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Tips for using Google Docs, Slides and Sheets

by Ankita, Corina, Soda, Kiren and Rahi.

The first tip search and use find and replace in Google Docs and Google Slides
Start by opening your computer to a new doc or slide. Go to the “Edit” tab at the top of
your page. At the bottom of that tab, click on “Find and replace...”. Now that the find and
replace is open, next to the “Find” you can type the word that you want to find. If you
want to replace the word, enter the new word next to “Replace with”. For this example I
am going to find the word “Learners” as you type the word into the find box the doc
automatically locates where the word is within the document and highlights it for you. If
you want to see where the next location of the word is, just simply pressed “Next”. To go
back to the previous word, click on the button that says “Previous”. In order to replace a
word with another word, go to the “Replace with” and type in the word you want the find
word to be replaced with. In this case I changed “Learners” to “Educators” and then
clicked “Replace”. It changed the word at the top. If I want to change ALL the words in
my document then I click “Replace all” and all the words will become “Educators”.

The second tip check spelling and grammar in Google Docs

you can check your spelling and grammar then accept or ignored of Corrections if you
have spelling and grammar suggestions turned on, misspelled words are underlined in
red and grammar suggestions are underlined and blue. Open a document in Google
Docs in the top quick Tools then spelling and then spell check. A box will open in the top
right corner. To use a suggestion click change, to ignore a suggestion click ignore. To
accept or ignore all suggestions you can right-click on the word and click ignore all
which you will see in the next step. To quickly accept for or ignore the corrections right
click on the red or blue underlined word to accept the suggestion click the word that you
want to replace or to ignore the suggestion you can click ignore all

The next tip is how to count the words in a document

To use this option click on the “Tools” button. From there you can either go and click on
“Word Count” or based on your pc and mac shortcuts, use the shortcuts (Ctrl/Cmnd
+Shift +C). This is very handy to see a few options for research papers and other
assignments. Such as pages, words, or characters excluding spaces. Please note that
unless you select a certain part of the document, word count applies to everything but
headers, footers and footnotes. But what if you want to see what the word count is for a
particular section of your assignment. You can do this! Select the specific section you
want to find the word count for, and this will show you which page it's on the number of
words characters and characters excluding spaces.
Last tip: See earlier version of a file in Google Docs, Sheets or Slides
Revert back to the older version of file, click on the file tab on the left corner, scroll down
to the version history there couple of the options will appear click on see revision
history, on the right side of the document list of version history will appear with time
stamps anytime stamps ,click any of the time stamps to see older version of document.
If you shared you document with the collaborators, their work will show in different
colors. To name the version click on the version you want to give name,for example i
am going to name this new tips version and click save. You can add up to 40 named
version per doc and presentation and up to 15 name for spreadsheet to see edit in more
detail chose the version and click on expand detail version, to return back to the current
version go to the top left and click back. Thanks for watching tips for using Google
Docs,Sheets and Slides.

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