Dr inl:lll\l'}" .~llardillg \'il"l C"~llt.·~ likc
t't'I\IUI"), Thi~ wa1>, IHI\\'t·\"\·I·. a lorm ot" l'ombat ill ;\kSlrt' ami Trt'\"i~u: hUl 1111 fllll-titil t' \\·t10iall
whieh SAJIIW or \'cniel"s ri\'al~ \\"\'re aln'ady skittt'd. c,I\'ah')' I\'cn' a.. Yl't t'el'tlt'ded ill Iht' I Ilh l't·lllllr~.
E\'en tilt' IIl't'l or six Kalkys and '.!5 smallt:r crali TIlt' lil'SI Init· \'t·t1t·li.LlI ..1;llulillj.{ .Inn} l'!llcl"1-;l'd
which \"'lIke btlll("hl·d Oil I.ake Garda ill Ih\' qllile suelcknl) I'ad} ill IIll' l.,th t'\'lllLlry and
Willll'!' or I 1:19 -10 \\:lS aimosl inmll'diald)' dc!t- consisled, a:. 1'1 .....\\ Ilt.'t'l· ill Iialy. or (o"douim
II'lI)'t'd h~ \liIOlIlI"'I' lakt: cran, 'I'hi~ had IX'\'n an epic IllCrn'llal') l'UlliraCI ",-,Iclit"'~, SUl"h :t fun'c wa~
ut' milit:tr) t'lIgillcl'rin~ in \\hich. 101' 15 day..., till' dearl)' Iln·del! III ddi'ml \""nin"s 111'\\ mainland
Vt:IIt'liam hault'd Iheir ships up til\' Ri\'Cr Adig(' tl"rri'llril.~ un Iht, Tnw /·imlil. Th..: Rcpublic·...
ami :\t'nJ'~:t 10\\ 1I1UUlltain ratl~c 10 I.., kt, Garda, l'onlrihuliul1 III all ;ltlialltT \\ilh FIIII'I'II('"(' in 1+~6

Effigyofunn .. m .... V"n",i.. n knigh" ",id/la,,, '4th c"ntury, Th" Il'rl~ :\11(1 I,alisad,'" I)arriradl'd "lilli' ,'all:ll;, willI
m .. n w".. r .. 'ypi".I .. rmour of hi>! p"riod, thouSh Ih" cro.... ing
<>f ,h" ch.jn~ from hi" <:oa'-of.pla'e1i '<> hi" .. word .. nd da18"r, chained ships, hllK"ked olher... wilh ,ullkcll 1J:lrg,'s.
and ,h" l"r8" buckJe-<:o..."r <>0 bi.... w<>rd.bcolt, ..""m t<> h ....." ali(I harasscd lh(· Cllt'11Iy ;n hollt ,m:\11 bll:ll~ and
"""n f.."hion",bl" in Vrnic". (Victori.. 01< AI""r. Mus .. Lc>ndon)
g:,lkys, \'('llin: III II Illlly '111"\"i\"l'd Illi~ Ibn'al blll
n'lI.~is(t'd Or 110 k~~ Ihan B,uoo ca\'alry ,IIKI :PIOO lriulllphl'd, ;lml \\'I'lll ,lll I,. \\ill ,'xlI'l1,in' 71'I"M
irLlilll( ry ill Ii Illl' or wa r, :~,\)O\! alld I,' HKI rl'sl'lTtin'!y Filll/(/ llTrilOril~s ill qO,1 ,'),
ill pe<ln:lillll', 'I'll\' almosl n11l1i11i10Ll~ \\'ad;lrl' nrlh\' Fro11l111l'1l until rill' tTi~is or l.. .lll!1 \'I'IH'lian ];1I1c1
lir~1 half "I' til\' 1.'}lh ,"'llIHry It,d In sui'll staHdillg: I~,r('l's wen' W'IH"':tlly ,)11 1111' "ni'nsiw :1 lit! IIn lwd III
:11'111irs, Ilreir ;'(11'1)<11"1 S\SIl"l1IS <llid .. ,~~ol'ialnl hi' Iltl' m"~1 elliTlin' ill 11:r1y. TI1t,~ IiJlIg:luIIOI "Illy
taxa Iillil IIn'omill,1:: all ,11,\",'pl"c1 1:11'1 01'\ \'IWI iall lili', [Ialialls and HlIll,lpr;an~ 11111 :Ilsll (;('l'rnall~ amJ
whik lile lliailliallci !'it) or Brot'i:1 1)('\,a111e lhe r1I' Fr,'llch l\lll,I.:"IJOWllH'1I will', in LH~I. IN'd Ell,l4"lisll
)ado Iwadq uarl,TS I ,I' IIll' V1'111'1 iall army. U Il iti Inl1~ archt'ry lat"lics 'lgaillsl \"'nin"s gl'l':ll I"IJlldllllil'll'
W,'I'\' OIl lirsl nln' and (lilly ('t'l"('lllOllial, being J,-ad'T B:lrtnltlllll'11 Colll'Olli, .Jtl~1 lIm!I']' :'1(1 ~"t";,t,
l'mlllazollt'c1 \\'illt 1I1t'l.iuII orSI l\1:lrk, Ll1er ill rill' lal!'l' lhl' Vellelians wert' 1;I\'"d \\ ilh lilll-hiown
1.. . lh (','llll1rr red ;'11(1 whilt' strip,'d j,'rk;l1~ fl/r al (hlOinan Turkish raids dl,t'P illln Fril1li. This wa~
Il'a~l IJ1\' pl'/Jl'/\ioml/i di S. ,\I/1/'(I) militia lwfanw sonwlhing- towJ1y 111'\\ and, clt'spilt, \'!'llI'li:Ul
irUTl'a~ill.I.;J~ COm11l0l1. R"\\'anl~ lilt' II'y:llly or l'xpl'l'i"lll'(' "I' war :lg-:lillSl ,\Illslim Tllrk~ in t1wir
su,'t',"~ illdu(!t-c1 g('lll'rulls ca~1r paYI11I'l11~ ('\'ell 10 ll\"'!"Sl'a~ >:mpire. Ihe ddl'l1('t'~ fir Fl'iuli bil,'d
tlll' huml lie l'allk-;'lId-fik, 1}\,J1~it illS fi.r Ill,' \\"ou IIded dismally, Thl' \'\'I1t'liall~ had 10 wilhdraw inlu Ibt'ir
Ill' lll'n':I\,,'d :lIId hOlllllll~ lill" Ih,'ir kad,'n>, Thi~ was li.)l'ln's.~,'s, !t';I\'in,1:: 1111' Ctlulllry,id,' I" 1111' I';lsier
d\'arl~ tlO IOllger :1 1l1('die\'al army. but <l light1~ "(Illippnl OUo111an (':l\'alr~, Thl' lIllt' major
R"llai~~aIH'" florn' willi many rnlKll'rll altrilJlIll's haltll' l"rslIlrcd in a Sl'rrOll~ \'Cllt'li:lIl tit-kat.
<tnd allillldl',~, altltollp;h, hy a."'S('rnhling: a 1Il1ll'h larg,'r army, Ill('
''''lll'liall laCI it:s III I la lid \\'\"1'1' llle S:\ Ill,' :IS Ihost' 1.1' V"\H'lians did beal oil' bllT OIlPllt:lll r;lick Sllch
tllhn It:\li<l1l :lI'llli,,~I, 111 lhl' I:.!lh and I:Slh I'XplTil'lHTS cOIl\"inn'd \'('ni,'\" 10 ['mplo)' ils 1)\1'11
ccnll1ri,·s mililia inl;\lllry ti,ug:llI itl l'lllse-p:ld,,'d '/I"{/(I;lIli 'cololli:ll' li1{hl (':I\":dry 011 Ilalian SIJil. [(I
ranks wilh Iaq{l' shields :1Il(1 lI~I'd lheir spears as impro\'(' ilS dllllH'Slit' mililary 1]':\inil1g, ami III
pikes, Ihlllt,l.:"h Ihel'l' \\'a,~ aln'ady all ilHTt'asing: o\"(,:rhaul Ihe Systclll or ~ck('li\"t, ctlllstTiplioll.
I1lllnlll'f of (TOSShOWIlWII proll'C\('d hy similarly J-!UWl'\','f. :1110111('1" sl'ril'.~ OrOllOIll:lll raids itt II~~I~J
larKt' sllj(,J(ls, 1-1 igll SI:llld:1 rds (II'disciplilll'S a lid c1'lst, again pnw/'(!10 bl' \'i rt llally UIl~I(lPp<t 1111', A 11l:lssivc
,'o-tJp,Tatiol1 h"l\\tTll IlI.nil' and Ii-lilt also St'l slich Fn'!wh im'asiOIl or ll:tly OIl lilt' ,'Ild (ll'lhl' 151h
11<1 li:'11 Ii UTt'S a p:1 t'l 1'1'1 lin IhllSl' of 1Ill' t"t'~1 ,)1' Europe \,Tlltllry Ill'''ll~hl a ;'l'l"l,'.' or dt'\'aslating ddi'als li.,r
FOunt'('1I1h l'n1\III'Y \'t'llt'li:Ul :lnllit,;, had to Hl("l' Ih(' ''''II('liatl army, cllllllin,nill,g ill rill' disa;:lt'l'~ or
1-I1111g:ari:lll iJI\'asillll~ ill F ri tlli as well a,~ IhI' Illrn's Ill' I.. ). 'l~, Yel ('\"l'1l in 1;jIIK lilt' \','l1elialls had l1l:\lla~~wl
Olllt'r Iialiall ('ilie~, On o('cas;on V,'I1\'li:l11 al'- 10 1X::11 nIl' a dt'ICl'lllill{'d ill\'asioll II} lilt' Ernpl'rtlr
nH'lIl"t"d l':I\":dry dis1l1011I11t·d 10 fig:lll dercnsin'ly Ol1 i\laxill1ilian ur Gl'rmany: nol old~ \\as hi~ arlllY
ri.lll\ in 11'11:11 lI"a;, rlll'll r,'g'Olrckd as all English HlClit:, ddi.:a l,'d in Ihe moun lai liS lI>:ar PinT eli Cadorl'. hUl
"'hl'lI lilt' laRolln ilst,lf \\"a~ ill\"ad,'d by Gl'lHWS{, and \'('II;CI" nllllllcr-:lll<leked :Illd e:lpllll"'d lilrthcr
l'aduallliIlT"~ ill l:n~J till' \"'nelian~ built woodl,t) lerrilliry in Friu!i ami lsI ria,
Cnmmalld Ill' IhI' :, l'l11y d illi'r('d ti'lu11 t ha 1 ,,1' lilt'

Jll'cL .'\11 'IIWil'lll Iradition sialed Ihal \\'lletiall
III ,1,11'1111'1' ("I llild n 'Illnl:llld tll'lacllnll'lll\' III' III I 1ll00T
tllall :.1:1 ,m'lI, ~l't all on'rall \I:l~tn orSoldins had
h,T.l knll"l\ sinn' Ihe I"arlint days, 'I'lli' ]>OSilillll or
Captaill (;I'IIl'l"al app{'an'd as all t'Ill('l"W'I1Cy
nWaiillrt' i,l Ihl' 1_llh ('enillry, hUl m'l'rali rnall:l~(,­
rl1("llt Ill' Illililal"~ :dEli ..:- stilt 1:1)' wilh a ("i,"ilian
1"/ limn iII V" 'II' '.!ll StII'ii 'It" ,Vis(' \ 11'11. R.'nlark:lbk as
it mig-Ill SI'I"Ill. such ("H'1.~lalll t-i,'iliall alld ]Jolilical
intl"l"ti...-,'II,'I' ill mililary and lIa'"al altlirs did nul
,,11;"1'1 dlieil'rll'y: ill 1;1("1 it san:d Vl"Ilin' Ihllll till'
rnililar~ tah'-llnT' ",hidl pl:lKtll'd tllher It:tli:111
t'ity-slall'"', I,llllg nqwrit'I'l'1' ot"sl:at;,ring: aml na'";l1
Mid-151h century carvins of unknown V,.nel;an eoal..,f.arms
warElI"(' g-a'",' "t'nin' a sllppl~ or 1IH'1l wdl :lhk IU supporlM hy Iwo ....Idi"r" in dilllincl;"", V",n"'I;"'n colonial
:H"n-pt 11ll' n'spollsilliliti"l\ or it'adt'rship, parti- armour, 00 Ih,. I,.fl, a fully ntuipped man·al_arms w"'a .... a
hdmel ~m"'.rkably "imilar 10 80m" found in the V.,nelian
1'II[;,rl> or illl;I11lr) IIl1Tl'S, :\nnil"S W'T(' normally forl.r""5 al Khalk;" (II"" Iioe-d... wing.. ), On Ih., ..ighl a
nlllllllalllh,d II) ""Ill'li:lll lIoblt-mell_ IhOll~h similarly armOUrN crolilibown.an """nN his w.,apon using a

proli'",sitlllab li-lOll1 lilt' Trl'l"(/ Firll/II alld JaIIT en-n

cran~uin or racl.-and-pinion "y,..en. Un 8"'"
Jurja S .. raltovica
1,l(Tn"I,lr~ /"fllll!<dfi,',-i wvrl' g-in"l1 C1l1n1ll,lIld" Veil-
l'tjall Inilil,1ry tllillking was, hown"l'r. singularly 1:$lh cClllllry, :t rl'gnlation or l'.!:}~l asslltlling OIl!'
GlllliollS, Lilst liJr g.'lory ran :l pour H'CIIIld 10 war-hoI'S\". two other hursl"s alld tlm'l' sqllil'l's Ie-Ir
:tchi",'jll,~ ,'jewry wi Ih IIU' III illill111m I'X IWlld i, u re of" l'ach Vetwliall klli~111. Tltl' I ph ,','tlHlry Pllt'l
I'lllll bl,,.,d alld tn':ISUIT, AIlIIIIll'!" li':IIUf\' lIt' PI"lrareh ch-dar,'d Ihal lhi .. -ll:ttillil .. I' s"ilors'
'"t'rll,liall Illililary lili' W:I:; Iht'/Jr'<I/'rIlilfl/l' t11' t-i,-ili:lll l'urp:ll\M'd all otht'rs hOllt 011 hor'l'II:u"k :11lC1 :11 S\',,"
nflnlllis~ioll\"', \\ ho arcnmp:'Inicd 0111 army and kepi ""rious Vl'n"ti"n ;lrislon,lts bn'd lilli' 11l)rSl'~ Oil
iI w:uchflll Cllllllllissar-like eYl' on e'"\Tylhing, their m:lilll:llld eslales_ tholl,~h most allimals Wl'n'
panindarl~ 011 till' lllITn'll:tri,,<;" :\ l'el"il'S ot" Ill'\\' impllrh'd li-orn (;t.,.ll1a.l} alld Hung-ar}', 'I'll\' war·
!11"fJ1'f'dilm"i I'llit', \\'''' St"' tip ill 1111' Iatl' 1:)lh n'lItur}, hor~e was by 1;11" tht, most expl'lI"iv(' part ura marl-
illdlldillg- tilt' t"lImhal rank t,j" ('Olllrllallding at-arm's I'qllipl1l"'ll. By till' J 51 h n'llIlIr~ it II('Call1l'
1i.'rOl"ious B:llkall Ilr Creek ,Imdiuli 1(lrel'S in 11:'11)"_ Hy rlol"lnallo ,llt:u'k all ,-I Will} '~al1imal rallll'1" Ihall Ihl'
t:,ll~J tlWM' MII'PlN'dl) ci\'ili:lll (:fll11.nissiol1ers al:<o rider, th LIS Illakin,!.; In"sl'~ hi).!) ll"l" alld the pn Ihlnns, It"
t"UIIl1Il:ltldnl 1111' It:tliall li.r-;-hl (':t,"alry alld Ihe rl'pl:ll"t'rllt'lit "'Til \\"ors~'_
:trtilh'1'~ _ '"r
H va caval r~ 111'1"1" Ir~:1 nisl'd iII III Slll,tll Illli ts "r
!al/::;t' Ihi~ 1'1II1Si"lill~ or a rll,1I1-al-arms_ a lighll~
Cavalry annl'd sl'rg:ea'll :ll1d a pagl' Ilr tllolllllt,c1 SI'IY,IlII. B~
Ikspitl' tlwir \I ('h-lil()Il'd rcputatinll, ,he Vcrll"li,UlS III(' 151h n'Ill11ry many ir 1101 Inust slid I 1I1I'11-"t-
h:ld rleldt'd dli'l'tiw ;tnnoun'd ca,':llry VWH itl Ihe Olnn~ WtTI' sltorl-tt'nll r'lmtfuffif'l'i 1lIl'rn'II:lril'S" :\
I1W,.,. sl,thle 1'I1'rn,lIiol1, lite IUI/::'I' '{Jr::.::.a!l· or 'Ilrukl'l\
EffiSY oft',.d"rico Cavalli,lat,. '41h ",.nlUry, Th,. Ca"alli were a 1,\11('1", was Illeanwhile e't:dllisht'cl. l'Ill1l\istillg 0('
mililary family, 50n.., of whom ..,.r"N V,.nic,. a" co"doll;"..i
nlf'reCnar;,. .. (.... situ church of S_ A......'aNia, V",rona), veterall "I' picked In Hlp:< pt'nll,lll~'llil y n IIlll11i It,"d It I

Canal entrance to the ArseDlII, V"nic", I<>c>king loward" Ihe ",it" Infantry
of the Old An....a!' The Gate of the A.."".... I, on the left, w .."
r"built in monum"nlal style in '57~ following viclory over Ih.. Gi\"l'n til(' ;tllcil'llt Vl'\It'liall lradililflt 01" all c1ass..,s
Ouorn.... 1I""t al L"pa .. to.
carryillg arms and "f(IlI' gll\'CrrlllH'l1I I'lll'ollragillg-
\ "'111'1 i;lI J ~t"I"\"it"l..'1')1\" llWIHll-ann"s cq ui pnWl11 military Iraining al1l()ll,1{ Ih(" ordillary pvopk. il i~
wa~ 1101\' ~t! l'Xl)("l1~i\"I' Ih;11 a ~ql;lr;llioll bq;an 10 1101 ~ul'prisillg- 10 rmd ,h;ll \'l'll\'liau illl:llllry W("l"e

appt'ar 1n:IWI,t'li Ihl" fully arll1()urt.:d ,,(J/I/'I/; alld lhe hOlh l1Uml"'OUS and dli:nil't,. }\IIlOllg lht' I'adiesl
1'lig-hlly 11'1'1' prl""lig-i'Jlt~ 1I1;1i. NUlllerous st:vt:n: Wl'n' lhl' i\lililias vI" Iht: Si:-; \\';lrds or dislricts or
dd(';ll~ Slllkrt,t1 lIy anw 11lJ"{'d ca \'a lry at Ill(' hands or \ \;l1io·. 11\ I·.. li:.> thl's(' .ft'.I/i/',i \\"('IT iIU'l"\':!sl'd 10 50fl
inbnlry dJiring lht, Lph n'nlury had clearly nOl ml'n piT pari1'h, partly 10 hdp lht' SI:~lIlI/i tli ,\i!lli
undnminl'd 1:lilh ill Ill\' l11;UI-al-arm's mililary mainlain ordlT at ni,~hL In thl' 14th t'c'utury tlll'SI'
potl'lll i;ll. 1-1 is ;ll"lll(llJr was IIOW S(I S()l)hislica Icd I ha t mt'll Wl"l"(' still sdecu:d by 101. i\kll dlOSl'll lill' lhe
Ill(.' !tlll:;'(' ClljOyl'(1 a n ·IH'W..:clll·as(' llrlill: \\'1·11 iIll() llll' prestigious and lunati\'(' n',ll' iff nl'1'sJ)Owlll('n
It;th ("t'llIury. Filin'nlh .. t'l1tllry Vt:llctian!tlll:;.i ;llso aboard lJIl'tTh;,ml ship.~ and g.dkys \Wf(' ;dsn
Includcd 1ll011tltl·d {TUSSllt'lI'lllt'll alld t:\TlllllI)UIJlt:d s\'!l-cl\'d (i'om ;\ll1ong lh..., he,sl al llw \'arious SIUHHillg"
haud-gullllers. lhou.C;h llo1 IIIl' illElIllry componcnt ranges ill Vcnice. i\kll a,l!;\"d Iwt\HTU I:l aud 3:,
lhal appl';uTd ill Franc\' all(ll~urg-lllldy,Along wilh were enrolled a~ nossbuwnwll by t1ll'ir parish, thl'll
lht' t'mplu}'lIH'Jll Ill' "lrutli"li, Vcrwlian !{)ITCS now being di\·idccl inlO tlIIOtl(///, (groups or l:.!) tinder a
n;cruir("d a \';lril"ly t,fulll\'r typI'~ orst:paralc amI local onicer who was also resp0ltsibk ti)l' tlwir
l1lon' l!lollile lig-ht ca\'alry tfJrmatiOIlS, In t:lel. trainin.l{ at tilt" Im'al but I", Sinn' all classl's lin'd
Velliet' 1'l<I}'ed a It';lding- rIlle in the den:lopmelilOr crowded together within Vcuiel'. till' tllllltll'lII'
\\'('Stl'1"II Ellrnpt'an Jig-Ill ca\'alry during thl' !att· included rid I and poor, nobk and {'OllllllOlll'r. who
llw(lin'al and ]{nJaisSill1lT jlniods, lraint:d 'lltd.lilllghl logTI!tel". Not all Ic)u,1{lil ;IS
cn'SSIHI\\tIH'll. l,f I·UUI'~I'. (hh('1' illHllllry WC:qxlIls her 10 lill',lll'I' 'I '1'I'i Iori:t [ n,pa lI~i!lll, \'('1 rin' weill 011
dl'si~lIl'd 'IW,'ili(,:t1I) 10 c(Jmbat c;l\"alry induded III l'llllfjlll"t" a lal)(" pari (If llltrllltTtl ;lllt! Ilurth-
Iht' IUI1,1.; Illal'l'-likt, II'l':!I.>Otl, :1ll<1 harhl'd spt'ars: CaSll'rn Ila[y. Tholl~h 111(' gH\'('l"1ll1l1'l11 am[ military
which \\ 1"0 !llglll ha \"(/1: :LlllOllj.;" i1lvadi ng H ullgarialls organisatiun of Ihl'~\' l\·niIOl·i", I'ari,'d. il Wil~
III 1:~7:'I. gellt'ral[~ It':'s llppn'l>,i\'t, ,h:111 1,1:.1·11'111'1'1' ill [t:rly,
'I'll<' i·lill· \'('IIl'liall itlf;llItr) W(Tl'. hO\\'(,\,cr. \'cilin' W:tS, Ill' eClUl"I', pl·illlaril~ l'(1I1('I'l"lIl'd willI
dl"~m'll rrcun lht' rallb 01'111(' .lr~P1/(lf(Jlfi, 111(' highl~ !\t..Turity, liK'K1 \llpplics .Iud aCCl',s tjl tilt' Alpil1e
skiJll·d and \\'C·II.paid cralisnwll Ofillc Arsenal. They pa£.'l."S rat!If'r lhall mililal') ,1(101')" ~, thai hl'" li",hl
providl'd gu.ml, fill' IIIl' D..~(··" I'alacc and vthn hand in"pircc! CUlhidl'l'ahll' [O)allY 1111 IIII' T,.rm
gn\"CTllllWIlI huildinK'. :1(,lill~ as a polin' rorn' :lIld Fim/(l. This \la," ,'\I'll '1'11(' ill .1 h.u'k\\:lrd and :.Iill
I'vell a lirt'·hri~adc·. a, \\(,11 ;1' rllrllil>hin~ dewell- C'SSc:ntially r('uclal an'" likl' Frilili. \dll'rl' tilt' \larlikl"
Inc·nl.; 1'1' \\ t'll-c'(l tlill!>l,'d ill!:l nll-y. 'I'hl' .\!'Sellal ilSl:lr Friulani \1'('1'(' IIc'I,·1! a, ,,,ord'llll·ll. '/rcrm Firma
wa~ alsu a \\ C'a P( illS !:ll'lIl1'~ and arm~ l>lorl'. as \\'dl :L~ urhan mililia.. or (Juli"ml:;'f lraim'(! l'al'h SUlJda~.
IX'inK tilt' 1ll"'1 1;llllOU' :.hip.huildill!-{ yard ill
Europc" III I:i I I lin Ie.. ." Ihall 1.131 (Tus."I)(Jw" \\tTl' Stal..e or 'Orlaado' by Sooino of Milaa, '1'3- ni" Io..oh~bl.
"lurc'c1 \\ilhil1 il" \\alk \\hill' il<: IIC'" rnpc-makillg rq>re1Jeolia~ Dubroyo..ik, wu" cypical ... rly ISlb Uo.l .. ry
Italiao. armour of Ibe k ••d ..>led by Ih" military Hil .. of
raehll"~. datilll-: Irlllll l:i":J, lIladl' Ihousands or Dalmatia (i...i,,, .... i .. sq........ Dubro..... ilt).
crus.,I)<)\'.'lrill'"-..... TIlt' (;olll/KIJ:lli (/dIn Lal;.a til'
'Truu:o.t'r Clull,'. \I hit.'h had hC'('l1lT\'al(,d ill Ihl' 151h
('I'nlllr~ l:trl-:d~ li,r Ihl'('l1llTtainlllclll orlhl' )Olllll-{
ml'll. :11-,( I pnl\ idl'(! Irailled volulIl('n" \\ IWIl called
111)(111, 1\ hill' 1111' Ullt'mpllJ~c'd cuu[d :111'0 Ii lid
Illt'msc.'h I" l·nli'll'tl. III 1"l':lll'llH'r}{I'IlCi,~ \ '('nic:t' 1i:1J
h:lf"k lll)nn lila ....., C'OlIMTiplioll '1(1 Ihal \'t'IU"lian
illf:lTJlr) Il,rn..; l'tluld 'l1l1U-linws: l)t, \'tTY l:llX" up
10 '!0,11()(1 al 111(' ,~Ial'l 111'1111' IGlh ('(·llllll')·.
liy ,hi" lillll' mililia Onll'tTS \\orc' a hreaslplall'
ami a ,~alkl hdl11t'l, hUI lht' qualily of their lroops
":tried 1·f)nl>idlTa"I~. III }{I'IU'l"a[ Vl'llt'liall milili:1
l"('ll1ainnl b) t;lf lltt' hl"l ill Italy, tlllILl,~h thosl' or
Vl'lli"I' iISl'lrwl'l'l' Ilorlllally ~llPI'l'iOl' to IhoSI' ul'th,'
Trrffl Fif/l/(/, III 1:11" thl' lalll'!' Wl'n' Onl'n usnl
m\'1"d~ :I, piOlll'l'r" Ill' bllow'IT:'. The SI:llus vr
il1l;III'I'~ had :.llIlk c·(III:.ielt-rahlr liy ,h(' y(':tr 15111/,
ell-spilt· Ihc' appl'anll1l'1' of' [la[ian h;IIl{I-g'uIllH'rs in
I[lt' l.Il"s :lIId I[w di,'isioll of inl:tlliry till'malinllS
iliin 'assa U[I' '1'( '(1)~ \\ iIh SWI J1,{I.~ 01' ~hl In slx'a rs. a lld
'!in" n'lllp:ll1i,'~ \\illl l'l'(,sshows or KlirlS, III I+~JLJ
d!il1'ls hOld bc','n Ill:,d,· III Irain two 11\('11 from l'ileh
"7 rna Firma \'ilbKI' with halldJ.:"ulIl> hUl 1101 tllltillhe
nisis or I ~JI ,!\ had pa"l'cl n'llid a ru[ [ m"'I'ha It 1 f ,I" Ihe
\'I'IWd:lll milili,r ,'y'lc'lll Ill' clrl'ied nul.

ArUlies al hOUle and abroad

V,-nin" s liJ-S1 M'riuu,' ill\'n1t't'llll'IH on I1w 7 rnll Firma
daled Ii'om ':J:iB. \\ilh Iwr elt-r('al of Padua and
SC:iZllft' (,I' 'I'r('\ i'>ll. J-1('llcdill'll, \ 'l'nicC' was ,I major
pmlt'r 111I lilt' Iialian lll:tin[:llld, and after q:.!3 a
lilllllarlll'nlal ,hili in \'I'IIt'dan policy cOllllllilll"d

I sia nIHil l (:or'~1 ;1I1l iIlClph') ill 1'W'I, \ 'I"nin' ca t't'fully
M'lt'('l~'d a l1l11l1 bel' Ilrslr" tq~i(' Il'TTi tnl"il'." ;I~ lilT ~hal"l'
or Ibe ~hallt'l"ed ByZ,Il11ilH' Empirl', SIll' was lH,t
inll'!'l'sl('(1 ill btW' mainland lI'ITilori,'s whid1
\\Ol,ld 1)1' dink-lilt 10 ddi'ml ami I'Xpl.'tlsin' 10
gon"l'n, Rall,,'r Ihl" \'I'I1t'li;ltI~ \\;lI1t("(1 dumination
or Ih,' IU(T,ui\'t' Irack rOllll'~, :-11 tht') IlHlk parlOr
I S(;lll bul ilst'll: a ('ha i n Ilri~lallds a II(llllo~1 Ill' til(' hesl
harhllurs around (;n'('ce. Fin"l1~ 1I11'~ hlltl.~ht IIIl"
greal i~laml ore",'I\'I()!' 3(1lh~ of~llld. ,'\"nin' had
thl", al (lilt' slrok,', WOIl an I'mpirt', Orl-::ltli~il1,1{ il
was alllilher lila tl("I', "'h\" (,lei \',',,,'t i:lll ll'l"ril"ri('~ in
lilt' Adnatil' had f('tailll"d Ilwir tr.Hlilillnal ~'SH'm~
or gOH'l"llllll"nl, lhoUJ.:::h IImlt-r \'t,,1t'li,1II ellulll~ tlr
lucalliUlIilil':' or prll\ I'll It,~ alt~. TIll" 1It"\\ ('mpir(' in
'Romania '. :I~ it \\a~ kml\\ n, \\ a~ plat','C1 unrl(T
~OH'rnnrs M'nl din'(,II~ Ihlln \'t'lIin·. Cn'H' \\a:.
sli~hll) dilli.'n'lll 011 ;\Ct'<llllll or il~ .. i/.(,: a \"'!ll'liau
duke' was "('SI>lIIl"ihk ror till" i~lalld' .. (It-f(',KI"S and
pr('~idL'C1 o\(:r a tlCW r\"ud,,1 d",,~ or \·llllllli!oh. pili'!>
t hOSt, Ii.'" (; rt'l"k arisllKTa IS \\ ho l"('tai 11t'{1 1Ill,ir blld.
Permanl'l11 rnilitar~ Ir,rc,,,, YMIII "PI)(';ll'I'{1 d!o('-
wh\"n' ill thi~ l'mpi"I', lon~ hdi,rt, Ihl') did ill tilt"
Trrm Fimw, :\ItJ~t \\','rl' enli~II"(1 li'urn Ihe IlIct!

'SI M •.,....,I.. _ " ~IDLiD! by V"«ou ofK.~ln', 0474,. P.rt of •

.",.,Ie of ~inl'''I. i" l'OIrb whi.,h i.e1ud", lypic-lIy V"'D""""
w"'pDlllIlIu ..h •• Ihe Ihr_blad«l ......"" .nd, •• h..re, typi ... 1
Germ. . . .rmour, V,.neli.n 1.lri. w •• bounded by AUlilria
while "un•• ry ."d Ollom.. n- .... led Bo....l. I.. y just Dyer Ih",
moua ...l"li (i.. #t .. .,hllr..h ofSt, M .. ry, s..... mJ,

and tlllalkd ahollt :)O,Olllll1WIL ItllllallY an'a~ Ihe

old l'll\llllr~ k\'il'~ had n'lllailled l'lIi'erin' fighlin~
lroop~ t1lrllu,!..;'ho1l1 till' l:llh {'t'tllllI'Y. Such forcl'S
Wt'l"l' rt'\,jnxl ";Irly ill lilt' tlilh celliury wht'll Ihey
wel"l' kllO\\"1 a~ rl'll/it/r, El-wwlwt't, Ihl' IJI"asalllry
~t'r\'nl a~ rllral g'll1'rrilla~, hara:.~ill.1{ <Ill itl\'adt'l". On
thl' 01111'1' hand tilt' full-lillll' urhall ,l{al'ri~OIlS of Ihl'
\ "'I1"!i;1l1 '/ n I'll /'trll/II \\','1",' oft,'n (If \','1') low II ual iIy.
l"(f1l.. i~lillg- or n'lin,d \'l:lt'1"a'I,~ (II' Illl'll wilh 110
Illililar) lr;,illillg" whal~ne\'I'I",
\'t'lll'li;llllll1'("l':, ~1:llillnt'd O\'I'I")o,t'a,<, in tlll' ('lI1pirl'
, f)fI ,\ /(//", \\ '"1'1' 1IfIll! In' ("l "lsi ..tt"ll fluali I y alld (,fie'l
tItTul'i,'{1 i..nl;ltnl W' hazardou~ oUIJ)l)sts, Apal'l
li·ntll tlU' hllW' IHHll) \\'01' wilh Iht' eOllqm':.l of

R ... r view of Verr...c";o'" 1i1..11l,. (""4,85) of Lbe f.mollti

.,o"dolti""" Bar'olomeo CeUeoni who lierv«l V .......,. f"ilbfutly
for m ..ny y,..r..,1t .how... ~rf""l ..... mpl" on.l'" 'Slb ..,.nlury

•J6, It.Ii Mtldi.,,,.l Armi". P,:H (ill

P.. ol... V<r."i~).
run.pl.. l rmOu" in Ih .. h.li." ... yl,., For .. frO'l! view ~ MAA
c.mpo SS, Gio~ ,.
militilr) l,lill", thUll).!:h l'wn in IIII' 13th l'I'1I1u~ '8aul~ o( Ao&hiari ( ••••l·. paialed c o",. d>~..c by IOCh t o(
Uc",U... I. lhill b,ud~ chI: V"'....c; and F1o....nci .._ u
11:1li:III' \\ ,Tt' I)('i Il~ n'n'lli\l'd litr 'IT\'il'l' (,\ l'rsl'it:., JII 5(0",a d~(",cN th~ Mila.."'.... undu Picd..iao, tNa., Gall, o(
1:!l~l \'I'll in" , Cn'Ian (i.'LIiIa lnrit', n)c<,t' ill J't'\'oh. Tlw Ir.,I.DCl, Duhli..)

n'i11l~ \\a" ITtl,ht'd anIT hillt'r li~IHill.L:, and

Ilwn'alit-r Iht' ddi'llnos or Cn'\I' \\t'rt' stilli:'nl'c1 hy au:til.. . ill IIK'i11 hamb \1 hilt, lirrlll~ "Olllrulling lilt'
Illall) Illt'rn'llal'it", Ilali:II1 in/i-Illll"y takillg a major pon .. , Ill(Il>{' i~IaII(I, \lilll.1 Ira(lili"11 f,t'lliraq, ,llid
ril!t' 111l1U~h 11:t1iall l'a\'all") \ll'n' mill"(' ran,ly ;"l('lTS., 1'I 1111' \ i I,d I; U't'l>h frol" \\ hieh nU~1 \','11"[ iall
rt'i"nrckd, I.oeal ,/rflflioli prll\'idrdllw bulk orhor~l'­ ~hip" \Wrt' huill. Otlll'rwi,,' \'c'lIin' h:lcl 110 i11ll'n"1
'111(lit"'s, 11\ I hI' bkak li1ll,"1 ('11\' 11H ,unwill' "I' I Ill' hinllTl:t ml.
I':adl pan orlhe \'I'll1'li,1II t'11Ipin' dilli:rnl ill tilt' Sornl' dIll''' IIt'l"" ohli,L:I'c1 III ~lIppl~ "hips to 'hv
details oril., Illilil:1 I) 1 Ir)..\a Ili~a Iit Ill. I". ri:t had rill,. II y "I'lll'li;llll1t'I" Zadar 110 II'~S Ihall :\0 g-nlley~ fillly
b'TII 1'!'ll(lltl'l'l'd 1"1,' ill Ih,' 1:~lh Cf'Il111ry "tiel" a manned "'hill' all had III 'lIpply ,'i:lilors, plus
snit's Ill' a n1llhi I,il Ill' up,'r" Ii( 'liS lJ) g:a Iky llet'ls .. rill.: lIlililias fi'1" 111"it' OWll ddi'lIt'c. '1'11t1l1J..(h 111l'
lllrl i lil'a Iilllll> 1'1' 1111 N' pla("t'~' likc ·I'ric.'ll: ane! KoplT cou111ry~idl' 1'1'III<lill('(1 firll1l~ SIa\', lilt' llali<ln
which had ddled \'t'IWliall cOll1rol. W('I'C c1isman- charal'tl'r or Ihl' 1l1:~jor I),dlllali:m c'ilit'~ 1\:lS
i1txl. Kllpt'!' \\a, plal"l'd une!n lilt' jt\illl rult, of a stn:11~IIH'IH'd. Full) Ir;lill\'lI t'l'0.,,1J,.\\ cnilili:ll>
/JOd,"/(/ !'i\'il /-:II\I'I"II(,r :11\(1 a /lfIl/'rdit"fI' mililar~ Ix:t'anw:t li'ailln' Ill' Iht"" ,'iIi,'" \,llil,. 1),tllllali:llI
ae!lllilli,lralOl'. Z:tc!aJ', lilt' main \\'lIl'li:m n:"'al Ix'as,llll \\:trriol'~ ~lill aPI':tl'l'llll~ 11",11 t"Cllnpmill'
b:I'i" ill Dalmalia, rrl'fIIH'lltl} n'\'ollt'd a~ai1l.'1 hO\I~ ul' U}l.alllil1l' or .rlmo't Turl.i,h l"nJl,
\'('II\,ti:m rult' alltl had, ill 1:1('\, h(','11 rl'COH'I'l,d TIlt' :l.licldlt' Ea~ll't"ll ,11 .. ,.. 1\'\1'1' 01 "('lH',ian
durill~ Iht' Ii!"'''1 hall It' or lilt' Fourth Crusad,'. l'olollialu'IIt'p" ill Cn'\(' ami (;I'1'1"('t' \\,1,' C'\'l'll mol','
Duhro\ nik n",i'lt'(l Vl'm'lian ('ulilrol mort' dTn-· oh\iou"" En'ltia, kllll\\11 tn Iht, \'t'llt'li:tns ;I~
lin-I} atld \\.1' onl) J'ullxl h~ \'cnice from I~O':' to ~q.!r()plJlllt'. \\,1' "Imlt;.t ,l' hiA .111 i,larul a~ Cn'l,'
1:~S8. EI ...ndwn.' Ih,' \'l'Ill'li:llh Il'ft <I:ly-",-<l"y and wa,,111I' kc') Ii' \'I'Ilt'lianl)ll\"'1' in Ihl' :\q.~C;lI1,

II llrislkd with l(lrtilieatillllS, indudillJ.,: il tl)\\Tr 01" lltl' Adriatic, Ilad originally J;llkn ttl \'min'
IHlilt in till' !llid~1 nl"1I1\' Ell ripos thallrwl wilen' lip durillg thl' 1':lfvin,l!"up ol"tlH' Byzarrlilll' 1':l11pil"l'. ;IS
(IJ 1.1 licks flowed ill a single day, Only tIll(' ot'tlw [l'mbl obli,l!:l [iPll IWill,\.{ I hl' Sll ppl YIIf '21 I klligb ts a lid
1ll0S1 sl'lIior \'l'lll'ti:m :Idnlinislfalnrs t"ould bctollll" .1.0 ~qllirl"s, Corfu was, Iww('\'l"1". soon lost 10 lhl'
Nt/ili,- or !!:n"ITIUll" Ill' E\"\"oia. :lI1d the l'nl1H1Y'S OWll Kingdol1l (If N:q)!cs ami had tn he purehasl'd had
flag; \\-a~ tloWl1 lIll :1 IInnlZl' fl:Ig;"~I:,lr oll!sidl' dw ;n 1:11.11i, Other Il'mpnrary Vt'lH'tiall P<J~S('SS;lIns ill
C:lllll'dr:d "I' SiHI :\larl'lI ill Vvnin' ilsdf Ull Gn'l'c,' illclmkd i\lnllt'Ill"ils;a, i\ktluJlIi, Arl-\"(ls,
ClTI'!llOllial UCC:rSillll~, C"rilllh, N;t\·paklO,\, Nauphlia alld 1'\'1'11 Atlll'ns,
Other I.-s~ inlporlall( ,\,'ge:lll iSJalld,~ Wl're rlll're ,\s thl' Ollornall~ ad":lllct'd ;11"1"1'\,\ (;n'I'\'I' in thl'
stups a 1011,1.{ tire track n,utl'S ot" bast's li'Olll which tn !.llh ("l'lllilry Illt'~I' olllp0:-ol:; l!("callll' lillnl wilh
coni rol pir:ltr' '['hi' Crd,ulcs :lfcllipda,l.{tl, Ilwon'li· Byzalltilll' n'lil~I'('S, il.larty (';Illlt' rrolll Ille (,Id
c:dlya lid'ofllll' l.:rlill Ernpin'orConstaminopk. mililary i'lill' and tOf'lk sl'l'\'in' wilh \'ru;n' ,IS
wa~ al'l ually held hy \':1 r;ous \'('11t'1 ;all Hlinilil's who \Imllio(; li~lll cavidry, Arll\,ng thl'lll W"'"I" I:Hllt'liS
pl:H'('d lo)'.rlIY hJ VI'ni('I' ahove mere felldal rl,lllll'S like (;1'<lill.:lS P:llOlt'IIIIIg;(IS, {i'tllll IllI' last
ohlig-:ltions III Illat short-I;\"l'd 'I'lllpin.', Tire tillY Byzanlilll' rlilill,1.{ (;lmil). willi rose II' ("(llmna'ItI .. 11
i,sl:rrld of "tiliera, (Ill' Ihl' sl)UIIlt,:1'Il tip 01" Greece, Venniall lighl G:t\'a I1')", All dli,rt lco dri\"(' till'
pnJ,'idl'd "ital l'11Il'l11111llieatiuns bl'lWCI'll \'<:llite ()tl\llllansOltl ol"tl\(: PclUpUlllll'SC ill 1.1(j:~ .~ witli all
alld Crele; ;1 ("'('lltu:,lIy had lin less (h:lll Illrl'I' army (11' ,,(rad;nli, J [alian h,llld"g;uIHllT~ Olild (.m"
("a~llc-.s and ol sizeal)l\' l-\"alTison, Corfu, at 1111' mouth d'iltirri hell "y Gl\'alry l:LiIt 'd, 'fhis was lilt' last majllr
VelH:tian land ollcllsi\'l: in tlll' 1':I~1. Th(T('a!il'l"
'Venelian S'raJ,'"U; al lh.. baule of '''ornovo ('4.9S)' from a ddcllSi\"l' 0p.Tatioll~ lI"en' kn III Ihi' na\':11 ami
French print made a f"w year,. later, Here a combined halian
army tlnd.. r Venetian leadership was narrowlyd ..f..aled by .he g::lrrisoll ilrf:'mtl'y 'lild In ,(/'(/(/iQI;. wh(l not only
invading French, btlt not before the str"d,otli light cavalry had li'"ght tilt' 01l0111:1nS till 111.';1' OWll t('r1ll~ bUI W(Tl'
caused terror On lh .. Fr.. nch flank. {Nat. Gall, of An,
W..sh;ngton) III uch dll';\ per 10 Ill:' iI11<1 in Ihi! II \ \\',~tl-rll"st yk 1llt'1l"

a I-anns, \ \'ieldi 11g: l;hOl"l la IIl:C~ orja \'cli Ill;, bows a lId
lighl swords, alld being- rdalin.:ly li~ht1y armoun:d,
such Jlmdioli wcrl' recruiled ill Grcl'C.':c, Albania ,md
Dalmalia. Theil' loyalty was rarely in doubt. lheir
ferocily pt"OH'rhi<l1. and their habil ofml1ccting lhe
heads or slain fbI'S nc\'cr seriously discouragnl.
NC\"tTlhckss. si,l.:"ns ordcc1ining Balkan and Grn:k
sllppnrt till' Vt'nice' he'camc apparenl ('\'("11 Ily Ihl'
151h ('t'nlll!'),
Crel!' n'lll'lined the prize poss"ssioll ami \'t'llin'
h:'ld 10 fi~hl lor il agaillSt hOlh local Grceks and
Gt:lloes(' l"rCt'-hOOlers, To cnSllrc ils subjection til('
isl,lIld had hlTIl di\'idecl illlo six seclions nallwd
after the si,\; dislri('lS of\'t'lIic(', BClIt',lIh Ihcse Gl!lW
Ij2 kllig-lllS' l"ct'S ilnd ,1°5 infillllry s('rgt',lIllries
mostly held by VClH,tiilll military s"tllers, For-
Ii fical inns spra Ilg up all ovel' t he island. particu larly
a I(Jllg Ihe nol'\ ht'l'll COilsl, \'t;l Crell' pnwnlnol to be
lh" land llf"0pp0rlutlilY as had al fina bet;ll hoped,
Evell hy 13:F many nl'l1w \'ellt;lian St'lller knighls
wcn' 100 puo!' to aflurd proper mililary equipmellt.
i'vlall)' of Iheir li:udal scrls \l't:I'(' 01" Ar,J!) origill.
dl'scrlld\,d t'rtl1n i\ Ill~lilll C(Jllq\lcror~ whn had ruled
en'l" {"('lllllrics ("arlin, Though llllfrn.:, Ihey could
1)(" SlllllllHltlt'c1 filt' mililary service. while Gn:ek
Cretans WI"IT also Ctllls<Tiptcd when llt'cl1ed, TIll: 'Porl.rail of an unknown F1or~ntin~ "nigh!' by Piero di Co5imo,
<:.'5'5> showing ,h., ftut..d arn.our ,",pular ;n norlhern lIal)'
en'lall lalenl lor s;1\'<Ig-e j.{lll'l"rilla Il'arline first from Ihe earl)' .6,h ce... ur)', {Nal. GaU.,r)', London)
bl"(':llllC ;lpparcnt dllring lht., ll1id~I~'1th n'lllllry
l"C'bdlinll "'hil'h "'as, 11011'l'\"I'I" equally sav<lg-dy termini [i)r tht, lralls-Asiall Silk Road as wdl as
crushed, Allullwr uprisitl,!s inlhl: mid-t4.lh n.:lltllry roUll'S IHH'lh illin fur-rich Rll1>.,i<l alld Siberia, Then'
contirnwd thl' Vl'l1Clians in t1wir vicw or Cn'tans as were. nl'rollfsc. hll)ucly dashes, bllt Vl'lll'lialls ami
ulliruslworthy sa\':lges, ,1l1d Ihe latle]' ill their Ge1l0l'se hOlh fi'ar\'d Ih,' mighl oftl1\' llt'i~hlJolirillJ..:"
h:lllwl [iw V('lIelian t.'o)onial I'llit-, NI'HTthdess !\Iollgnl Cold,'!) I-Inrdl' ,111(1 its Sll('n'~SClr Kh'III:II,'".
Crt.'tan inl:lIllry archers were soon lighling- a)otlg- The CrinH':I ilsdf 11'<1.'1 ;, rl'm<lrkalll~ mixed :In',I,
sick Vl'lll"tian nossh(Jwmt:ll in lilt..' Tl'rm Firma, wi th Arn1l'll ialls Ii lnni Ilg ,l m:ljori I)' ill SOIll\, 11';ldi II).:
From Ill,' Fllunh Crusadc's conquesl 01" l~tallbtll I(IW!lS and Christian (;cllhs, dt'St't'lld;llll.' tll' 1):lrk
ill t '111'1 II) Ih" Byzan Ii 11(' rC~<Ii ni Ilg: or Ih(-ir capi lal ill Age and pn!l;lps slll),s('qllc'IH Anglo-Saxon rd'u,g\'l'
I',d)l. Vell"tiall merchanls dUlllillatl'd L111: Black set 1leI'S, ill h<llJi Iin)..:" \ lit' l"flast:L I IHlllllltaillS, :-\ I Kal1;1
Sea, This dall!-':t'fOllS area spallllt'd Ihc rich ('ara"all the Gcno('s(' e\"('11 had a ((Ili/lrll/l'lIl rio/hi,' ill l"h'lrg'e or
roUles fhltn Irall and Chilla, and was abo an Gothic lroups, pillS ((lIM/alii ami otlln' lilll-timl'
imp0l'\alll SIIUtT,' fir wood fhHl1 which ('ross bows military ollieials, Tltt' llali:llI~ 10.'11 1111' (:ri11\I';1 1\IIIIl'
were m,tclt.-, III 12Gl Vt'niCt' IIISI )Il'!" paramlHllll OllOlIlalls in l.li~l. llll' Black SI';I !J1'I'omin,g :111
pvsilion 10 1111' G,'nUI'se, who werl' dos,' allil's or:t Ol10ll1atllakv willllilliw )'('ars. "Ih'!" which lhl' c>l1l~
r('vivnl Il)'zaillillm, But, (It:Spill" till' dedicaled '\\'l'slero' Ilwl'cllanl 1"!'J<ls,'I, 10 s;lil ils wal'T" \\"\'1"("
llostilil)' ill" Ihl~~t' IWO Ilalian mariliml' repuhlics, thnsc ol"\'t'niee's llid J),IIIIl:lli,nl l'i"a1. \)ulJro\'nik,
Venin.: and Cenoa Ih'qul'ntly co-op"raled ill lhe Thc lllcn::t'l1ary t!t'Il1\"lll ill \'l'lwtiali anllit"
hazardous "Il\'irolllllCIlI ol"the Black 5t';I, This was steadily im'l'cascd O\'l'!' Ilw n'lllliril's, ,\lnl'l'naril",s
paniclll:lrly <lpparenl ill Ihe Crinw:J, where a had IOllg IWt'l1 a kalun' 01' ll;diall 11'<lrE,n' ami
llumbt'l' of" originally Byzantin" porls sen'l'd as IlOl"lhtTn Ilaly rt'rnainn) lilt' ma,iul' SCHlrn' lll"SUc:/1

'Kn;ghl adunng Ihe Virgin lind Child' by Clliena, early 161h (Qlldollirri hUI most 1l0l;thly a,!.{ailisl I-lullj.{arians ill
cenlury. The .... rnur'. turban and a curved dagger on the wall
suggest Ihal he represent. an 'ori,"-nlal', perhaps one of Ihe Frillii ('Oldy in the 151h CI'lIlury, AlIlllUg" ,'('lIiet'"s
Thrff Wist' Men or a Venelian s/rpdiol light ca"alryman, (Nat,
Gallery, London)
nOli-II alia n melTt'l L;j rics \\'t.:I"t' (;I'fll'liln ,L;"Lt lllH 'r, a llCl
pikemcll, English ardH'l"s, (jaselllls, ~wi~s, Al-
tl"()()P~ tor '·("nin·. AIIlOl1~ tin: first Iloll·ll:dian~ to banian mountain intillllry, Dallll,Hial1~ and en'tall
he hi I'ed II tTt' Ca la l;t II tTl lS.,hO\\'Jllt'll b IC' in Iht' 131 h ardH'r~. Omd/llfiai infhnlry wcn' lIst.'c! in !;{rcal
cenlury. Fon'i~ltel's Iwcanlt' mllrt.· Cf,rnmlllt in l'llh 111l1l11wrs durillg Iht' 151h CUtlllry, proving tlltlch
("{'!llury ,'cilicc, as Ihcy \\lTt' dscwlH'n' ill Italy. easier 10 hire and lire Ih;1I1 the pr0ud('r ane! more
tllllllg"h Ihe \'t'lleti;tll.' t'al'lll,d ;t rl'[luI;1Ii011 a,~ ('xpt'nsin' c;l\·alr)', Such tlll.'lTt.'nary inbntry forcl.'~
llowbly hard bar,l{aim'rs 1IIIt'll il camt.' to drawing lltJrmally itlCluded spl'annCtt, ("I'Os..,II(JWllll.'ll and
llP tIll' ("'ld'll/a n,nlral"l. Such cfllItrans wen' shidd-hcart'l"S in t.'qual llttillUCr. BUI all thesc
g"t'lIt'r<tlly \'t'f)" rlt-tailt-d. slw("if")'in~ arms and l1lerC('ll<lry lill'cCS had thl.' dis<lch-;II11ag-t' (lrshorl
cquipnwllt dOWIl Iu tlll' la~t ell-tail. Fon'ig-n COtl1 racls. a licr wh icll 1111: lllC11 could gil a lId hi rc ou t
nWI"t"\"l1arit's Wt'lT not 1101'111;llly l)C'nnill~'d to li\'C iu 10 anolher' stalc.
Veil in' ilself" hUI Wt'l'\' ltllllst.,d ill b;uT:lcks fir -I'IIC 101lg" VenClian tradition ol'1llilitary Irainill~
hadwlor lious('," Wilhill IIle ciladds 01" llw Tfll"ll and splendid lOtlrnatlll"nts, ill which t'\'t'll ,lradi!}l;
1-'11'I1111. Th('I'\' Ilw Il'OOPS St~m illlcgl'aled il1(o tll(' were takin)..\" part by 14-91, stlUI(\ VeniCt· in /.:"luKI
lot'al comll1unities. marryiug" lucd ~irl,~ and cvell ~lead. An.:hcry butts fill' nosslxl\" prat,tit"(' \\'(,I'e
sCllilig IIp local lmsiln'sst's, Yel discipline could iilill dot led aruund lhe cilY and Ihe Lickl, Priz('s wne
lw h;u"Sh, wilh hangill)..\s or Illutilalions fix St....iOll' ~elh.'rous. and III Iso6 slmolillg" l'an,l.;"l.'S ami
nl1i.:nses like clt-senioll. (,'ollflul/;I'I"I Ieackrs \I'ho {"ompt.,titions lor handgulls \I'CIT similarly sel up,
hccr;tyecl VClIin" werc Jlllhfidy humilialed by illdicalingjust how inlportalll lllC~e til'\\' \\t'apttIIS
ha\'il1g" ilwir ptlrtr;til,s hUll,!.;" up~ick-dflwn ill puhlic had become. Olher \\'al'likt.' pa~tinH'~ ;ndllclt"-cl
platTS sud I as lhl' Riallo broltu:l. barely C"oll1rolkd baltlc~ with :l1;lVes alld fisls
Oil/dol/ini inl:Hllry Wl'I"t' sent m'\'l"seilS in the I.llh bl.'lween lhc thrcc easlern and Iht' Il1n'\' \l"t"'~\(TII
t.'t'l1lmy, s(,l'vin,1.;" itl erett' and ds('wht'l'('. Tht' .If."ifl"; parish<,s tJfVellice, Ollidally ill;Hl~lIl'all.'d in
/.:"IT<lll'SI SUlTt'''St'~ t,r tht'st' ltig-hl)' trained pro- 1'29'2, (hey lellclt:d 10 tah' placl.' bel \l't"('l1 St'plt'lll ht'l"
1i.'ssiiJlI;tls wen', lrow('w:r, ill t!ell-nn' 01" the Terro alld Christmas, Nonnally IIKll~in~ollllll'tlridgn
Fitl/w. Thest' Wen' al'llil'\'('d not only ag:aillSt 01l1l'r which l"ck(·<! parapets ill IhoSt, days Illt'y l'llCkd
willi lilt' 10sl'J's Hilling inlo Ih' 'allal. :ham sea
ligills a 'saults Oil 1110 k a.<;llc " , nd bagordi or lighl
('<1,'<111''' manu 'uvr \ I' ua k and with Irawal
dear! inspin'cJ by Balkall or lsIami military
4-----...1)- c.l--_---"'--:-_---.J

pra lin',w(T'alslar'atUr' rl,th cl1llrY\lni "

:0 \\01: Ih· d ",r1y non-E Imp an ,\l"rel/'o war
dan l'Wilhhllllltl'd la g rs, namar's nou I \' I Firearm : A-B........l of Scllioppo band'gun, '<lth C, (Mus,
Civico Marzoli, Brescia); B-Br....ch.loadin cannon 'een from
l\\·i l'-year! ' mililaI-y parade' and ill:p lioll' \\'ere beneath, of type which could be mounted on the bulwark ofa
ship, 15th C, (Mus. Civico Marzoli, Brescia); C-Mid.15tb C.
d ':iglH' I 10 weed ut in Ilmp'l nl 11'0 I;' an I I( haDdgun, shown on right in reconstructed wooden tock (Mus,
cll('l'k Ihl' qualil~ or mililar, quill11('nl. Civico, Trieste); D--Mililary whedlock pi tol with German
barrel & Brescian lOck, mid.t6th C. (Annoury of Doge's
Palace, Venice); E-It:alian caliver matchlock, I ngth abnost
"5 m ..tre (after Held),
Siege, Fortification and Fireanns
\ elH'linn sicg\' \\'arl~ln.:, al leasl 01 land. ~ II ,,'rei
th(' :an1l' p;'ltl'rJIS as d: \ h('n' in Europe, B Ihe 'rcnadc: \ ere also rr 'orr! 'el, hUI il was thl'
(',11"1)' dah PIIIIIl')' Ih' krenn' ora it)' like Padua kvdopnwl1I IJI'II (' han I-R In \- hi 'I was to pl'tlVC
dej) 'ne! 'c! up II all e);1 'ri I' \\'al -r-fill d dilch and ll10s1 dramalic, In lh' l ..p h n'nlury such \\!c'apOl1s
massed ,. rlillLTy in rais'd eanh ha. tions to covcr had less armour-penetrating- 'apabilil than ross-
galf's allel mlll'r weak J oinll'. The stOll(' cily wall was bows, thollgh Ihey wer(' rh ',,!wr; bUI il11prov 'l11('nl:
sln'llg111l'1lt'd hy having -anh I ikcl again 't il. inner illih '111 nuhrlurt' I'salLJ eln' '1I1d the IISI' r10ngcr
[1('(' hchin I whi 'h was anothcr e1il h l:nckcd by barrels rapidly in rcast'd Illuzzk vclnril ',The gr 'al
eascma ('S and lowers, Filll II. therc 'ame a high cilcli. n rondl/lliff/-leader. :olkolli, was popularly
!'m ban km 'nl \-vi th a parap 'I S 'Iyj ng a' an a ':embl)' CTt'dilt'd wilh lirl't using lid I arlilkr ' Oil l1lobik
poinl anrl additional ,utili r' pladc.1I'ITI, :ro:sbow' carriages, an I Ihou~h ht' mig-hl Ilnl aClUally han'
\lI'n' 'Iill used b)' l11ililianll'l1, b II hanclgul1ll rs b n tht' Ii r:t. h ' ('cn a i 11 h, us 'd IIll's(' 111'\\' w 'a pon:
pnl\'iclnl t hI' mO:1 ,0' Ii,' an. w... In inral1lr ,"I" '11<- tiv'l)', Tht' V '11 'lian, W('IT a!' 11-
assault. lhllsiasli . al out d '\T10I ing 1It'\ c'xplnsivc' wcapon:
\ eni l' fin U~ I. an I (~I (' I. firearm III 137 including' gunpl wd r-fill'd mill's alld Ih' long-
\l11\'III)Olh lhl' \'c'lwliansand AU'Iri ns mploy'd barrell 'd and higll)' mobile !NlJi/i,l!. sit',£{ gUll, Th
homhards ill open baIlie, 'UIlS play d a more \1', enal ul1\'iousl)' phyed a major I an in Ihl\('
~iglliliralll rlJIr againsl til· 'no'" L r,w y'ars dl"" 'IOll11l'llIS hUI was t'qllillJ~ d ",r1y unabk 10
lal('I'; alld b ' Illl' t"\r1) I Ih (,tlllUl' Ih' \' 'nt'li. n manu a "I un' as Illan) call 11011 ,I: wcre Iwcckd ill lhe
~lI'Inr clearly had an artillery Irain whil evcn Ihe I Ih t'l1lur. l\l<-anwhilt- inm was smdtnl and
ri,'(T fI '('I' arri·d nUllwrOll, small cannon, worked [(II' mililary I ul-pnst\ in a \\flll<- I "I' rt IJr
ru mace: known a~ Ihe - '\In. Ia IlT 10 I> 'coml' hell I'
River waU and bastion (left) of the 16th century defences of
Kolor, The land waU may ju t be e n rising from left to right
kn \\Ill rtS the Ghcuo or Jcwish quancr or \ cllice.
up the precipilou lope of Mount Lovcen, The hilllre 01' \' 'nclian anill'ry againsl an
invading- Fr 'nch Siq~l' train <11 thl' CII I or t1w 15th
c('lllury SC'C'I11S lHll III In\,' I' 'sull(' I li'om infr-rinr
'V{'e p )IlS bUI (i'om Frell 'h Ilun1l'ri 'al Sll'l'Il,~lh and

hI' gr 'atcr ll1obilil, '

111 I. ()l \ 111(' r~lc('d Ih' L 'agut' or Cambrai.

"'hi h pilled In sl If Europ' againsl her alone:
a11101l/.{ til ':e [C)t', wa~ Fnu1l'I' whose armi 'S wcrc
amol1g- Illl' 11l0S1 I (I\\Trrul Ill' till' clay. nl)' IWO
I ~)
m(lllth~ ann ;[ lIug't' explosiUlI ill the "rst'llars FrOIn ,hell on Vt'nice adopted a grimly ddcllsiVt,
~lI11pO\\"(kr ~lore. \'c'llin' lI"a~ dl'li-alecl at thl' .~1;1I1n.. ~hllnniltg"all alliances and stn:nglh(,rling her
(li~;L~lre)u~ I';lt,ll' c,f !\~n;ldl'll(J :LII(I till' Tt'ITt/ /'j"rfl/a fnl1lticrs with the ,nost modern liJ1'llfications. 'j'llt,
\I"a~ lll~l. T'w~(> ll't"ril"ric'~ WITI' \<1 be' ~radually and pn'l'llrtion orea\'alry to inl;ulIry in her annil'S was
p;nit'lIt1y rq~ailH'd: htlt t1w most remarkahle aspect draslicall~ reduced, as in nHist OlhtT Europc.:;ul
flf Ihis app:dlill).{ )'I';lr 1I';1~. ill 1;ICt. the Repuhlic's slall,;s. whik .111 ever-growing" Ot \( IIlla II na\'al til rea t
~un'i\·al. 10 her (JnTSI'as lelTllories demallckd enor mure
gaJlI'ys. plu"~ lilt' marim's and .({llllS II' lill thelll, OIL
Ihl' ntll(T hand, Vl'lH:lian mililal")' Ol'g-;l11isalifJll
lJecame mon° and mort' COnSt'lTa,i\'l' and predict-
ahle. CClilsidl"l"able dlilr!S \,'ere' c1n'oh'd til :1\'olding
"';11' Willi Ilw Ollomans and 10 m;lirllailling strin
nt'UtraJiI)' In Europ",11l albirs. The army ;\IId tlet"
l·o-npo.'l":llo:d 11I(,r(' dll~l'1y than 1·\'C'r. The fiwllll'r
t·n11c('1lIral\·d on Illainland Ihn·als li·Oln Hapsbtlrg-
:\lL~lrla and Ottomall-\"ukel HI/sllla, lhl' Jall"r 011
1l;1\'allhrl":Il~ nOI f111ly Ih,m lhl" OllfllllallS but also
IhJln I hOst, champions of C:hrisll'llelIJlll, the Span-
iards. whll nl)\\' rllkd ~Olllh('\"n Italy. \'('nll'l' may
11;I\'C i;hrllllk 10 a svcnllel-das~ po\\'(' .., bllt lhe
wisdom or, hese pulirics \"C'stllted in I he fl'llla I'ka hi)'
long: lik (,l" her l"mpire. which sun'lwel IIntil
N:lPO!t:OI1"s lakC'on'r in 1797. ~1:1chian'lJi's damll-
ing: explanation or the Venetian ddi'i11 in 15U!) a-"
result illg; li"om a ' misera bit- haseness or spi rit ca lLSI·d
'The SIO~OrSI Ursula' by Carpaccio., '493. Lef'_h.. pilgri",,,
arrive al Cologne, "ho...ing (ully ar",oured men equipped in
VeneTian lilyl", and an archer wiTh a la,,,, By~anTine slyl", o(
.....ord. Belou-.llassacr", o( tbe pilgrim" by UUnll, sho...ing
Hghdy equipped soldiers ...ho are probably ba..ed on Venelian
$f.,,,diolli. (Academia Gall" Venice)

b~ a 1\'ITlclll'd lI1ilitar~ ~y'h'H1' wa~ pwn'd \\"rull.~ III l(ir.1 r7 \"'lIit'l'li'lIglll Iwr Ia,l 111,11"1' laud lIar.
by slll"\'ilal IiII' almost lhru' 11101'(' cl.'lllllri,·~ ;Ig-airhl ag-:lrn a~airlsl Ill\' II:tI'~l)ltrg's \\]10. Iltrllul.:h
.tll dll' lIdd, (If Eurolll"~rli Ili~lor). i\rdlduke F"rc!ill;ll1Cl 01 .\uqri:l, 1\ 1'1'1' pn'tl'l·tllH-\
Onl' I""ull or \'('lIin:~ ehallgnl lojtuati'JlI wa~ a the lro'lIhk,ol111' L·.,k"k I'it.ttl" (II' S"I~j ill till'
rclurn 10 rdiann·. as I~u' ;t, pll~~ihll" orL IHT U\\ II IIclrtht'nl .\driatit'.
mell, ;\ll'I'n'llarie~ \\fTl' still recruitcd IIlII surh U~kuk ;tlld ollll'r piratn. pIll, a 11;(\;11 tlln'at to
I!'lOOp' IllTl" nOlI kss a\'ailabk and \\'niee \Ias al<;o Dalmatia rn'lll Sp;Ll1i,h :\aplt·'i. \1 ('l',. rill' main
,hort (If cash 10 p,L Y them. Thl' \.cnet iar Lal'i<;tocrac~ probl'·lll.s corrthlllting \"'l1in' ill till' ],lll' ll'lh alltl
remained ~m:dl. rl('\'lT llUmbering- lllon: Ihall :.!,Sc)o I 7t Ill'('r 11 uric,. Th.. llsk'lk" bi ulI'd tc, I)C' (:nr,;tckr"
adult maIn. ill corl1pari~un III its milital'~, na\'al. li.{{htillg' the Uttoman infield. Iml ill Ell' I tIH'~ l'au~I'd
politic;)l nnd ,Idmilliqratin' rcspollsilJililin. 01'- more tl'Uuhl,' 10 Chri'li:tl1 \'t'llin'. ,\Ithough lh('ir
din:lr~ pl.'upk \\I.'I'C IIOW Io.:s~ wi]lilL~ 10 .'l.'lId llll.:ir ha.~e;1I !:)l'l1j \\:1:- IIOrltlll:dl~ ill I bp>.llLlrg 11'l'l'ilor~.
SOliS a:. :.oldic'r,. <;0 that \"'nin' \\:" (Ihli.l.{cd 10 lilt· l'~k'lk~ \\eIT ill rt'a]jl~ rrl'l'!lllllt,·r,. NilI' \\l'fl'
p:Ll'dnn crimirlals il11Ttunll~11' 111cirl·nlistlllelll. 'I'he chI')' tIll' llnl~ pir;rtl" irl tilt' ,\dri;rtic: Sp:llli;rrd,.
I'it) inl'I'c':I,illgly rdied OlL 11Ll'll ti'urn tl1l' 7"l'lm /;i'rll/(/ F1'I·llch. ])utdl, 1·:Ilg'li,h. Klligllh lir ,\I;r1t;, ;tnd
wlriclr. d"spile ih prohkms, wa:. lit·d 10 \'elrin' hy a Tmcall Kni!{lll:- of SI Sl"plll'lI all pl'l'yl'd 011
~rudg"ing' fWrlS,· or 11llll11al ac!\·allr;tg'('. The \\'n~ \·.:rwliarl ~hippillg-. ;\lrrsli11l I'"r,arr~ illdudc'd
c'liall~ lllt'll1~d\'l's n'mairll'd ;1 mulli-cultural ;)nd 01l0111;111 ·!"\lrks. :\llt,lilI1' I),lo-I·d irl .\III;tllia and
CVl'U lIlulti·rada] so('irly. NC\'\'nbd,'ss there were sOllllwrn Dalmalia. as wdl as th\' I;Ulll'll' Ibrl>ar~
<;lill t;tr more rC1H'gades li'om Chrish'ndo1ll In Islam. Cur.'Sair>. fi'Olll Norlh Alrica. VI'I rill')' \\,(·ft' l1()t
and fl'olll VCllicl' to Ihe Otlorn:ms, lhall \,it(·-\·cl1>:l. piralt'~ ill till' Inw ~"'I\I·. ,illn' dll'ir' ,ll'Ii\·ilit.:>.. like
Christ ians also In 'a ttd lhei r ;\ I uslim prisoncr' ~Ia ws lhosl' or Christian I'lJr~:l1r, atta('killg' ~lu~lirn
I;Lr lIllI"'" tll,rll Turk\ trealed Christian slaw's, ";!Iippirlg, \\lTt' g'l'rlnall~ lil'crN'd II} llwir n·'pc,,·tin·
Iarv,d) bC('albo..: Chri~li;1t1 Mx·i(·ty lacked lhe gCI\,e1'llll11'lll '.
l'c:1igious-Iq.{;l1 'i;IJu:tiulI!> to deal I\ith such mrttwrs .
.\kall\\ hik tilt' ("Ollln,l Ill' mililar} "flilirs \I'as
Cl/II'·'·lIlrall·d ill thl' hand~ or a ('olkge or cxperts
much likt· ;, modern \\':11' council. Spi.:s and
illii Inn(TS pia ~ c·d pl'1'h:t ps a gn';( tlT 1'(,10.: in \' ellel i,lll
milil:ll') prep,Lr:llion~ thall ;1t1}'1\ ha(' d~(' 111
Europt·. I\hik in lhe r(ilh Cl'Ill11r~ \"'nin~ itsl'!f
Iwe,L1Tw a (','llln' li,r the Wrilil1.1.: ami priming' or
11Iilitar) I)Otlks and maps. !\Iilitary nlllsiruetiun.
iikillcd arlisans. and abOI'': alllht· rnakirl~ ofbrOllZC
earlnOlI WITt' jncr('a.singl~ cOllcclltr;l1cd irl tllt'
Arsenal Irmlt-r rhe d''''''SI gU\'(Tnl11ellt "upl·r'\'isiol1.
\\'hik !Ill: '7 t'I'/'{/ ','iflllfl l4('nnall~ remained lo)'al
til Vl'Jlin·. till' l'aSll'rtl pro\'inn' Ill' Friuli was slill
\'er~ badward arKl \'inuall} li·udal. 11 W:l~ here
lhat Verliee t~c('d seri(Ju~ l11ainbud Ihn',lIs li'om
holh Hapsburg- AllStria and tlH' Turks, Both w('re.
hO\\'t'\'er. (·ontain.:d: and it would 1,1' bir to!>a~ Ihal
lhe Ottoman Htilun' to conquer Ital)'. Iarg:d~ as;1
rcsult Ur\'('IU'lialr reSiSI<lIlCI·. had a prulilund dli:cl
olllht· nltlnw orR('nai~alKl'and Europeall hi~lury.
Veneli.n wnodeul !Ihowing Ihe ~iege nf P.d.... NOle lhe
besiegers' .. _ of <:lOnnon, h.ndg.. n~ ignited by • second man
wilh • he.IH tnuel",:, .nd Ihe def"-nd.,....• ..s., of inc"ndiary
gr"n.d.,,, (from Niccoli> degli AgoSlini, U S"cuu; Bell.'ci
p .. bli"hoffi in '521),

'SI GecriP' by Carpll""io, ",1:;00, Tl!p Kllinl 's shown a,. a full)' 11ll' ('Iitl.: of llle \"'~rKtial1 ll1ilit:lr~ 1'"~I<lbli,hl11t'IH,
equipped V",.."'l'a.. mll..... I-lIrml;, Ihough wilboul a h"lm"'l U"
.,'t"S"uola di S" Giorgio d"gle S"hiavoni, Venice}, wi Ih IIKi r wick '"XIX-rll-nn' III It (l1l1~ or na \'al ",ar1:II"('
Inll of g"ullllcry and comb"l on land, [ll\':lriahly of
TIll' maill tlir~'at to \"ellin"\ O\'I,:rs('as po~~~SSiOllS nuble rallk. llleir baIlie disciplillc wa~ hiR"h bill Iheir
11,. III rally ea me li"llm II Il' Oll( HIM ns. 'I 'he Empire f)(l SI'nSi" ofrt'spomihility cOLlld ill tJlhn lillH"~ 1Jt' poor.
,\fafl' \\'a,~ Ih 1I"~ divided i1110 Ii 'Ill' ddi:llsi Vt· %Ol1t'S: tlH' Till')' Ih:qucntly lOok IlwIr ships 'uf!' slatioll' Oil
Gulfof\"t:nin: ,wei 1~lria: Dalmatia ami ils isl:lnds: pri'",Ht' \"oyap;t's hack ((l VI,'nict,: cIt"Cor,lled tl1l.'ir
Ihl' {;In·k j,bmls and Crl'l!": :Ind, 1;11' In til(' (':LSI, g:dky's poops with unatllhoris('d alld appaliing'ly
Cypru:i, which had only I;dlt'rl umlt-r Vl'llt'lian t'xpt:llsi,"c gilded woor!"',n'k: 1'(UISlallll)' dl,"l11all(kd
nltmol in q!l!J' Ihllllalia st'ITt'd as Ihl' maillslar of Ill'\\' ships and gl'lwrally In::tll'd Ilwi .. \"\'ssds as
\'l'nClian 11,1\',.1 pOll"c'r ",hilt- thl' rt~llIrtl1l' m:ll"ilimc pcnonal crllISt'l"S, In mall\" way:. tlll'sl' 1111'11.
t,tnpin' n:lairlt'd ib ori,~illal slralt'gil' functiOl1 as :I rlTOciOliS and skilful lighlers as Ilie}" \\'tTI", Ilad tllurll
chaill or hC,IVil~' dt'f;"ndl'd baSt'S, 1Iluu,~h lht, in COlllmon bolh \\'idl nwdie,',,1 kl1i~h,s ancl wilh
Ollllllla ns had :11 read) hr{Jkt'lI IhroLl,l~h thi"~ chain in surnt: ;,ir an's Ilt",hl: (;1"\'<11 ""ar!
111 a lly plan's" '1'111:1'1,' was abo a II in,reasi 11g 1I'IIdl"lll"y :\llogellll.:r, hO""t:\"er, Ihcn' \,'<I~ a sli:ady decline
{fl!' \'('niel"s Crn'k ami Iblk:in sul~i("("L~ lu nl'l' the III V"l1ctian 11:1":.11 dTieicl1cy li'lJlll Iht' fait' IG,1l
I,TCl" IlI'avicr hand nfVt'III",iall t'ol('llial ruk li)r lhc ("('llillry Ollwards, despilt> a "~I"l':l1 vicI"ry O\'(T tht'
rt:l:tli\'t' rrcl'duill of OllOlllan tt:-rrilOry, To sunw Otloman (ke( 011 Lcp:ulI') ill 1:1711" '1"11t' ~Ill)na.l{(' of
CSIClll V('!Iin- was sun"j,"iug on her pasl rcpulalion" cn'ws bccanw "CUiI'. Bigg:I.:1" \\arships, "llch as a
III fact. SIKh was Illl' :I,\','SOllW nUll(" or lilt: Arsenal "greal galley· flagship Ill" I{iOl, ""rried :) 7:l I1l1"ll, '.!~JO
Ill:It II~'WS clf :LllI II III.: r dn'as(a ling" t:Xplll:.icln in ISi19 beingoanil1Wll, 1:f1lwi"g"oldier~"ll(llllt"irol1inTs.
wa" said III ha,"(' t'III'UIlraKl-d the Ollomans IQ Senior llWIl rOll~lll in rull armour, rnarilll,'s in lil{hllT
irl\'a(k, and ultimat..!r sc'iz(' Cyprus" (/jfM!elf; ol"plalc, ",hill,' oarslllcn \\"on' light 1l\'lnu'l.~
and Illclal-lillt:d (Qf"'I1~;;:illi f1exiblt' hudy armour"
The Fleet I'"n'(' oarSlllen still hcll)l,"c! lilt' glllllH"1"S in lln~kilkd
Dert:llCI' or "'"t'l'lwas baSI'S slill fl'sled primarily till l'ap:lCilics. bUI \'cnltc had aln'ad)' 1)1,"1'11 ohlig"t:d 10
Ilw g:allcy fln"t whoSI' news wnc still used as land or 10w('I" her staudards or n:l\':l1 nTruitnwnt in Ihe
alllphjhillll.~ (;!1Tt'~" SlJ/ll"I/rll//lili ,~allc'~ caplaim. \\'1'I"t' mid-,6Ih et:ntury, By 111~" 171h ("c'1HlIry sl,,"dard"~
wen' Shllll't i Illt;~ a bY~llt;ll. III 1539 cUllscri pi ielll frtllll craftsllu'n. \'I'w:liall clplaiu~ bl'ill,~ instrul"In[ III
lht" parislws had been ab,llldollCd ill Hl\'our or ellSLl I'C I ha I such 1111'11 II'cn: 'killnl ill wha le\'tT S('('I"( 'I
qllota~ or O,ll"Sllwn from Ihe g"u;lds and SCI/Olf or and discreel 1ll:llllll'r yOll SI'C lit 10 ww',
rdig-iolls li'alerllities, Albanians, 1);llmatiallS, The Ilumber of lighting- Illell al}uard :1 ship
(j rl'd;s a Ild.J I'WS from Corfu i Ild uded oarSIlll'11 who depended on whITe she was sailing, Though
had simply htTIl press-g"Itl.L:l'd, Com'iet oarsmen srkued mili tia lIlli IS wel"(' still usn[ at s('a, Ihost· who
\\'{'I't' IJrou,glll, or I'\'('n bought. from lleighbouring \'OllLllleCI"(,d 1\11' such \'oyag('s 1I'l:1'(' UliCIl dcsperalc
slal~'S as 1;0' ,didd as RI\"lri,L Chail1('d, ill-c1otlwd, IIWII. SC:t servin' lwing" paid ,\I [OWt'l" rall'S lhall
lllld{'rll:d ,lIld dying 11\ bl'R~' numbers li'olll snvin' all land. '1'111' illlpos...ilJilil) "I"l'ulIliing away
exposurl'. lIlt's\' nlllVil'1 (larSIHCIl wen: 1\("V(Ttlll·les:s whell li~hting' aboard ship 1I1t':UlI Ihalc'\"('11 inl... rior
('IHrusled with \\"t"i1pons in batik, 'rhl:)' rl:lllaill(,d mililiarnl"ll pcr1lll'llled betll'r OIl sea Ihall Oil lalltl.
Illuch Illon' illlpUI'I<lnllO dw 171h ('Clllllry Venctian The $(a/lOli \VCl'e, slrictly speakillg-, \,cJ!lll1lL'L'1"
fket Ih'll1 did Inll' galley .~I;l\'es. The laltn' could marines as dislilH:1 li'om lIlt' .II/!dllli who II'I'I"C troops
gcnerally 1)(' distinguished hy a 'rarlar-style singk raised in time IIfwar for comhal wIWI"('\'('I" ll{'eded,
luli urha ir lJ pOll Ilwi l' lH'ads. while lhe cOllvicts Wl:rl: Ull land, sea or ill amphibious c;llnpaigns. Such
sh:I\"l'd b"ld, ,II/ldali \1"<:1"\: g\'lwr:dly raist'll by {(JlldlJlfil'l"I 1l1l'rct"lla ry
Vt'llice 11:1<1 till" IOllg ]Jilt Christ ia 11 prisolll'l"s 10 th~' kadel"S, Ari~lOCr;llic \"(llullll'{'I"S II't'lT still n:corckd,
liars whill- ll1l'rcly slaug-htlTing all ~luslilll, n:- bUI il is alSl) dear that mallY SUi'll 'NolJks ul" thc
llegade ,md U~k()k PI"i.~l)lIt'rs. m:lI1: or 1r:malt:, BUI Quartcrdeck' took Iheir pay but 111'\'1'1" W,'Il! 10 sea,
tin: l'Ilronil' shunag-e ufuarslllen obliW'd V('nicc 10 Early 17th eClllury lla\"a[ \V\'apOllS induded lhe
lClllow (11hlT (:!lrist;an llavies by pllttill~ c;lplllred longbo\\', which S('CIll~ 10 havc' had it I"n';\'al,
Turk.. 'lll lilt" h"l1("lIl'~, Hug{' lHIJ1Ibl'l"1i u!"Olloman where:ls crossb()ws \"ert' g"{'ll{'I',llly ahalldclllt'd ill
pri~(Jlll'l"s II'l'I"e. ur course, ,l\';lilab1c alier the bank !l1\'OUl" ,d' handgu1ls. l,aIL'!" i'11'1'1-anlwd tTO:-'ShllWS
of Lepanlo; and Ihough Ihe supply lalcr dw;ndlcd,
Christian llL-t,ts conlinued lu usc morc g-alky-sla\"{'s 'Th" 8alll" uf L"panlo ('570)' pa;nted by an anonymous arl;'"
"hortly afler Ih" banle, one of the n,o,,' delailed repre·
Ih,lll did lhl' es~ellli;llly \'u[ulltCel'-ll1aIllH;d Muslim senlat;on.. of the victory over Ihe Ouoman.., Not .. ,h.. sall..y,,'
g-;dlt-ys. :\krcy was still nUL shO\l'n to Oltomau h ..avy bow sun... Ih .. a""uebus-men ma ....ed upon the dec.....,
and Ihe poorly dad Salley.....ov!OS. (Ham Hou ..", Vicu.tria "-
o[lie(:rs, 11;1\·,,1 caplains, skilkd Ila\'Ig-aWt"1i or Albert Mus., London)
Ill.lI11iJer ,C\ {i'om '1S liul' as 11 'mall gUlls Oil a liglll
gall 'y, up l 1'2011 gl' al gall y, indu linl{, p" ir of
eul\'crills\\'eighill c \'('1' IO,n) Ihseach. i\lo'l na\'al
a 1'\ illel'y Sl' 'nw I dl'_ ign 'd lor nlll/{es or I flO pat' s or
111 rc, Th gll ns were pi, 'd ina gall '} " b ""
b'ingain1l'd b~ man eU\'rinl{lh ':hil il:('Ir. HrT h-
I ad 'rs W('l'(' prd"l'red fi)r th lighter artillt-ry sin c
Ih "(' uld 1)(' loaded und T I)\' T \\'itho II 'x C)'in
their gUlll1l'1'S to ell 'I )' :Ill rt-raf R;l' lire: an II ronze
cannon WCI' \'alueel, _incc lhe' lid n II I'll, I al :'C '
:\1 it: pc, k ofem iel 'y the V 'nice, I'senal could tit
Ul, arm an I I I' \'i:i Il 'I nl'\\'ly I uill galle t ""ilh
,Ialldarelised pans on a pro lu lion-lill' ba ~
un" 'n anywh'r 1st.: until til, 1nelu 'trial Re-
Tbe galley-barbour of Zadar ( ee plan of fortification), lying
\'01 U I iOIl,
between the inn r city (left) and the outer d fences (right),
Zadar wa the main Venetian naval ba e in Dalmatia and thili ThulIgl lire-pot and ther Iradilional in-
harbour could contain a lilnall ftcet of warship ,
eClleliary k\'in's w 'I'(' slillleing usul, l'undal11'nlal
change' in lIa\'al gunnery \ el'l' bccoming apparent
I' 'mal'kall)' a 'Curale alld il111111'IlSt'I, !Jowl'r-
\1'('1"(' , ' dlorls were 1'11<1 Ie l sink or lisabl' a It), \ ilh
rul wi III a how I 'Ilsinll or O\'CI' ~) kg, hut I he ' \wrt' ',lIlnOII aloll', Light galle, shad 110 p'll'l if Ihis
'Jo\\' alld rlillil'ull I l U'i', wlll.'l'ea~ anyone' (' ,uld na\'al n:\'cAUlion. I utthey rl'l11ailll'd a \'ilal 'IrmenL
hlazl' a\\'a), Wilh an arqll" liS or h 'H\'ilT mllskcl al in till' \ l'n 'ti,ul 11,,1. Th ir el 'igll was also :t('adil '
lhl' S!\(lI'l rallg;l'~ or 11:1\',,1 cOlllbat. (:ullrll~ingl)', impro\'t'd. ",itlt y 'I an tl1l'r s 'st 'm orrowillg h 'ing
h(}\\'l'HT, II a \'<d han Igunner, WCI" slill Ofl 'n intruduced aroulld 153+ known as a{ Ifll/ouia il
I' '!Crr d 10 a, ba/I',l/il'ri or no" I ( wnWlI, I' 'e1u d Ih numb l' f II W larl{ roar:, l'C1 h !Jein
Na\',,1 I!.UIlIIITS rill'll1ed lilt' ITa I i'lile, (;I'acll'd in pull 'c! I y;) tram r li\' to: '\' '11 CI rSI11('n. \ arious
thlTl' ranb th ')' Wl're lmilled in lhl' S 'lluia eli :ta, experimental warships were I uih in lhe late 16th
Barbara ill \'t'llic', or in llh T al'lilllT) (,oll1pani ': l!tury. hut til\' m Sl e1ramati IlI'W 'onwr wa' the
aroull 1 lhe Trim Firll/tl alld ()\' 'I'S('(.I· Il'lTillll'ic" gailI'm whi 'h (Ie" '1 P I fran Ih, lid mer I anI
The' ('njo)'t'C1 IIl1llWl'IHIS I'IX r n l".oi m,', had lhe great allcy, Inc! already put in all appnrancc at
l'ighllO \)("11' a 1'111, , and WITI' I' 'si Oil, illl'nol nl) lor L 'panto, Th ,ff.alll'(f,1 wa:. a hll I' galley which' 1'\'1' I
lhe arlill 'I')' hUI also IiII' 'ig11'l1 I'll 'kl'l anc! uth T <Ii'> 'I floaling' rortrc:' in batt! ~,II!l c< nnon, or l'n
in L'neliary de\'in's, F I II I)' ll'ai nl'c\ gll n lIers wer.,
hownTr. 11.,\\ (ollly '11 all ong a grc'at galley' The late 16th century Venetian Cortre guarding lraklion
, mpll'll ('Ill )1' ':>7'2) ,'0 lllwr l11el11l)('r,or Ihe crrw harbour, Crete, The low profile and mid< waUs we.re designed
to resist artillery; above the entrance was a finely carved
I ad tu hdp luad, shill and (,\'l'n lir' Ihe gUliS, Th ',l' marble Lion of St Mark, the symbol of V Dic ,
1: Venetian knight, early 13th C.
2: Dalmatian urban militiaman, mid-13th C.
3: Dalmatian oldier, mid-13th .

1: N.ltalian cro8sbowman, c.1330
2: Italian armoured infantryman, c.1320
3: Knight, ollalto family, c.1340

1: Jacopo avaJlj, .13 0
2: Vi netian infantryman, lat 14th
3: Cavalli trumpeter. late 14th C.

I: Dalmatian crossbowman, c.I440
2: Dalmatian infantryman, c.1440
3: Dalmatian knight, mid-15th C.
4: Italian peasant levy, 15th C.

1: N. Italian cro bowman, late 15th C.
2: Venetian militiaman, late 15th C.
3: Venetian man·at·arm • late 15th C.

I: Stradiot. ~.1~8V8Iryman.c.l500
2' Venetian hg Iy 16th C•
3:. G re...
ok noble, ear

1: ~ netian 'Bravo', lat 16th C.
2: E caped galle . lave. early 17th C.
3: ~ n Han knight, c.1600

1: 'Ibmmaso Moro ini, c.1647
2: Venetian arquebusier. early 17th C.
3:' cappoLi' volunteer. early 17th C.

incrl'asill~1 r CUlt("t'n tra It'd / 'II tlte majur a Iidlura).{t's:
Zadar. SilJi.:nik. Ko1< ..., Corfu, Iraklion" Kyn'nia,
Famagllsla alld Nit'usia, Corru, dl'sn"ib('d as 'the
heart <tlld soul or this sla It"" was 1111' lYlldl-pi II ()l" I he
enlire empirt', From hert" anti-piracy patl"ob as wdl
as great fleets cuuld opcrate, Trul' IJlockades \\'('IT
slill irnpossibli' Wilh av;tilabk n;1\'al It'chnlJk'g-y
while, ill tum, \'essds as powl'rl"ul as 1he l!,(/lI~'(lJ t"OU lei
almost always I~Jrct: thdr way through Oltoman
ITSISt;U1Ct: with l>upplit's ror distalll \'t'll(,tiall
(Iutposts" !'.Iockrn artillery also enabled bigger
llu:rch;ulI ships tu (!ert:ml IhclllSClvt's, sn it was lhe
srnalln ships lhal sulli:n't1 mosl Ihllll piraln and

Land Warfare
On lalld major Hlctical changes had alttTt'd the E:tcl'
or Eu ropean warrart... in Ihe 1..',1 r1y IIiI II ('t:ll1 llry, wi III
gri';tl armies now sCi'kill,l..\" a dc-cisiY(' blow rather
than indulging in tilt' dabor;l1e manocuvre and
al tri tit'll of prt'violls ccn lurit',s" Fa .. hig-htT casualt it's
'Aull;usti"o Barbar;go', commander oflh.. V.." .. t·i"n g"n.. y'" 101 wen' sum.. n'd lhan had hn'tl normal in mcdin'al
the baltl.. ofL..pa"lo, by the lichool ofTitia late 161h ce.. tury,
He w .." .... Ih.. full u,,;form of. Ve"el;an ' era!. {Mu"" SIO";cO and cady Rl'naissall("t' \\'ar!:u"i', Yel lhi~ wa~ ;t
Navale, V..nic..)
pa!t'iing phase, becauM' illlpr(WI'IlWlliS ill fiJl"Ii·
ficalioll tcdll1iql.les SOOIl bog,l{('d duwll tactics OllCe'
IllUUllwd (111 \\"hei'lnl carriages. wer(' IIOW rang('d again, :-"Ic<ln\\'hilc lilt' \'t'lletiam dUIlg- III lheir
;dong: ils ,ides illsle;,d of being: ('Ol1<:('nI r:ill:d ill the traditionally cautious approach, lll<lkill!-{ grcal lise
ht.\\,. "1'1" dl'spilt' (K"Ca~ional speclacular SLlCct'Sses. of their mOLllllaitlnu~ nnnl1t'1'1i li'oillil'r~ against
till' f!/llIm\ wa~ 100 ,low alld ullwieldy to lx' widely both ALI.~lrians and Otlflillans" TaClic.~ \"aril'(1.
usd"ul amll;..w Wt'n' huill. Ihough V{'nclian armit,~ sfJlnetiml'~ tllal'c1wd witll
TIlt' Ilith t"t'nlmy ,I!.afll'illl, unlikt· ilS rin:rine light cavalry ill lilt' \';111 li.IIO\\"("d by ht'avy t'avalry
1I;lll!t'sake of all l'arlier n'ntury, was a slimnwd· and inrantry, I\nilkry li,n'H..d :t cClltralllflt"ly while
dO\\'ll n'r"illll or till' merchalll 'round ship' and as a 't'clind corps Qfinlil11lry. 1li"a\'Y and light ("avalry
such \\'.I~;tIl ,Irllwd s;rililll{ VI's.sd, It 100 nltlld SlTn" h1'Oughl up tIll' H'ar, Iheir ()rder Ilcitl.l;" tllC' ITnTse of
as a lloa ting liJl't r('ss i1l a major lIa \'a 1conli'{lll ta IiOII, lhose in tilt' "all" ,';(mdiuli \\'l'l"~' n:ll1lrally employed
hUI it was ul"liHli' lise againsl small piratt' galleys in :IS a{h'aIH'l' ;lIlt! nallks guards, i\lany romlolliffi
lht, elllllilll'rl span's or till' Dalmatian coasl or kadcrs slill ollt-red cOlll>idcrabk IHyall), to Veniet"
Aq"~t','1l i"I'll1lls. 'nll' supl'riorilY ol"llfJl'lhl'rn pirate whih- lilt' supposedly ('i\'ili;1I1 lirolw/illlri look ,HI
ships ill thi' IH'W warEII"t' IIndt'r sail It.:d Vt'ltin' to inlTeasing-ly illlpunalll njk ill positiolls (II' (Olll-
hin' ,lIld t'vi'lllu,dl} i'opy lhl'st, n'sst'is which \\'cre llland, At their ht'ad a 1'l'r}lIt'di/lll' Ul'/Il'ml had his OWIl
kllUWll to the \\'lIeti:1l1s as ha((}//;, Not unlil llj()j guard of I '.! 10 'lj halhcrdit't"~, plus a I"ull slall: OthiT
did VI'nin' ~tart huilding it~ 1111'11 'ships-ol:lhe-lint", IJI'Qlw/ilol'; l'ommalldnl lilt' li,l{hl ('a\'alry and
IIsill,L: a II En!-:li~11 \\;, r!'>hip as a model. ~(l Iii r had sunk I/mdiu/i" while a special t'Urps or 1~/IIl'I'llill!I'i rllIl'
lilt' otW-limt' "i\\iSlrt'S.' ot" tht, St'as', FOl'/I'::';:'1' was eSlahlisltl'd in 15,1'" tn Sllpt'T\'isl' Ill\'
\rith tIl\' ('i!IJ.~(,lidatii!1I of" Ottoman p,)Wi'r Rt:puhlic's fixed ddl'm'(':., Others arn1l'd alld
throughout till' Iblbns ;md !'.Iiddk E"sl, and Ir(lincd lhe peasant \'ollintecrs or tll(' Trn'iso area,
\.ellice's pol iry ilr ;l\'uid ing allianrcs, llll' Vellel i'lll cuntrolled tilt' liccnst'd pilla,~illg ofl'tLcmy lCl'ritory.
l'111pin' \\as lllIJl"t' isnlaltd Ihan ("\"(T, Sll'atq{y, as till' allocali(\tl or :milln)" Ill' llw Slll'\'l')'ing or
wt'll as tilt" t"mt or updating: fiu,titicatiullS, wa,~ li"Olllicl's, The Arst:nal \\'as ;tlst! nlll liy!lful'rtlilori,

IIH1llg-h it prll\'nllilr ea'llT t~1111alllll:lt'llln't'llf)l1f{h D()g-c·~ Pal<l("(' Guard. Tltl' Trl"w Firmfl ('ttll·~
\\t'apnt!s IIt:l.lllog":ltlwllll" thl' lnlllps wht'rt' and ~dl'(:t('d g-,lll' gU<lrds li'om tlwir OII'n f'itiz('ns <IS \\'t'11
WIII'Il Ih..:~ \\I'l"I' IU·l·rkd. a!i 1l1i IiIias In ,u ppkrnl'lll I'..ol;:~~inll<ll ,1.;":1 rrisl>ll
'I'he arm y it.~,'Ir.'1 ill induckd lllili Ii", frOl11 \ "t'nin' IrO()p.~. lIt ]l1':ln·til1l": Ih('~I' g~l1Til>lllh \,('1'1' tht'lll-
,md Ilw 'I"m FilII/fl. and many llwmbl't"s or Illl' ~d\"t'~ rl"poll~ihll' lor guarding- J.{.ll'~. pi:l'l.l:<ll>. 1(I\><.t
pOlln'r at'i~t(lITa('y had Ii II It' l'!loin' hUI IU bl"nl1lw and allllllll11ilioll "IOI'I'S. p<lll'olling- till' \l'al1.~, ~tf('{,I~
l>lIldi~T~. Yt'l til,' n"nall quality o(\\·tl..:lian arlllil" and ~lopill.l\ ,I.;"bci:. hqolld tlw \\<111. a1ld rn:ulIli1lJ.{
had cll'dilll'd I>adly I)~ Ihl' c;,rl~ 17111 '·ellllll·y. IIll' (";tadd. Svnw ('itil'S lik(' Bn':-I'ia ,11,,1 1':liSl'd all
I-I..:a,·y col\alry III filII pl,'tt' armour amI riding- indigellous 1(,,'("(' of g/l(,rdflmli to lak" m'I'I" ~onll'
'bardl'(l' or announ·r1 hor!ws WI'1"I' anachronistic in patrol dlltif's.
Ibis n..:\\' agr or 'in'arlll~ but lli..:y WlTI' rl·taitl..:d. i\lililiali \\"":1"('. hO\\"l'wr. of WI') \'ill'il'd qualily.
lhoug-h in dt'l"l"easing llUmhl:I'~. li.1' rl'a~om or i\lust ("oll:-islnll.l"nWII 1'llli~II'd b('lwl·l·tllll,· agt·s Ill'
prt·sti.I.;"(· and ttl gin' lilt' ricltl'l" al'iSI{l(Tal'Y a :-,'Il:-{' 01" Ii ;lnrl ~.I who relllained li,dlll- li,r 'ITvin' Il11' eight
military Pl1l']lO~t'. Such Iwa,')' c";l\'alry Wl't"(: ~till ycar1\. TIll')' WI'ft' Ofg,llli~('rl ill ~llh-c(Jtllpallil:' 01"
"r~alli.s,·d ill 1(/1I:;i (,1"01\,' man-aI-arms. lWO liJ.{hlJy around IOU nll'lI \\'ho lntinnlti\'t' SUIICiays a Yl'ar.
,Irnwd ridtTs \,'ilh ~pl';lr or ("ro~sh(lw. alld a 'l'llt's\, in lurn If Inned pari f,fa lar.~l'rl'llIllpatIYfJfllp
mUlltllnl .~I'r\,'llll. EtJ(wt., II. n'lTllil IHII)kml'11 aJj
lighl ,·a\,.,lry \\1"1"1' only panially ~lleccssrlli. lhough
I1H: i:;,~uillg: or hl'''\')' llll'ti-al-anns with a pair 01"
pistols did prolong th..:ir mililary riJlt-. By tilt' 17lh
l·..:lll11ry, en'alry !ann' ;Uld sword h;ld finally hCl'n
aba nch ,l1l:d iII iiI \'011 r 1.1' pi~t III a ncl sword .. nil: gun,
Ilw'mally Illl\V a I'diabk \,'Iwdloek weapOI1 Ihat
1ll:nled I1U maid], would be fiH'djuSI helor\.: contact
wil h Ille lill:, wlwl'Cli p'lll Ihe :-\\"ol'd I\'('uld be dra \\'11.
Such tal·lin' w('l'e. 1111\\·(·\·1.... co:-dy in hnrsl·~.
LJl1rinK thl: \'arl) part or lbe IGth ('l:llIlIry,
Vel1l:lia II li.~ht l'a \'alry or Iia lia 11 origin WCl'e moslly
., rmed wi Ih cl'Ilssbo\\"s or a rq Ill'bmes a lid. II nli kc lIlt·
J/mdiuli, lfJughl more as rnomHed illl~lIltr)' than real
ca\·alry. ~IaIIY of' tho~,· invol\'t'd ill the almost
glll'l'l'il1a warf;tn' 01" till' Friuli,lIl I"roillil'l' cal'l'icd
s11l;11l l1l,lldllnck handglllls. alll'C~IOrS or thl: tnl..:
pi~IOI. Ot!wrs, calkrl rm·llfll'rilllrgj.!irm. woa' platcd
lia 11':·<l1'111lIur. \\'('1"(' orga lliscd ill I(lud ~i1l1 iI" r II) I hose
1)1' lht' Iit·a\·y cl\'alry, alld ~il1JilarJ}" tough I \\'ilh
spears. maces '111(1 s\\tll'fl~. Trill' light Gl\'alry ur
(fIN,,'I,'lIi \\"en' 11lI'~lly lll'Croatian or Balkan origin,
Ihul1.~h tltt·y rClllainl'C1 distinct Ii'nm the mOn°
tilnll)ll~ \/lodiQI;. By the Ial,' 16th ('f'lltUl)' mally
J/mdioli \\'CI'\.' bcillg- al'llll'd with wlll'dllJck carbincs
:lI1d a small ,nll()UllI or body armour. arqudHls·
prOlII;·d Ullllll,li"tml. Ilist(ll-prOl)f('d Ollllw bad and
wilh a pi~tol+prnor helmct.
Relalively rich and p('anfl1l. V('llin' now la,h'd
fiK>1 soldil:r.~ ratlwr th;ll1 ('avail'\". Tht' Sf/lolr and
guilds did Sll ppl Y~1I1lt. il11'a Illry uni t:- I)lll \\''':1"(' more
ImpOrtall1 <IS Sllllt"Cl'S of o;II~llH·ll. while the
.1I\l'IIl/loffi :-lilllltli'l'l,d \·OlllllIITI'.~ in "dditiOll 10 tilt,
1'1 IHIlI IlliJiliatlH'1l lI'hich hdd amillal rn,llllll·U\'l'I·S. s,,~hI.'S, ag-n'cd War-lTlI'S and kllll\\'11 b:ul1ll"'l> all
Pt'upll' iuil1l'd IiII' a \';Iriel}' or rl'aS"II~. lhllllgh Iw1lwd m"inl:!ill culU'sinn ill 1J;11l[", whill' a [('w
pI·t'!tli~~il >11 1'1 111';1 r ,I nJl~ ,1 lid ,'X('mpl iun li'nlll Ja h. IIII' milili" Ullih t'H'll won' till' rl'd alld whil,' 1I1lifilnll
'l'I'\'in' 011 Ihl' 1(lrlilicaliollS or ill de'lrin,l{ callaIs livery llfllw \\'1I1·ti,m Captain C.·11IT;I!.
II,T,' ,"C1tl111IHII tnoli\'t'~, [II ~oml' Ill' the wi[dn or \'I'lli('"I"" militia, Illa~ h;l\'.· ht"t'1J nltln' dll'clin'
11IIIUnlaiIHI\lS t'eg"iolh [ike Friuli pl'Ople hahitually lhall those nfnilln Ellrnpeallll:llilll1.~,yet tht'ir n'al
l';It'1'il,d artll~ ill :tIlY cast'. and 11l1'y nlllJd he l'nlisll'd valut' app":rrs to han' hl','n IIHlral ratlHT lh;llI
wl1l'l1 necessary as rural guerrillas armed wilh bow milit<lry, Tltey fi·tSll.....l'd a .'l'ml..' or natinn"l identilY
ami arrow. and pm\'\'d lhaltlw Rl'pU!l[i"lnt'tl'([ itS"\lll peop[t'
'rb,' n,,,~b'l\\ (It'c1iIWd in ];IV'IUt' a~ an illl;llllry III arm.", a rare ti.'alllt'c ill till' Ilill1 alld 17111
\I','apol1, a~ il had dnne al ,>,'0'1: whiit' lhl' hardy Cl' Iltll I'll'::'.

tt'ainl'd lIlili tias Ill'l'l' ra I'd y ("llll\IX'II'11t III li.~lll wi Ih i\lid-16Ih c-:nlury \'I'lwliall cl\'illry sllllwtil11'·"
pikn. which Ila" ;1 h'chniqlll' dt'l1\alldiJl~ finn l'arrit'd :ll'<[m'!>us su[dil-rs intn h;lttil' ridil1!-:" pillion.
di~cip[irw and 11ll1l."h pra,·lio'. I'rilllili\,' .lIhirl/J!n'fi By the I..·ady 171h C('n\llry arqlll'lltl,ilT". ;J1.'n
h'llId.l{ltll<; \\'('1'(' .;Iill t'rll[lICl~I'd ill llw Ihlh n'nlllry t.'anyillg pi,,,ul.~. 11','n' 0p\'r;ltillg a~ tnll' Ill(JlIllll'd
Illltllg"h Ill,' ;,rqul·JIll....1{radua[[y ~llll\'rl"'d,'d Ilwlll. in[;ullry: a ~1l1all 1,litl' "I' 11l1l1l111t'd illEll1tr~ amII'd
H,·,t\'i .... nnlskt,t:.. I'l'quiring: lurks to ~ujJPUI'l thelll, with wlll'dlllck muskets wl'I"e rn'ordn! in ILilli.
'(lOll mad,· ;'11 aplw,u';llll'l' ;ll1Htng till' Itlilitia. i\ll'n Tn lOpS of sud I \'(1[1lI11nT 'dr:jj..(o\ln~' Wl'n' ,imibrly
\\'(T,' tr:tilwd to lin' arqudlusl':' 11.llh r\ll111ill,I.{ ,111([ [',lisl'd hy Ilohit' .llp,II/)O. ulltil lhl' .l{O\'t"l'llllWnt
tTltllchill,1{, al lat'J..:I..'ts .11I pan's distal1l: musk,·ICI.....S rt'alised that ,hl·s!.' 1lll'11 \\.'n' Oftt'll IlO mon° than
Il'"ilh·d witli t:lrg"'I~ al 11\'in' IIlat ral1.l::l". Otl1\"1" moulIll'd brIm' or Ihug's in till' p:t~ of aristocralic
1l'<lillil1l-{ irl\'olwd ,III till.' usual a(l\':tllt.'iIlK. t'l'lirilll-{ 1;\111 ili,·s. l'l'i\'a Ie a I'm it'S III' '))(/1'i WtTl' JHJI\' a prnhlnn
;rnd ~kinni,lli[lJ..: IlTltniqlle~ 'If lall..' Jlllh ami I i1h Ihrnllg'hullt llal~' :lnd ~I..Tl1l \II have hl'l"flllll' a rea[
n'lltlll'~ innlntr~ \\'" r1;1 n'. Cfllllllt'!,d ~Ul'("ll;'t, and thrl',1\ 10 pulilit' (lrckr ill \'.'nl,'l·. .\Iany W{'I'('

Woode..", ..rV"n"';an mililary .,o"l.. m.,~;n Co:"a... V"e..llio'" only pardy 5hown); C--Soldi"r rrom ,h" Sr.. kia r"g;on or
Hab;,' a",i.,h. d ...od,,",;; di t ..tli if MONdo publishftl in '5gB. ......Ih"rn Cr"I~; ~G.d.,o";or F.. /i/.. eon..eripl "old;u aboard
A-h.,avy .,avall')' man-al-arml>; &-!.iSh, cav..lrym.. n (I .. ne.. w ...... g..U..y •

• c D .,.
\\'ho I"CIT I'"en en·diled willi lllunkring lhl'ir
t'lwlllies with 1}(,i~(HI-fillcd ~lass l/iI,II(I\.
\\'hik troops from Vl'nit;I' :Iud 1Ill' 'lrl"m J.i"mw
sCl"'l"d ill the m·,'!"Sra.'> ,'mpir<' and su!l;..rcd Inri Ill.,
los.~"s from di~easl' and cxposure. 11'00PS li'ollt lht'
('mpin: also 1;H1glll for \'cnin' in Ilaly. The .I(mdifl(i
abo\"(, all ;It:hil'\"l,:d some: lIotabk StH'l"L'SSI'S a!-:";Iinsl
Fn'uch he:;l\'yct\'alry ill 151(i. In 1:11'( Vl'nice 1l1;IC!c
g-r('at dlorts 10 t'llbrgc lhl' O\'ITSl'as army /J(j :11111'1'
rind 10 impro\'e lh(' qualily orl'olonialmililias. The
Slandard or t11t'.~c milili;t lon:L's n'm;lillnl loll'.
lIOWe\Tr. amllhcir e:quipml'llI lI'as On"ll abysmal.
III COrlll. Crete and CYPl'US 10(_'al Iroops wert'
lrained lu usc thl' arquebus, bUI many COluillued III
light wilh composile bows ill Tllrki~h h~hillll,
;"Iililias in smaller islands lik,' Kd:tllillia s(J1TlI'tirnl'~
signed up nwrcly to avoid slan·ati"ll. Elsl'\I'hl'l'l'. as
on IiiI' Catholic amI t"iel'('(~ly pru-Vcl1eti;1I\ island of
Tinos. strange relics (,ra llll'dieval li'udal systeln Ill"
reCI'Uilmenl sLLrvi\'cd, A poorl~ paid loeal ca~lk­
guard or III/gIll' d(l /!.,W;;'::'Q SOll'lt'lil1les included
Venetian lroops who had ~l,ltkd {)\'\'rsc;l~ ull .. liny
Iwnsioll and wilh minimal duties. /\110\'1' all.
hOWl'\TI'. lhcrt: remained lhe folllwd ~(md;o/i. Fil'rec
and outlandishly dressed, briltle 011 points 01"
hunour and ;tddiclcd 1(1 plunder. Ihey slill foug-hl
primarily Wilh light ~p,'ars. swords and ("lJllll)l)sil"
bows. They lcnded ltl shy away frolll 1':ul'Ope;lIl fir
Oltoman infalllry wilh fir(';mns. but prnwd highly
dkcti\'c againsl Turki~h ('avalry who tough I ill
much til(' same slyle as Illl'msdws. I~~ (he lal,' I{Jtll
and <:arly 171h CC1Uuril'lt. hO\\I'\"\'r. 1l1;1ll) I/mdioli
Wt'IT thellll>I'h'c~ adopling" piltlols ;md ca\'alry
'Unknown V"n"l;an nobl"man' by Moroni, mid·.6lh c"alury,
!Ihowing I.h" arn.ing jack!!1 wilh n.ail pan,,", 10 prOI"CI tI."
Illt\'itahk \'(lrialiolls in lhe mililary stylt-~ nftl1\'
armpilS. This _S "'0"' bf,nealh plale-armour, h"r" lying dillt'ring Vellt,tian P~St.:SSiorIS aJ....n p'T;.i~tl'(t, 'nIl'
.round Ih" man's r.... t. (NRI, Call., London)
,I/mdio/i of Dalmatia \\"1'1"1' bast'd ill l'ig-lll main
CI·1l1rel'i. though lht,y SPClll 11l1l~1 ol"llwir time in out-
llll'rn~d\"('selr;t II II from dt"~pna 1(' and iIII po\"t'rished stalions closer 10 lhe frOlllil'r. Ou(" hundrl'd Jll'lldio/;
nohl,' l:lIl'lili,'s: olhn'" had IW('l1 lIlen'ctlary soldi(:rs II'crl' based at Cvrl"u Wilh dcladllllellts nil Olhel"
and lItlll1lwr,'d forcig'luTs among lhcir rrlnks, A b;"tll Ionian islands. while the flmdior; 01' Cr('le wcr{' or
on t ht nllTyiu.\.: of wcapons wil hi n \"'Ilin.: had lill Il- I)()(lr q ualit y. p;t ..II y bccaust' ora sca rei Iy 11I"II"rs('s ill
,'JllTI. I.ar,!.;e-M'alc bra\\I~ l\"I'r(' fiTCjul'nl alld ('\TIl the eaSlern ~lcdil{'Trane:tll. Thc li'arslJllH' .~filkioli
in\'okl,d lhl' liS,' 01" arqlH'bllSI'S. ,,'Ilile ducls and inflllllry archers fi'om suulht.Tll Crele l'iollll'liml's
;I'sassinalinm \I,idl lhl' ~lt.:l1dcr I/ilrlt(l dagger fc)ughl for Velliet.:. bUI WITt· ~('nlTally a sourct: 01"
Ix'carne a I)/{I/'I' specialilY. Thin,!!:s .!!:ul so had lhal l'cbds, brigands and pirates. \\'ilh a g-l'owillg Ihl't'al
SOIII\' Iwopl,' lllok to \W;lrillg li,l.!;11l lllail protcclioll ol'Oltom:tn altack, t hI' \ \'llI'tiall aUI hnrilies tried 10
helll'alit lheir l"!lIIlH·S. An lI11dt'sl'l'''cd ami romallli,' reform the chaOlic and cornLpt Crelall mililia
1lI)'lli(llo!-{~ dndopl'd anllllld Ihl'~I' Vl'lll'liall brll/';. systcm alld In cree! ll10ckrn lonilil·.. liuns. Anli-
\'l'lll'ti;111 li:din.\{ W;IS, hown'lT, rill:: lllrt.IIIg-llOllllht,
islal1d am! \\'h(.'11 Ihe Oltoman assaull did <:ome
mall)" Crt'talls ','ckolTlt'd tht, invadtT,
V(,Bt'tian rull' appC'ars to ha\'c bCt'll ('\'t'n harsht:r
ill Crprm lhan Crt'le, For Vt'nict" Cyprus nc\'cl'
lJt'CIl1l(' anything mort' than a dangl'rou~ military
tlmpOSI ",IH:re \'t:nclians wcn' llOt only unpopular
hut WtTt' nota hi y rcllll'lanl 10 sel'\'t'. Cypru~ al ready
Iwd a \'1'1') lllixnl I)(lptllalion. Thl' Vent'lian
aul1HlI'ilil'" cam(' ttl a re;lsonablt, unckrslandillg
with Ihe l'xi.~til1,l.{ C;,tholic military diu: which daled
f"nlln the 1:111' 121h cel1lury Crusac!t-rcOll([Ul;st ofthc
island. and which :llready included man\' I t;t1i.1l1s.
The \'elll'liarlS also fiwoured lilt' haskally :\ralJ
Marunill' Chrislian cOllllllunilY whos(' roOts \\"t'lll
t,,·t'll dn'PlT: bUI they SCl'lll 10 haw Ihikd 10 will
1ll;lny li'iellds alllOllg lilt' 1;lr,L;"t' alld warlikt'
!\rlllt'nian minol'ily. 11 is alw illlcre~lilig to nULl'
that lTWl1Y uf bUlh lhesc mill(l1'iti(,s laiC" t'oll\"Cl"led
lO [slam lolluwill,!,{ tht, Otlumal. l'onqUt'Sl of tilt:
i.~1a nd in 157 I, bl'('ull1i ng l1tL' a l1ecSlors of a t least
p'ln ur lhL' pn'SL'llt day Turkish-Cypriot COlll-
mUllity. ~Iailllalid Creek ,,{mdio/i were lH'oughl ill to
\'('Ilt't ian (:rprll~. a nd b) 15 t ~l a lTum bIT ol'Cypriol
Gr('eks had also Ilt.'en enlisted, These men st'fwd
alotlgsidt, lilt' IUfro/JOli light ca\'alry rClainl'rs of lhl.'
old landed anstonacy, lroOps who~e hi~tury
similarl) Wl'lll back al kast as 1;11' as tilt' Crusadt,s.
Detail from 'Gyp>;)' and Soldier' b)' Caravaggio, h,te .6,h
III addili('1\ to \,ulullt(,('!"s ,\lId militias [i'om ee..>Iur)', showing a t)'pical Italian Ilword of lhe period,
\'('nicl', lht' Tt'I"IfI j,j'rl/lrl :U1d the ()\'t:I'~t'as pos· (LouvrP, Pari")
SI"SSiOlIS, lUlh :Illd 17tll n'tltllr)' V('lll"tian armies
l'OlllaitlL'd a Jargt' numb\... 1'1' tlHT('I'naril's, i\lllsl
(olli/llnin; tronp~, ill ullIl'r wnrd:. lhose recruitl·d as GirnlallltJ l'rillii 1101\'<1 lhal, lill' \'L'lIin', such
an el1tin' CtHllran unit. Glm(' li'om lhl' Trim Fim/(/ 1'L'Cl'uilll1t'l!t wa~ likt' a mall 'l'ulting" olrhi~ pt'lli~ 10
(Ir dSl'lI'lwn' in northern [taly. 01he1' l'egiollal spite his will". The disni lIlilla liOl1 lha I lhcst' ·'rurh·
*JldilTS ill,lmkd Cflrsicans ;111<1 Liguri;llls, while 1:lcl'd ill c:lrnp SIII'lllnllht'1ll 1(' all;lllcloll Vl'llt'tiall
non·ltalialls numlwl'ed Swis~, (;/'l"1n,111S, (moSI wr"io', howI'\'I"',
Vt'lTcliali gUllIltTS mosick the !la\')' still being-
(it't"1110111! Fn'[leh. Spaniards, CZI'chs, DUl('h. Siege and counter-siege
Fkmish <llld English aillong their ranks, The Vt'llelian US(' of" paralld In'llch ~)SII'nlS whell
tll;ljority "I'I'\'L'd as int:tntl'Y whnt'as most, thOll.1{h b('siegill).;' an 1'l1el11)' stl'ollg'hold m;IY th\'msL'!,'cs
litH a II. Iblk:1II llHTCt'llarit,s \\''''-I'L' c;l\':,lry. Thl' Ja t1IT ~how Ottuman illfhlt'net' (sl't' 1\1:\/\ I 10, :I,.mi"1 if
\\'I'I'L' n'(Tllill'd not ollly from Venetian taritory hut flit Uf/Ol/lfll/ T/II"k, '300 '7N), alld lhl.· \'('llt'tians
al~{J fi'Oll1 Ill'ighbourin,l.{ Ollllllltlll-rllkd regions. \\','I'C ckarly willin,l{ ltl !t-:Irn li'om any source.
Apan li'om Ihl' Calholic CroatiatlS mu.St weft' Captured ~llll.') wtTl' lestI'd and lhe Arsenal
Onhodox Christians, but SOIllI' W('rt' ofutlspt'cilied cOnst;lllll), exptTinwlltcd \\ith new (ksigns. Th!'re
religious atlilialinn and a ft,\\, were clearly i\lustillls was ,I gradual mO\'(' tflwards ~Ill;dkr ami mort'
Irom Bosnia alld Albania, Tltislicamlalist'd Venice's mohile' aflilkry while fil'ld ~llIl~ and siq.~t: trains
11l'i,L;"hhnlll"s whik C\Tn tht' VC'llctian diarist \\'1'1"t' tlo\\' dt'arly separale Till' tll()~l dramalic::

lkn'l<,pllwIlIS InTI', h""I'n..., ill IllrliliCllioll, This II was lilt, ddi'lln',~ Ihl'lllS,.[\'{',~ Illal, h~ tlH' Illid-
was ,I fidd ill II'hi('h !lilh lTIl\Ury Italy illflul'rlcnl l(ith O'lltury, cn'Ulllall)' solidili..cI "I'nin"s li'otl-
Ihl' rl'SI of Euro]ll" lil'r~. 011I' Ilt'\\' t'OlllTpl Ihal till' \'t'lll'ti;IIIS used

"I'nil"!: Iwd adopted a ddi.:lIsin' 11l'IIlral slalllT ill ,'arly ill lhl' tlilh t'l'IIIlIIT was till' 'douhlt, I'isall
which tlll'tili('atiolls played a \'Ital rhl!:, The rampart' ill whil'h a 1Jt'~iq!;IT, il'll1' Imlb· Ihrough
nurthl"!'11 alld ,'aSHTIi 11HlIliLWill p,lSSI'S ('oole! bl' Ihl' oUI,'r ",;,11. l(lLlnd hilllsl'!r I;Lt'illg " ~IT(lml
bl(H,:knl 10 ;111 1'111'111)' ~i,'g" tr;lill wilh strall'g"il'ally nllllp;lI'\ alld Irappnl ill ;1 tire-swepl killiug' Zolll',
siled lilrIIT~S\'S. nTII ir inEllltry ('(Hlld always Basit"llly. h'l\\','YtT, Iht· 111'\1' ~y~lnl1 'If ddt'lIn',
intil1r:111' arllLllld SUi'll ddi'rll'l',', !Jul Ih\, broad rdil'd lin witkr ;lIld dt,tVt'!' SI'"ll'-liIWd ditdl,'S, and
I ,<Jill 1l<1 I'd pbi n Ilad ;1 IlI'a ys hecn eXI rl'md y di flicult flankillg firt' li'om pn~jcclillg h,I,~ti"IIS whit-h. bl'iug'
III d('li.-lId, \'\'llI'ti,Ol stralegists 110\1' 10l1k inlo Ifl\\'. Ilrl':ld ;llld l'a!'tJI-filkd, ('(IILld III II t',l~ily Ill'

rOiISidl'r;lliOlI Ihl' riwrs lhal slicl'd Ilwir ("ITi(orr »"

dl's! !'Ilynl by a rl illny or 1'\','11 111 i 11t'~, rad! lxil'al Iy,
il Llo S,','I i, 1I1~. wi Ii Ie IIH' l,m'ITs 1'1'slr,ltl'/o\,il' ci lit'S II't'r,' Ihe dl'\',.[OpllH'lll of IT,t1I~ elli,t,tin' glillPll\\'dtT
1(1\,'I'n,d ,ll1d llwir ~'alt's stn'llglhl'lInl 10 lake :lrt;lkry lIad strt'Jlgthc,wd Ill,' dt'!;'lIsivt' dl'I'Wlll ill
<I,Toun( Ill' pu\wrful II"W sicgl' anillery, CasldbtlS warbrl' r"t1wr \hal1 thl' olli'l1si\T. Tli(' 11l\·d;\'\'al
\\','l't' 1't"~I)'lllSilll,' Ir1l' Ih,' IIlUlllli(111S, :tl'tilkry and castk had bn~ouH':l ]{\'llalSsalln' !urtrl's" bUI it slill
,l.;::trrisull,' of sud I 10\\,IIS, but 111l' p'HW pay ml'anl bdd lhl' lIppn halld, while' Il<llld-gllll" fired by
lltal fi'\\' of lIl1' Illilit<try l,lil" <!1'l'l'pl,'d such ]los\." maSSl'S (If bardy tl'aillcd ddi'lIc1ns c'oltlel h;1\',' <t
The '4th '5th century defence5 ofSton, said to be the longest
deYasla Iillg dli:n 011 ;lU Y:t It,KK<'rS wi l( I Ill;l na,~' ,II 1'1
"ily w,1I1s in Europe, This W1Il1i one of Ihe mOSI ..trongly li/rl'c a Ill'\"ll'b. H\lw"\','r, Ih,'s,' m'ld,Tll d,'li'IKI'S
forlified po.. ilions in Daln.alia and wa.. frequently di ..puu:d
bc'wttn Veni"e aad Dubrovnik, The 'long walls' endose Ihe 111'l'lkd wide Upt'll firl' ZUII"S, 1\lli,'11 1"(1 t'l til"
mountain-top, the port or Mali Ston on the rar side orthe hilt, rill hless dl'lnoli IiOll ofbllilt -up a re;IS bl 'I h i ll,itk a lid
and Lbe main ..eulement or VeBki S10n (here), Low round
ardltery ba"tions (lower le£1) were added al a later dale, oUlsidc' their walk TIlt' lollg-"Sl;tblislll'd rt'-
lali()ll~hip I WI \I' Til '111 Italian eilyand iIS~UIT()Ullel­
illg fOli/adli also chang· I. The counlryside was now
gellcrall ' aball lone I 10 an enemy 1"licler whjl
(kr'ncl' wa~ COli 'nlnle I in lh' ity whi h was in
turn swollell 1>y rcf'ugee: from the \·illagl's. Fear of'
s( liLian and in. UIT Lioll wilhin lh' wall' lhen kcl
10 a ~11'l'llglhl'lIillg ol'll1c cila I I as a derence \\'ilhin
a c1efencl'.
Th· l'"rli 'Sl sud I lunificalions WlTl' buill ill <J
hurry an I of'canh. w L1nl lillie now remains. LL is
lh' SWill' dde'nce. thal replace I them which now
giVI' a speci'll charanel' 10 many n nh Ilalian
I( wn:. The \'ilal cilY of' \'croll'l. lor example, was
rL'ltll'lilied ill Lh' I :'30s, I 'ing gi\' 'n an imm 'mdy Courtya.rd of the Porta di dine (,60S), the best preserved of
slr Ilg ·ilHcI ,loll lh hills a!J()\'('. There'all rV rona Pahnanova's three gates (see plans of fortifications). This
fortress, designed by Savorgnano and ScaJDoni in 1593 and
nl:\'l.:r enclur 'c1 allolher s ... iou~ allack ulIlil 17.17. built on a virgin site 10 prolecl Venetian lerrilory from
Ihough as early as l598 tlw Clulhorilics laced lhe Au trian or Ottoman attack, is tbe most perfectly preserved
example of late Renai sance mililary architecture in exis-
cllCl'ouchn1l'1ll Oll Ihl' ,ulill Ty fir' ZOlh'S or shtd', tence.
11 JUSt's. orchards. \. 'gelable pi IS, drainagl' elil 'h :
alld hi rd-sna ring grO\TS (the \'croncs 'sLillli kc Lhei I' ,'alllllichtli, HI: Itad slLldil'd IItt' \\llfk of' anolher
u(a/Mli grille I small birds s T\Td on a bed 01' masler. Antonio da ,'<lngallo, and was 10 han' his
Illaizl' nour). Among; II 0' mililary l'llg;ill ers w'ho I/\\'n l~lmous lollowfTs: such ellg-i n('( Ti n,l!; 'd YIl'lSlics'
cll'.'igned \' ('rona's new ddell l'S \\"IS t\ I iclH'k cI i bccanwa {i'atllr\' of' \'cneliall alld [lalian mililary
archill."llIrl.· ill Ill<' ((jill all I 17th ('l.'Ilurics, A
Fordfications in the Terra Firma (Mainland Territories): A- lassi fi)rlili -aliun of'lhis Inil d. al Palmano\'u. still
Verona <:,1600 showing ;.mprovements designed by Michele
SllIlJn.icheJe c.IS30 (note that the Baluardo di Carnpo Marzo stands \'inually un'hangrel 11I1I hI' li'om til('
was added at the end of the 16th C,); B-Orzmuovi mid·,6th C.
(after plan c.16oo); C-recon truction of the Venetian Arsenal
y u~()sla \' I I' kr, II was plan m'd in I c: 93 as a
in the early 14th C. bowing the first Corden'., rope-factory SUI posl.'cli ' sdr-sulJicil'llt mililar. tOWI1 \ ilhin a
(after Pizzarello & Fontana)' D-Palmanova, designed by
Giulio Savorgn nO & Vine nzO Scamoni in IS93 (after plan sylllllleLricul llilll'-lnSlion't1 wall, buill in \'irgin
",1600); E-Malano, double-octagon bastion on an artificial IcrriLOry as Ihe hub JI' Friulial eklellc againsl
i land in th V nice Lagoon near Malamocco (after plan
c. I 600); F-Baluardo di S. Bernardino, one of Verona' bastions \ustrian' n I III mans, Pallllanova was ' 111-
rebuilt to anmicbele's design around 'S30 (after Duffy).
pklcd ill Ihl' carl ! (jOlJS. bUl remained sUl.:h a
1c1lH'ly and ullh 'allh, sil' Ihal lilr )'I'al'S no OIH'
\\'allt'd \() Ii\" ther',
The 171h (elJlLlry sa\ anot!wr bursl or
Illnill 'ation-buildini-, amun I Ili 'l' ,In I (J"l'rSea:.
The ll>r\ifil"llions ( I' Ihl' 'mpire Ofl I/(lre had. ill
lal'l, bcell o\'crlooked lilt" . car:, bUI IhoLl~h Ihl' '
\\'t're small and old 1~lshillncd llw)' had gel1l'1'ally
b('cl1 well maintained, Such c!l'I<:'nC'C's r;t ,I alta k
li'om both !-Ind ancl sea, all I il was li)rlllllalC tlnl
tlH' Ottomans had 1)('('11 I' ·hli\'l.'I} qUil·t fiJI' SOn-H'
Ii 111('. n' major problem was Iha I the co I or n 'W
\ ClJllSlru lion h<ld to he borlle largel b IhI' Inca I
communities and tltese \ CIT Lin)'. 'x pt in Crele'

E'~ and : 'I rus. J n J)allll'lti'l til(' OllOl1lanS had
~t1l'('acl brokcn Ihrough 10 Ih Sl'a in a llumblT or
-._--a... • I ••
placr', whil the skob an I Hapsburg n ad
1Illwll1l(lrlabk n('igltl mIl's. \'('Il\'lian fiJrlifi <lIIOIIS
Sll h as KolOr also I '~d tl) kn:p an e, t lin the wild ( 'pical Renaissan 'prl'OCClipaLioll with dal)(ll'(llt'
i\ Iolllencgl"lllS .."hu, though ritrc " ' an I i-Olloman. machiner)', :eeming to PUI Lheir l~lith 111 ropl'S,
also ra v 'd a sC'a uu L1tt of'1 h i r mVIl, 0, IY (he main I ulkys all I coUnICT-\\Tig-hlS, hid Icoll explosivc
na\'·d bases weI" g-i\"11 Ill'W and mIlCh-I'll f(lr- minc,' ami multi-barn'lIl' I fire I I' .ic·clms Ic'signed
lili aliolls; hUI .. hell till' risi' came in the' (j-t ' t rrar lip in all all'I'k ...·s far'. n Hto l11elllillll slnw-
\ cni e did ullcxpt,tedly wl'11. Dalrnatia was eas)' If re'lease poisons in ncighh()lll'in~ wdls all I baited
reinlhr (' li'omllearh \'lIicc alld wassluddec! .. illl f(ldckr 1'01' ('n'my horses. In the 1'\'I'nl prdl'l"t'llcC'
caslks, wh Tcas till' Ollom,lns weT' opnaling far \ as g;i\'l'n to S I'l'nglhcning IIw IC)J'tilicaliolls or
rrom Ih,ir maill bases a'ross bkak muuntains icO'ia; Ihis cllt;,iled tlle \·irlnal c1cstnlC·tioll ul' Ih .
inl abih"d by I/ot'll/afti pc'asallLS who WlT' all LOO old cit\·, incllCling till' l'(J}al IUl11hs (lnt! monasl Ty
cager to !'I'voll agaillst lheir nominal Turki. h (II' 'an Dnl11eni o. 'ul("l lhl' iJuillillg Ill' a S('\'('I1-
overlords. The (toman alta ks \ (T" in fact bastioncd five-mile- 'il'('uil wall similar 10 Ihal
1 kal'd and 'en ice I 'lnaKed to expand her rc'cenlly n' ·ted at lraklion ill Cret\'. \"1 ill 157l
lerrilor)'. icosia I' IIlu llle Glloman' alkr a si('ge ol'lcoss lhan
I n Cyprus Ihc Vel1niallS made greal cO<Jrts to lin' mun Lhs,
strength '11 lh ir positioll sh lnly 1 1')1" 11ll' llO- \' 'nCli;1I1 deli.'n cs prov 'elmore l'lkniq· ill :rCl'
mans allarked. \1 first their plans b tray('cl i:I whel'(' IrakliOIl endure I a ·~:.!-Y(,i1r Oltoman si('~r.
The Turkish ill\"asiol1 was anually sparked by the
pi rali "al aggr 'ssion 01' L11 ~ [" niglHs or SIJ ohll hased
lin l"dalla. II Olwh il was \ enin' lhal pai llhe pric '.
Th' war was IOllg 'I lid bi I LeI'. ra Ilgi Ilg rrom
Dalmatia lO lhe I ardanclles. The Ollomans
l'vcnlually Look :relc. though till' \'('JlC'lialls Ic)ughl
\ itll a 1~lllaLiri:111 exo'lling cn~n lhal or
tile Turks'
lhe ommandcr or Ihe fortress or
Sl Tlll'mlnr was
said 10 haH' bluwn up himsdl: his mc'n, and lhe
'HtackcJ's when the Oltomans finally {)\'l'nall his
clCrCl es.
The OlLomans hael already unsuccrsslully
allcmplcd I take lfu in I.' 7.1:k'lwl'en 15,~~PIl cI
1570 Ihe ellC:tiall ~'O\Trnl11cnl I ai 1 no Ics, Ihan
250,O)(l ducals I slrcngllll'n thaI i ·Ian I's f(lrLi-
Ii alions .. hi h easily ['('Iuls' I a final ()\(Ol11an
assault in 1716. Onl, aile 'car ("Irlier lh las(
Veil tian-held t'gean i.sland Llll" I Ill'! (L1lpusl (If'
TillOS. ha I linally rallen. The l'ncti'1I1 'mpirc as
once aga.in redu eel to thusl' po~sc 'siuns wesl of"
Green:' thaI ha I been h ,I I sin . b ·f()IT lh ' Founh
Crusaclco, plus Corru and (he Ionian islands which,
carly in the 1~)Lh ccnLury. pa:scd Ln another rising
imp rinl and nLl\'al power Hrilain.

Fortifications in the Imperio da Mar (Overseas Territories):

A-5plit, Dalmatia (after carved plan on fa-.ade ofS. Maria del
Giglio, Venice); B-Zadar, DalJnatia (after carved plan on
facade of S. Maria del Giglio, Venice); C-Nicosia, Cyprus
(after late 16th C. pla.n); D-Kotor, Dalmatia (after late 17th C.
plan); E-Iraklion. Crete (after carved plan on fa"ade of S.
Maria del Giglio, Venice, & '7th C, plans).
timl' the \ cilcliall ArsC'll'll W<lS 'ds(l - 'P Tim 'IHill!!:
wilh wa 's of' improving Ihl' IH'\\' hand,L,run~_
Venic(' similarl xp ne I s\\'or Is, II ,11I1('IS and
other pic c, «('armour IU tlH' Balkan: '111 I p'rhaps
, nd. \' ni' - h I. II' w. S op 'n I , illlluell'cs li'om
til' East. lit - Europ 'an coal-ol:'plall's p( ssihly b 'illg-
inspir db, B 'Z. l1lin r lsi l11i' lamellar armour
broughl 10 Europe via '('Iii" ')11(1 il' olonial
empire, 1 or W rc innu 'n 'S all rnlll1 IIll' Ea '\. The
broad bn.rilarrl clagg or "'hic!J b,tam a ma'ul"
w al 11 r l1etian inlanlry ,as, in OllraSI,
pmb blyof' wi:: or soulh erman origin. il. name
indi alin thallh lirst SLl h dagg<'rs WC'IT imporled
(rom B.sd, TI1I' popularily or bolh harcknl' I and
'. oft' or nexi Ie I alh I' armo II' ill \ 'llicl' 'Illd tl1I'
r 'SI of' Ilal (lull als bnra' ByZCllllil1l' or Islami
innu n "
One oflbe urVJ",n ba tion ofNic:osia,ln '56, Venice greatly
reduced tbe ize of this city, and though the Venetian l',,[ilan nlhcr Ihan 'nie' had how'\' T, bn'l1
fortification 'urvive they appear t'o bave been extensively t1w main l'JIlr or arms I rodLl 'lion in northern
modernised during the Ottoman period, (Courtesy of Cypriot
Press & Information Office) Ltal)' sin l' lhl' miel-I'11h 'cl1(ur)', i\lilall mae!'
armour. Icsigne I spc ifically or expurt, induclinO'
lh - s -call d \ >11 'liall slyl- or saikI '1I1e! barblll<l

-Irllls fllJ(/~.jrIlIOllr
Iwlnll'l:, \'("1 th'l,(, "TIT ulher il1110nalll 'lI"IllS-
m'lnula'luring- l'lllrc:, in Ilonh 'rn I I'll) , 'lIlClli'( 111
the mid-I.jlh ('I1IUI'. some o["IIw.(' la' V,'ilhil1 the
V 'Ilil" II '\'cr IJl' arne 011(' or Ih' 11 (~jor arl11:- 'xpancling \'~n lian Tma Finna, For 'llluriL's Iht'
proelu il1g enlre. or Europe, I lI1 il:' coml11 rial ltalian cum industr) , <IS II)\' mo. I imp nalll in
weallh all I wi Ie Ir;1(I, Ol1la'lS 'nsur cI Ihal E.UI' pc lhough paniall' ompklt'd WCcl( on: W IT
\ 'l1l'lian 1m p:; \\' "rl' LI.~lIall)' \\"11 ('quipped, importcd rr m nth r 'our' ': LO has: 'mbl 'd in
\1\ '<.II um as '" 'II as :!tips \\" '1"<.', ur 'OUl"', m'l I in Ilurlhern Ital), h mighl al'o be menlione Ilhal Ihe
till' I\rs('l1ill, alld Ih 'gf)\'crnm 'nl al~(I,'landardis d arm indu'lry 'mpl y'd '" III n a. well as m'lI
111(' d'sip;n (II' vilal it 'illS like 'r(ls~l o\\"s s( tI al wom n h ing r'(')r led as 'scwin~' hdllll'IS and
cro'sl ow :lring"s <II d boll,' ur alTu\\" , ',auld fil all armour. Thi' probably rcf!'nTd I Ihe linin. or
",,leaI'm s. 'I'h'sl' h· d 'Ol1lpo:,ile arms :imilar in de 'Ol"llilln of' hd m '\.' a n I III lh ' n LIm 'rOll' 1-ather
slru('(lIrc 10 tlw 1(' TI"u1 COIllP( :ill' h W,' or Ih slraps rial I' n 'di( nd armour. 13 'Ih mi 1-151h
tvlllslill1 Wlll'lrI, They" 'IT al.n n:plrl'd to the cenlury J'vlilan ivdl' was in decline and enice
l3alkans via V '11 li,l almalin al least as early as onlroll'l all Iht" remaining north Italian arm
Ihe 141h c 'Illur), By Ihis lin1\' Ill, I 'mallei (:H' lhings c<:'nll'e. 'erm' n armour 'I: gra luaJl sciz('d domi-
like To.show boIlS' as :;0 high Ihal in I ~)o+ Ihe nalion ,r Ih Eumpcan mark 'I Ir III Ih mid-16lh
('ncli; 11 gov TIlI1ll'1l1 had to sul>- unlraCI lhe C Illur', bUI Ihese enclian manul~H'llIringn;nUTS
11 al1uraclure of':.l ,< (I iron boll-heach. nccde I b) COl linlll'd to mak' lug \U'Ullili ',' ,rfint, arm ur..
VC'IWlian comJllunal /1)1"(", Experimenlalion wilh , eapuns and abo\'(' all firearms, Th' cnainly
II W Wl'alJons rdk ICc! a sciclllilic altilude perhap' I' I in'd a 'p 'ial pia (' in Ihl' mark I Ii r
inh Til(·d li')m Ih B)'7.antill -,', A ll1ulli-shol 'I. b raId)' I,' rat -0 'I" (ni, I arl11:;,
ro'sbo"" slIll OSI' Iy apall' or sh lin}' I bolts h hier 'U h V 'nrtian armamenl: CllIre ,..'<I
an I 'cw11 arahlc- 1) n also S n in alaI' 121h Brci' ia, , hi h I k 0\'('1' Ii' I lilall as Iltc' main
l'l'nlur ' blamic military Irealise "a' rl"llrdcd in llalian pI' ell! cr lal . in Ihe 1 bth alld 17llt 'cnluries,
lhe I' lh I lUry, .'u 'h an impl'a Ii al mulli- hOi Brcs ia had, in ra I, been l11anul~l tllrill~ ann: sill {'
ross how was again, ugg SI 'd ill I I I, by , hi h Ih' I I til and possibly \'('11 Rlh "Illllr)', \'lni ,took
Further Reading
G,'tlera) hi~loril's (ll' "l'llie,' :11'\' l,:t,il} :t\'ailabk,
Li~(l'C1 h,'lm\ an' ~llltH' Inor.. ~pl't"ia)iwd ~OLlnTS,
.11"111' & .JllllulIl':
U, Fntllzui,.1 mllJ/I~ I' 'i! tlir IJ/JR"'~ I'alt/Ct I V,'nin: ll,d.
,\, Gaibi, 'I:,\t'\\' hrl''>(i:lIlt, dl'lk annaturt':
cnntrihuto alb ~l(ll'in ddb arllli dir"lI~i,'"
ilaliam'· . . 1I'Ilii ./I/llrltr ll!)l.l:i. PP,I.; ;)1'.
F. Ros-,i, .Ill11i I (lI1f/(lwll hu,mltll ,Id '11ttl Bre~cia
197 1 .
E, IJd TIIl""SO, ,lmlJiffl (,rl"/IM F'l/lli Uclilll' I !J7H
E, ~Iuratld,l, l.ibrolf,lrm/f/l l'OIr~/(/ \'I"rulla 19i9
E. ~IOI':.llldtl . . Iwwllfllr /'0<111,.,1' \'\'I"tllla 1~li6 ,
}(~Imet.., A-Mid-,~,h C. V~ .. ~lia. ba,;ci.. ~t. e..1 do " "';th Forlijirnliol/:
"'y_Iot,. added i.. 151lo c., (o..ad al Kkalld.IM"I. M o( An• .\, Ddln \':llk {·e1il.. l'OIr:ill r i 7/1,,/';. Srol/I"; I'
N", ... York!; B--typiCllI Dorlh halia. barbu,a, .... '3500 (Mus.
Poldi Pu-.oIi,Milaa);IC C V~D~liaa b~lm"'l. (_ad al Kha1kis, CIJ/!lrlllill IIi 111/1 cil"ililu f~lil,1ll 19!i:l' indudt ....
aD'" ia !ii"'loric::a1 Mu~ Albe".' C--h",lm""';1la hu.&ed "&bl
ch...,k_pilOCC minID&..... ISOD SO; D---Yi$C)~ hdm......i,h hinked anid{'Sunl'lrlilkaliclIl & mililar~ l"IllllilJ1ltalilltl.
"khl c)'...,k-piKe mi"llliak. ".'SOD SO; £_"'<:1011"'" 'Coriallow' G. Gl'ml". I //IUlllilllrllti l'N/flr lIr1fi'o/fI fli (.",,/(1,;; \ol~
_1"'I.mid·'s,h C4"·-....I"1 ...ith hiDked aawll,mid"slla Co; C-
.·mall ....1"'1, mid"s,h Co; 1I-~1ila ........ arm"", la,,,,'Slla c., \ '{'nin' 1!j(lfl :i! 1
(11.1 ..,.. (;iv. Man.ol;' Bruda); I--Mil. .",,.., do,.., h",lm",t,
d....o...,ion DO' lIloo_, ".'570111.1 (;iv. MarIol;, Breseia);J-
P. ~I:tl't.'h,,,,,i. I'illlr::.::.r 1·,./II'::,wI/r 1],/1 'i!Ji ~Iilall
bursoa",I, dl£Co ,.ioa DOl "ho , lal'" ,61.h C. 1M.... Civ. I~}H'I '
Marzoli); #(.....(; 1 1I..lm (rom Bobano, .... IJOG (Calitel S.
ADk.,lo MUlll.. Rome); "f-b<orb.. I• • 11• ....... «w"'~ iD L". Piunrdlll & \', Fntll:lll,l. I'irll(' r !.r.!!om
~ v",h'''' ..... ilh kildHi b ....."" ornam""uuio.., lal" '5,h C.
(M..... 0... Manol;, Br....a.); N o--,...ia...d &: C .......'R
flr/r.lf,IOIalr III I"mr::.ifl \'l'nin' l!tH:i '
moria..!!, dl£CaraLla .. lIa, .. ho...... lale ,6th C. (Armoury of ,lIi!ita~l' 111;!1,(/IIi}flliOll:
Dokc·. Pllllle"" Velli"",)
J, K. Hale. ·~lt-Il alld \\\',lpon,: TIl{' Fig:hlitl~'
l'oil'lllial of Si"({'('lllh-CI.'llIUl'~ \·t,tl\·tian (;al-
lilt" t"il~ ill tl'.lU alltl Ihen'aft ..r l·ncClural{I.'(1 Ill(' lqs.' ill II"fIr am! Som~l': .1 rf(/,-hfll)~ uJ .\lilit",),
Un,...-ialt illdtl~tt). rlr;t\\itl~ in armt'l/rers li'olll 1-1;~tlJl"l" nlil, B, Bonel & I, Kl'~ {I,lllldt'll I~J75l,
~lil:lll \\110 hllpl'd III ",,':q)(' til(' JH"a\'~ hanrl of' pp, I '13,
\'i""1l11li rtllt-, ~ot until IGH \\"1' thl' Ur..~cial1 ,l!uild ;\1. It ~lalkLl & J. R, Hal< .. 'FI,,' .IIilitfl~1"
ul"arrlllllll't'l" di,... ,ln'd, :wd l"n'll lhal did lIot mark (h,l!.rllli::.alilJl/ rtf (/ }(ru/li'~(lIIrr SI",(': "f'/Iirr I, I l'It' In
lhl' t'ntl or lillt" Hft'~dall arm, !'l'lIdtlt'lioll. Apan Ifili (Carn1l1'id.L;\' l~II'Il.
li',"l) illnnlil,l> l"il'hl~ tl,'("llnll"d 17111 ("('lll11r~ :\, TI'Ilt'tl1i. I'il'l/(I' & 11i(' /),'dillr '!.I "l'IIill' Il.ondotl
:Innllllt..., Ikl',ci:111 g:lltl~ ,'al'lll,:d a litle l'l'pulatioll: t~l-jl J.
llti.~ \\a~ P:ll"lit"tll:trly Inll' c,r Bf('~ci:llt \\'Ill't,ll(,,"k
pi~l(ll~ :tlld rn\l~k,'l~, Slwh ·~I'lI~f;r;ll.l.\' .l.\"Utl~, whidl
\\C'I"l" ttludl llu,n' rdi:lllk than the' prt'\"lou~
tll:lll'hlut'k" :lppt'ar III It:l\'\' heell im'l'lllcd ill
(jt"rtIWtt). Fill' yt'ar~ lht') WITl' t'otl~irlcn'd so
(hre:Hl'lllll.l.\ I " 1:1\\' alld order lltal thc'y \\'l're ,I: 71i,. 1:Jlft I'I'I/tlll)'
dl'I:lan't1 illl".l.\:tl, IIUI 1winK !"x:rmiHl'd t'\Tn tor .11: I'rut/illll ~/Ii,f{hl, ml"{l' qlh fI'llllI~r
lllililar~ IN' utllit ':)7'1, i\l'\"l'l'lllI'lf'S" whl'dlocks I)uritl~ lhl' t'ady l:i1h ('I"tlllll)' Vt'lll'lian arm" ami
had rl'achl'{1 ""Ilicl' \ ia hl'r l'aSlerll Tum l'i"lIIrI arlllour wert' hasit':dly thl' s;llln' a_~ 111lI~e nflh(" rl.'~1
pru\'il1\"I' IItTl'illli t'ad) ill tilt' I S~tr.;. and tlwl'l'aticr of ltnly, Earlier L'ly".r.atllilw inllul'I1l"I' had I"rg:d~
1111' l'lunplil':llt,(j 11\'\\ tirilll-: Illl'l'hall;\tnS \\'ITt: disa ppt:'ar('d alld Illt'r,' had a~ yCI IK.... n lilile Urit'llla I
itnp0l"ll'tlli'olll Gl'rm:\Il) (111M' madt, up inlU KUllS at itllllll'nf(' from tht' \'t"lI'ti:lll O'TI~'a~ t:lupirl'. On
Bn~ia. TIll" filli,lwd \\l'''I>lIIlS \\tTI' IlwlJ rt·- Ihc otllt.:r halld Italian ,t~k.. tllt'lll~d\'l" difl<-rt'd
\'XI>I\rll'd ,III O"t'I' Europt' :ltlc! Ih.. Iblk;lII~. I"rom I hft:'(' 01" llllrllwl'!l EUro!K', Thi~ kni)'.:IH \\'\'a ..":t

lidl l1l:,il IlaulJcl'k. Ihelllgh lacks lhle' surnl:ll which rnarmally-Ioaded LTo:-sIJt.w IHlt wilh :1 broad
had Iweollll' IIl,nll.d in Vrallec. Hi.'; kg:s are hasi1<l('d <Iag-ga. (1\1<Iirl snlll'('('S: C:II'\'l',] capitals.
pnollTl"d hy standard mail chausses but bl"lll'ath early l,ph C .. Dll~,,("I''s 1':t1ac,'" V.. lli...·: (,'l"/Iriji\iMI.'I'df'
his rn:lil coif is :1 d<Jsl"·ljllill~ iroll I"fl7'rllihl' hdllll'1 wall pailHings. 1',r3:;0 ;)0, churTh of S:llll'
\\itll a \"t'ry larg"l' ll:l:-.:d It' !>n'l"('l his I;UT. TIlt' Allbellrdiel. C()llHl.)
ktli~ht's l:ll'.~l' ..hidd would also haw been utlusllal
UlIlSidl' Iialy and might rl'llt-el the impnnall('(' 111.11 N~: Iialirll/ (//'lJlUlIl'f'I! iI!/IIIIII:l'I1l((lI, ",1:12°
:H't'hl'1'Y had :tl1't'ad~ achi("\'vd ill lta[ial1 warl;ln·. This mall i~ tlb\'illll~l) :l proli's"iullill. l.:i,hl·1" a ti,IL'd
1i\1'lill "IllUTt'S; ear\'l'd li'in',l', [ale l'2th c:lrly 1:1lh knig-hl or :1 SU('t','ssl"lll rJ11"rL;,"llary. I-k l'<I1'1'k" a
C .. [;lcadl' or Vidl'lIza Calhedral; wall painlings. hro:ld·brirnllH'd (lilt" pie...' inJlI dlll/n'l·tll':/;'" illld h:ls
[illl' 121h C .. P,dazzu dl'![a Ragiol1c. :\la11lua: all early lonn ur ('oat-or-plal,'s tJ\'('r his mail. TIlt'
earn·t! i\'o1') IllnJlH", l'2r'2 So, l\lus, Naziollak', [q:("-proll"'l illl-{ grea \',,,~ :Il'l' (II" harder rt'( I Il.:alhl·... a lid
1{;r\'l'nrla,1 his Sal)alOlis larllltJrrr("d "h,It'sl ill"el :rppl':lr lel h,'
l"(l\·,'n·d ill h:lrderlt'd Il';ltlll'r.l-lis''''\'"nl.lll('~lt-t\(kr
.[.:!: /)"III((Ililll/ /liI/II1I lIIilililll//all, /IIifl-I:]lh ("1'III/I~'lt basilard dag;gn al his 111'11 and IUII~-III:ldl'd
'l'lll" Illilir:ll") ~Iyks uf lJillrnatia Wl'1't' " St1'allgt' gl.liS:ll'llle axe ilre commun \\·,"apl)Il~: bUI the harhed
rllixllrn' tIl' Iblkarl illid Iialiall [:lshiolls, .rille' largt' ja\"t'lins ~Iallding: rt'ad) (l!r tl:-l' would lIsually lml)
Ibl-llll!leHlH'd ~hidd lls,·d by his unarrllt,urvd hI' li"ll" war al sea. 1i\I<lirl sourn'; S/,\}(lrlilllt'IIUII/((f'1
ill[;lllt1') rllall wuuld h:I\'(' 1)('("11 (Ollsidl'IYcl old- Ih,. .ll1'urr! by SillHHlt' i\l:lrtini. r.r:{17" ,\Innldi"rl'
1:lshilllWd iIr \ V,'SII'!'11 Ell rope: bu I Ihe bUilt lllS ,l!1 his Chap\'1. dlllrdl orsl Frallcis. r\ssisi.l
IllIli,' W('1'e':1 \Try 1110dlTll idea lhat had IliIrdly yel
appt':lrnl ill 11H' \\·('sl. His soli. l1:tl-IOppt'd har
Sl'('llIS t,l "II,~~,'''I :I Hung,lrian slylt, li"lill Ihl'
'Pa~deOrlhe Gene~t di Mare in P;':r.:r.a San Marco', early '71h
Ill'i,l:'hluorrrirl,t{ I-Iullgarian-nrkd illlni"r. (i\laill
century .. ngraving by Giacomo ""ran"•. (Mus. Ci ..., Corr"r,
"ourn'; l'<H"\"t'd r('lid~. (.I:.q,O. weSI don1' 01'"1"1'0/,,61' V"ni""l

.IS: J)alll/aliall ,,,/di"I". mifl-I]lh UII/III)'

This lll:rH's ,'qUipllH'lIt is similar to thaI \\llrLl in
lIlt'din'al Snl.ia and t·\·,.n p,lrl~ or ByzarlliulJ'l, It
n 1I1SlSlS a IJri rlllned in III dlfl/II'/.d":/F" el\'I T a 1m ,ad
mail t', lir that ,I !so prol(:cI("d Ilw lIlal r's SIIUllkh.TS. III
addilion Ill" rllail h:urlwl'k he has all i1'oll I:lmdl:tr
nlira~." or d""rly I':".'l ..rll lOr Byzilnlill" ill"piraliort.
His sword is. hO\\'('\'l'r. !ypil'ally European. t?\lain
.~ll(l1Te·: (;/111111\ (II Ih" }-Ir)(1' ,""'/lII/rhl"r, can','d rl'1id~
,..r'2.lu, \\"t'SI dnur or·(·I"O,l.;ir Catlwdral.)

JJ: Tli/'ji/lill/llj I!/ Ih,1 141h ({,IIIIII)'

lJ,: ,\i)/Ih I{alilill (1"IJ\.I/III1('I!/(Ifi. I".I:J:JO
(:nlssb,)wrm'n playnl all essential ('(,I" irl r.ph
l'l'nlury II:rliall \\ar!;ll'e alld many appc;rr ltJ han'
Ill','ll pl'el(l',,~illrlall1lt;rt.:t"IJ:lrit·~. En'l) urhall mililia
tTOS,S!J"WIlWIl would g"I1''I":III)" ha\'l' bl'l'11 well·
l'quipped by Ihl'ir rkb rllil's. Thi~ lll:m is a Iypical
l'x'lrnpk. with his "trnllg: iron $alkl helmet Wilh a
Iringed H:rsal; tlrickly p:rdded mail tippet 0\"('1' Iled:
arld sh(,uldl'r, and mail hallbnk un... a lhickl~'
quil1l'd g:lllllwson. I-k is al"llwd not unl)" wilh a

N:F I '111"';111/ ~I/i,!!ltl ld Ih,' (,'fllI(lI/!I,filllli~J" (,1.')./(/ :'Iliiall.l
HI'l"" a you 1Ig' 11WIIl lll'f of I h,' \\ adike Col b Ito 1;1 III i IY
1'1'11111 "enicr':; 71'11"1I Fill/lll l11:,inlallll pn:,sc:!isitll):;. i~ (.': Till' .II'(IJ//(I half (!i'lhl' l.fIh (1'/1/11I.1'
11(.1 tlldy ;lrlllllUn,d ill lIlt' 1a1l'~1 ll:diall Sl~ k hUI also (.',: ](lrtJ//IJ (,'(//'{/lIi, uJt/o
wC;lr, a Iwaddulh lhal dOl'S nol appear 10 havc Jacopo C:n'alli Iwrl' \I't'ar~ a hC;l\ y. cr{'sted ,~n':tt c

bCl'1I 1"11"11 III11:.ide 11;d~.lli, ba"t'illt'llwllHt.:1 has i1.~ hdm lhat wlluld l1ol'1nOlliy h<tv" I,t'('11 l'I':.{'I'1'nl tiw
m;lil ;t\"l'mail doubkcl Il\"'r ill anlll!lt'r Iialian par;\{k'~' Only lh,' shuuldtT ddi'IK"~ lIrhi~ nml-ol:
b~hi•• 11: \\ hi I" hi~ 1;11 lriC-((.\ lTt'd coa l-ot:pl:t Ie, and pl,lIl"s ;tlT lltl\\ \'i~ihk, th(' n'Sl hl"ing oh~l-UrL'd
,blluldn ll:l p, \\'1 'L1ltl pl'C1Il;l Ill) ha \"I' Ill.,"'ll Ii Ilcd wil h hL'Ilt':tth a tighl-fitting sun'oa1. Tltt' knighl's il'Oll
inJll or t'uir-boLlilli hardetlt'd kalhn sraks, Th,' arm-prOl('c,ting rt'rt'bracl's. COlllt'I~ :llld \'amIW;lCl's
rcrt'hr<ll'!":. lhal prol.'CI his upper ann~ would only t'OVt'I' the outside or lhL' lill1b~, and thl' iron
pl'Ob;dlly h;l\'c llll'lal 1'I"lIll'lllS ill~id,', as \Iotdd Iht' polcyns amI gn'a\'t's Oil hi~ l,'~~ an' or a silllil:trly
('un:; ofbi, hulrlt-athl'" ,~aLlnllels. Th(, ~r,';\\·"" lhal li,\{hl InX·. Hi~ shic.:ld now Ita' a Ilolr!tt'd !allcT-rt':,1
prolt,,'l olll~ 11ll' I"rolll of hi, lq..(~ ,liT 110\1' or iron. in Oll(' ('OI'l1t'r. His hnrs(' is prOlt'C-h'd hy " small
li\laill ,ounT:;: t':tl'\'t'd (·apilals. c"dy 1,Ith C .. a mOUlll of a nnour, I.-·OIl.~iSlil1g: of a 11 iron dlalllfrOll
Dugl'\ Palact.:, "I'uit'l'; dli,\{) or Ik1'll:l1'Clino d"i wilh eXira ll('c,k lallles_ a quilted aim'l 011 tilt' Ileck
Bar;llli':Olli, t.I:H,'j ;)1I :'Illls, I.apidari'l [sl,'ns\,. a nd a ~Illalt {Tupper' O\'I.-'r' IIw a Ilima I's nUll p, ( i\ I a i 11
i\1,/,II'n;l: '1IP!)t)rlill.\{ lig-III'I'S 1111 lomb 1.1' AZZ()lle sourct.:s: tomb of Federico (:a\·alli. lalt' l.ph C.,
"i,n,nli, 1.I:t~'1 dnll'l'lI III'S, (;1'11;11'(1" in COl'll'. church 01' S. Anastasia, "1'1'01101: 100nh or
Iloro ddla Scala, (,135() 75 Otl\~idt' l'hurdl or s.
i\lari;l Anliqua, "nona: Batll,' or "al di (:hi:tlla,
'Fran<:..s<:n Morosini' w..aring Ih .. Dog..'. cap and a s ..nior
<:on"nlllnd.. r'", cloak with ljhOllld.. r d ..<:oration", by Giovann; wall painting 1:l73' Palai':zo l'llblin" Sit'II:!.l
Carbon<:ino roid"7lh <:ent .. ry. (M ..... Civ. COrr...., V..ni<:e)

(,':.!: /'(lIl'Iillll illfIllIIJIIW/I. la(, 1./(1/ rfJIllI~l'

Onl)' thc' lIppl'r arm rndmll'l'l$ arl' 1I0W mack 01"
harc!t:llc-d !t::llhcr, Ihl' k~ h:trIl('s~ Ij('ill,C. ;ill ori1'On.
as an' the splil11s inside his 10\\',,1' ann \'amhl'acc's
:lnd his t~thric-e(l\'ercd solid brcatplale. TIlt' deep
f1uled basc:inel is a lypienlly ltali"ll helmet. but
appears to lx' worn on:r ,Ill old'(;Uihiolll'd mail coil:
Tht' largl' reclangular n·d mantlt'l bearing lhe
goldcll Lioll of 51 i\lal'k was, or ('Olll'S(', ",old)' all
infantry shield, The broad-bladed sp('ar is a Ualkan
W(·apOll. p"rhaps illlpol'tt'd f!'Olll Daltnatia. rMail1
sources: lomh or i\lanno I)OIl;lli, laIc I.l1h C,.
church uf S. Antonio. P;ldua; .1\(11'/11 111I11/1' b"It'l'l'fI
I i'lltliall tliUllmprrilll/ol'rt'.I, wall pain ling by Spi Iwlill
An:lillO mid-qlh C.. Palazzo Publico, :iiclla; ,)'fo(J'
dS, J(I/III'J, rdids t)ll s1l\'('r altar hy !.l-'onardo di SCI'
Gio\'anni 1:17[, Pisloia Calhcclt'al.l

(':3: TI'II!IIfll'lt'r i1l sul'i(, qf Ihl' (:lIl'1llli j(II/';~)'. /all' 141h

This trumpeter wCilrs no armour S;l\'C' lor a Jiglll
m:lil hauherk, and a Ckl'p helmel which has a
hinged dwek-pit·ec. pCl'haps nrigillally itl!\'llCled for
an archer, The man's daggl.-T ag-aill p('rhaps sho\\'s
n" \It< \ ' Iblkal1 illflucllce, (i\lnin sources: Vl'llt'liall helml'l
q\j ., ",
rrolll Kbalkis, hll(" l+lh carly 15lh C .. Hislorical
J\[lIs., ALl1l'ns; /Jalllt' I!( l'rd di Cltirllla, wall p<lil1lillO'
1:~73, Palazzo Plilli 0 'iclla.j

J): em.\ 'illg Iltl' /.6/JPio Pa.l.I. 1./39

D,: Dalmaliall ITO SOOlIIl/{/II, 1'.1+/0
B) the I th (Tnlury vari us ' stems or 'panning
more I /)\ c'rrul crossl ow' had om' into uSc: h Te a
ranequin is shown. Thi· Dalmatian soldi T ha:
allolhn decp Iwlmel \·vilh a hing'd h k-pi C' n Staff weapons: A-ronco, .6th '7th C. (Armoury of Doge's
Palace, VeDice); B-ronco, 16th C. (Mus. Civ. Marzoli, Brescia);
Ihe righl si c. He nlhcrv,is w'ar, rull,latc arm ur C--eeremoDial partizan, decoration not shown, early 17th C.
on his arms. legs and bod" though the laller is (Mus, Civ. Marzoli, Brescia); D-remains of broad-bladed
spear Or partizan found in ford Dear TriJj, Dalmatia, undated
co\' reel b a quilted surcoat in somev hat (Archaeological Mu., SpUt); E F-halberd-partizans for
officers, '7th C. (Armoury of Doge's Palace, VeDice); H-
BUl'g-ulI li'ln style. (Maill SOUI' e': rdicr 'iLl'ving ceremonial halberd, late 16th C. (Mu', Civ. Marzoli, Brescia);
mid- 151h '" J ur:ja Barak vi a ,Ire 'I, Sib nik; l-ceremonial halberd, 16th C. (Armoury of Doge' Palace,
Venice); ]-pole-a"e, 16tb C, (Armoury of Doge's Palace,
cneli. n helll1l t ['rom Khalki', II' t hall' 15th Venice); K-glaive, '5th-,6th C. (Mus. Civ. Marzoli, Brescia);
Hislori I M U:., • then:.) L-ceremonial glaive, decoration Dot shown, Venetian 17th C.
(Mu . Civ. M.arzoli, Brescia).

D2: /)"III/olioll il!f""/~J·nt(l/I. (.1.1-/-0

Here a helrm I with ( hing d hcek-piccC' also has a was grown in Italy, being expl rled in Jarg
moveabl' visor. Thi Lime Ih' ,ur al i. or rich Cluantiti s I Englan I. ( lain s()urr ': bronze Inor
bl'( c. It' import·c! Ii- m Ihe Islamic world. Th· by Ghibeni Illid-l.~th C,. Bapti:tcry, Florence, ~
strap supportinO' Ul rondcl d gg r goes to a belt
wom I,'n 'ath the surco I. Th man': armour i. F' III) ,\((o/ld hO{/I!/ IIII' 1511t (1'/11111)'
again ol'rull ironllat with a minimum ormail: and £,: ,\(I/-/l/(',-" Ilaliall rro,ubllwlllall, 11111' 1,';111 1"1'111111)'
lhe hrge triangular shield i· an il fanlr)" limn that AnULh r IWW m thocl orspannin~ a TO. show was
had J en u··d in the B< Ikans r I' .ome c l1luri ... the' TOW' 'I(, It' 'hown here: Ihough sOllletin ('S used
( ain s( ur«'s: r lid' alying mid-r th C., J ulja in wnr. it appears tn han' be 'n more pupular rOT'
Bar(lkovin str' 't, ,'il nik: \ IH lian helmct from I uillil g or larglt-sh Iting. This ir rantryJ1lan . till
Khalki. first hall' (r 15\h .. ,iSI Iri £II [\·1 us., hasa I' ps II t wilh a hinged nasaL but hi, armour
Athens. ) i~ othC'1"\'\risl' light 'I' 1I1(1n in carlin' plTiods. The iron
breastplale al. 0 ha.s \' '1')' 'ar! lill'lns or tassets lo
DJ: /'t'I1l'lirll/ mlll/lial klll:l!,hlji-ol/1. 'iht'llik. Dallllalio. II/id- pI' IllTl hi, Ihighs, Ol hnwise I hc man's Iq~s arc' onl y
'511i rl'llll1~'l' c!ef('nc!ed by light gre;l\'('S, His s\\Iord, wilh the
Though 111' is a Dalmatian and wears a form or \·(Ttic;).! guard, III a)" agaill rdlcTI Balk,lIl or \:rlllan
heacldress brlrayillg IUlIg<trian inOu'n t, this i nl') LI n e. ( ['',IIai n sou r l'S: SI (1.\1I11l (:l'fl(' by
knight ha: Ilw I SI impurted Jtalian armour. Ca rpac io 1.~93, \caclemia, \ cnicc; ,llImr!rlllls q/
T piral \ uld be < sail t helm 't in a specifically Luigi (;on-ago, wall painting by OOll1cllil'O J\lor{lll'
\ en ,tian sl I·, rover d in \. -Ivel and \vilh golden 1~9(), PalazZ() Dunik, Manlua; \' 'IWU<ln hdrn't
de nrati ns riv,t d l the surface, ole the -'xtra I'rolll K hal kis, J. lh '.. H istorieal t\ 1u.s .. Athens,)
fringe or mail from the rim (II' the l~llIld laSL 'ned 10
the lower edge ( I' his brcastplal . ( lain sourc<:s: 1':2: 1'l'Ilelia/llllililiOIl/OIl (!/Iltl' (.'r1/1l/IO.!I,lIi dl'//o C·((I:Of(. Inlf
stalu' or knight carly J. th C., Orlanc!m' Kip, l,'jllt «('111111)'
Dubrovnik;\Ii.\,\f/1 or Duk, Hr\' ~i\' \ ukcic Hand,l;L111S wen' increasingly importanl in the latl'
Irvatini'lIr 'plit, 1 npkapi Lib" Istanbul) I ::Jth (' Illury. This -xamplc- is a vl'ry simpl ' ri)J"(n
i,e;nivcl with a separate heated iron IOlldll'. Apart
IJ.J.' llf/!i,," /1('(/,\(11I1 11'1!)' , 1511i rel1ll1l)' li'( m a lighl Itdnwl wilh separale ('ar-picn's, Ihis
L ngl ows orsimpl . construction Wl'J"C l' 'garckd a.- young man is unannOUl'e I. though his 'xLra\'aganl
peasant wcapons in late mcdi val ltaly, On the costume is in the Ill-ight or Velll'lian lashioll and
olher hand some' orlh ' I eSI y w wo d 1'01' su ·h bows shows him to be a 111 'll1lwr or Ollt' o"llw 'Trousn

Cluhs'. He nlStI cUTin, ~1 bro:ld-bladl"d dl/lIIWdl'fl ['1I!,-lIlIIt'lI kl/~~hl hy Pic'l"O di Co~i11l0 (.t~)t;I' ~al.
~h(lrl-.~lI'ord otl
his hip. I r..laill ~ourCt·s: Sli '''.1/110 crdr G;llltTy, ',\llldclll: SI (;'''''}!.'' by CarpatTil' ',15fl(,.
b~ Carpan'in 'I!I:'I, .\c;ldc'11li;I, \'t'llit't': h:lIld-g"un, Senlur;1 di S. (;iol',~i" dt',~k S('ia\'lIlli, \'t'nic·t'.1
mid-15th C .. ;"111'" Ci"i,o, 'I'ri,'slc·.!
/':'J.' (;rak IwMt'lJllII/.1 r(J1II / 'fllt'! ifll/-m/<"(/ It'l ri loll),. ,{/ r~ \'
H:;: I ;'II"illll 1II11II-fll-IIIII/', Ifllr 151ft I'rllllll)' Ifi/ll (t'III/I~I'
In (",.mpk-h' ('()]JI ra"l It' llll' 111Ianlll.urnl IW1Id- Tilt' lillIe Ihal i:- kllown ;Ih"rtl ariHoCr;llic n.stlltlH'
~ttllllr. thi .. Illall-al-arms is (:quipp,:d lin' dost, in Jllth-l'l'1Hury Gt'CITt' ~ho\\"s it III han' !lVt'l)
t..'cullh"l wilh llll' IhnT-j:>llinled rUlltl), ;\ pendi;lr ~Irol\~l~ illlhlt'llt't'd by {)l t0Il1:I11 'l'urkil'JI ~I~ It,l'. (}1I
\\',';I!l0ll thai pn.\"t'd n'l") popular in II .. I~, His thl' utht'l' halle!. Ihis mall'S short llllli,' i) dt';II'I~
armour is a tllag-nilin'lll ,'xamplt' Orril11 platc 'whill" Europt';\n, His :-word was mafic- ill Il:lly: ;lIld hi,
armo11r' mack ill nortlll'rtl Ital~ and "XI:>lIl'u:d hrimmvd hal was a Styll' ~I't'll dlrtlll.!.,:hnUl till'
Ihl'oll,l.{lulIll Europe. TIn' ann ddt'lln's an: slig-htJy 13;\ Ikall,~ alld H It ngn I'y. ( ,\ b ill "1l111Tt·~: -"I ( '/ Ilda (ydl'
diniT"111 liJr l'adl ann. His 1;lr~c' irull sallel i~ or an hy C;1 rpaccio 1.19:'1, .\c:\rkrnia. \ ';'lIke: .ldOff/liUII 11
allll()sllilllyt'Il("!I.s,'d tYllt', 11:\\'itlg-nludl ill t'01ll1110n Iht' ,\1(I,~i wall paimillg- lal(' t5th C .. ~11I'" Ci\·im,
wilh SClillt' ;IIlCi('lll Gn:l'k hdllU'ls, (i\ [aill SOll1Tt'S: SI Padua.!
i'H1I11I (l'df hy C"rpan'io t,l!n, i\eademia. \'t'llit"c:
,/lIl'11dllll/l I!/ /,lIip,i (;III1'::'IIPJI, \\';r11 p;1I11ltllg' In' (,': .111 {/,I,lfI.I"illlllilJlI 1111"11//11 ill "I'll/I"<' IU'l/IlIrI Ifit",
Dorlll'llif'1/ i\lorOlw 1.1~)tj, I'ab'l.zo DOt'ali-, ;"lalllu;l; (; I: I "'lIdif/1i 'BI"III"li', Ittlr ilillt <"1'11(111)'
\'I'I1C'li:lIllwIIlWI tl-clll1 "h:\lkis, l:",lh C" Hisloril"al Vl'IIiCt, was OIH: (If till' Illain l'~'llIrt'l< 01' "'c'StITH
i\lll~ .. '\thl'lh,l b~hinll durill~ till' l!ith {"'llllll'~. ;llld ret:ord~
indi(';\lt' Ihal ltirt'd bodygllar{b Ot' lhu.L:,~ known as
F: Tltr ",,111'
. dil" frllllll"l'
. Hrlll'i wen' .Illlon,t.: Ihl' mosl l'Xlra,·a,l.::lIltJ~ dn'sst'd
F I: 'Sll"fIdil/t' h:ii,hl fIIl'lt! ~l'I//(1IIfi 1//11 /)alllllli ill, (. 1;j00 Illl'll inlhc' dty. This indi\'idu;Jllighls \\'illl;1 l':lpicr
Slradioti \I'I'I'C' ;!Iways lig-llIly ;lrlllOtll"\,d or {:n:l1 and Idi-hamkd dagg-t'l' ill;1 l'har:l('Il'l'islil' latc' 16lh
tlllarmoun'd, hili fi:\\' illtblnltiollS ~lln'i\"t.: ~hcl\\'ill,g century fi1rtn of ll:l1cin.\{, !;"Iaill :-"llrt'l'~: ('lIklllJ/('1I
IhOiw n't'ruilt·d ill till' ~Olllht'rn and t:'li'lt'nI1l10~1 r'tlldiml IIIlMrll/ll1l by i\11'lr(lll;, Illid-J!ilh C .. !\at,
paris Ill" 1111' \'em'II;lll t'rnpin', Thi~ man probabl~ Gallery, London; '\"'Iletian Bn,,'o', itl \';'cdlin's
cnnH'~ li'o111 D:tltll:Llia or lsI ria ill what i~ Ill)\\' CQ,llIlIIr BooL puhlis/wd ISH!I,}
Yllgmla\,ja. Hi~ ho\l' is or lhl' :\si;lIit..· l"OrnpOSill'
lype. l-li,H'ul'wd ~abrt' i~ similar lu those used iu thl' (;:1: /~\((Ill1'd ,l!.td/~l'-,lm'f, fIIr~l' '7lh IIHIII~1'
Oltolll:ltl Ernpin', whill' his shield is I)f:l typically \'t'lll'li;m g::r1lt'y·slan's amI lho", t'llll\'i("l~ will,
l'asll'rtl EUI'l.pt:;lll Ill' HUIIg;lriall lorm. His liglll sn\"l,d their SI'llIC·IH.'t"S al II1\' ";Irs \\'11"1' :-imilar
arnl\Jur IS, hlJl\'I'\Tr, typi"all~ Iwlian, ((\laill co:o;t 11 tlll':'i: IIlis was IOlall y ina([,-q 11;11 C' ri.r tht' rig'oll I'S
sourcr's: SI {''''1I111 err/I' by Carpaccio 1.193, fir lif(' in ;1Il 01'('11 \\':rr·g'alky and rnall~ died thllll
Anuh'lllia, \'cllin': (."l1'a!mdr. \\,;\11 paililing 1.174, l'XI)lJ:;un'. 'I'he \\"(';llJ1)1JS lhal Ihil' 111:111 has "l'i".nl
I'hllt't'h tlfSI i\1;lry, Lknlll'l, [slri;!.) illdlldt' a lon~-h:dkd halh;ll'eI, :1 tl:Jg'g'I't' li'oll)
Croalia, ami a p('culi;11' tonn ol" IH';r\'~ l11:ttdllnck
F:1: "/'IIr(;1I11 lighl (fI/'(//~rl/l(lI/. [.150{) pistol with;1 r('vokin,1:;" Iriple barrel. ( ;"laill ~1!ltITt'S:
\'~'J1('liall dn1TH'slil' alltl [Ialian c:l\'alry \I'('I"{" 'Galley slaw', in \'cl"l'llio's (,'0,1/1111/1' 111101.: \'c'IH"li:m
di,'idl'd iulu li,l.:1tt and 11I';\"y ullilS,lhflll,l.{h till' main hallJt'rd. c'ady 171h C .. Arll1ollr~ nl"\)og-I",~ P;,[;]c't'.
dilli'n'm't· st'em.. 10 h;\ \'1' Iwt'u iII Ihe IISl' (Jl" 01 h!'l'wise \'c-nit'c,l
Ilrlllll'Sl'-:ll'lllllllt'. 'I'hi~ man, as a lig-hl cavalryman,
has a d~nn'd salll'1 illslead ot'tllt' dosed arillel uscd (,':1: /'l'lIl'Iillll kllig!ll. ufit"l
hy lwa,'y ';l\"alry. Hi.~ armOll1' i~ also 01";\ flUlCd i\!ost arrllours lhal sUI"\"in' ill l11USt'lllll~ lal'k Ihl·ir
\'aric'ly: though lll;ld,' ill northern Ila[y il clluld original lining. This wa~ olkll C:Xlellell,d In Ii Inn ;1
t'dll'~'1 tire' illl1lll'tlt'~' ",. Gt:rntan ;ll'lllC'lln'l"S. whn dl'corati,·t..' ri'ill,~e around o'nain pit'I'l's, as showtl
mad!' much .~t't:;t1l'r us,' or I1l1tin,~ lill' hoth hl'I't:. Thill \\'c;l!lhy aristocrat h;l~ ;1 ht'lnll"l Ill" tilt'
deC"ur;ll iOlI a ml ~trl'ug-t1lt'lling-. I i\ \;1 i11 sources: dosl' helm 1'1 ,rill. H is ~WI ,rei is \'l'l"~ /\('a\'~ l"'111 pa n-d
III lilt, rapit'r 01" hi~ lIpplillClll. Iron shield;, \\CIT a
I'daliwly latt' dcwlopIlH'l1l; althou)..:"h dcsip:lwd 10
\\'ilhsland piswl and muskt'l balls. t1wy \\'en:
prohably more (kCOrali\'I' Ihan dlcC!in:. (i\bin
sourc,': rull ,lr111our. \Iiblw~t' or Hn'seiall f.1570.
i\lu~, Ci\"iw \larzoli, Br(·sda.)

H: Thl' dl'at/' '!J TO/III//(/Ill .lfm·UJilli. IG.17

III.' Tamil/till! .\/(.If/J.lilli. f.d/:17
By Iht' mid-17lh ("l'nlury 111(' g-re'lt age or armour
had l'mkd, :\ 1(-\\ lidl arrnOllrs W(T(' \\'01'11 hy ht',w)'
ca \'011 ry and by ('lJllllll;llldillg' ot1iCl~rs for pn·sli~(' .. \t
sea tlll'Y wIHIld have Ilt't'n \'irtually suicidal.!'O herl'
,'\'t'll 'I'\I11'lma:m :>.Iorosilli has bC('11 ~i\'t'n a
l>anil"ularly lil1\' lornl 1'1' Ilalr arrnOlll' wilh a
matching- lobSler-tail 11<'lnlt't. The broad nas<ll
shows ('\'I'U 11101"1' dearly Ill\' ori('lltal illSpiralion or
a II sllch hdnH'I'. This pa 1'1 icu I;, r sui t of a1'l1H,W' h:ld
IWll allcrllali\·c l~pcS ufproteclion fOI" thl' hips alld
~n Ii II; 111(' \'er~i()ll worn hl'IT \l'as for com IK\t 011 li)!)t,
wlwreas IllI' 01111'1" was III bl: worll on hnrst'hack.
NOlt' thaI l\ltlro.~ini is armcd with a ba;,kd-hilted
nlpilT ami a lilll' wlll"dlock pislol. [l\laill ;,01l1"C1':
mid-17lh C. I~n'~dall half armour. l\lus. Ci\'lcn
i\lal-l.llli. Brc:-cia.J

I·/;!: I'rlll'fimi arqw'/Jillil'l', I'tIrb'

/71h (f'flllll:l' 'ApothH>"i" of Admiral lorenzo Mar.,.,lIo', victor of a naval
baclIe;n the Oardanellell in .656 in whi.,h he him5elfdied. Mid-
'I'hl·lm'astpl;ttl· ot"lhis ordinary soldier has llll' samc' '7th cenlury engraving. (Mus. Civ. Corr.. r, Veni.,e)
d('lll or 'proofing mark' as Ihl' line armour 01"
'l'omllla~(1 i\llll'osilli. ThotrKh del'oral('d, hi~ breast /-/:r' 'Sm/llJfdi' Wtll~ll /'0/111111'/'1". f(U{l' /71h fOlllllJ'
and back plaIt'S. rnurinll Iwlmel and ir(JIl IIl'c'k- Ull:l1'1l10UI'I·d l'X,'I'])( [EW:a small inlll >wnTlt' hdlllt'l
protl 'cti Il~ gorgi·t \\'orll hl'llcal h I he IIn'ast piau' :U'(' \\"orn 1)('1H';llh his I~ picallblbll ll'athel'l'd Clp. this
or nmdl illli...ior (ILl;r1il~, Tht· mall's :-\I"unl is a "olulltcl'l' is dl'a1'l~ fl"llrn Ollt' f,r \·(.·llic("\ Halbll
Iblkan Irill/"lJIII/ whill' his :trqul'1Jus ha:- a GC'l'lllan lerrilnril'~. pnlhalJl~ 1101'1111'1'11 Ihlrnalia. 'rht'
lock I)ul \\';1' aSM'nll)lt,d ;11 Brcsci:l. 111 \'C'lll'ti;lll dt'l'orali\,(' bauds ;HTms his tUlllt' had lhl' sam('
h'1.,.ilory. [1\1ain ",un'c's: '\'elll'ti:ll1 inl~lIlII'YIll:lll·. lwig-ill as (lIe 1:'II'rd"cnr;,tic)ll~ Wlfnl II}' Ilus:-;lr lig-hl
ill \'I',dlill's COI/1i1Tt1' Hook; Il:dian inbnl ry armour, C':f \';' Iry. A p;I rt [i'ol11 ;( si IIlplr' da,l{~I'" t';t pi Un·d li'urn
(';Irly 171h C., :\I'IlWtlr~ or till' Pal:lt"t' or tIll' Ih,' Oltulllalls_ IH' is al"llll'd witll :a slr;tIl,~'" :tll-infll
"-Ili~ht!', i\lalta: ~cia\'(-.na :-wurd. \'elll'tian c'ar!y cOlllhinl'd war-aXI' ami whvdlul.'k musket. [1\l;tin
17111 C.. !\nl1ffury oflhl' Dog-i"s PalaCI', V('llicI·.) sourc('s: 'Scappoli' ill \'l"\'dlio's C'o'(IJIIlt' Iju"k: ax\"·
gUll. I'arly 171h C... \rlllnllr~ IIftl1\' 1Jf),~c"s P;lla\"('.

NOles sur leli planches en couleur Farbtafeln
A. l~' l.,,~c 1~"N-I,,'r tI,- (., d,n"li..,", 1< fa" 'l'>'il,O<" 1",,-It· I"" ,1.... "n,' ~'al(1I1 A. I).> lI""'" St h,l<1 rI".,.., 11."' "d d... r"hl",,,l,' \\'.'pl.·",,,d 1"1,!r,..,, tI,,·
r,,,,,,,,,,, ell 1,,,Ii,- .Il' '"lem. " ... w. "" In "\"" ,,,OIi,,,;,,,,, d"l,,'""", ",,,ir,,, "" ,,,,,,,,.,1,. ,\"m,.. ",,~ i,,, h.li." <I '3 .I.. h,h,,,I<1.t1,. Aa n.e ,1..1"..."",... h,·"
IIk"I''''I:< ,1", ,",.,.j,.. IMlla"i'I"" ""I...",,..;
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",,' l'rtl., "·,,,'11,',,,, I>:.,I'!"" .1,'"'''' ,1;,,,,,.1" 10"" ,I"" ,', '"'' 1>.,1,,,.,,,,.,, ..."""".
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... Roman Army: loo]"·IWI 2J6 Freder..:k the GeeA! I"
""",.T"," 159 The MamkJks 12SQ.-1517 140 Fre6erxk \he Geea! 2)
2 Hadn;an-Constanllne I'" Ottom¥l Tueb 1300·ln4 248 Feedf:r..:k the GeeAl )}

'! """"""', •D~~

119 's Enemoes 210 Venel.W1 Empre 1200·1670 271 AuslnillArmy 1740.80(11
III A~ of Cr~ ~nd POI!lf:rs 176 Aus!n;all Army 1740-80 (2
I sa I

I GallIC & BrItISh Celts 144 Mf:dlf:Val Bu....,ely 1164·1477 48 Wolfe's Army
175 3 Po1I'th4ans & Sassantds •• 3 ArrrIoe5 of AglocOl,ll't 128 Amenan Woodland tndlans
180 ~. $pain 118 8.C.·19 B.C. 1<15 W~rs of trot Roses 39 Bnt Army III N, Amenca
243 5 rhe ~<1 Fr<>ntoe<" " MedItV1lI Her~Id')' W~e Ind
244 Feenc.h III AtTIer
27) ~ I W~sIw>gton', Army
247 Romano-ByUnlJrlo! Arm>es 4tr>-9th C 156 ThelnshWirs 1485-1603
IS4 ArUv & Anglo·Sa><on Wars 19 I Henr)' VIII's Army NAPOLEONIC PER'OD
1SS Armoes of trot M'lSIJm Conqves! 58 TM l..andsI<nechts 157 Napoleon\ ~ III Italy
115 Amlles 01 islam. 7th·ll\t1 C 101 The COI'lQUI5tadorf:s 79 Napoleon·s EgyplJin Campa>gn
ISO TM Age of Charlemagne 263 Mvgh.JIlndia 1504·1761 87 Napoleon's Marshals
89 Byzantine Armoes 886·1 I ! 6 135 Gunavus Adolph./5 (1IInf~nt')' 64 Nap's CUlr~ssltrs & CaribK1iers
8S Saxon. V>Iung & Norman 262 Gustavus Adoj~ (2 . Cavalry SS Nap·s Dragoons & Lanc.ers
2J I Freoch Mf:dOf:val Artl'IltS 10Cl0- I 300 .4 Engb5h Qv.I W~r Armes 68 N~p·s lJne Chaosseurs
75 ArrnIf:s of the C ~ •• 0 NewJ'1odf:IArmy 1645-60 76 Nap's Hussars
171 Saladin & the Saracens 203 L0U<5 XlV's Army n Nap's Guard Cav~I')'
155 Kn,thts of Oms! 267 TN: BrMh Arm~ 1660-17Cl-l .41 Nap's U"" Inf&r1!')'
200 EI CId & ReconqUtSU 10.50-1492 .7 Marlboro.Jgh's Army. .... Nap's Ught Infantry
105 n... Mongols 86 Samurai Amues 1550·1615 IS] N~p·s Guard Infantry {11
222 The Age Of T~n'"If:rlane .84 PollShArmoes 1569·1696(1)
Tille tiu cOIIfitlUed 00 imide bock co"",

PiefM note thol fa< sp«e eeawn:s ~",lffi Avec annotatIons en fran,.als sur les
tIIle5 eve g~ ~. when OH!erlfli, ~ quole plandtes .., couleurs. ISBN 0-&5045-899-4
die l'llf: r1iJ'l'ltOf:t. e.f. 'MAlI 109' for 'Ancient Mit Aufzeichnunaen auf Deutsch Ilber den

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