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Ron Paul's message to Americans

Recent U.$. Presidential

Candidate Warns: Financial
"Martial Law" could seize up to
80% of your lifesavings,

Thank you for joining us.

I'm Iared Kelly... here with 12-term Congressman, three-time

Presidential candidate Ron Paul...with an urgent warning he's ’
sharing exclusively right here - for all Americans who are
watching this, regardless of political party.


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It's my pleasure, Iared.

Millions of worried Americans are wondering: What's next for our country?
How will we ever pay our debts and will we ever get the economy back on track?

Could the Government eventually use "Martial Law" to force ordinary citizens to
pay new taxes and hand over a percentage of retirement accounts or other
personal wealth?

Today, we have answers.

According to one 12-term US.

Congressman, we are now entering
one of the most dangerous periods
in American history for working
folks and retirees.

That's because, as this former

member of Congress says: There's

nothing more dangerous than a

broke and desperate government.

He says the government will soon find new and novel ways to come after
your money. Some of these plans are already being discussed by the current

So today, we have a look at how these looming events affect you and your family
--and what can you do right now to protect yourself.

What you're about to read is an exclusive interview with the man who knows more
about the coming collapse and government schemes than probably anyone else in

He spent 22 years in Congress.

He served on the House Banking Committee and the Committee on Foreign

Affairs. He sponsored more than 600 legislative bills... met with every
of the past 40 years and every Fed Chairman... and has spent thousands of hours
in closed door meetings in DC.

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His name is Dr. Ron Paul. And today, he's agreed to explain what's really
happening in our economy right now, and the little—known but radical actions our
government will most likely take with your money as the crisis unfolds.

Dr. Paul will also share specific recommendations on the steps you must take now
to prepare and protect yourself over the next few years.

No matter what your political party, we urge you to pay close attention to the
following warning. It could save your family's wealth.

Dr. Paul, sir, it's an honor to have you with us.
My pleasure, Iared.
Let‘s get right to it...
OK... so what are your biggest concems, exactly?
I have two main concerns, Iared.

The first is that for any American who has money in a US. bank account, the stock
market, bonds... anywhere in US. dollars, your assets could see a massive
in value.

But my second concern is perhaps bigger than that, and will have dire
consequences for every American.

You see, as I said -- our government is broke.

And as a result, they're going to take very desperate and even radical measures
that might seem "unconstitutional" in order to save our financial system.

In short, Iared -- I believe the government could soon enact what I call
Martial law."


Martial Law? You mean like... using force?

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"Financial Martial Law."


Most people only know about ordinary Martial Law, which usually happens after a
natural disaster or some kind of riot.

For example, after Hurricane Katrina the government sent in the military and
National Guard to certain neighborhoods to keep the peace.

And as most people know, when Martial Law goes into effect, all the conventional
rules of liberty go out the window. The government sets curfews, decides who's
allowed in certain areas... that type of thing.

And yes, they use force.

Well, financial Martial Law is a bit different —— but it's a heck of a lot

That's because it doesn't matter which neighborhood you live in or how much
money you have in the bank.

When financial Martial Law goes into effect, all the financial rules you know
will go out the window. Everything you've earned, saved, invested in... it‘s all
game for the U.S. Government to seize.

You think your money is yours and the government can't touch it? Uh Uh. Not
anymore. The government is going to embark on a money grab the likes of which
we haven't seen in 50 years.


I don't understand. Doesn't something like that completely violate the U.S.


Iared, if we see a full-blown currency crisis in this country, we will continue

to see
significant attacks on the Constitution and your liberties.

Remember, the U.S. Government will use any means necessary to protect
and save the financial system.

What I call Financial Martial Law is what happens when the government finds

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f in a desperate situation, very much like

- in right now, and decides to radically
ge the financial rules in order to keep

I haven't even told you the worst part...

RY SINGLE TIME the U.S. government

sed financial Martial Law in the past,
it's resulted in huge losses of wealth for individuals like you and me.


But I've already paid my taxes, right? How can the government just walk up and
start grabbing money out of my private account?

80% of Your Assets Could Get

Wiped Out


To the Authoritarians, America's security and future is more important than any
single individual, Iared.

I‘ve had members of the Fed tell me this personally. They've told me they
acknowledge that radical Fed measures often hurt individuals, especially seniors
and retirees... but it's just the "price we have to pay" for the greater good.

In a crisis situation, the government will put their hands on your bank account,
stock market account, your retirement account, your pension... you name it.

Any place you have an asset priced in U.S. dollars, you could ultimately kiss up
80% of it goodbye.

That seems like a big leap from where we are today.

It's coming, Iared.

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They'll change the laws on what you can do with your money, how much you can
access and where you can spend it.

They might even change the money itself. When I show you what's being
proposed, I think you'll be pretty surprised.

American history has shown us time and again that when the government needs
to save itself, it won't hesitate to steal your money.


So you're saying the government has done this type of thing before, right here
It's Happened Before...

Several times.

For example, what if I told you every U.S. dollar you have in the bank right now
could one day be worth just a single penny?

Look it up in the history books, Iared.

In the earliest years of this country, there was a Continental Congress who was
desperate for money as our current government is today.

Back then, there was no Federal Reserve...

So they created something called Continental "bills of credit," or

for short.

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In essence, they printed money out of thin air.

They issued more than $240 million worth of Continentals, and then FORCED it
on the people.

What do you mean they "forced" it?

Anyone who refused to accept America's new Continental "funny money" faced
stiff penalties.

In Virginia, for example, refusing to accept the new currency for an existing
amounted to a cancellation of that debt.

And you can probably guess what happened...

The money was so inflated, the exchange rate fell from one Continental per silver
dollar... to 40 to one... and then 75 to one in a little more than a year.

Ultimately Continentals fell 99% in value in just a few years, and the federal
government reneged on their promise to back Continentals with precious metals.

So... anyone left holding this worthless currency was entitled to receive just 1
penny for every dollar —— a near total destruction of wealth.


All right, but wait a minute, Dr. Paul. That was a long, long time ago... before
current government even existed.

They wouldn't do something like that now.


It's happened over and over... in 1971... 1933... It even happened with one of
most trusted U.S. presidents in history.

President Lincoln created a system whereby the government changed the rules of

It's a sad story, actually. They created a new type of paper money known as

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"greenbacks," specifically to pay soldiers and government debts.

Meanwhile, the government itself didn't touch greenbacks. But they demanded
taxes to be paid in silver and gold coins...

A double standard...
Right... and the new money plummeted in value, dropping 66% over several years.

It took U.S. soldiers fifteen years before they could ultimately redeem their
greenbacks for an equivalent value of gold.


Yeah, but still, that was during the Civil War, right? Before America was the
powerful country in the world.

Yes it was.

But I hope you're starting to see a pattern here, Iared. Broke and desperate
governments do truly desperate things.

For example, what if I told you the government might put out a "recall" on your
money... forcing you to turn it into federal banking facilities, in exchange for
something less valuable?


No way. Sounds like Russia or China.


Well, Franklin Delano Roosevelt did exactly that when he gave Americans just one
month to turn in all their gold bullion, common gold coins, and gold certificates

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to any member bank of the Federal Reserve System.
Is that actually what happened?
Look it up in the history books, Iared. 1933.

Anyone who failed to comply faced penalties, including forfeiture, fines, and

And here's the worst part...

Once everyone turned in all their gold, Roosevelt instantly made the dollars
received less valuable.

With the stroke of a pen, many Americans lost 41% of their savings, overnight.

People don't believe anything like this could happen today, but I'm telling you,
coming. The U.S. Government will use Financial Martial Law.


Was there anything people could have done back then to protect themselves?

For most people, no. It was a disaster.

But some did, sure.

There's a famous story of a lawyer named Harold Bareford, for instance. He found
a legal way to hold onto and accumulate even more gold during the FDR era... His
holdings reportedly sold years later for something like 87 times his money.


OK, so the government destroyed the currency in the 17005... the 18003... and
then again in the early 1900s... and at each turn, they implemented all kinds of
schemes and laws to essentially steal money from regular citizens like you and
me. But could it really happen again?


Not only WILL it happen again... but we're STILL feeling the effects of the last

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time it happened... with Nixon.

Remember: In 1971, when countries around the world lost faith in the dollar...
President Nixon changed the rules, overnight. He "closed the gold window," and

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decreed that dollars were no longer redeemable for gold.

Well fine, but that was 45 years ago...

The damage is still being felt...

You see, ending the tie to precious metals allowed the government to expand the
money supply. And as I've said many times in my career in the House of
Representatives —— you can't create prosperity by printing money out of thin

Ever since Nixon changed the rules, the value of the U.S. dollar has plummeted,


U.S. DOLLAR 1913-2015

-._ 1.0m


1920 1931.1 1940 1950 1950 1971'.) 1931} 19911 Eflflfl 21110

Not to mention, it ushered in one of the worst decades in financial history...

Inflation soared by more than 100%. Unemployment went above 10%. Stocks fell
40% in a single 18-month period, and the S&P 500 fell as much as 45% in the first
part of the decade. And interest rates ultimately soared to nearly 20%, which

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made it very difficult for people to buy new houses or cars.


OK, but what could the government realistically do next? What would Financial
Martial Law look like in this day and age?

They will target ordinary Americans


The next step is very simple. They're going to take control of U.S.
retirement accounts.

It could be one of the biggest encroachments in our nation's history, but I

the chances are great that the U.S. government will soon target ordinary
Americans' retirement accounts and essentially siphon out money.

How can they do that? That's illegal.

Iared, today there's about $23 trillion in U.S. retirement accounts. OK?
Think about that for a second.

Suppose the government mandates that ALL citizens put 1/3rd of these accounts
into special-issue U.S. Treasury securities.

Well, 10 and behold, that's an instant $7 trillion for the government.


No way. You're saying the government can force me to buy worthless Treasury

"Wake up!"

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It's as legal as taxing you.

You have to understand that $23 trillion dollars just sitting around in
accounts is too much money for a desperate and broke government to ignore.

And let me tell you something... if you don't think this can happen right here
America... WAKE UP.

It's already being discussed...

** In 2008, Democrats talked about seizing private retirement accounts and

converting them to accounts managed by Social Security.

** In 2013, The U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau considered "helping"

Americans manage their retirement accounts.

And even contributor William Tucker suggested this could lead to
"forcing Americans to stock their retirement accounts with low-return
government bonds."

** Not to mention, Obama recently introduced his "MyRA program," which

amounts to an IRA that invests directly in government bonds any reasonable
investor on the open market wouldn't touch.

I worked in Washington for over 30 years, Jared... Believe me, I know what these
people are capable of and I know how they think.


It just seems incredible that the government could invade people's retirement

Look it up in the history books. You don't have to go back very far...

The U.S. Treasury Department has already done it three separate times. They
raided government employee pension funds in 2011, 2012, and 2013 —— to plug
federal spending deficits.
Plus, this is already happening around the globe.
In 2013, Poland sought to reduce public debt by nationalizing HALF of all

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money in private pensions.

Similar things have happened in:

0 Argentina
0 Portugal

0 Ireland

0 France

0 Russia

0 Belgium

0 Hungary

0 Cyprus

0 And Bolivia.

You can't trust the government, Iared... not with your money and your family's

They won't save you, and they can't help you.

Confiscation of YOUR retirement account is coming soon, I promise. If you ignore

this possibility, you could lose everything you've save if you're forced to buy
worthless U.S. government bonds.

A Tax on Everything You Own?


What else do you think will happen if the U.S. government enforces Financial
Martial Law?


I think we'll see huge tax increases and even a "wealth tax." But it won't just
be for the wealthy...

What do you mean?


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A wealth tax is basically a tax on everything you own.

It's like property taxes... but instead of taxing just the value of your home
year, a wealth tax levies fees on EVERYTHING you own... year after year after


How could the government possibly get away with that?


The government makes the rules, Jared. Not you or me.

In a crisis situation, like the one that's unfolding right now, they'll get away
just about anything.

In many parts of the world -- like France and India -- similar "wealth taxes"
already exist.

How does it work?

Take India, for example.

In India, the government tallies up everything you own: stocks, bonds, real
retirement accounts... you name it.

Then, you're forced to pay a 1% tax for every penny of net worth over $48,000.
And yes, you pay that tax every single year.

And the people actually AGREE to this?

They don't have a choice. Evading this tax is a criminal offense. You go to jail
for 7
years for under-reporting your wealth in India. They also impose a penalty of up
to 500% on any unreported amount.

Ieez... that's crazy.


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Well, get used to it. Because it‘s coming here too. There's simply no other way
our broke Federal government to pay the $19 trillion in debt we owe today...

And there's no other way possible to close our $200 TRILLION fiscal gap -- which
is the obligations we've already promised in the future. Absolutely, positively,
way possible.

What else could happen?

Well, here's something else I think most Americans are going to be rudely

by in the coming months. And that s retroactive taxes."

It's Already Happening

What are "retroactive taxes"?

It's something that a lot of broke states are already trying right now.
They're basically saying:

You thought your taxes were paid for last year? Nope. Think again. We just
passed a new law. Turns out, you owe us up to an additional 3% on the
income you earned. Send us a check, or else.

And you say this is ALREADY happening?
Most recently in California.

These kinds of retroactive tax increases have also been passed in Washington,
Michigan, and Connecticut to help fund budget shortfalls.

They say it's only temporary, of course. But we all know how that works... In

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government, temporary solutions have a nasty habit of becoming permanent.


Dr. Paul, has it really come to this?

I mean, when did it become OK to

confiscate money from ordinary,
hard-working Americans to fund

out—of—control government spending?

When did it become OK to retroactively increase taxes, or mess with our

retirement accounts?

Isn't there anything that can stop the Government from taking this idea of
Financial Martial Law any further than it's already gone?

I wish I could say yes.

But no. The politics of our economy prevents them from making the right
And that's why I'm here issuing this warning today.

You absolutely must learn how to protect yourself... whether you've got $10,000
or $10 million in the bank. It won't matter... The Government's coming for you
and your money. And once the laws are in place... good luck. It'll be too late
protect yourself.


What else could the Government do?


We'll likely see "windfall" taxes on investments like gold and silver.

What's a windfall tax?

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The Government Hates When You

Do This...

Well, you have to realize something about the government.

They hate it when people own gold bullion and silver, because it shows a lack of
trust in the financial system and lack of faith in the U.S. dollar.

So the government wants to own lots of gold for themselves, but they aren't
about ordinary citizens converting their dollars to precious metals.

Nowadays, of course, I doubt they'll try to confiscate precious metals the same
way they did back in the 1930s.

But the truth is, they don't need to do that. It's much easier now.

All they've got to do is levy an 80% "windfall tax" on all gold and silver
gains. For
some people, this may constitute their entire life savings.

The fact is, I estimate that only about 10% of the people in this country even
gold at all... so politicians are going to love this.

People who bought gold and silver will be labeled as "speculators who bet
the dollar," and they'll be punished. Iust you wait and see...


But Dr. Paul, you've personally talked about owning gold and silver for years,

I have, and I still strongly recommend it.

And that's because in just the past few years, I've learned about some very
interesting ways to legally get around any gold confiscations by the government.
And how to avoid this "windfall tax", if and when it comes, entirely.

We'll discuss where you can learn about that in a minute. But let me be clear:
You've got to take action now.

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What else should I be worried about?

Well, I think negative interest rates are on the way.

That means instead of EARNING interest on money you have in the bank, you
would have to PAY the bank to hold your money for you.

Sounds crazy, maybe. But this is all a consequence of what the Fed has been
over the past decade, when trillions and trillions of artificial new dollars make
their way into the economy.

So I recommend you find a safe place you can keep money and still earn a decent


But we don't have to worry about inflation anymore, right? I mean, the official
stats show basically no inflation now.

"It will be Especially Rough on


Don't believe it.

Look, the government keeps messing with the money supply and changing the
way they measure inflation —— so of course that's what their "official" numbers

Think about it this way, Iared...

When the price of a hamburger goes up, we know right away there's inflation,

But what happens when it's more subtle?

For example, when stock prices go up... or the value of our houses increase, we
think it's because we're all investment geniuses.

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But guess what?

All the gains we've seen in stocks and real estate in the past six years was
because there's SO MUCH NEW money pouring into the system.

It was inflation, plain and simple. And as it gets worse, it's going to be
rough on seniors and anyone who relies on the government for income.


Let me ask you something. Is there any chance none of this stuff will come to
pass? And the United States will just —— I don't know —— get off the hook?


No. No chance. The United States is NOT immune to the basic laws of economics
and finance.

No country in the history of mankind has ever managed to avoid the laws of

Keep in mind... Other governments around the globe have already tried to print
money in massive quantities to pay their debts.

In just the past 100 years, we've seen this scenario play out in Germany,
Austria, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Poland, the Ukraine, Iapan, and China. And of
course, Zimbabwe.

And guess what?

In every single case, printing and borrowing money has ALWAYS led to a currency
crisis. ALWAYS. The United States won't be an exception.

We might be able to stave it off for a while, and let this debt bubble get
bigger and
bigger. But it's going to pop at some point, Iared. Mark my words.


What'll be the biggest impact of a full-fledged currency crisis in the United


Bigger than the Crisis of 2008

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Well, it's important for people to understand this, because this is a much
deal than the mortgage crisis we saw in 2008.

When the currency collapses, nearly everything else will collapse with it...
bonds, commodities... you name it. The U.S. dollar will ultimately lose its
as the world's reserve currency. And people will reject the dollar for almost
alternative. When you destroy a currency, you destroy the entire economy. You
destroy the whole nation.

The middle class gets wiped out.

The way you live, work, travel, retire, and invest in America -- everything is
to change. Some of it in ways most people can't even imagine.


So essentially, you're predicting the entire U.S. financial system will come to a


That's right. Like I said, we'll see a total breakdown of the stock market.
2008, Black Monday and the Crash of '29 all happening in a single morning.

But what really worries me isn't necessarily a stock market crash. The real
will be the effect of all this on our society.

You mean unemployment...?

No, it goes deeper than that. When you destroy a nation's money, you destroy
businesses and friendships and families.

When money can't be trusted... the price signals in markets all around the world
can't be relied on anymore. Which makes it harder and harder for people to
exchange labor and capital. The entire system breaks down.

So does the fabric of society.

Faith in money is critical to a free society. It's critical to jobs, businesses,

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relationships, you name it. Without faith in money, you can forget about
businesses and commerce. And you can forget about any sense of normalcy.

People won't have any clue what to do when there's a line around the block just
access the ATM -- or when banks start shutting down. They won't have any idea
what to do when stores stop accepting dollars as payment. Or when no one's
willing to make a loan anymore.

So you're predicting social unrest...

Definitely. We're likely to see it in many different degrees, even more so than
we already see today.

When money loses its value, products and goods become the only thing worth
having, so crime skyrockets.

Look it up in the history books, Iared.

When Germany had a currency crisis in the early 19003, crime shot up 600%.

Can you imagine what our big urban cities would look like if crime went up 600%?

I don't even want to think about it.

The Average American is Totally


Well, you're going to have to.

Most Americans don't know what a real currency crisis looks like... but let me
you, it's going to be a total descent into economic, social, political, and

The evidence is all around us, and yet the average American is still totally

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unprepared right now...

How do you mean?


Last year, it was reported that more than half of Americans live paycheck to

These people have no money saved up to survive even a small setback.

And that's a terrifying fact, not just to folks who haven't saved... but for
those who


But a wait minute... How are people like that going to even survive in a crisis?
What'll they do?


That's exactly my point. I don't know what they're going to do —— but it's not
to be pretty.

And that's one of the reasons why I'm trying so hard to get this message out.
government's not going to save you or anyone else.

The government couldn't even help the people of Flint, Michigan recently... the
town whose water got poisoned. They brought in filtered water for the
government, but nothing to help ordinary citizens. They even shut off people's
sewer systems if they refused to pay for poisoned water. Look it up.

That's how bad things get when you have a desperate, broke government in charge
of a crisis.


And the government has no plan whatsoever to try and get ready for this?

Well, the government might have a plan, Iared -- but it doesn't involve helping

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You see, the White House has a well-known National Continuity Policy, part of
which says their responsibilities are to, quote:

"Protect and stabilize the Nation's economy and ensure public confidence in the
financial systems."

But believe me, none of those plans involve protecting you or your money.

Remember: To the government, saving themselves and the U.S. financial system is
a lot more important than saving a single person like you or me. Especially if
you've got lots of assets in your retirement account.

2 Huge Concerns Right Now


OK. So to summarize: You say there are two huge concerns facing Americans right

One, you say a massive currency crisis is on the way... something on a scale
never seen before. U.S. assets are going to plummet in value in the coming
months -- which we're already beginning to see.


Correct. The recent market crashes and collapse in prices are only going to


And number two, what you call Financial Martial Law will soon be coming to
America. The government is going to change all kinds of laws and rules to trap
and confiscate as much wealth as possible.


Yes, and if you look at history, you'll see that many people will be completely
blindsided and lose the bulk of their savings in a matter of weeks.

Again, for most people, the only warning you're going to get is me sitting here
right now talking to you.
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You won't hear about this on the news until it's already happened. And the
government won't say a word. It would cause a panic. And yes, the crisis could
arrive literally overnight, as it did in Great Britain in the 1970s.

We're already seeing civil unrest. Lingering unemployment. Volatility in stock

bond prices. The erosion of personal liberties. New capital controls. The
of any form of privacy. Authoritarian clampdowns.

All of this is happening now and ultimately leading to a major crisis as the
dollar is rejected for almost any non—paper alternative.


OK. So what's the average American supposed to do? How can someone get ready
for this crisis?

#1 Way to Protect You rself

Well look. First of all, I'm not trying to scare you.

All I want is for ordinary Americans to wake up and start paying attention to
what's happening right now and what our government is capable of doing.

At this point in my career, all I can do is warn people. My years of fighting

Washington are over. I don't work in Congress anymore. And I'm not making any
more runs at the Presidency.

All I can do is spread this simple public message... and explain exactly how I
believe you should protect yourself and get prepared right now.

And in fact, you're recommending an entire series of steps to take, correct?


Yes —— but these ideas aren't something I've come up with on my own. I've
economics for more than 50 years, and I've done well in my lifetime owning hard
assets like gold and silver and real estate.

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But I'm no investment expert.

So I've been looking around for someone I could feel comfortable recommending.
And I found just the person.
Porter Stansberry.


Porter is one of the few people in America who's been as outspoken as me in

recent years, explaining how our government is creating a currency crisis of

In fact, he's spent millions of dollars warning anyone who would listen to him.

I've been working with Porter and his team for more than a year now. And what I
like in particular is that they explain not only what's going to happen, but
just as
important, what you can do about it. It's not all doom—and—gloom.

They've put basically everything you need to know into a series of reports.

This series of reports is fantastic, because it allows you to get the facts for
yourself. Learn about what's happening. And take the steps necessary to protect
yourself and your family. As this crisis escalates, it's only going to get
worse, and
the important thing is that NOW is the best time to get ready, while the means
saving yourself are still cheap, easy, and legal.


And it was these ideas that actually led you to discover Porter's investment
research firm, Stansberry Research. Is that right?


Yes. I've worked with these guys for over a year now. I've spoken at some of
events and met a lot of their customers. They're one of the leading financial
research firms in the country with more than 500,000 subscribers in over 150
nations around the globe.

And they're not affiliated with any political party.

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Like me, they're not afraid to speak their mind and ruffle feathers. But they
the truth.


And when it comes to recommending the best ways of preparing for -- and
potentially profiting from —— this coming crisis, you believe that Porter's work
the best place to turn right now.


I do. Porter and his firm believe —— as I do —— in free markets and personal
responsibility. And they're just as upset as I am about what's happening to this
great country. But more importantly, I can tell you from firsthand experience
these folks do great work. They're smart. They're thorough.


Dr. Paul, I'm sure you could have received a lot of money if you went to work
Wall Street banks or brokerages. Why not try to prevent this crisis by working
alongside one of the big players in New York?


No. I'm not interested in working on or with Wall Street. Those guys want more
handouts and special favors than welfare recipients. And frankly, bankers are
as helpless as anyone else to stop what the government is doing. What I like
Stansberry Research is that they don't work anywhere near or with Wall Street.
They're based in Baltimore —— and they're the antithesis of Wall Street bankers
DC. lobbyists.

The folks at Stansberry Research simply produce great financial research. They
uncover the facts on what's happening and what you can do to protect yourself.
That's it. And for me and the folks I care about, that's all I'm interested
in... a way
of sharing exactly what's going on —— and what you could and should do to


Porter Stansberry's new book -- America 2020 - The Survival Blueprint -- has
attention not just from you, Dr. Paul... but also from readers across America
say it's a "must—read."

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28 of 44

lo R. says: "I love the book; it is so clear and concise. I have studied a bit
about the
smartest way to survive what is coming, but this put all the best ideas together
one place!"

And David N. says: "This book might go a long way to help others survive the
difficult times that lie before us. It is the best summary in regard to what
inevitably must occur that I have seen."


I completely agree. I think every American should have this information

-- especially retirees, who're more vulnerable than anyone.

The sad reality is that a lot of Americans feel that way and will be completely
blind—sided by this crisis. And that's why I strongly believe Porter's work is
ideal resource, not only for understanding what's really happening in America
right now -- but to learn the steps to protect yourself.

That's why I'm speaking directly to any American who will listen. Because no
matter what the U.S. Constitution says, it's Washington who controls our
monetary system, and they've put us on a direct collision course for financial

I agreed to consult with Stansberry because I believe in their work. It's what
recommend to my own family.


By the way, I should mention: Stansberry Research is not making this information
available on Amazon, in stores, or anywhere else. The 2016 edition has been
completely updated and revised to reflect all the new opportunities, ideas, and

It includes an entire new section on what America's richest and most successful
people are doing to protect and grow their money right now.

Dr. Paul, you're featured prominently in this new section. You go into the steps
you've taken personally, and a few ideas that you've talked about in the past as


That's right, Iared, and that's because I'm in the same boat as everyone else. I

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worked hard my whole life. I don't have a government pension -- I turned down
the one offered by Congress. I'm not an ultra—wealthy man by any means. So I
need to protect what I've got. And I have a lot of ideas on how to do that. So I
thought it made sense to share what I'm doing and what I recommend too.

Well, Dr. Ron Paul. Sir, it's been a pleasure having you with us today.
Any final words?

Yes. I'd like to urge everyone who's watching this to please, do not ignore
happening in America right now. Trouble is here... you can see it all around you
and in the markets. It's going to get a lot worse.

Prepare now for the difficult and dangerous days ahead of us. Don't wait until
too late. Please.

Thank you.

As part of this exclusive special interview with Congressman Ron Paul, Porter
Stansberry is making his work available to you right now at HALF—OFF the normal
price. For details, keep reading.

Thank you for joining us.

How to get The Survival Blueprint

Today, you can a get limited-edition copy of Porter Stansberry's new 2-book
series: "America 2020 -- The Survival Blueprint."

It's a 2—volume set with step—by—step instructions, for protecting yourself and
growing your wealth over the next few years.

The secrets and strategies you'll learn can literally change your life. As Dr.

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RV f
{'5 Hlu\‘;:'l:’l;“— ‘ 3


Paul says:

"This 2—book set is a must read. It's the first step every
American should take. There's really nothing else like this
Blueprint out there."

You'll start by learning the four (4) most critical steps to prepare for the
unfolding in America today, including:


We know the government will take drastic steps to save themselves. So it's
important to learn how to 100% LEGALLY hide and protect your money.

Most Americans don't know this, but there are three (3) legal assets that

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you never, ever have to report to the U.S. government.

Yes, you still have to pay taxes if you earn income on these assets or sell for
profit, but you LEGALLY DO NOT have to tell the government or anyone else that
you own them. The benefit of this should be obvious...

The less the government knows about where you have your money, the better.
They will simply have a very hard time taking what they don't know you have.

Every patriotic American should get some money beyond the government's reach.
Porter Stansberry and many of his colleagues have used these strategies
personally to
put millions of dollars beyond the reach of the U.S. government. We recommend
you do
the same.

Remember, it's all 100% legal. The details start on page 38 of the Survival
Blueprint. You'll also learn:

* How a former Goldman Sachs trader recommends getting some of your money
"off the financial grid" —— safely out of our dangerous mainstream banking
system. He calls this secret America's "Safety Bank." It's fully insured too.

* What one of America's richest men says you must do right now to get extra
money right away, without working or investing. He says this strategy will
become impossible over the next few years, but it can change your life and
instantly give you more money if you act today. (page 60)

* How to safely and legally move almost any amount of money anywhere in
the world (and out of the U.S. dollar) without having to report a single penny
of it
to the U.S. government. Yes, this is all completely legal. (page 48)

And that's just the beginning. Next is:



There's no telling how bad things are going to get in America.

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So yes, you want to own hard assets, such as gold and silver -- but we have
through exhaustive studies there's one asset that perform even better than
precious metals during a currency crisis.

In short, there's one asset (widely available in America), which should help
protect you and your family from any chaos... and could also make you a small
fortune in the years to come.

In fact, an index tracking this asset has absolutely crushed the stock market.
1992, it's returned well over 1,400% gains.

Iust look at the chart.

TheI Must Asset in a Time.I uf Crisis

- 1.500%
- 1.400%
- 1.30091:
- 1.200%

- 1.000%

$9, crflf
mtumfi 58
KO! gin Silver

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down 46K

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sar- aan 2m...

1993 1995 199? 1999 2001 2003 2005 200? 2009 2011 2013 2015

. m.fiansbamweseawhmm t“ S'lgfiél‘ggggckfi‘fl

See how that black line goes straight up, without any hiccups?

During World War II, for example, when millions of families lost their entire
savings through inflation or government seizure, this was the ONE THING that
enabled some families to survive... and to protect, preserve, and grow their

Dr. Ron Paul's family owned this asset during America's Great Depression. Dr.

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Paul says his grandmother refused to sell, because coming from Germany, she'd
seen what happens when the money goes bad. She was exactly right.

That's why it's an asset so many of the richest people in the United States have
historically owned or are buying today...

I'm talking about the Walton family (of Walmart fame), Bill Gates, Ted Turner,
Hilton family, Charles Schwab, Microsoft billionaire Paul Allen, the Hunt family
(of Texas oil fame), the Hearst family, the Ford family, and more.

As multi—millionaire Doug Casey says, it's the ON E THING you should own in the
years to come.

All the details are explained starting on page 82 of the Survival Blueprint.

And there's more. In America 2020 - The Survival Blueprint you'll also learn

* A "one-of—a-kind silver investment" that could pay you 1,000% in the years to
come. There's truly nothing else like this in the world as far as we know. (page
* Canada's best—kept secret -- this is an incredible way to protect your money
and give you an opportunity to make hundreds of percent gains as these currency
problems escalate. This might be Canada's best—kept secret, but you can buy it
without ever leaving home. (page 26)

* One multi-millionaire's "perfect hedge" against the falling U.S. dollar. It's
gold or precious metals or anything like that, but gives you an opportunity to
make 10—times your money, outside the financial system. (page 112)

Next is...



The one thing you must understand about the next phase of this crisis is that
going to cause a huge redistribution of wealth.

As Porter Stansberry says, "More people have borrowed more money to do dumber

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things than at any time in world history."

That's why Porter calls this coming period: “The Greatest Legal Transfer of
in U.S. History."

Some assets are going to get ridiculously cheap -- and others are going to get
extraordinarily expensive. You must have a clear understanding of what to own in
the coming years, and what to avoid.

That's why in the Survival Blueprint, you'll learn:

* How to get real, hold-in-your-hand silver for less than $3. This is the best
way to buy silver we've ever seen. Silver prices will soar in a real financial
One multimillionaire investor says silver could ultimately reach more than
about 700% higher than today's price. (page 53.)

* The only way, to make sure you never, ever run out of money in retirement,
even if Social Security goes under. If you are at or near retirement, this
investment can change your life —— it's 100% guaranteed. (page 141)

* Two of the most dangerous investments for the next five years. Almost every
American owns one or both of these -- but few realize the danger. It's easy to
but do it soon. (page 102)

* The secret paper "currency" used by the world's wealthiest people. This has
nothing to do with the U.S. dollar, the euro, the Swiss franc or any other
you've heard of before. It also has nothing to do with gold, silver, or any
metals. But these certificates are among the most lucrative investments in the
world, and allow you to completely separate as much money as you want from the
U.S. banking system. (page 101)
And this brings me to...


You don't need to go overboard with "survival prepping."

But please... please, take a few critical steps so your family will be able to

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35 of44

no matter what comes our way. The more folks who are prepared, the better off
we'll all be.

In this two-volume set you'll learn:

* The #1 way to get out of any jam during a crisis. Porter learned this
from one of his wealthiest friends, and he saw it put to use firsthand in South
America. This could save you or someone you love. (page 94)

* How one small neighborhood survived after hurricane Katrina hit New
Orleans. Many neighborhoods were destroyed and looted. One neighborhood
survived basically unscathed, thanks to a somewhat radical and unusual
approach. You might consider a version of this strategy for yourself. (page 98)

* A simple way to organize all of your financial documents so you always know
where everything is at a moment's notice. This is Porter Stansberry's personal
technique. It's simple, easy, fast, and free. (page 99)

* Where to go during a crisis in the United States if you don't have a rural
retreat, and can't leave your state. Here's the safest place in just about every
state. (page 98)

* The 2 assets you must have to protect your finances. #1 is gold, but few
recognize the importance of the 2nd critical asset, and it has nothing to do
precious metals. It is absolutely critical to hold -- and to do it the right
way. There
are many options —— but Porter will show you exactly how to buy and hold it, and
which website to use. (page 17)

Plus you'll learn...

* Dr. Ron Paul's best advice on how to prepare for the huge changes coming to
America. He says there's one unconventional thing every working age American
should do. It's not a popular idea now -- but it should become extremely
in the years to come.

This is a strategy you'll want to share with your entire family. We've never
seen Dr.
Paul give this specific advice anywhere else -- but it's a very clever way to
your financial future. See what he's recommending on page 220.

There's so much more in Stansberry's America 2020 - The Survival Blueprint

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36 of 44

This 2-Volume set is packed with dozens of other secrets, tips, ideas, and
strategies that will help you survive and prosper in the years to come.

* A unique private gold storage facility in America. You can find one of these in
virtually every American city and town -- and this keeps your assets out of the
prying hands of banks and other financial institutions that are beholden to the
government. (page 93)

* The #1 most reliable way to get serious income in America over the next
decade. Forget banks, bonds, CDs, and other risky investments that won't keep
up with inflation. Here's the safest way to get all the income you need for
retirement. (page 233)

* The only legitimate way we know of to cut your taxes to nearly zero, while
staying in part of the United States. This is a bit extreme, but a great option
some folks. We have several close associates who've put this strategy to work.
perfectly legal and avoids all the perils of shady tax dodges. (page 27)

* The ultimate wealth defense. Americans today are so confused about what
kind of stocks, bonds, and other investments to own. So please, whatever you do,
pay close attention to Chapter 10. Here's a plan that is cheap, easy to
and offers the surest way we know of to have all the money you need, for as long
as you live, no matter what happens to the dollar or any other currency around
the globe. (page 271)

And much, much more, including the best ideas from some of the richest and
most successful investors in America today, like Warren Buffett, Carl Icahn,
Singer, Seth Klarman, and Michael Burry (the money manger who accurately
predicted the last crisis and was portrayed in the hit movie, The Big Short.)

You know, it's no wonder many folks are saying Stansberry's America 2020 - The
Survival Blueprint is among the most valuable resources they've ever read...

* John K said: "I have read America 2020 — The Survival Blueprint four or five
since receiving it"

* Ken B. said: "Absolutely Excellent book!! I need to buy another 12 for my

and friends."

* Larry R. said: "I read it the first day I had it. It is a great book that
explains our
current situation simply and very accurately. I intend to continue to use this

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37 of 44

as a guide for investing and I will recommend it to my family and friends."

* Marilyn G. said: "I read America 2020... then I ordered copies for my son and
daughters-in-law, my brother, and my secretary. EXCELLENT bookll

* Shane K. said: "America 2020 should be required reading for any American"

As I said, America 2020 - The Survival Blueprint is now a 2—Volume hardback set
-- fully updated for 2016.

Get a copy in your hands immediately, and learn everything you need to know to
protect yourself and your family.

When this currency crisis reaches a critical state, it will happen very, very
As Porter and Dr. Paul say: If our government suddenly finds itself unable to
borrow more money at a reasonable price, the U.S. dollar will collapse and
nearly worthless, overnight.

It's sad, but most people -- even smart and successful folks -- have done
to prepare. For example...

#1. It's incredible to me than only 10% of the population is estimated to own
or silver.

#2. Over half the population doesn't even have basic emergency supplies.
Adelphi Center for Health Innovation)

#3. One-third of adult Americans have ZERO emergency savings. (source: USA

As historian Barton Biggs said, after studying some of the worst crises and
catastrophes in human history:

People "almost always are too complacent, because they cherish the illusion that
when things start to go bad, they will have time to extricate themselves... It
works that way. Events move much faster than anyone expects."

Mark my words: As this currency crisis snowballs, these people are going to get
wiped out.

Please, don't let that happen to you and your family. Take the critical steps

The smartest moneymen in America are taking the necessary steps to protect
themselves... shouldn't you?

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38 of44

Do it now -- while all of these things are safe, cheap, easy, and 100% legal.
wait. If you do, it's very likely the situation will change so fast, it will be
impossible for you to react in time.

Everything you need to know is

in the hardback 2-Volume set
of America 2020 - The
Survival Blueprint. And you
can give it a look at absolutely
no risk or obligation.

. . ”a .

Simply take a trial subscription to Porter Stansberry's Monthly Advisory

Reports, called: Stansberry's Investment Advisory, and we'll immediately send
you an electronic copy of these books... and follow up shortly after with
hardback copies, delivered to your front door.

In his monthly research reports, Porter Stansberry and his team of five analysts
(which includes two accountants and a lawyer) will keep you up to date on
America's unfolding crisis, the unintended consequences of the Fed's money
printing —— and the best ways to grow and protect your money over the next few

After you receive your 2-Volume set of Stansberry's Survival Blueprint, you'll
receiving Stansberry's Investment Advisory on the first Friday of every month.

This is the perfect way to stay up-to-date on the financial problems unfolding in
America right now.

And when you take a completely risk—free look at Porter Stansberry's work —— in
addition to the 2-Volume Hardback set of America 2020 - The Survival
Blueprint -- you'll also receive one more important Research Report, critical
protecting and growing your wealth over the next few years.

**Important Additional Research Report: The Secret Metropolitan Plan for

$10,000 Gold

A few weeks ago, Porter Stansberry met with one of the most powerful men in
finance, at one of the most exclusive private clubs in Manhattan. What this man
-- whose identity we must keep secret -- revealed is astonishing.

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1 Qt“ Anne!“


It's basically a radical plan the Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury could
if there's a run on the U.S. dollar —— which we know is inevitable.

I doubt you will see this idea written about or talked about anywhere else. But
is a very real situation, and when you see the details of this plan, I expect it
dramatically change how you think about your money and investing over the next
few years.

This Research Report AND your hardback copies of the 2-Volume set of America
2020 - The Survival Blueprint, come at no extra charge when you start a one—year
trial subscription to Porter's monthly research letter, called Stansberry's
Investment Advisory.

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40 of 44

Again, this is where Porter and his team will keep you up to date on exactly
you should be doing with your money, and exactly how this situation is changing,
month to month.

The next stage of this crisis could unfold quickly -- without much warning. So I
know you'll benefit from receiving Porter's updated reports, on the first Friday
each month.

Plus... every day the markets are open, you'll also receive Porter's
email called the Stansberry Digest.

Here, Porter and his team report on all the work their firm is doing... the most
interesting investment ideas... what they're researching now... the critical
you must make with your money, and what to expect in the months ahead.

So how much does this work cost... and how can you get started?

Normally... a one-year subscription, including everything mentioned here, costs

$199 per year.

But right now, as part of this special offer, you can try Porter Stansberry's
at a significant discount. You'll pay just $99 for an entire year.

That's HALF-OFF the regular rate.

And keep in mind: You'll have the next 30 days to take a look at the 2-Volume
book set: America 2020 - The Survival Blueprint... plus the bonus Research
Report on The Secret Metropolitan Plan for $10,000 Gold... and Porter's Advisory
newsletter, and daily email updates.

If you decide for any reason within the first 30 days that his work is not right
you, all you have to do is let us know with a quick phone call that you'd like a
refund. Once you ship back your hardback books, you'll receive a full refund for
every penny you paid.

Please keep everything else you've receive —— including your electronic copies
the 2—Volume set of America 2020 — The Survival Blueprint.

In other words, by taking advantage of this offer, you are not making any
commitment whatsoever...

You are agreeing only to TRY this work to see if you like it.

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41 of44

To sum up, when you pay just $99 today you'll receive:

#1. The 2—Volume hardback set of : America 2020 - The Survival Blueprint. You'll
receive electronic copies instantly -- then two hardback Volumes in the mail,

#2. Research Report: The Secret Metropolitan Plan for $10,000 Gold

#3. A One-Year (12 monthly issues, delivered on the first Friday of each month)
subscription to Porter Stansberry‘s monthly analysis called: Stansben'y's
Investment Advisory.

#4. Plus, Porter's daily, paid-subscribers-only email update, called The Digest.

This work can literally change your life -- and all for less than the cost of
for two at a nice restaurant.

Today, Porter has literally thousands of letters in his Baltimore office from
folks like you and me whose lives have been changed, thanks to his team's work:

For example...

* A subscriber named Howard T. wrote recently to say: "My IRA has gone from a
low of $315,000 to the present high of $952,000. I can only thank [the
Team] for changing my life so much."

* Ieffery K. said: "I am 10 times more prepared to protect and grow my wealth
today. I have recommended your services to others often. I am now looking at
setting up my two college age children on a lifetime of learning using your
newsletters so they might also gain a level of self—sufficiency to protect and
their assets."

* Dennis said simply: "I wish Stansberry Research material would have been
required reading material instead of high school economics."

Over the years, Stansberry Research has grown to become one of the largest
independent financial research organizations in the world... with an A+ rating
with the leading online reputation management website.

Plus, Porter and his team have earned something else no rating agency can ever

To date, more than 40,000 subscribers from around the globe have benefitted
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42 of 44

from Stansberry's work in such a dramatic way, they become "Lifetime"


To me, this is the ultimate compliment... and the absolute strongest endorsement
a company can ever receive, because it comes directly from the people who know
best —— the customers.

But here's the thing...

Right now, Dr. Ron Paul and Porter Stansberry are both worried that way too
many hard—working Americans are going to get caught totally by surprise when
this currency crisis reaches a tipping point.

So they are encouraging you to please, get the facts for yourself.

Learn how to protect yourself and your family. Don't let what's about to happen
America over the next few years catch you by surprise.

It's never been easier take matters into your own hands than right here, right

You don't have to make a big commitment, whatsoever. Iust take a few minutes to
have a look at all the Research I just described.

You're not risking even a penny to check everything out.

If you decide this work is not for you for any reason, simply let us know in 30
to receive a full refund.

Get started now by clicking the "Order Now" link below.

This will take you to a secure order form on the next page, where you'll have
chance to review everything once more, before submitting your order.


Q4 747
Jared Kelly
June 2016

Order Now

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Legal Notices: Ron Paul is a spokesman for Stansberry Research. LLC

Here is our Disclosures and Details page. We've broken this information into two
distinct parts. Part 1:
DISCLOSURES ABOUT OUR BUSINESS contains critical information that will help you
use our work
appropriately and give you a far better understanding of how our business works
- both the benefits it might
offer you and the inevitable limitations of our products. Part 2: PROMOTION
DETAILS contains facts, figures.
explanations. annotations. full testimonials. and other resources specific to
this promotional piece. If you have
questions or want more information about the marketing material you just viewed,
the first place to look is Part
2 of this document. Although this is not a part of our "Disclosures and Details"
page, you can view our
company's privacy policy here (

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© 2016 Stansberry Research. All rights reserved.

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