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1. This sign means 2.

This sign means

A - No entry for motor vehicles A – Junction ahead.

B - No entry for motorcycles. B – Secondary road right and left

C - No traffic. C – Cross Road ahead.

D - None of the above. D - None of the above.

3. This warning sign means: 4. This sign means

A - You have an airport. A - Double bent to right

B - Low-fly zone. B – Bent to Left

C - Dangerous area. C – Double bent to left.

D - None of the above D - None of the above.

5. This warning sign means: 6. This sign means

A – Dual carriage way ahead. A – Bridge Ahead.

B - Two-way traffic ahead. B – Speed Hump

C – Secondary Road ahead. C – Uneven Road.

D - None of the above. D - None of the above.

7. This warning sign means: 8. This warning sign means

A – One way street A – Junction ahead.

B – Two way traffic. B – Sub road ahead.

C – Carriage way narrows on both side C – Intersection ahead with main road.

D - None of the above D – Secondary road right

9. This warning sign means: 10. This warning sign means

A - Non-hazardous Entry. A - Dangerous path.

B – Reduce Speed. B - Reduce speed and follow the law.

C - Caution. C – Junction ahead.

D - None of the above. D - Intersection ahead of equal rights.

11. This sign means 12. This sign means

A – Compulsory roundabout. A – No Entry.

B - Reduce speed roundabout. B – Give Way

C - Roundabout ahead. C- Junction ahead

D – Mandatory U-Turn. D – None of the above.

13. This sign means 14. This sign means

A - No vehicle in both directions A – Vehicle over height shown allowed.

B - Priority traffic to you. B - No vehicle over height shown.

C - No entry for all vehicles. C – All vehicles not allowed.

D - None of the above D - None of the above.

15. This sign means 16. This sign means

A - No Entry of motor vehicles A - No vehicle over width shown

B - No traffic for motorcycles. B - No vehicle of height shown

C - No traffic. C – Total weight limit in tons

D - No Entry for bicycles. D – Axel weight limit in tons.

17. This sign means 18. This sign means

A - No Entry for motor vehicles A – One way street

B - No Entry for Trailers. B – End of dual carriage way.

C - No traffic. C – Carriage way narrows on both side

D – No Entry for Trucks. D - None of the above

19. This signs means 20.This warning sign means

A - No Entry of motor vehicles A - Tunnel ahead

B - No Entry for trailers. B - Bridge ahead.

C - No Trucks. C – Hump Bridge ahead.

D - No Entry for Trucks. D - None of the above

21. This sign means 22. This sign means

A - Footpath. A - Dangerous road ahead.

B – Pedestrians Prohibited. B - Stop & Give way.

C – Pedestrians crossing ahead C - Main road ahead.

D - None of the above. D - None of the above.

23. This sign means 24. This sign means
A- No Entry for vehicle over width
shown. A - No overtaking.

B - No Entry for heavy vehicles. B – Overtaking allowed.

C – Entry for vehicle over height shown C - No overtaking for trucks.

D - None of the above. D - None of the above.

25. This sign means 26. This sign means

A - End of minimum speed A - Maximum speed limit.

B - End of the speed limit. B - End of speed limit shown.

C - Maximum speed for vehicles. C - Minimum speed limit.

D - None of the above. D - None of the above.

27. This sign means. 28. This sign means.

A – No Hooting. A – Direction to follow straight or the left.

B – Hooting allowed. B - Mandatory direction to the left.

C – No Entry for all vehicles C - Compulsory direction forward.

D - None of the above. D - None of the above.

29. This sign means 30. This sign means

A – No Entry for all vehicles A – Direction to follow straight or Right.

B – Free Zone. B – Direction to be followed right.

C – Stop Customs C - Compulsory direction forward.

D - None of the above. D - None of the above.

31. This mandatory sign means? 32. This sign means

A – Direction to be followed left. A – Direction to follow right or left.

B – Direction to be followed right. B - Mandatory direction to the right.

C - Priority to the left side vehicles. C - Compulsory-to-left direction.

D - None of the above. D - None of the above.

33. This mandatory sign means 34. This sign means?

A – Direction to be followed left. A – Compulsory Roundabout

B – Direction to be followed right. B – Roundabout ahead

C – Give way priority road right. C – Caution Roundabout

D - None of the above. D - None of the above.

35. This mandatory sign means 36. This signs means

A - Compulsory direction of lane one. A - Main road.

B – Follow to the direction left. B – End of fast highway.

C – Direction to be followed straight. C – Start of fast Highway

D - None of the above. D - None of the above.

37. This mandatory sign means 38. This sign means.

A - Direction to be followed left. A - Main road.

B – Direction to be followed U –Turn. B – End of fast Highways.

C - No U- Turn C – Start of fast Highway.

D - None of the above. D - None of the above.

39. This sign means 40. This sign means.

A – No Parking or Waiting. A – No Stopping or waiting.

B – No waiting. B – No waiting.

C – Waiting allowed. C – Parking permitted.

D - None of the above. D - None of the above.

41. This road marking means 42 Intersection ahead follow ----------------------?

A - Allow to overtake to the left. A - Traffic Signs

B - Allow to overtake to the right. B - Traffic Rules

C - Allow to overtake. C – Traffic Lights

D – No overtaking for both D - None of the above

43. This road marking means 44. This sign means
A – Allowed to overtake from both
sides. A - End of priority road.

B - No overtaking. B - Stop give priority.

C - Stop C - Right of way.

D - None of the above. D - Be careful

45. This road marking means 46. This sign means

A – Stop line. A - No Entry for vehicle in both directions

B - End of the road. B - Priority traffic ahead.

C – Priority line. C - No traffic.

D - Footpath. D - None of the above

47. This sign means 48. This sign means

A - End of priority. A – End of Highway.

B – Stop and give priority. B - Priority to on-going traffic.

C - Start of a priority. C - Main road.

D - Be careful. D - Priority for arrivals

49. This sign means 50. This sign means

A - End of a main road. A – Follow to direction.

B – Have Right of way. B – Sub road ahead.

C – Give Priority to the oncoming traffic C – Danger in the direction.

D - One way traffic D – No traffic in this way

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