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Numerology Practitioner Handbook & Baby Names Dictionary

Using Numerology to Give Your Baby a Head Start in Life

Disclaimer: This book is for entertainment and informational purposes only and is no way
intended as counselling or advice. The author shall have neither liability, nor responsibility
to any person, or entity with respect to loss, damage, or injury caused or alleged to be
caused directly or indirectly by the information contained in this eBook.
Please be aware that this eBook does not contain meanings of each name, it is purely about
how each name has its own numerological vibration,
All Rights Reserved 2017.
Numerology is an ancient science that suggests we choose our lives before we are born. Many
numerologists believe that the soul chooses a body based on the energy vibrations it will receive
from the date of birth and its name.

It therefore waits for parents who will provide it with the energy it wants to work on and it will then
be born into that body.

What do I mean when I talk about energy? Well, there are several lessons that a soul can learn while
it is on Earth. Some people want to learn how to be more giving, whilst others want to learn lessons
about spirituality or being responsible for others. Each of these themes can be found in the energy
of each number.

The most effective number is the date of birth and, more often than not, this date can’t be chosen or
predicted in advance by a child’s parents. When we add up all of the numbers in somebody’s date of
birth we get the Life Path Number. This is the main lesson that the soul has chosen to learn, in this
lifetime. If the numbers add up to five, for example, the child has chosen to learn lessons relating to
freedom and change. This person will sometimes be restless, but if they harness the energy in a
positive way, they can use change to their advantage. They may go through a lot of changes in their
lifetime, but they will embrace these changes – most of which will be for the best.

When choosing a name for your baby, you may want to wait until the child is born, as then you can
choose a name that will help your child to fulfil their Life Path lesson. If your child was born with a
Life Path Number of 5, a good name would add up to 3, which would fit in nicely, whereas, a number
4 may be difficult for the child as it limits a person and may hold your child back from experiencing
the changes they need so that they can grow spiritually.

If you already have a name in mind, or you can’t decide between several names, you can go ahead
and choose the name before the child is born.

Most people, when choosing names for their baby, usually have more than one choice in mind. I
have put together this guide so that you can see what some of the most common baby names can
do for your child, in terms of numerology.

In numerology, there is an energy attached to each number. If you want a happy child who will bring
joy to everyone they meet, then choosing a name with the number 3 energy vibration would be
perfect; however, if you would like a child who was generous, you would do well to choose a name
with the number 9 energy.

Although the name you choose won’t have a dramatic effect on the child’s life (the date of birth has
a greater effect) it will help to a certain extent. When you choose a baby name, you will need to take
into account any middle names and the surname. The expression number, which is the number that
provides opportunities to a person, is made up of the child’s full name, and this needs to be taken
into account.

The growth number, in numerology, is a lucky number. It is a number that will always be helpful to
your child. This is the number that comes from all the letters of the first name.

The soul urge number is made up of all the vowels of the full name and this is the number that
provides our motivation. It is what we are motivated to do in this life.

How to Calculate the Number Vibrations for your client’s Report

Before you go to the baby name dictionary, I want to show you how you calculate the full expression
number. If you are giving your child a middle name, you will need to add up the letters for this, as
well as the surname; otherwise, just use the first name and surname.

I am also enclosing a checklist of each number and what it means, so that you can make the best
decision. I will go into more detailed explanations later.

Expression Number
Use the table below to calculate each name. Look at the letters in your name and write down the
associated number, underneath each letter. Then, add all of the letters together until you get a final
number. If it is a 2-digit number that isn’t 11 or 22, then you need to reduce it to one digit by adding
those two numbers together. So, if you had the number 34, it would reduce to 7 because 3+4 is 7.

11 and 22 are not reduced because they are considered to be Master Numbers. These are extremely
powerful numbers, and it is considered a good thing if a person has any of these in their Life Path,
Expression or Soul Urge. Master numbers can often contain too much energy for a person to live up
to, and this can lead to feeling unfulfilled if a person is unable to live up to their potential.

Growth Number
This is the number of the first name only. If you have chosen a name from my enclosed dictionary,
this will be done for you, but if your chosen name isn’t in there, you can use the chart below to work
it out for yourself. For example, I haven’t added the name Philip to the list because it isn’t a popular
name, these days; but, if you wanted to call your child Philip, you would add up 7+8+9+3+9+7 which
would equal 7. This number would be lucky for Philip and if the life path, expression or soul urge
number was also 7, then this would give some more helpful energy to it.

Soul Urge Number

This is the number you get by adding up all of the vowels in the full name. You should also include
the letter y if it sounds like a vowel, for example, the y in the name Harry gives the ‘ee’ sound. If
someone was called Harry Palin (they have no middle name), then the soul urge number would be
all the vowels added together, including the y so it would be 1 + 7 + 1 + 9 which would give them a
soul urge of 19 which reduces to 1, so the person is motivated to be independent and do things for
themselves. They want to be an individual and stand out in some way. They may even want to run
their own business or remain single, rather than commit to a relationship.
The Maturity Number
This is the number you get by adding your life path and expression numbers together. This number is
not really relevant until you start getting older. As discussed in the course, when you and your
clients are growing up, you will be getting used to the vibrations of each of your numbers and you
may be showing more of the negative aspects, at first. As we get to the ages of 30-35 this is when we
start looking at our lives in terms of what we have achieved and what we want to do going forwards.
There can be a mid-life crisis at this stage when you may be disappointed in your achievements and
this an be the time when people feel they are not living up to their potential or living their soul’s
purpose and some things can happen that help you to re-evaluate and get back on track. This is
where the maturity number comes in. For example, if you have been working too hard for others all
your life and your life path is 5, then you may suddenly quit your job and go travelling as you hit your
maturity number. This is only one example, but the maturity number should be fixed by the time you
get to 50 and this is when you should be feeling more settled and used to the vibrational energy you
were born with.

The Birthday Number

This is the day you were born. As there are up to 31 days in a given month, there are 31 birthday
numbers. These are not reduced to one digit. If you were born on the 30th January then your
birthday number is 30. I have attached a PDF to your course resources giving a brief breakdown of
what each birthday number means. In numerology, your birthday number is a special gift or talent
that the universe has given you. The underlying number vibrations remain the same so, if you were
born on the 30th you have the vibration of 3. If you are born on the 18th then you will have the
vibrational energy of both 1 and 8 which combine to give you an extra special talent which comes
from the combined energies of the two numbers.

Birthday Numbers and Meanings

There are lots of resources on the internet which go into great detail about each of the birthday
numbers but there is no need to put a lot of information on this in a client’s report as it is a small
part of their chart and you should focus more on the other numbers we have discussed so far, in
particular the life path and expression numbers. The main thing to know is that the first 9 days of the
month will have the same meaning as for the other numerological aspects so if someone was born
on the 8th they should be careful of being too materialistic but they have a good chance of being
good with money. You would read the master numbers the same as well. The other two-digit
numbers would contain energies of both of the individual numbers so, for example, if someone had
a birthday number of 25 (they were born on he 25th of the month) then they would have the
energies of both 2 and 5 combined so they would be good working in partnerships and they’d enjoy
being part of a couple but they would also have an adventurous and freedom-loving spirit so they
would do well in partnerships with others who loved doing risky sports or travelling, for example.
They would do well in careers where they could work with others but retain some degree of control
such as tech or creative start ups or running couple’s retreats! Once you start to understand the
energies of each number you can start to come up with your own ideas for your clients’ reports.
Number Calculation Table

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9



If you are considering a couple of baby names, look at the table below to see what number you feel
with give your child the best chances in life, or the name you feel would provide the energy you
would like your child to have, so that they fit in nicely with both of your personalities. You can read a
more detailed explanation of each number later in this book.

I have given the positive aspects of each number in the checklist, followed by some of the negative
aspects that can sometimes occur, which I’ve put in brackets.

Negative aspects of numbers tend to occur as a person grows up. They learn the negative aspects of
each number before they can start to experience the more positive aspects. A person needs to learn
how to work with the energy vibrations of the numbers so he or she will benefit themselves and
others, and this is part of their spiritual development.

A lot of parents, who know about numerology, want to give their child a master number as these
powerful numbers can bring great opportunities to a person; however, for some people, these
energies can be too overpowering and they can lead to a person feeling they will never fulfil their
potential. People with the number 22 in their life path, expression number and, to a lesser extent,
their soul urge, can often feel like they want to change the world yet they get frustrated when they
don’t have the resources to do this. They will often try to achieve the impossible then become
frustrated and disheartened when things don’t go as planned. Just bear this in mind, before you
decide to give your child a master number.

Number Energy Table

1 Independence, Individuality (Selfishness)

2 Cooperation, partnership (co-dependency)

3 Joy, Fun (flighty)

4 Limitation, challenge (stubborn, rigid)

5 Change, Freedom (restlessness)

6 Responsibility, caring (martyrdom

7 Analysis, spirituality (introspection, hermit)
8 Material Satisfaction (greed

9 Generosity, giving (selfishness)

11 Illumination (self-deprecating or low self-esteem)

22 Master Builder (workaholic, laziness)

Now that you know how to calculate the numerological aspects, for each name, you may want to
take a look at the dictionary.

Helpful Hint – Add up the letters of your surname and work out what the first and/or middle names
would need to add up to so that you get the number energy you want for your child. For example, if
you want your child to be independent and your surname was Storm (which adds up to 22 – a
master number!) then you would need a first name that had the 6 vibration as this would add up to
28 which reduces to 1. You would need to adjust this, if you were adding a middle name.

Providing Recommendations
It is entirely up to you, but if you want to do the best for your clients you may want to provide your
own personal recommendations at the end of the client report. You may prefer to do this if a client
has some negative aspects as clients whose charts fit smoothly together may not need to make any
changes. As you can’t change the date of birth and the life path number the only recommendations
you can make are in terms of the name. You may recommend changing the first name or spelling it
differently and if someone has a middle name you could suggest they write it out with an initial such
as Frederick J Watson, for example, if having the extra letter would help the energies of the life path
number. When women get married of if people change their name by deed poll, this can affect the
energies of the expression number although the original expression from the birth name will still
have an effect. You could also recommend shortening the name, for example Trish instead of

Dictionary of Names
I just wanted to add that this is not your usual baby name book. It doesn’t contain thousands of
names. The purpose of this book is for you to understand more about the numerological vibration of
potential names you may be considering for your baby.

I have provided you with a calculator so you can work it out for yourself if the name you are
considering isn’t listed in my dictionary.

I have included what I feel are the most common names currently and, just for fun, I have also
include some names from the popular TV series ‘Game of Thrones’ as I think some of them are
unusual without being too weird! You don’t want your child to hate you now, do you!

I have done my best to check that the growth number beside each name is accurate, but it may be
worthwhile you double-checking any names you are considering, using my table, just to make sure
as I know it is so easy to miscalculate, especially when you are doing a lot of them in one sitting, like I
did for this book! I would also appreciate you emailing me if you do notice any discrepancies.

I have added two lists – one for boys and girls names in alphabetical order and one listing both girls
and boys names in numerological order. I hope you find this useful.

Girls Names

Angela – 22

Adrienne - 7

Alison - 7

Anne – 7

Anna – 3

Abby – 3

Amy – 3

Alice - 9

Amanda – 5

Arianne -8

Arial - 5

Ashleigh - 6

Alexandra – 3

Alyssa – 5

Arya - 9

Ava – 6

Becky – 1

Bella - 5

Bethany - 3

Brienne - 4

Briony – 11

Bridget – 11

Bo – 8

Cara - 5

Ciara – 5

Claire – 3

Cassie - 9

Catelyn – 6

Cerys - 7

Cindy - 1

Christie – 1

Charlotte - 3

Christina – 11

Chelsea – 8

Colette - 8

Chloe - 7

Cersei – 5
Dana - 6

Daenerys - 1

Daisy – 4

Denise – 11

Debbie – 9

Diana – 2

Emma – 5

Elise - 5

Elizabeth - 7

Erin – 1

Ella – 3

Ellie – 7

Enya – 9

Ebony – 7

Eloise - 7

Edie – 5

Elsa – 1
Fiona – 9

Fay - 5

Freya – 1

Fleur – 8

Frances – 3

Gillian – 1

Gina – 4

Georgia - 8

Gaia – 1

Greta – 6

Gulnaz – 5

Helen – 5

Helena – 6

Heather – 11

Hannah – 1
India - 1

Iris - 1

Irene – 6

Imogen – 9

Ilsa – 2

Isobel- 8

Jane – 7

Jackie – 3

Jade – 11

Jamie - 2

Janine - 8

Jasmine - 8

Jessica – 3

Jennifer – 9

Jenna - 8

Jill – 6

Jodie – 1

Joanne - 5
Joanna - 1

Julia – 8

Julie – 3

Kay – 6

Kayla – 1

Kaya - 7

Kylie – 8

Kimberley – 1

Keira – 8

Kira - 3

Kelly – 2

Krista – 6

Kirsty – 3

Kerry - 5

Katherine – 11

Katie – 1

Kyra - 1

Layla - 6
Laurel – 6

Lauren – 8

Laura - 8

Leah – 8

Leigh – 5

Louise - 9

Louisa – 5

Lily – 22

Lila – 7

Lola – 4

Leanne – 6

Lucy – 7

Lisa – 5

Mary – 1

Madison - 3

Maisie – 11

Maggie - 6

Marissa – 8

Marilyn – 11

Maria - 6

Mae – 1
May – 3

Maya - 4

Mia - 5

Megan – 22

Millie - 6

Molly - 5

Monica - 22

Mindy – 2

Miranda – 6

Melissa – 6

Mona – 7

Natalie – 8

Natasha – 1

Nadia – 2

Nicola – 9

Nicole – 4

Nina - 2

Niamh – 9

Olivia – 5

Orla – 1

Opal – 8

Ophelia – 3

Pamela – 3

Paige - 11

Paula – 6

Patsy – 9

Phoebe -6

Pixie - 9

Penny – 11

Priscilla – 9

Poppy – 7

Raine – 11

Rachel - 11

Rae – 6

Rebecca – 1

Rita - 3
Rhiannon – 3

Regan - 9

Rhianna – 3

Rhea – 5

Ruby - 3

Rose – 3

Ruth – 22

Roisin – 3

Samantha -5

Sansa - 8

Sara - 3

Sarah – 2

Sadie – 2

Sasha – 3

Sally - 6

Sienna - 8

Sophie – 9

Shoshanna – 9

Sherie – 9

Storm -22

Summer - 8
Starr -22

Taliah – 3

Talisa -

Tanya – 5

Tia – 3

Tabitha – 7

Teresa – 5

Taylor – 1

Tegan - 2

Trudie – 5

Tula – 9

Tamsin - 22

Tasmin – 22

Una - 9

Ursula – 2

Victoria – 7
Vienna – 11

Violet – 11

Veronica -6

Wendy – 8

Winona – 8

Xena – 8

Yasmin -9

Yvonne – 5

Yvette – 7

Zara - 1

Zeta – 7

Zena - 1

Zoe – 1
Boys Names

Aaron – 22

Adam – 1

Adrian - 11

Aidan – 20

Andrew – 11

Anton - 17

Anthony -7

Alan – 1

Alex –6

Alexander - 3

Alfie - 6

Ashley – 7

Bailey - 5

Bobby – 1

Benjamin -5

Bradley -3

Brandon -5

Brett - 2
Billy – 6

Bryce – 6

Caleb - 5

Callum - 5

Cameron – 6

Carl – 7

Christopher – 4

Christian – 11

Charlie – 11

Connor – 7

Curtis – 9

Curt -8

Danny – 22

Daniel – 9

Darren – 6

Dai - 5

David – 22

Dean - 6
Dylan -2

Dominic - 4

Donovan – 4

Drew – 5

Edward – 1

Eddie – 9

Ewan – 11

Ethan – 1
Frederick – 7

Francis – 7

Findlay - 7

Finn -7

Gary – 6

Gregory - 5

George -3

Gareth -9

Greg - 1

Guy – 8

Harry - 7

Harrison – 3

Hans -6

Hayden - 3

Henry – 6

Howard - 6
Hugh – 5

Ian – 6

Ivan – 1

Ira – 1

Ivor – 1

James – 3

Jaden - 7

Jaime - 2

Jack - 7

Joshua -2

Joseph - 1

Jacob -4

Jordan – 8

Jon - 3

Jonathan - 2

John – 2

Joffrey – 4
Karl – 6

Kai -3

Kyle – 8

Kurt – 7

Lawrence - 9

Lee – 4

Leo - 5

Liam -8

Lyle - 9

Lyndon -3

Lewis – 5

Luke – 4

Lucas – 11

Martin -3

Marvin - 5

Mark -7

Marc - 8

Michael - 6
Morgan -5

Mohammed - 8

Myles – 2

Miles – 4
Nathan - 22

Neil – 22

Neal - 5

Niles - 5

Nick – 1

Nico – 5

Owen -3

Oscar -2

Ollie – 8

Oliver – 9

Paul - 5

Patrick - 6

Peter – 1

Ramsay – 5
Robb -1

Robert - 6

Richard - 7

Rylan - 7

Ryan - 22

Rhys -7

Reece -9

Russell – 7

Samuel -3

Samwell – 22

Stannis - 6

Steven - 22

Stephen – 6

Stefan - 2

Spencer – 8

Sawyer – 1

Sheldon -5

Scott -5

Taylor - 1

Tim -6

Thomas – 22

Tyler – 8

Tom – 3

Troy – 6

Tyrion – 11

Tywin – 1

Theon – 8

Tony – 2

Vincent - 6

Vinnie -1

Wyatt -8

William – 7

Wayne – 5

Yan – 4

Yves - 8
Numerological Dictionary
1 vibration growth numbers

Becky – 1

Cindy - 1

Christie – 1

Daenerys - 1

Erin – 1

Elsa – 1

Freya – 1

Gillian – 1

Gaia – 1

Hannah – 1

India – 1

Iris - 1

Jodie – 1

Joanna - 1

Kayla – 1

Kimberley – 1

Katie – 1

Kyra - 1

Mary – 1
Mae – 1

Natasha – 1

Orla – 1

Rebecca – 1

Taylor – 1

Zena - 1

Zoe – 1

Boys Names

Adam – 1

Alan – 1

Bobby – 1

Edward – 1

Ethan - 1

Greg - 1

Ivan – 1

Ira – 1

Ivor – 1

Joseph - 1

Nick – 1

Peter – 1

Robb -1
Sawyer – 1

Tywin – 1

Vinnie -1

Number 2 names


Diana – 2

Ilsa – 2

Jamie - 2

Kelly – 2

Mindy – 2

Nadia – 2

Nina - 2

Sarah – 2

Sadie – 2

Tegan - 2


Brett - 2

Dylan -2

Jaime - 2

Joshua -2

Jonathan - 2
John – 2

Myles – 2

Oscar -2

Stefan - 2

Tony - 2

Number 3 names


Anna – 3

Abby – 3

Amy – 3

Alexandra – 3

Bethany - 3

Claire – 3

Charlotte - 3

Ella – 3

Frances – 3

Jackie – 3

Jessica – 3

Julie – 3

Kira - 3

Kirsty – 3

Madison - 3
May – 3

Ophelia – 3

Pamela – 3

Rita - 3

Rhiannon – 3

Rhianna – 3

Ruby - 3

Rose – 3

Roisin - 3

Sara - 3

Sasha – 3

Taliah – 3

Tia – 3

Boys Names

Alexander - 3

Bradley -3

Gregory - 5

George -3

Harrison – 3

Hayden - 3

James – 3
Jon - 3

Kai -3

Lyndon -3

Martin -3

Owen -3

Samuel -3

Tom – 3

Number 4 energy


Brienne - 4

Daisy – 4

Gina – 4

Lola – 4

Nicole – 4

Boys Names

Christopher – 4

Dominic - 4

Donovan – 4

Jacob -4

Joffrey - 4
Lee – 4

Luke – 4

Miles - 4

Yan – 4

Number 5 energy


Amanda – 5

Arial - 5

Alyssa – 5

Bella - 5

Cara - 5

Ciara – 5

Cersei - 5

Emma – 5

Elise - 5

Edie – 5

Fay - 5

Gulnaz - 5

Helen – 5

Joanne - 5

Leigh – 5

Louisa – 5
Lisa - 5

Mia - 5

Molly - 5

Olivia – 5

Rhea – 5

Samantha -5

Tanya – 5

Teresa – 5

Trudie – 5

Yvonne – 5

Boys Names

Bailey - 5

Benjamin -5

Brandon -5

Caleb - 5

Callum - 5

Dai - 5

Drew – 5

Gregory - 5

Hugh – 5

Leo - 5
Lewis – 5

Marvin - 5

Morgan -5

Neal - 5

Niles - 5

Nico - 5

Paul - 5

Ramsay – 5

Sheldon -5

Scott -5

Wayne – 5

Number 6


Ashleigh - 6

Ava - 6

Catelyn – 6

Dana - 6

Greta – 6

Helena – 6

Irene – 6

Jill – 6

Kay – 6
Krista – 6

Layla - 6

Laurel – 6

Leanne – 6

Maggie - 6

Maria - 6

Millie - 6

Miranda – 6

Melissa – 6

Paula – 6

Phoebe -6

Rae – 6

Boys Names

Alex –6

Alfie - 6

Billy – 6

Bryce – 6

Cameron – 6

Darren – 6

Dean - 6

Gary – 6
Hans -6

Henry – 6

Howard - 6

Ian – 6

Karl – 6

Michael - 6

Patrick - 6

Robert - 6

Stephen – 6

Tim -6

Troy – 6

Vincent – 6

Number 7


Adrienne - 7

Alison - 7

Anne – 7

Cerys - 7

Chloe - 7

Elizabeth - 7

Ellie – 7
Ebony – 7

Eloise - 7

Jane – 7

Lila – 7

Lucy – 7

Mona - 7

Poppy - 7

Tabitha – 7

Victoria – 7

Yvette – 7

Zeta – 7

Boys Names
Anthony -7

Ashley – 7

Carl – 7

Connor – 7

Frederick – 7

Francis – 7

Findlay - 7

Finn -7

Harry - 7

Jaden - 7
Jack - 7

Kurt - 7

Mark -7

Richard - 7

Rylan - 7

Rhys -7

Russell - 7

William – 7

Number 8


Arianne -8

Bo - 8

Chelsea – 8

Colette - 8

Fleur – 8

Georgia - 8

Isobel - 8

Jasmine - 8

Jenna - 8

Julia - 8

Kylie – 8
Keira – 8

Lauren – 8

Laura - 8

Leah – 8

Marissa – 8

Natalie – 8

Opal – 8

Sansa - 8

Sienna - 8

Summer - 8

Wendy – 8

Winona - 8

Xena – 8

Boys Names

Anton - 8

Curt -8

Guy – 8

Kyle – 8

Mohammed - 8

Ollie – 8

Spencer – 8
Tyler – 8

Theon – 8

Wyatt -8

Number 9


Alice - 9

Arya - 9

Cassie - 9

Debbie – 9

Enya – 9

Fiona – 9

Imogen – 9

Jennifer – 9

Louise - 9

Nicola – 9

Niamh - 9

Patsy – 9

Pixie - 9

Priscilla – 9

Regan - 9

Sophie – 9
Shoshanna – 9

Sherie – 9

Tula – 9

Yasmin -9

Boys Names

Curtis – 9

Daniel – 9

Eddie – 9

Gareth -9

Lawrence - 9

Oliver - 9

Reece -9

Number 11


Briony – 11

Bridget – 11

Christina – 11

Denise – 11

Heather – 11

Jade – 11
Katherine – 11

Maisie – 11

Marilyn – 11

Paige - 11

Penny – 11

Raine – 11

Rachel - 11

Vienna – 11

Violet – 11

Boys Names

Adrian - 11

Andrew – 11

Christian – 11

Charlie – 11

Ewan – 11

Lucas – 11

Tyrion – 11

Number 22


Angela – 22
Lily – 22

Megan – 22

Monica - 22

Storm -22

Starr -22

Tamsin - 22

Tasmin - 22

Boys Names

Aaron – 22

Danny – 22

David – 22

Nathan - 22

Neil – 22

Ryan - 22

Samwell – 22

Steven - 22

Thomas – 22

How to use the name dictionary - Reminder

Remember, the name dictionary has numerological values for the growth number of the name only.
To get the expression number, which will have the greatest effect, you will need to add together the
first name with the surname. If you are going to choose a middle name, you will also add that value
For example, let’s say your surname is Jones. This adds up to 9. Let’s say you want your child to have
the expression number 8 because you want them to be good with money. You would have to choose
a name (or names) that would give the value of 8 when reduced. These values would include 17, (7 +
1 =8), 26, 35 or 44 and so on. If you have 9 as your surname you could choose a name that has an 8
vibration, this would reduce back to 8 when you add it to your surname. 8 + 9 = 17, which reduces to
8. This would also give your child the added advantage of having 8 as their growth number, which
helps the expression number as it makes it more powerful. If you wanted to give your child a middle
name you could choose a first name that has the 5 energy and a middle name that has the 3 energy
and so on.

If you have your heart set on a name, but you’re not happy with the numerological vibration it may
be a sign that you should choose this name anyway as, if it is right that a soul is drawn to a name the
parents have chosen, then it may be a sign that you should take the name anyway as your child
wants to learn the lesson of the name you have in mind.

If you would rather choose a name that has positive numerological energy, try spelling the name you
have in mind differently, or adding in a middle name that will give you the missing energy. For
example, let’s say you like the name Keira, for a girl, but the 8 vibration, when added to your
surname, which is a 5 vibration, gives an expression number of 4, which can be limiting for your
child. Try spelling it differently - Ciara has a 5 vibration; add this to your surname and you get an
expression number of 1, which is great if you want an independent child. If not, try Kira, which has a
3 vibration – when added to your surname you get an 8 expression which is good for material
success. The 3 vibration also gives a joyful, cheerful child.

If you are determined to keep the spelling Keira, you could look at adding a middle name. Keira
Alyssa has a nice ring to it and would add up to 4, which would give an expression number of 9 when
added to your surname. This would give you a child who is selfless, giving and dedicated to serving

As you can see, there are many ways you can use the dictionary or table to come up with the energy
vibrations you want for your child. We are all different and, although we don’t have much choice
when it comes to the actual life path number (the date of birth), we can help things along by using
numerology. It may be best to wait until your child is born before giving the name as you will want to
pick a name that is compatible with the life path energy, to help your child. Even though it is
believed that souls enter the body based on the name the parents have in mind, there is also the
belief that they know, even before their parents do, what name they will get. This means it is OK for
you to wait until after they are born before you decide on a name. You will probably have more than
one name in mind anyway.

For example. If your baby’s life path number is 5 (adding all the numbers in the day, month and year
of birth) then giving your child a 1 expression number may be helpful as the independence links in
very well with the freedom aspects of this life path, whereas a 7 may limit the child as it is very
introspective. If the child has a 9 life path number, the 7 expression will be helpful as the spiritual
aspects of this number will help the child learn lessons of generosity and selflessness.
More about the numbers…

I am going to go into a little bit more detail about the vibration of each number, so you can have a
better idea of what to expect from choosing a name.

Number One Energy

‘I am number 1!’ – says it all, doesn’t it? Pop stars all want to be number 1 in the charts. Most people
like to be first in races and who wants to be second-best? It is natural for us all to want to be the
best we can be, but for people who have 1 as their expression number, this is who they are. They
will be very competitive and will strive to be the best; this can be good or bad, depending on how
the person behaves. There is a difference between treading on others’ toes to get to the top and
working and training hard.

Another way this energy can manifest is individuality. The person may like to do things differently
than other people. They may be eccentric. They may style their hair differently to others or dress
outrageously. These people often become trend setters as their unique sense of style helps them to
stand out from the crowd. They may become popular because of this, but some may withdraw into
their own little world, preferring to spend time alone.

In relationships, a 1 expression may either prefer to say single, or they will need independence
within their relationships. Being part of a couple isn’t so important to them. They may come across
as selfish because of this as they do tend to put their own needs first. This doesn’t mean they will
never be close to others – the expression number is just one part of the overall energy of the person.
It just means that it isn’t the most important aspect of their lives and they will always want to follow
their own interests and be the best they can be, with or without someone else in their lives.

The number 1 expression does well running their own business or being in a leadership role in an
organisation. Striving to be the best can help them to do well financially.

Depending on how your child is using this vibration, they may either be one of those children who
likes to do things by themselves, including play – preferring to sit alone with a book rather than join
in with the other children or they may be a little show-off who likes to join in games so they can
prove they are the best! 1 expression children can be creative too as their individuality lets them
express themselves without worrying what other people will say. In school they may be chosen to
lead groups or become prefects because of their independence and leadership skills.

If someone is working with the negative aspects of this vibration they may be selfish or they may
show more of the number 2 energy, preferring others to look after them rather than doing things for
Number 2 energy
This is a nice energy. People with this expression number have excellent interpersonal skills and
know how to deal with all kinds of people. They enjoy working with others, especially if on a one-to-
one basis. They also enjoy being in relationships with others and, romantically, these are probably
one of the best partners to choose as relationships are more important to them than anything else.
They can become great salespeople or counsellors as they are able to relate to others by making
them feel comfortable. They are great listeners and enjoy sharing conversations, amongst other

A business partnership would be the perfect position for a number 2 vibration as they will enjoy
working in conjunction with someone else. These people make good friends and family is also
important to them.

A child with the number 2 energy will probably have one best friend, rather than a lot of friends, and
they may be the one getting told off for talking too much or not listening to the teacher as they are
often in deep in conversation with their friends! They will enjoy spending time with parents, when
younger, and will like playing games that involve turn-taking as they enjoy co-operating with others.
They also enjoy team games but, unlike the 1 energy, they will do it for fun rather than to win!

If a person is working with the negative energy of this number they may rely on others too much. A
child who falls out with their best friend may become lonely, as they haven’t taken the time to get to
know other children in their class, or they may struggle to leave you when it comes to their first day
at nursery, for example. As they get older, they may rely on their spouse too much and this may
cause some issues. There is a difference between being an equal partner and a doormat and the
number 2 expression should be aware of this.

Number 3 energy
This is one of the best vibrations to have as an expression number. These people are popular
because they cheer everyone up. They may do this by telling jokes or just by smiling every time you
see them. These are the people who always have a smile on their faces and who enjoy getting
involved in things. They are often found in groups and they have lots of friends. They like to laugh
and have fun and they may be the ones organising fun activities for others.

People with this expression will thrive in careers linked to the entertainment industry such as
comedy, holiday reps, event planning, acting, singing, dancing and media. They are passionate about
life and have boundless enthusiasm for a wide variety of things.

Children with this expression will be the ones who make friends easily and who brighten up the
teachers’ day. They will have a natural talent for drama and may also enjoy telling jokes. These are
the children with a permanent smile on their faces. They are most likely well-behaved and will enjoy
playing with their parents and other children; although, sometimes their love of jokes and fun may
not go down well with some teachers as it may be seen as a disruptive influence.
There isn’t really any negative aspect to this number; although getting into trouble at school might
be one. As these people are all about enjoying life, they may struggle when they are faced with
situations they find boring, or challenging.

If these people are in the wrong job they may become flighty as they feel that they should be doing
something more enjoyable. They may also find it hard to be taken seriously because of their bubbly
personalities. In relationships, they may struggle to settle down with one person as they may
become bored once the initial spark of romance fades. This expression number will need a partner
who keeps them on their toes and who loves life as much as they do.

Number 4 energy
This energy can be limiting and challenging, but this can be a good thing for some people and those
people with this energy can learn to work with it and use it to their benefit.

People with this expression are reliable, business-minded and determined to succeed. These are the
people who keep going in spite of adversity and there are many people with this expression number
in the field of science and engineering. They have excellent research skills and are generally capable
people who are hard-working and able to find solutions to problems.

Because these people are stable and reliable, they make great partners. They might not be the most
exciting spouse, but you can be sure they’ll be there when you need them. They enjoy building up a
home and family and they are the people who are the backbone of society. They are likely to be
financially stable because of their hard-working, reliable nature and problem-solving skills.

This energy can be limiting and challenging because a lot of people think that being reliable and
hard-working is the same as being boring. Nowadays, people want freedom and action-packed lives
and the energy of number 4 can be limiting as it keeps them in a routine.

Children with number 4 energy will most likely be the quiet ones in the corner playing with bricks or
trying to work out how something works or fits together. They enjoy puzzles and challenges and will
be the ones asking all sorts of questions that teachers and parents may find difficult to answer!

They will generally be well-behaved children who work hard at school and tend to have a few close
friends who have similar interests.

People who are working with negative aspects of the 4 energy may become steadfast and set in their
ways, preferring to continue doing something that isn’t working for them because they are afraid to
come out of the routine of their comfort zones. They may also come across as strict and expect
others to be as hard-working and committed to projects as they are. They may become frustrated
with people who don’t measure up to their high standards.
Number 5 energy
This is quite a nice number if a person is working with its positive aspects. People with this
expression number are laid-back, friendly and peace-loving. They take people as they find them and
have a live-and-let –live attitude. They have no time for people who are prejudiced, judgemental or
narrow-minded and they enjoy spending time with people and organisations that share the same
love of freedom. They are creative, and a career in design would be an excellent choice as freedom
of expression is important to them. They may also enjoy working in organisations that help people
who are confined, in some way, to have greater freedom in their lives. Number 5 people enjoy
change and they will need to work in an environment that allows for variety. A perfect job will be
one where no two days are the same.

People with this energy make good entrepreneurs or work best when self-employed as they may
find working for other people and following rules restricts their freedom and this can make them
feel restless. In relationships, the 5 expression needs somebody who understands their need to be
free. They may do best with long-distance relationships or with a partner who spends a lot of time
away from home. This isn’t to say that they don’t want to commit to someone else – relationships
are important to the number 5 person, but they need to be with someone who won’t control them
or try to change them. Although the number 5 energy is all about freedom and change, they only
enjoy change if they choose it themselves. If they want to change, they will, but they definitely won’t
if someone tries to force them.

Children with this expression number may become bored easily. They may have a short attention
span unless they are doing something they find interesting. If they do find something they enjoy, you
may find it hard to tear them away from what they are doing! They may enjoy playing outside and
going to lots of different places. These children will want to own the latest gadgets and will want to
go to new places so they can explore different environments. They should enjoy drawing, writing
and generally being creative. You can encourage this by providing them with plenty of materials for
creative expression.

Children working with the negative aspects of this vibration may become bored easily and may also
have trouble following rules, which may lead to problems in school. They don’t like being told what
to do and like to know why certain rules are in place, as anything that restricts their freedom can
have a bad effect on them.

People working with the negative aspects of this number may find it hard to settle in one place, so a
career in the travel industry or self-employment may suit them best. They may have difficulty in
relationships as they may become restless and may change partners often.

Number 6 energy
This is a nice energy for the people who are close to the number 6 person, but the person who has
this vibration may find the energy difficult to handle at times. This is because it is the energy
vibration of responsibility and caring. It is similar to the 9 energy in that it wants to put others first,
but the number 6 energy is not as expansive as the 9 energy, and a person with this vibration will
tend to focus their attention on loved ones and people in the close community.

People with this vibration are often drawn to careers in the caring or service professions such as
nursing, teaching or social work. They want to look after others and this can bring with it a lot of
responsibility. If you are a doctor, you will often be in situations of responsibility where your actions
are a matter of life and death for somebody. This can be hard to handle. Social workers managing
case-loads of vulnerable children can suffer huge amounts of stress and can often feel a huge sense
of responsibility where every single action can have consequences. People with this vibration can
therefore end up stressed and burned out. They are the type of person who others may take for
granted because of their caring nature. They spend their lives putting others first and worrying about
what may happen if they make the wrong decision. This can lead to health problems.

It takes a strong person to choose this type of vibration for their expression number or life path. It is
the number of responsibility; however, with great responsibility comes great reward. It is more than
likely that the person with the 6 expression loves caring, and being responsible for, others.

People working on the lower, negative vibration of this number may become martyrs. They may run
themselves ragged running errands for other people and they may try to make others feel guilty for
everything they do for them. This may result in the 6 expression being less caring and more selfish
than usual.

Number 7 energy
This is the number of spirituality. It is also the number of deep thought and analysis. Philosophers,
priests and scientists may have this expression number. It is all about looking at the underlying
meanings of situations and analysing them. It is the expression of faith and being part of something
bigger than oneself. The people with this expression number can sometimes come across as dreamy
because they have their minds on higher things.

People with this expression number will do well in fields that require deep thought or spirituality.
They may become priests, yoga instructors or research assistants. Some are interested in the
paranormal and the unexplained and you may find them in forensic psychology or hidden away in a
lab, trying to find the origins of the universe!

Children with this expression will most probably be quiet and will enjoy reading. They may have an
aptitude for science and may like to ask questions on things that capture their interest. As this is also
a spiritual vibration, children with this expression number may be psychic or they may be more
interested in ghost stories than other children. They may have a vivid imagination and will love
fantasy stories and films.

People working with the negative vibration of this number may become hermits. They could lose
track of the outside world altogether as they become obsessed with delving deeper into subjects
that capture their imagination. This may result in problematic relationships where their spouse
needs more attention than the 7 expression is wiling and able to give them.
Number 8 energy
This is the number of material satisfaction and therefore most people will probably see this as a
positive expression number. People with this expression will be concerned with material things. They
will want to have the best of everything and will enjoy the luxuries of life. They may also be
concerned with status and how others see them. They are the ones with the designer handbags and
fast cars. Fortunately, this expression number is also good with money. They have great business
sense and can often be found running their own business or working in a well-paid job for someone
else that also offers status and prestige. They know how to make their money work for them and
they are the ones who have investment portfolios and money set aside for a rainy day!

People with this expression number would work well in any industry connected with finance, such as
banking or real estate. They also make good entrepreneurs as they have a knack for knowing how to
make money and they always seem to have more than enough for their needs. Other careers would
be in the areas of gadgets, new technology and status symbols. Women may enjoy working in the
fashion industry or anything that relates to beauty and glamour. Both sexes need to be careful not to
become workaholics.

Children with this expression number may be concerned with what they do and don’t have. If their
friend has something, they will be the one begging you to get it for them. If they want something,
they will mither you until you get it for them and, when they get it, they will probably want a newer
version within a few months. These children understand that money makes the world go round and
they are the ones who usually have a savings account for their pocket money. They are the children
most likely to be seen selling sweets in the playground at a profit or holding a garage sale for their
old toys.

People working on a lower, negative vibration of this number are putting their love of material
things before everything else. These are the people who are so determined to earn money that they
do it at the expense of people they love. They go after the latest gadget, thinking it will make them
happy when they get it, only to find it leaves them feeling empty. People working on the negative
vibration of this expression need to find some sort of balance in their lives between the material side
and also their relationships with others and their spiritual development.

Number 9 energy
This is the number of the humanitarian. People with this expression are generous, selfless and very
charitable. Money and material satisfaction doesn’t seem to appeal to them. They are the people
who would be happy living in a shack as long as they had someone to love and the necessities they
needed to survive. They like simplicity and they appear to have a calmness that makes them seem
like they have no cares in the world. They would give their last dollar to someone in need, yet they
always seem to have more than enough money for their own needs.

They are the people who organise charity fundraisers and go to protest marches. They want to
change the world for the better and they can become frustrated when they realise they can’t do it all
by themselves. People with this vibration work well in non-profit, charitable organisations where
they feel they are making a difference. Like the 6 vibration they may work in the caring, or service,
industries such as nursing or the police force. They may also become politicians, writers or musicians
as this gives them a wider stage to help them recruit others to help them change the world for the

Children with this vibration are those who give their pocket money away to charity or who offer to
help you do the housework. They are the ones who make friends with the children other children
ignore. They always look out for the underdog! They are well-behaved and will often be ‘teacher’s
pet’ because of their willingness to help the teacher with classroom duties. They will also be the first
to share their sweets or toys with other children and they don’t get as upset when other children
take advantage of them. It’s like they have a maturity beyond their years.

People working with the negative vibration of the 9 energy can give too much. They may put their
charitable causes ahead of their own needs and those of their family. These are the people who
leave all of their estate to the local cats’ home and forget to leave anything for their own children!

They can also become selfish when working with the negative aspects of this number. They may
resent giving to others when they don’t get anything in return and may stop doing it. This may also
be due to other people taking them for granted.

Number 11 energy
This is a lovely vibration. It is the number of illumination and people with this expression number
have charisma by the bucket load. These are the people who make people stop and stare when they
enter the room. They have a certain quality that makes them stand out without them having to do or
say anything. They have star-quality. These people make excellent leaders as people naturally seem
to look up to them. They also seem to know what to say and when to say it. They are natural
communicators and many of them take on high-profile positions.

These people will do well in sales, politics, media and the entertainments industry – anywhere that
they can make people stop and take notice! An ideal job would be motivational speaking. People
would hang on to their every word. They would also do well as counsellors as they seem to have an
innate ability to see things that others can’t.

Children with this expression number probably stand out in school. Teachers love them and they
have lots of friends. They are definitely one of the in-crowd. They will be the ones that other children
follow around and they will often be seen leading activities as others are only too happy to let the 11
expression call the shots. Having said this, these children are not spoilt or power-crazed, they just
have a natural charisma that draws others to them. They are probably very attractive too, which all
adds to their appeal.

People working with the negative aspects of this energy may find all the attention gets too much for
them so they try to play down their attributes so that they can become shy and self-deprecating as a
means of detracting attention from themselves. They may be embarrassed at the attention they
attract and feel they don’t deserve it and this may lead to low self-esteem.
Number 22 energy
This is the biggest number we have in most schools of numerology, although some schools count 33
as a master number. It is known as the master-builder and people with this expression want to leave
their mark on the world. They want to create something that will last long after they have gone.
They enjoy creating things. These people may do well in business and a lot of people with this
expression number go on to create their own business empires. Others may like building up products
and they may manufacture things or write books, for example. They make excellent entrepreneurs
as they want to continually expand and create more and more things that they can look at and say ‘ I
did that.’ Although this may sound selfish, the majority of 22 expressions create things that serve
humanity. They want to help others when they create their products and services.

If we were to reduce the 22 to one digit we would get 4. As you know, 4 is the number of challenge
and limitation and, in a way, so is the number 22. It is like having an older brother or sister who got
straight As at school, became a top surgeon and bought a mansion with their equally successful
partner. It is a lot to live up to! People with this expression number always feel that there is a lot
they have to do and sometimes, they can become frustrated if they aren’t able to put their ideas
into reality. Not everyone can live up to the energy of this vibration. People who have a 4 vibration
are successful because they are hard-working, reliable and great problem-solvers. 22 expressions
also have these qualities and they should use them when trying to achieve their goals. Some people
with this expression never know when to stop. They may own a chain of restaurants, but when does
it end? How many restaurants is enough? They may never be satisfied and will keep on creating
more products or services or expanding their existing businesses when they no longer have to.

Children with this vibration are the ones who enjoy making things. They are the ones who love
putting things together and building lots of buildings with play bricks. They enjoy writing, reading
and playing board games, particularly Monopoly, which they are often very good at! They probably
enjoy collecting things as this is an early way of building something that is theirs – starting off with
one and then getting more and more until it is such a large collection that it has to be put in storage!
Sometimes they will need convincing that they have collected enough! They usually do well at
school but they are prone to daydreaming as their minds are often on other things that they
consider more important than the mundane activities in school. These children have friends, but
they are more than likely older than them as they often have a maturity beyond their years and they
often feel like they can’t wait to grow up.

People working with the negative aspects of this number can either be workaholics- not knowing
when to stop- or they can become lazy. People who become lazy often do this because they don’t
know how to put their ideas into practice, or their first attempts fail or if they achieve great success
and feel they don’t have to put in as much effort anymore. As with all of the numbers, it is important
to try and balance the energies.

When you are choosing a name for your baby, you should, first and foremost, go with your gut
instincts. Even though it is nice to know a little bit about the energy vibrations in numbers, I do
believe that fate also has a part to play and, if there is a name that you feel is right for your child and
it doesn’t have the energy vibration you’d like, don’t worry – it is likely that this is the name your
child wants you to give him or her.

When I chose a name for my daughter, I didn’t know anything about numerology and I gave her a
name that I’d always liked. I always knew I would give it to my child, if I had a girl. It turns out that
this particular name has a 5 vibration and it suits her perfectly. When added to her middle name and
surname it also reduces back to a 5 vibration and her life path number is also a 5. There can be some
slight issues with giving a child the same expression number as life path number as it means they are
exposed to too much of the number’s energy and they may show more of the negative side of the
number until they reach maturity. I have noticed that my daughter is particularly restless and gets
bored easily. She also doesn’t like being told what to do; but, there again, who doesn’t? These are all
negative aspects of the number 5 energy.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that things will work out whatever you decide! Your child gets the
name they were meant to have, in the end, and whether you do it by consciously looking at the
numerological vibrations or if you use your gut feelings, it really doesn’t matter.

Think about your own name. It is unlikely that your parents knew much about numerology, yet I bet
you are generally happy with how your life has turned out so far. My first name has the 22 vibration
and so does my soul urge and I’m quite happy with that – it resonates so well with me as I enjoy
writing books and courses and the 22 energy is all about building and creating things, so I’m glad I’ve
been given these numerological vibrations even though it was all a happy accident as my parents
didn’t do it using numerology. I have 8 for both my expression and maturity numbers, which explains
why I am drawn to building a business and my life path is 9 which is why I enjoy building a business
around creating products and services that help people. I am passionate about making the world a
better place by teaching others how to help others as well, so hopefully I am living up to my
numerology! If you are reading this book and doing this course it is my bet that you also have some
of these energies in your chart and I hope you will use what you have learned to help others too.

Love and blessings,

Angie xxx

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