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Research Proposal Template

Name of Student/s Lim, Joshua V.

Maghanoy, Edwin Jr.

H.Nasser, Johaira P.

Course and Year BS ME


Research Interest/s  To know the impact of migration in the Philippines

 To know the impact of Religion
 To know the Global Governance

Proposed Field of Study Migration in the Philippines

Title of Proposed Study Economic Impact of Migration in the Philippines

INTRODUCTION – In 100 words, describe your study

According to Center for Migrant Advocacy 2012, the national economy is unable to provide enough jobs
to sustain economic growth without labour emigration. Given the limited employment opportunities,
migration becomes a necessity for Filipinos rather than a choice. Income from remittances provides
opportunities for Filipino to allow children a better education, health care and livings standards. There
is no doubt that Philippine labour migration has contributed to alleviating poverty. Without labour
migration poverty would have significantly increased according to World Bank (2012). Moreover, the
intellectual skill attained by migrants abroad may facilitate a transfer of technology. In economic terms,
the income from OFWs increase the demand for goods and services, thereby stimulating the Philippine
economy. Unfortunately, income is mostly used for consumption rather than investment. Remittances
also provide a source of foreign currency, pivotal to maintaining a strong currency. However, the
immense reliance on migration led to the neglect of the national industry. While migration has been
steadily increasing the manufacturing industry, agriculture and export industry has been declining. As
these sectors are declining fewer jobs are available to Filipinos, leading to higher unemployment.
Despite this, the economy has been growing due to increasing remittances. This phenomenon of this
‘’jobless growth’’ occurs when the growth in the economy is not accompanied with growth in jobs.
While remittances boost the income of OFW families, the unemployed have little prospect of attaining
employment resulting in extreme poverty and great disparity in income.
Research Issue

 Remittance
 Positive Impact of Migration
 Advantage of Migration

Research Questions

Why people migrate?

What are the push and pull factors of migration?

What are the benefits of migration?


Today, a lot of people are migrating to other countries. To know their perspective about migration, the
researchers will conduct a quantitative study to random people through random sampling, in that
random sampling the researchers will provide questionnaires about the proposed study.

Potential Implications of Research Findings

The researchers conduct this study to people in order to broaden their knowledge about migration
and to motivate them to migrate to other countries.


CMA. (2019). Migration and Development. Retrieved from


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