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Chapter 1: The mandate of a mentor leader

If we lose sight of the people, we lose sight of the very purpose of leadership. Mentor leadership focuses
in relationships and positive influence towards others, we should be more focus on developing other
people and helping them to grow. Also, by focusing towards others we can build a good relationship with
them, we can know them better by listening to them. The very purpose of mentor leadership is that we
successfully instilled great impacts in their lives to become better. I also learned that whether what results
may come at the end, we still have that strong bond of relationship we have shared that may long last
because relationships are what truly matters. Leadership is about influence and by that influencing other
people, we also lead them to become better and build them to be the next generation of leaders. I may
say that mentor leaders do not focus short term goals instead they are focus on long terms like building
the lives of people better. I can truly say that I have succeeded in terms of being a mentor leader if I see
my followers flourish and grow around me.

Chapter 2: The Mind-set of a Mentor leader

Mentor leaders produce mentor leaders. It is the key to the leadership success in a consistent and long-
term basis. The role of a leader is to help, support and encourage everyone else on the team. It is like a
domino effect that changes also your team’s outlook to lift, encourage and equip each other’s and
influence them with character building. It is a healthier way that as a team we are dependent on one
another because it can nurture our team’s relationship and spirit. In order for us to become a mentor
leader, we should be willing to learn from others and be able to take responsibility of a mentoring role.
There are two kinds of mentoring, which is direct mentoring known also as teaching and indirect
mentoring which is being a role model. Either of the two could eventually contribute to the team’s success,
and could provide a team chemistry because it is the purpose of team building to move solidly as one. I
always remember what the coaches say, if there is a rotten apple in team it should be ripped off, but as
team we have a choice to lift them up and encourage them to help the team progress furthermore. It is
because as mentor leader our focus should be towards others and our goal is to instill values into lives
people around us and that is the mindset of true mentor leader.

Chapter 3- The Maturity of a Mentor leader: A look within

Being a Mentor leader should be able to forgive and forget the failures we have made and others to us
that happened in the past. It is because it will hinder our capability to be a strong mentor leader. I must
say that as a mentor leader we should be able to decide with confidence because we are look upon by
our followers and that is a trait wherein we can lead efficiently. Everyone makes mistakes, what had
happened in the past should be get over with, if not then we should learn from these failures and keep
moving forward with confidence in our actions because if we stay behind from these failures then it will
be hard to lead the people around us. I guess God gave us an unperfect life like mistakes and failures in
order for us to lead other people and help them with our shortcomings for avoiding the same mistakes.
Also, as a future doctor, I must say that if ever I passed the physician’s board exams, learning like reading
as a typical medical student should be still instilled in me because it is a way wherein I can grow a better
physician. Learning does not end after you past any tests, but it should be continuous and upgraded by
new information. It is because the more you know, the better you will be able to cure any diseases and
be able to impart new ideas to your medical students.

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