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ChepSummer Breakfast

‘’Hey sun, you are up again today smiling gorgeously down upon us.’’ This is the first thing I said this
morning drawing my window curtains open immediately after my morning prayers. It was exactly 6 am,
my default wake-up time, and the sun was already way up. One could have been easily deceived that it
was way into 9 am. Not that I am complaining about the extended sunny season. No way! In fact, I am
secretly praying that the glorious warmth would rear its beauty to the month of April and if possible,
drag on to May. I love the idea of sitting in front of my laptop with a tall glass of cold water besides me
which gets refilled after every fifteen minutes. The idea of dressing briefly in crazily reaped off shorts
and ridiculous T-shirts that seem to fall apart with their off-shoulders sliding off the body is quite
exciting and natural especially if you work from home like me. I love light. I love natural and definitely I
love modest. So, I love the idea of bare back dresses too. Oh no. That is not for stepping out though, not
even to the balcony. The only time I get to step out anyway is on Sundays to church and Tuesday for
evening prayers at the same church. And I step out only in decent Ankara, chiffon high-low and denim.

So about last evening, as I mentioned in my last blog posts, I called myself for a meeting and did a
serious appraisal of my life. In as much as am progressing spiritually the way I have always envisioned,
my physical being is fast progressing too into something else. My 5ft8 long form which has been 58kgs is
now almost a third times heavier and saggier, most annoyingly on the upper parts. Honestly, this seeps
my happiness and confidence away. I decided that something has to be done and be done really fast.
Strategies, plans and ideas laid out, I decided that my diet has to go first. So, after a few researches here
and there and after infusing a tad of my spontaneity and guts, this is the recipe I came up with for ideal
cook-free quick breakfast. That of oats and chia seeds. Of fruits and no plain yoghurt. This is particularly
good for weight loss because it’s low in calories, high in fiber, packed with nutrients and definitely
pleasing and appealing to the eye. ChepSummer Breakfast is ideal for hot and sunny days as it is best
served frozen, cold or at room temperature.

Prep Time: 5 minutes Cook time: 0 Serving: 2

Ingredients; -
1. ½ a cup of peeled and diced fully ripe mango
2. ½ of ripe banana
3. 2 passions
4. ½ of chia seeds
5. ½ a cup of oats
6. ½ a cup of almond/vanilla extracts
7. 1 teaspoonful of natural honey
8. ½ a cup of plain yoghurt – gluten free
9. ½ a cup of almond milk
10. ½ squeezed lemon juice
11. A pinch of grated lemon peel
12. 8 pieces of strawberries
13. ½ finely grated beetroots

1. Put your diced mangoes in a wide bowl and add banana. Use a wooden pestle to crush and
mash them both as you mix. Just slightly.
2. Crack open your two passions and empty them into the slightly crushed mango and banana. Stir
with the pestle to mix.
3. Add your ½ cup of chia seeds and oats and pinch of lemon grating and stir slightly.
4. Take the ½ cup of plain yoghurt and pour it on top as you follow it with almond extracts.
5. Add your natural raw honey and the lemon juice to taste as you continue to stir.
6. Add your ½ cup of almond milk if you are lactose intolerant but you are welcome to use any
other milk like dairy or coconut if it suits you. Stir slightly to make the mixture even.
7. Transfer the mixture into transparent sealable glass containers and refrigerate them overnight.
This not a must step, you can skip it.
8. In the morning, if you refrigerated them, put 4 strawberries on top of each container, a few
diced mangoes and finely grated.
9. Enjoy your ChepSummer breakfast.

-When you combine chia seed with liquid, its most interesting characteristic manifest. The seeds expand
due to its fiber in a few minutes and become gelatinous in its texture. Chia seeds are amazingly
nutritious loaded with fiber, antioxidant and it’s also a source of protein that helps in weight loss. These
fancy seeds are also very high in omega 3 fatty acids and has very few calories. They are locally available
in grain form at any well stocked super markets and cereals shops in Kenya.

-Oats are incredibly nutritious light and hearty snack. This super food is protein packed, designed to
boost your energy levels, low on fat and full of fiber. This antioxidant prevents cardiovascular diseases,
constipation and regulate sugar levels. It’s rich in magnesium which the key to energy production. This
awesome food also has an array of benefits to your skin. It’s locally available in the local supermarkets
and cereals outlets.

- Honey, just like lemon is an all time darling. It’s a good supplement for refined sugar. Raw honey is
pure, unfiltered and unpasteurized. This product is great for weight management, natural source of
energy and its antioxidant property bring a lot host of health to the table.

- Don’t be afraid to try out these recipes using different quantities or fruits and sweeteners. Do not be
afraid to try out something new.

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