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I4l lt-zo1/-

10. z,tRr6 6rfr{ Hqr si sfrft 6r Eufr dfus I

Discuss the Sabha and Samiti in the Rigvedic pcriod.

11. *d 6t{ Q} ?

Who was Maurya ? H-2044

12. rtFtil o1c S ?
B. A. (First Year)
Who was Pallavas ?
Term .End Examination, June.July' 2017
13. rtFtrotiDlcf d crqF{ ft$mrd ftfuCf
Write the general characteristics ofstone Age.
Paper First
14. EsqII Hr{fl d {Irt frrFIr rr dftB Ec frfscr (qnoorEfutm--qrwt uoo {. n-o)
Write a short note on the city planning of Harappan
Time : Three Houn ] tMaimum Morlcs :70
f Mininum Pass l,Itks : 24
cfranfftg ftfu '
rrE--{[ ' [f{ Frrio 01 t 0s er6 qfr ag a-o0q c{T t I
15. "{fiFrs yo. dFrr tt, se dfugt qlfi cwil d ffic Afutr c-*6 crq d fua
"Iiistory is an Art." Discuss. 01 3t6 ftqtftd t t nt-o [Fi 6r tsfl 1 qI
2 YRI/1 qra{ { Afrdt
16. Tdrfri Er{l d fir{ q{ fiFRr srfutt
Erw-E : cfi mqrfi oe t 14 il6 qft ag ffiftq sfi tt
'Ihrow light on the life of [Iahaveer Swami. frffi ffi cril d t-f,r frfrrit n$o c5{ d
ir. qS6 o1 eq' t fiqfud {fr of ffiqT frtFc{,
fuc 2+so' ftEfRn tr s-.t6 crc 6r Bdr
cr{Flrt 7s vrSI {
frfud t
Discuss of Ashok's policy related with Dhamma.
E{re-s:gf;i dg sf,ftq c{jT tl
iDrrio 15 fr 18 ilqr
18. E{ dr rdFrdr or itrtE;i olFqC I
ftrdl df{ c*il d rr'( ffidr rcto srq d
Discuss the greahess ofHarsha.
fu os et-o ftqiRo t t rclo qrc 6r sd{
?Frq{ 1so qei { frfu} r

A-25 A-25 P. T. O.
t2l H-m44 t3l H-2o4
rrw-< : sfi Fqio rs t 22 d-s rd *,d.=-ofu Eq tr EIE--q
frrd yni d rrq *Hr q-ct-6 qrr d ft\
qt (Section-A)
ro ei6 fuft-d dt nd-o q$r 6r ts{r Ei-{r}FT
eoo yr<l t frfuir
1. EfutIH d oq-6 ot{ t ?

Who is the father of Hisrory ?

ErE-€-g : cvc Hqf6 as Ei za 4d B.f,fu cr{ tr ffi
y6 c{{ iFr srR *fti t cFA-r r.'q d fr-C 2. 'Efqfrd'+ ts-o' otq qr ?
rz aia Mfto tt ndo q*r 6r ffiR frJrtrr Who was the rriter of 'Harshcharit' ?

zoo eql i *Hr a tr-'qfi-q dq er ?

Instructions for Candidate : \l,ho *zs Megadmrcs ?
Section-A: Question Nos. GI tc 08 are very short answer
type questior.s. Attempt all questions. Each 4. frq tvil n q{fr i f+# or c-dn fuqr ?
question carries 0l rnark. Ar:suer each of In u'hich countries Ashoka propagated Buddhism ?
these questions in I or 2 words/l sentence.
Section-B : Qrestion Nos. 09 to 14 are very short answer
s. c{rfi 6,r (s{r gq 6q EsT Qr ?
type questions. Attempt any ;6ur questions. WIen was the second battle of Tarain took place ?
Each question carries 2] rrarks. Ansu'er each
6. g-crdRrq n 6Y{ qr ?
ofthese questions in about 75 rvords.
Who 'was Pulkeshin II ?
Section{: Question Nos. 15 to 18 are short ans'wer Bpe
questions. Attempt any liree questions. Each 7. rrsff irr q{dT Eefi-{ 6t{ elt ?
question carries 05 marks. Ans$er each of
these questions in about 150 uords.
\t/ho rvas the first Sultan ofGazani ?

Section-D: Question Nos. 19 to 22 are half lcng ansrver 8. qFfirFriFI o'r frffii qr,i d da.Tsr t ?
type questions. Attempt any 6r,0 questions.
In horv many divisions have been made for stone age ?
Each question carries l0 marks- Ansrver each
of these questions in about J00 rvords. Elo-g_il
Section-E: Question Nos. 23 and 2{ are long ans$er type (Section-B)
questions. Attempt any one question. Each
question caries 17 marks. Ansrver each of e. gfr-tTq at qRrnsr ftfu r

these questions in about 700 rvords.

Write the definition of Hisrory.
A-zs p. T. o.
I5I H-2044

1e. crfr{ qnfrq Vft-trs a} ryu *d or s"fq dfuCr
Discuss the main sources of Ancient Indian History.

20. u.tfr6'oltr{ srqrfu'o ss 3ntr-6 s{[ 6r sDh

Describe the social and economic condition of
Rigvedic period.

21. qtd flqM d cfr{ d 6RUr ftfuT I

Write the causes of downfall of the Mauryan Empire.

22. qgrIld 61ftsqI 6r frftn ft-nq qlft\,

Give a brief account of the conquests of Samudra-

23. {wD',ld lflTfrq Vft-6rq 6.I e,f yr qil qrql dftqt
Gupta Period was the golden age of Indian History.

24. Birt-tk6 o,rd { fiqrfuo, enffi+, Tq srFio g-q-q

Discuss the social, religious and economic life in the
Iater Vedic period.

tI-2044 2050
I4 I H-20/ts

8. trr{-wfi g-< d EK oh-m s'E si rfi ?

\Vhich treaty was held after the War of France-

Prussia ?
(Section-B) H-2045
e. srpr',qsT-( Eqr t ?
B. A. (First Year)
What is Mercantilism ?
Term End Examination, June-July, 2017
10. Brtfufi mlfu { sf-d ETftFET ol q}rffi Tdr{il
Discuss the contribution of George Washington in
American Revolution.
Paper Second

11. |q)fuqq ols Eqt qt ? FM frrq (qq rrfi rfr fi razr ro)1
What was the Code of Napoleon ? Time : Three Hours | | Muimum Marl<s : 70
I Minimum Pass Marks : 24
12. vt*q stqrf{o' ${r (178e-sl) d 6ii dn ord edT-{i

cfrnr{ tg
Discuss any rlree works of National Constiruent
Assembly (1789-91). Ero-s--3r ' w1 mqrfi 01 t os n-o qfr og urr0'+ r5q s I

q'fi cfil d s-r-r frffir nt-o qrq d ftrt

13. sqFriqrqrE s-[ 3rd \s 6Twr {dr{t I
or ero ft'qfRn t r cd6' g$t o'r tsrr{ 1 qr
Discuss the meaning and causes of Colonialism.
2 yrqi/i qtrq i *ffi t

14. 1Bt2 d gqr{ arBFqq d qm( Em {t ? qrs-it : srr tr-q'io 09 t i4 n-o qfr dg Er-ftu ccq g I

What were the provisions of Reform Act, 1832 ? ftr€ qr cnl d u-f,r frftrtr q-S6 src d
qug-s fw z}e-o furfRo dr c-.t6 srt 6r ts-d{
(Section-{) drRi-rr 7s ttd t frfuit
so<i-H'qT{ Fqi6 ls * 18 n-{',dg Eflftq sfi tt
1s. Srdo-s d cMft'-o, ffi
d qqr 6Rq e) ? fr=fr d-{ c{ql S ffir frfutr q-d6 qfi d
What were the causes of Industrial Revolution
England ?
in frl os sfo ftqtRo t r c-it6 crq rrr Efl(
drrlq lso srq[ t AfuA r

A-26 A-26 P. T. O.
t2l H-20+5 t3l H-2045

go-g-E : qsr m'qi6' te t 22 n6 srd sn'tq qr{ t t

frrdl qi qy-{t d s-rq ftfu"d t nt-o wr d ft\ (Section-A)
ro ero fufft-o tt ndo q$t ol B{R Elrtqri
cFffiqrE d fr-or d w i fr,t qrfl qmr t ?
{rslt fiffit

Who is known as father of humanism ?
qrrs-{ : qvq ffi.qr6, zs si e+ Ad uflfiq cr{ t I fttfr
2. qtfi t q{ Wl3lr<if,{ 6T q"idr 6t{ ett ?
vfi'crEr 6r Br-r frftrtr nctm crc d fo
Who was the founder of Reformation in Germany '/
rz aio fuiffto t t nSo vs'I oI BTt il-{Pt{
zoo cr<l t *M t 3. 1688 n {.drs frl ,ihswt ffi d q-qq f'dw ot
Instructions for Candidate : ssrc at{ Qn ?
Section-A: Question Nos. 0l to 08 are very short answer Who was the emperor of England during the Glorious
type questions. Attempt all questions. Each Revolution of 1688 in England ?
question canies 0l mark. Answer each of
these questions in I or 2 words/l sentence. 4. 'dsq A cr6'61 qfit o'q E{ ri ?
Section-B: Question Nos. 09 to 14 are very short answer When was the incident of 'Boston Tea Party'
type questions. Attempt any /oar questions.
occurred ?
Each question carries 2j marks. Answer each
ofthese questions in about 75 rvords. s. ilrfuqq dnrcrJ t siw d fu-fr scrft 6) cmq fuqr
Section-C: Question Nos. 15 to lE are short answer type Q{r ?

questions. Attempt any rftree questions. Each Which titte of honour started by Napoleon BonaParte
question carries 05 marks. Answer each of
in France ?
these questions in about 150 words.
Section-D: Question Nos. 19 to 22 are half long answer 6. frfir otts ol sndinc 6q fr-qrrqr qr ?
type questions. Attempt any nvo questions. When was held the Congress of Vienna ?
Each question carries l0 marks. Answer each
ofthese questions in about 300 words' 7. {.& d qfrt-rtur d frrc tfti-ft i fu-s ea 61 ffi1
Section-E : Question Nos. 23 and 24 are long answer type frqr ?n ?
, questions. Attempt any one question. Each
question carries 17 marks. Anslver each of Which party started by Mazini in ltaly lor thc
these questions in about 700 words. Unification ?

A-26 A-25 P. T, O.
t5I H-2015

16. rriw d ffi d $ sis 01{rqrfuo drflT or qult

Discuss the social structu.r of France before the
Frcnch Revolution.

17. frftqrg{ot{ffi{dr{tl
Discuss the importance of tlrc Crimean War.

18. srE€ qr+fi frt ffirsikrr d aqr onor ai ?

What werc the causes of the failurc of Chartist
Movement ?

le. gqqtriur d 6.rwil 6r sfuur dftC I

Examine the factors of Renaissance.

20. slqfror d ffi (rno) d tar 6R r ei ?

What were the causes of the American Revolution of
1776 ?

21. {frfuq{ d q-oq d ffiq a-dr{al

Discuss the causes of the downfall ofNapoleon.

22. oriftirl { frfq (laor-os) d aqr oR"r ei ?

What were the causes of Civil War in America
(186r{s) ?

A-26 P. T. O.

(Section-E) '
23. Fi{ d 6ift (rzm) $ 6ri"r cs qM ot sdq
Discuss the causes and results of the France
Revolution (1789).

24. v{fr d \dflq d gw ar*wol or sdc dfuql

Discuss the diffcrent sages of Unification ofGermany.

141 H-2046

e {rwfrft ft-sic or Grpi F{e dfu(r
Explain the meaning ofpolitical Science.

10. (rq-frft fr-*n o-ar tt qe olfor

Political Science is an Art. Clear ir.
B. A. (First year)
i1. ssgf,r oi qfu*fr-o +1for Term End Examination, June-July, 2017
Define Sovereignty.
12. EdTdr d recq o1 qtcqr dftrC I paper First
Explain the importance of Liberty.
13. f6. Etrfi m-sror6T0 yrcr m't sqr 3r?i t ? Time : Three Hours ) | Maxinrum Marks : 70
What is the meaning of a Welfare State ?
f Minimum Pas,s Marks : 24
14 riqrdrfi sTNq d ds e-flE{ r
c0enff tg frfu .

Write the demerits of Federal Govemment.

EIu-$-,3I : cFI F-qim 0i t 08 o-o Brft dg g1flq cgq d f
qlfr crd) d
a-rrs Aftri r r-cto qrE fr$ d
01 irfi
frqtR-d t f c-.t-6 cFr 6T srN I qr
15. ffi-r q-<ft en t ? 2 yr-<t/l qmq t *fu$ |
What is the Scientilic Merhod ? rF-s-il : qFT mqrm 09 t
.{fr d.g st-fio q{{ g
14 n-O I

16. {rq +t B-icfu d fr-oi{mrfi ft-drd d fra-fir

fud qrt cni d s{r Afudt q-S6 clq d
dfrcr lar zlaro ftqfRo tr s-dfi syq 6r vtr{
Discuss the Evolutionary theory of the origin of the
arFrrr 75 crsl d *fuir
state. gus-ts : sq-{ m.qi6' ls t
is oo aE snftq qw d f
12. arFi d qIEII{,tr neit o1 arlq1 616q, ftdI ff{ qrql d B-dr Afu-il r-S6 crc d
Explain the basic elements ofJustic€. fu os oim t+rfRo tr c-d6 qE{ ;
d{FFr 150 vr<l t *ftrd.r "*
P. T. O.
121 H-2045 ' t 3l H-2046

Ero-s-q ' qrq FqEE 1s t srd Ad sf,0-q rfi t t

22 d-6

fr.d dqrd d utc Aftdtq-.t-6 csc d fac (Section-A)

ro eio ftttift-o tt
q-do IIFI iFI stf{ tl-rrrrl
r. rr,a-fift ft-gn or criq \s rt'a rrq t dm tt
sm r<I d frftrit (il ema1a61
Er'-s-E : cfi mqio, za gd eq fr{ s-dftq crt t t ftffi Political Science begins and ends with the state.
96 qsT oI sfl{ flMr ni-o uYq d frr (Yes or No)
,, .i6 ftufR-o t t s-dfi cFI 6T €tN dIFIrl 2. fr-{ d irsfrfr ffit d {q ftfu I
zoo srqlt frffit
Write any rwo names of Political Scientists'
Iustructions for Candidate :
Section-A ; Question Nos. 0l to 08 are very short answer a. srfuffit?
type questions. Attempt all questions- Each
What is Power ?
question carries 0l mark. Answer each of
these questions in I or 2 rvords/l sentence. 4. rrcq of sflfu 6I ot{ $ ft-drm s{d 3Tfu6 {ffi
Section-B: Question Nos. 09 to 14 are very short ansser t?
type questions. Attempt any /o,rr questions'
Each question carries 2 j marks. Answer each
Which is the most acceptable theory of the origin of
the State.
ofthese questions in about 75 words'
Section-C: Question Nos. 15 to 18 are shon answer fype 5. HrrFrdr d q-6ri {dr{g t

questions. Attempt any /rree questions' Each

Give the typ€s of Equalrty.
question carries 05 marks- Answer each of
these questions in about 150 words' 6. fifiorqr0-ffirqlt?
Section-D: Question Nos. 19 to 22 are half long ansrver What is the Right of Life ?
type questions. Attempt any f!'o questions'
Each question carries l0 marks' Answer each 7. rf6ri7dqinoRqf,r{ct
ofthese questions in about 300 words'
Give the rwo types of Demooracy.
Section-E : Question Nos. 23 and 24 are long answer type
questions. Attempt any one question' Each- B. d{nJrrd odqrftra ol rql or?i t ?
question carries 17 marks' Ansrver each of
these questions in about 700 words' What is the meaning of Hereditary Executive ?

A-10 P. T. O.
I5I H-2046

is. rrtr4fto (d otr rerq v{r d rro or xdr6c

Evaluate the importance of Political party and pressure
1e. yt.rfift ft-ffi A fu{r Efrdrq or ot{ .Fd rfir
EFtrdff d fr{r yrqfrfr ft-flr of ot{ qs c-Sr
History without Political Science has no fruit. political
Science without History has no root. Explain.

20. 3rftfi,ri d{ m-drdf 61 3rpi vd rr6f, wE dfuc I

Explain the meaning and importance of Rights and


zr. qe-eflft{T d orql or srlq otfuqr

Describe the f,rnctions ofthe Legislature.

22. dfl-ffq $rsc d U,r-ds} o1 ftiail alftN,

Discuss the merits and demerits of the parliamentary
form of Govemment.
ze. yrtrflft ft-flr{ dt qR,nqr rs el, or s,fq dfur
Describe the definition and scope of political Science.

24. d{ria d gq-dsi a,r ffisq olftry I

Analyse the merits and demerits of Democracy.

H-2O46 3,460
[ 4l H-2047

8 3Tfud rnrfrq rqi Efrq $" o,rrir lerour; 6

rftelrq-o 6r qrq fafuC t
Write the name of founrler of All lndia Anna Dravin
Munetra Kargarn.

tluE_il H-2047
s. qnfiq rigq 6iiq ol wirq{r d steq B. A. (First Year)
ftfur Term End Examination, June.July, 2017
Write the objects of establishment of Indian Nationa!
10. Tric Etd olr<ta-c Tqr t ?
Paper Second
What is the euit India Movement ? (crtfiq snff{ w iru-a61
11. eql-qqd of frgfu +d E|fr t ? Time : Three Hours | | Muimum Marks : 70
What is the appointment system of prime Minister
? f Mininum Pass Marks : 2l
rz rfq qr{n-{q d qrqrffi of frgftil otc 6-rdr t ?
r$enff fu ftfu:
Who appoints Supreme Court Justice ? sun-3[ .
9Fr mqi6' or til6 qfr aq vrfrq cT{ t
oa r
q,fr yFI
d vrr frfuir mfo rsc d liri
-,. fq-rm cvrrsft-o sqql of rqrqr dftBt ot 3tr, ftsIffil t r mt-o qwr irr srr 1 qT
Explain of the Cenre_Sta1e Administrdtive
Relations. zyrd/1qr+q d frfuil
14. rrfrfi d tqsqi +t ei-qry dlftn, Er!-{i-q : qsr Fqi6, os * rl a-o dA Ag vtrfu r{{ {1
Explain of the fornrs ofpovertv. fufr ilr c{-d d sri Afuit e-+6 cr{ d
fu zg*o MR-a tr ncto qrt 6r BiN
iFrrrrr 75 vrd { frfuir
so-s-s cr{ mqi6 ls fr i8 d-6 ag ts-rrsq qr{ t
is. sRr6d{r sII-+m{ 6r suh dftIr ffi ft cr{t d stri *hilr n$o src 6 I

Describe the Non-co-opemtion Movement. ftc os oi6 fuftn tt nclo crqot s-*
drrlH tso v-si { *fu.i r
P. T. O.
t[3t H-2011
uut --.3I
EIrg-q : sFI 6'qi6 le t 22 il6 3ld Ad sflftq s{{ t I
frifi-* cs-itd am fiffit r.i-o qYq d ftc
10 3i6 frstR-d tl rclo IIFI iil tsfl cFIq{ 1 fu*dft-6-d rilfiTA S {€rwo 6t{ e} ?

3m srd { fifuit Who was tlrc founder of Theosophical Society ?

{Ius-{ 'cPq fiqro 23 g 24 ad Tfrfu s{q tl frffi 2. qrfrq €frqrc. A ffi"r t frmi ft-{ 6t ?
g6 q5I 6I fifl fiffir q-.t-6 q{q a ftr\
grfl ilIFr{ How many days sensed in composition of Indian
17 si6 fofftd tt c-ct6 cFI 4I
Constitution ?
7m rr<t d {fu}t
Instructions for Candidate : g. sdqn t ilrM 6i frtdi {d 3IkrR clq t ?

Section-A: Question Nos' 0l to 08 arc very short answer l{ow many Rights are to citizens in present ?
tlpe questions. Attempt all questions' Fach
qu"atlon carries 0l mark' Answer each of 4. *ft fttym fr-dr<it 6T vds qrfiq sfuiTq d fus
these questions in I or 2 wordVl sentence'
Section--B: Question Nos. 09 to 14 are very short
type questions. Attempt any jro'f questions'
In which part is mentioned Directive Principles in
Each question ca mes 2L, marks' Answer each Indian Constitution ?

ofthese questions in about 75 words'

answer t}pe s. qnftq nqcft oi ftqffi fuff {dft t +dl t ?
Section{: Question Nos. 15 to 18 are short
qu"ttions. Attempt any lhrec questions' Each
What method is used for the Election of Indian
question carries 05 marks' Answer each of
President ?
t-hese questions in about 150 words'

Seclion-D: Question Nos. 19 to 22 are half

long answer 6. dto.${r d qtas 01Fqfrf, fr1r 6{dr t ?

tlpe questions' Attempt any neo questions'

Who appoints ofthe Speaker ofthe l,ok Sabha ?
iactr question carries l0 marks' Answer each
ofthese questions in about 300 words' * rffirfud d-d'I t
answer typ€
7. 1rq 6r fud friTr fus'effi ?
Section-E : Question Nos' 23 and 24 are long
questions. Attcmpt any one question' Each ln which Chamber (House) is the Finance Bill of the
queslion carries 17 marks' Answer each ol'
state proposed ?
these questions in about 700 words'
A-S P. T. O.
r [51 H-2047

16. snfr ii TifurH sqT d o;-qqrcun s.r fud'rfl qrHr{i r

Explain the development of concept of Constituent

Assembly in lndia.

17. gilq 3{rft d fiarrrP{fi q{erBlT 6r B-dq

Mention the constitutional system of Election

18. qrfiq qnTftot d dfu6 o'ffi ql suf{ dfttgI

Describe the Fundamental Duties of Indian Citizens.


1e. Yrsq fffr d frftrf nail a1ftfa{r dfuq,
Discuss the Directive Principles of State policy.

zo. q-fq qrqra-q at rifrtrd yq orffit or s"f{

Describe the powers and functions of Supreme Court.

2r. {Iq e-{Rnfr6r it frE ffisr ol chqr d fta-d{r

Discuss the larv making process in State trgislature.

zz. qnftq {rq-fift n qrfr 01 ,tft-6r qrrflT{t r

Explain the role ofcaste in the Indian Politics.

A-9 P. T. O.
I6I H-2047



r. qrftq dfurt d cts frts-ilq) or ffisur dfd\ I

Analyze the main characteristics of the Indian


24. qrrftq trqcfr d vknil q.s qffi 01 frA-fir

Discuss the powers and functions oflndian President.

H=2047 3.490

t 4I H-2048

10. Fd d gtq ol qrsr{d r

Explar n equllrbflum ol trrm.

11. c{Wf y'mrft qTqR o1ftrMf corg}t
Describe the characteristics of imperfect competitive H-2048

12 e-qtfi d-ffi 61 3{r{ Ta ft?M E-drdr B. A. (First Year)

Give the meaning and characteristics of Collective Term End Examination, June-July, 2017
Bargaining. ECONOMICS
13 qrqrfufi 6-errq d ft-{ri d qrsTdr PaPer First
Explain the concept of Social Welfare. (qfu otPf$re)
14. rdrM $ qrqq d 6t{-o)r m tFf6{rEd t ? Time : Three Hours I f Maximum Marks : 70
What are the problems of measuring rvelfare ? f Minimum Pass Marks : 21
tlrs-Tl rfraff fu ftfu,
ETU'g---3I : c5{ rqrm' 01 d os il{ 3Tfr d'g sttq s:.{ t r

1s. s-{r$;rdT trq, o1 fti}Ef,lit q-or$ t q,t cgcI d mr frftrit nt-o vrc d fud
Describe the characteristics of indifference curve. 01 3tm fr'qlR-d t t r.t-o s5r 6r 1 sTtilt
zetsj./1slqq t frffit
16. TtF sltl=l sft.F-d Ts ffi d sftcrd d er<r cor{i I
relrg-q : qr{ Fqr6 oe t 14 ffi 3{fr d'g srtq s{{ t t

Distinguish between retums to a factor and retums to ft,dl qn qgci d sa( frffi t r.t-o qsq d
scale. fdc 2+.f6 ftqfRd tl rqt-6 qw .Fr ilr{
17. qYrRrqrtq o1qdi w Eqfi fufu\ | drF{rr 75 rl<i t frfudt
Write a note on administrative irices- EIU-g-q : q{{ f,qrfi 15 t 18 il6 Eg sntq cY{ t I

frrfr dq cwi d ts-fli r.t-o qfi d

18. drrr;r d 3il9fr-6 fuETR 6i q-d-r$ I
lal os er6 fitrfRd d | ,-cio qe{ mr cd{
Give the modem theory of Rent. irq-fl 150 q<f d frfui r

A-25 P. T. O.
l2t H-2048 I3I H-2048

qn-s-q ' eYc tr-qi6, 1e t 22 d6 erd fld s-rtrq rcq t r

ftFfr d qr{t d vrr frffir nct-o wr d ftN (Section-A)
ro oio ftrlfua t t rdo lr=r irr ErR drnilr 1. q'tq t sqr orp[q t ?
soo {rqf { ffffir What is meant by Demand ?
s's-E ' err 6qrfi zt v zn fld wfis o= {1 ftffi
2. scqifudr qqT't ?
gfi srr 6T B-d{ frfrrq t rct'6 sgc fuc d What is Utitity ?
rz 316 fuilfrd t t c-.t-6 cFT 6I sfl
zoo sr<t t dftri t 3. sf,Ilqq Ff,{ t EsT 3{R[q t ?

Instructions for Candidate : What is meaht by Production Function ?

Section-A: Question Nos. 0l to 08 are very short ansrver 4. arrrd t 3lrq rqr rrsd' t ?
Bpe questions. Attempt all questions. Eaeh
question carries 0l mark. Answer each of What do you mean by Cost ?
these questions in I or 2 words/l sentence.
s. Td
qMFrdT or erd q-ar{it
Section-B : Question Nos. 09 to 14 are very short answer
Explain the meaning ofPerfect Competition.
type questions. Attempt any /onr questions.
Each question carries 2j. marks. Answer each 6. 3rdrft-+;l1 fr* f,dfr t ?

ofthese questions in about 75 words. What do you mean by Oligopoly ?

Section-C: Question Nos. 15 to 18 are short answer type
questions. Attempt any tfiree questions. Each 7. dr.r{ t oTrq cqr HT{d t ?
question carries 05 marks. Answer each of What do you mean by Rent ?
these questions in about I50 words.
Section-D: Question Nos. 19 to 22 are half long answer
8. ifl'q qqr t ?

type questions. Attempt any ,)ro questions. What is Profit ?

Each question carries l0 marks. Answer each
ofthese questions in about 300 words.
Section-E: Question Nos. 23 and 24 are long answer type
.. questions. Attempt any one question. Each e: dt 6r ftqq q-f,r{d t
question canies 17 marks. Answer each of
these questions in aboLrt 700 words. Explain law of demand.

A-25 A-25 P_ T. O.
Is] H-2048

1e g$fffr of qqo of qnqr 6T 3Trdt{{Ifl6 cfreTEr

Examine critically the concept ofconsumer's surpuls'

20. qR-ffi{std oqqd d ftqq o1 qrcqr olftqt {s+t

frHil q-dr{t I

Explain the larv of variable proportions' What are its

limitations ?

21. r6{rtcui \q s{ d wq o} qarE} t

Describe the taxation and equilibrium ofa firm'

22. qr.d d +1fuT{ RTqTm 01 arrsr dftf t

Explain Keynesian theory of Interest'


23. ftil{q d frffi €ilr*Fdl ft-6t< of slTat{flsl-fi

@'rc{r dftIl
Dcscribe critically the marginal productivity theory

24. FfiI g oros)r am qfrlqTfrf, sTfrtw fu-dT( dr

arfqr ftlfilr
Discuss the compensation principle propounded

tlicks and Kaldor.

t4l H-2049

I ir.fq{en d Etfiro fid of i-ffifr d ilqftfucr
Write the name of the Services of Tertiary Sector of
Economy. H-2049
io. qnd d crqfuo ris-rrfi d nTc ftfuCt
B. A. (First Year)
Write the name of India's natural r€sources.
Term End Examination, June-July, 20lT
rr. 1fr gup fr eqT 3Tftqrq t ?
What is the meaning of Land Reforms ?
Paper Second
12. trir *r Sqr Ern d ?
What are FERA and FEMA ?
(qrfis orPfsns)

13. qrcR il-gfi t 3ilc Tqr wrsd t ?

Time : Three Hours ] tMuimum Marks : 70
What do you understand by Balance ofTrade ? I Minimum Pass Marks : 24
ctnfr tg ftfu,
11. qfurp6 cnq t eqr omd $ z
What do you mean by personal Income ?
q!-s-q : t
q5r mqi6 01 Os n-o 3{fr d.g sit-q c{{
ffi c{-rt d vr-r fiMrued* src 6 ftt
01 3[6 frrfR-d t r nt-o gl;t iD.r B-d( 1 qr
zztd/1qiaq t frfutr
1s. qrftq sTefq-{en of ftM qdT-{dr rsu:s-q : qr{' mcifr. oe fr 14 o-o qfr dg vt-0q s{i.t I
Explain the characteristics of Indian Economy. ft;-€ c-R cyqt d sfl
frfuil e66 ,* 6
i6. qt-{d t ag ts-fi o1m R-q-s.r( t ? ftv z;ar-o ftqifta tr q-ct-6 cn. s.r tsrR
What are the problems of small pale industries in *d t fr'ft},
dq'}Irr 7s
India ? EI0-€-TI : c5i mqio 1s * i8 no Ag uaftq qT{
d f

17. qrifl of qciBrhl fttqnr( q-argi ft-fr fi-{ crcl d B-f,l ftffir nt-o qpq d
Explain the demographic features of India.

fu os oio ftrfRn tr ncto s:{ 6.r r-d(

d{prq 150 w<i t frffi r

P. T. O.
t2, H-2049 t 3l H-2049

Erus-< : sFr ffiqi6. 1e t 22 ils ird *d vrftq cE{ t t

ffi q) cstt d sd{ frffit q-ct-fi u?q d frc (Section-A)
ro si-6 Mft-d tt ndo qq{ ol sil{ drrrrr qrra d dw+ onqt'r ol Rnq-{ 6q g{ ?
sm Yrd i frfrrtr When did the establishment of Planning Commission
Erls-E : qrq m,qro' zs si B-rfu ur{ tt ftffi
z+ {d take place in India ?

v6'c$ ?Er BrR *fudt c-&fi csr d ftc 2 'ffifi frqq" d sctqr 6q citi fttqi tqn ot
rz ero Mft-t tt q-So' qFI 6I BiN arrq ff?
zm sr<t d tfrit Profiling of "sarvodaya Plan" was done by whom and
Instructions for Candidate : when ?
Section-A: Question Nos.01 to 08 are very short answer 3 q{ zoor qt1 u-rr,Tsrfl S srgwr qrd t ftqrgqra mr
type questions. Attempt all questions. Each
question carries 0l mark. Answer each of fr?
these questions in I or 2 words/l s€ntence. What was the Sex-ratio in India as per census 2001 ?
Section-B : Question Nos. 09 to 14 are very short answer 4 rr$q 3rs 6l qrci d ot{-ot{ S frftd t ?
type questions. Attempt any /onr questions.
2] What are the methods to measurc the National lncome ?
Each question canies marks. Answer each
ofthese questions in about 75 words. qrrd t.qrrrfi ffiq qtffir o-s t oq il6 {fr ?
Section{: Question Nos. 15 to 18 are short answer type What is the period of operation of l lth Five year plan
questions. Attempt any tlree questions. Each in India ?
question carries 05 marks. Answer each of
these questions in about 150 words. 6 l{rrd { T{ ffiFr6 *ft d Ets"n f,q 01'r{ ?

Section-D: Question Nos. 19 to 22 ate half long answer When was the announcement of new Industrial policy
type questions. Attempt any rlto questions. done in India ?
Each question carries l0 marks. Answer each
ofthese questions in about 300 words. 7 MRTPAct o-l W flq ftfuCl
Section-E : Question Nos. 23 and 24 are long answer ty?e Write full form of MRTP Act.
, questions. Attempt any one question. Each
question carries 17 marks. Ansrver each of
8 qr{d d gq'ilq rigFdd 01ryft mr € t ?

these questions in about 700 words. What is trend of balance of payment of India ?

A-26 P.T.O
t5l H-2049

1s. cg 3ilFf6 gwd d ror st{q t ?

What are the objectives of new economic reforms ?

1e. qffir { r.dfr g{ qiltqr o1H{${Bif 6r sot{ dfqqt
Discuss the problems of increasing population in India.

zo. qHffro ar5dftrr ffi or aqr q?i t ? gs-d s5s

sM frt e-rqr dfuqr
What is the meaning of industrial licensing policy ?
Explain its main objectives.

21. sIIq d GnFrFrdr t snc (qr qqst t ? qna { 3Trq

d ersqr+ar d onq acr{tt

What do you understand by income inequality ?
Explain the causes of income inequality in India.

22. qrfrq 3plffiRn { Efr d c-dcr o1 qrsr dfrqt

qE { s-ercom o1 fd aarqr iilr n-qidr t ?

Explain the importance of agriculture

lndian in
economy. Suggest how agriculture production can be


23. rt$q qro ?rl qRqM {fuCr {fl rfd t qrptd, fr1
cql ftcri d ffi 61 3lrfrfits6 q"fq dfuCf

A-26 P. T. O.
[61 H-2049

Give the definition of National Income. Describe

critically the views of Marshall, Pigou and Fisher in
this connection.

z+. ffifuo q t fr"S T6 qr dft<r M ftfur '

(3r) qrd h1 G-fii@T frfr
(e) ffia dffi sqm
Write short note on any oze of the following :

(a) Population policy of India

(b) Export Promotion measures

I4l H-2050

7 flcrfuo sftsTH or ft{rf, u-qd 6{i 6T trq fr*

ft-qr qrd.r t ?

Who has propounded the principle of Social

Evolution ?
8. sErr 3lti Sftd rfr-atm-d'r HE-{ft qrff-fliur frmi rcgo
tuqIt? B. A. (First Year)
Who has classified the horizontal and vertical Term End Examination, June-July, 2017
mobility ?
tto-g-il Paper First
(Htturtrte ol ckdq)
9. "Hqmclrg rrrnut 6t ft-gn t t' eq-srd t
Time : Three Hours f I Mafimum Marks : 70
"Sociology is a science ofsociety." Explain.
I Minimum Pass Marks : 24
io. sftft 3ilq riRn i or.ili q-dFi t
q06pff tg frfu:
Defferentiate between Co-operative and Institution.
Eru-s-3r ' gsq frqrfi 01 t 08 il6 eft ag ur0u uw B t

11. cftsR d qTftnfuo 6Td ot{-ot{ t t, ftfor t q.ft rrit d vrr frfutt nct-o cgc d fui
Write down the universal functions of family. 01 3io ftqlfta t t nt-o crr or sin 1 qi
z vrqi71 slsq t frfrild

12. cqfr of frstrdr( ErEs-ir : qr{ mqrfi 0et 14 il6 uft og a-+fiu uw t t

Write about characteristics of l)evelopment. fudt qn q:q) d sai frftrlr rcio q{.i d
rs. tqlir6rftfi qrilurcrl€{ fr1 frqq{q e-dEd I ft\ 2+er6 ftqfftd tt qrc 6r Brr{
Describe the subject-matter of Behavioural t *fui
drTqrr 7s €r-el t

Sociology. Errs-H ' qrq m.qi6 1s S 18 ro eg rrfto w< d t

ftE-€ dq d urr frftnlt nct-o urq d

14 rfiqrfutr ffi rqr t ? s{$lE\ t
ftt os eio frqffrf, tt
s-it-6 gfc or cd{
What social ptanning ? ExPlain. drlqq rso clqI t frfrild r

A,9 P. T. O.
121 H-2050 . t3I H-2o70

Errs-q : qs.{ Fqr6 19 t il6 ord frd s-rffq sr{ t

22 t EIU-g--3I
ft.€ d qYd d src ffHl nt-o qvc d fuc (Section-A)
ro eio ftqffuo d t rci-o q5r inr sir{ qflrff
1. 3iftrfir 6re fu-€ t$ d ffi ai ?
soo Prqi t frfrt r

Auguste Comte was a citizen of which country ?

tI,-s-E : qrq ,FqT6 ze si z+ {d B-flffq cc{ t t ffi
gfi srr 6l siN frffi t u.t-o rrc d ldc 2. {riluRIrEI 01 ftw-dE o} ftrqirf i ftrd-i qrd q
rz q-fi ftIfltd t t q-.t-6 qr"t or B?fr dITlFr a.ffed ftsr t ?

zoo cr<I t frffir In how many parts Cinsberg's has classified the basis
Instructions for Candidate : of Sociology ?
Section-A: Question Nos. 0l to 08 are very short answer
O?e questions. Attempt all questions. Each
3. furird tfoe i nSou d frrtri q-6n {d.rc t ?
question carries 0l mark. Answer each of Kingsley Davis has given how many types of
these questions in I or 2 words/l sentence. Community ?
Section-B: Question Nos. 09 to 14 are very short answer
type questions. Attempt any /ozrr questions. 4. "sfr'fr qrq: frffi s*q A qTft.d ftd frror fld
Each question canies 2] marks. Answer each m-fit t t' {6 sq-{ fus-6r B ?
ofthese questions in about 75 words.
"To lulfil an objective it is required to work together."
Section-C: Question Nos. 15 to 18 are short answer type Said by whom about committee ?
questions. Attempt any tftree questions. Each
question carries 05 marks. Answer each of 5. 'qd 3ffiarfr{6 cIfu t sl{en tt" w oen fu-sft
these questions in about 150 words.
Section-D: Question Nos. 19 to 22 are half long ansrver
type questions. Attempt any nro questions. "Religion is faith in Spiritual Power." Said by rvhom ?
Each question carries l0 marks. Answer each
ofthese questions in about 300 words. 6. 'trqft. qqi-atq or qrqq' ftffi-d qFr t t, {6 6pFr
Section-E : Question Nos. 23 and 24 are long answer type fufl-oi t ?
questions. Attempt any one question. Each
question carries 17 marks. Answer each of "Culture is a human made parl of environrnent.', This
tlrese questions in about 700 rvords. statement given b1, rvhom ?

A9 A-9 P. T. O.
. tsl H-2070


1s. Trrfiq $ilqsrs d f{ 61 wE dfuct

Discuss about the areas ofUrban Sociology.

16. rFrrurolfrttqdr(fAfust
Write down the characteristics of Society.

17. frgfr cftiTi d dq} or soi-{ dfuqt

Describe the demerits of Joint family system.

1s. qrfr o1 frslqrrtil or sdq dfu t

Describe the characterstics of caste.

'rs. trlrruRTrEr a1 fisqsq Ti C6, ts ftfutt
Write an essay on Subject-mafter of Sociology.

20. rrftfr d cRqrm ti gq EoA fr*rdrcii oT qvf{

Give definition of Co-operative along with its

21. ild-{ffi o1 tfoit 6r suf{ dftc I

Describe the rituals of Kinship.

22 qrqrfu4r Kfl-oTur S orqni or q"tc dfuC t

Describe the bases ofsocial stratification.

A-S P. T. O.
16l H-20s0



23. q.fluRns d qftt{M frfuq 1 {sd frqqfr* or soi{

Define Sociology. Describe the areas of Sociolory.

24. srqrfufi {r{{r ol qRqrqr ffqctgsfr1fr*cdl3lt 6r

qoh dfrql

Define social structure. Describe the characteristics of

social structure.

Ir-2050 3,280

t8 I H-20s1

' (Section-D)
le. 6{ arir t ? {fld wqrfufi q-5s 6i qrflr{q1
What is Karma ? Explain its social importance. H-2051
20. q;rqrfiq o-eM lr{rmq rm q-{-qrftq fudrfl d ftrn
fui'ric"q-di d
FT€ dftct
B. A. (First Year)
Explain the efforts of Tribal Welfarc Ministry in
Term End Examination, June-July' 2017
Development ofTribes. SOCIOLOGY
2i. 'B{ ft-cr6 \-6 qrffi6 {iEFR t t' qrfrr{i I
PaPer Second

'IIindu marriage is a sacrament.' Explain.

(qrfrq qtlq)

22. sRr:ffi dqt Tqr t ? sTgr{t Time : Three Hours f I Maximum Marlas 70
I "
I Mininntm Pass Marks : 24
\Vhat is inter-gcneration conflict ? Explain.
qw-E cfiffiS tgfifu,
(Section-E) rcFs-sr : rirq mqio ol t 08 do qfr ag u-rfu q5{ t f

q'S csii d vn-q frfrilit Y-do Yvc d fui

23 qr(tq urfiq flta"fi d fui qi \rq. qq. fffu{rn +
01 316 frqiftd t t ni-o c$I 6t tsrR 1 ql
qhsn d fti-q-* dffit
z cr<i,/r qmq t frftd I

Describe thc contriburion of Prof. M. N. Srinivas op"- tlrs-it : qrq f,qr6, 09 t 14 fl6 qft ilg sflfrq qf{ t t
Indian rural studies.
ftdl sn c*il d uf,{ {ftrit ndo qrq d
24 dta ft-qrt y,r qfrfi qy w €fdq ft-cq ftfucr ftrc 2*ir6 frqtftd tt e-d-6 crt iET tfl
Write a brieJ'essay on Buddha nrarriage and family. rrd d frfud
ErrrI{T 75 t

Er!-€-q 'qYq m-qm ls t 18 il,r ag sf,o-q q5{ dl

frr€ d-{ q$il d sdr frRrit n*o cYc d
ftr os eim ftqiRn t I crto Ygc iDI silt
H-205i 3J20 6rFrq 150 sl<t t frfut t

P. T. O.
t2l H-2051 I7l H-2051

qrrs-q : qqq ilqrm ls t 22 ilfi erd fld wrQq qr{ t t

12 ili-qrft +1 frftq *Frril or c6 fifhq fu*qq 460
frid <l qrn d raq frfuirrct-o ssq'd ftr Give a brief account of the various categories 'of
''o 3pq ftfRo *t v-cfo ssl 6r fiR drrrrl kinship.
aoo w<l d {fudt 13. qR( d stq,F$ t5f fr sqrq rdr{q1
Eros-v : qfi irqr6 za gi zl Ad B-aftq ,=q S 1 ftffi Give solutions to prevent domestic violence in lndia.
y6 ciq or r* ftfrrit nd-o q{c d fo
14. IIeFIR ttof 6 fu gfufl \ki ;qrqi-dq d $-*
,, .i6 ftutRo tt rd-o sFJ iFI BiR iFl'IFI qf,r{g
zm sr<f { frftl-it I

Instructions for Candidate : Explain the role of police and judiciary in abolition of
Section-A: Question Nos. 0l to 08 are very short answer
type questions. Anempt all questions. Each EIu-g-q
question carries 0l mark. Ansrver each of
these questions in I or 2 words/l sentence.
Section-B : Question Nos. 09 to 14 are very short answer 15. '6'{' eih 'gq6q' q{ T6 frqfi frfuC I

t1,pe questions. Attempt any /onr questions.

Write a note on 'Karma' and 'Rebirth'.
Each question carries 2! marks. Answer each
of these questions in about 75 words. 16. 3Tlgfufi 6-rd il 'qrfrq qFf,r'eftff, qI 3rqfl ft-qn
Section-C: Question Nos. 15 to 18 are short answer type frftrt r

questions. Attempt any /&ree questions. Each

Give your view on 'lndian Women' in modem age.
question carries 05 marks. Answer cach of
these questions in about 150 words. 17. 'ffi e-+er arerql o1 q-W gfu fr1 t{ t t' qrsir
Serction-D: Question Nos. 19 to 22 are half long answer otfuc r

t)'p€ questions. Atlempt any rwo questions.

Each question carries l0 marks. Ansrver each 'Caste system is a devious gift of the Brahmanas.'
ofthese questions in about 300 words. Elaborate.

Section-E : Question Nos. 23 and 24 are long answcr type

questions. Attempt any ore question. Each
18. fdl of qrsl( Td futros qr v-ffir 3fd\ I

question carries 17 marks. Answer each of Throw light on the problems and solutions of the old
these questions in about 700 rvords.

P. T. O.
t6 J H_2Osl
Ir3 I H-2051
"Operation Blue Sar, was started
in the year :
(a) 1983 Elog-q
o) le84 (Section-A)
(c) 1985 1. tr{ <{r d qnn e-cd-6 qfu qci ff-fford E
(d) te86 ffiT,rtilgmfmt?
a F{rdu-s d .€r{e oto-q
fi.r$q, gw6 fufl q{ t FDa
lrfrRa s{ ? (q) s
(q) reas (02
(e) 1e4e (s) g

According to Hindu philosophy how many debts a man

fs) rsso
has to become free from ?
(s) rgsr (a) 3
The book .White Collar Crime, by Sutherland (b) 5
published in the year : (c) 7
(a) t948 (d) e
(b) te49 2. trq,q{ { qfu d 3TriRUr Eqir6R d
(c) 1950 fti q{ d ffi
(d) r95l
sql or trot's fuqnrqT t ?

(q) s
(ii) z
9. 'rf6{QI stTfTrt, d TSd' ai} STSEt I
(E) e
Describe the importance of .,Grihasth Ashram..1
How many types of religion has been described for a
10. trEqdd*oiorsdqdfticr person's behaviours in Hindu religion ?
Explain the sourc€s of Hindu Religion. (a) 3

rr qftd qd--sr wr t ? msrg\r (b) 5

What is Dalit Agenda ? Exnla.,r.
(c) 7
(d) e
5 t t 6t{ qr frqr6 ireni t
3. fu-fli qm t fu Ero !q ffiur f,rwt qffi t
(c) fton
(3I) {qrqqiur
5i (e) g016
F) A. rd. tuq tO srfrq
(q) i-nr (s) q'ftrd
of 6r following marrlages is temporary in
O cs.{.tr6 Which
natu(e ?
synonyms ?
Who acc€pts that a farmer and rural are
(a) Nikah
(a) S. C. DubeY (b) Mutah
(b) T. L. Smith (c) Fasid
(d) Batil
(c) Nelson t
6. ffi fr o;qr d fut ft-il6 d rnqrrrrf, 3lrg rqr ?
(d) F. E' Peek (er) rs o{
4. 3rErs-dT srnrq 3{fufrqq fu-s s{ fir t ?
ft) rz ot
(n) ro a{
(q) 1 952
@ zro(
maniage ?
(q) 1953 What is the traditional age for girls in Buddha

(9 1 954
(a) 16 Years
(b) 17 years
(q) 1955 (c) 18 Years
Untouchabitity Crime Act' came in
to existence in the (d) 2l years
year : 7 "3fi'qtYn qER" or s{ dH ffi t ?

(a) 1952 (o) tsar

(b) le53 (a) rsa+
(c) 1954 (u) tsas
(<) tsao
(d) l9s5
P. T. O.
12l H-2052
r [3] H-2052
rrg-q rIFr *
ir6 q|-slrtr6' CSI d
: rFqfiD' 21 24
ffi d qrn d s-rr *ffirn$o swr 6 ft{
I ro. qr d qw'hd niq d M frfugr
ro rro Mfta t r ndo yrr ?Fr sf,r iFprrr
soo sr<f t frfui r
rz. qfi fl-qqnrl
ra. ftftgoo dr tftr{d mrdrqrrl
Erw-E : qrl mqi6 zs si ze frd s.t0s seq d r frffi
v6 cFT 6l tsrn frfuir qd6 csc d frc
1s. {rq-dR-drrFnr +1 frMr
rz sio ftqffta ti nt-o qwl oT Brrr drnt{ zo. r8q d orcq d ffi n-oq t

zoo crst { fifut r

quc_q zr. cFrryft fuo-91 Trr krr fus si atr q fn
.rc gfr rr

r ryftd5rotrt? cffiR rTR o6 ro q{tdi qhfrsffi6trrr

z. fu-,s 6fr o) tDE dfuT sEr unr t 5riT 6rd rfi tn fi-sl frs cR d-d to vs fis
3. Ei d unn4 fu ot{ e} ?

4. {tuil ffi*{ o-6r or ttqt en ?

qfs ilrtFI inrFr iDrr | {tvl 6-{d {rql qft E$ rr

s ffia;1qfudfrQfi? .ri;r qr;r ff*-u do-qt frc Ec qR ffie qqrr

o. ti-fr frm+1r+qr t z qr+a rtq .ilfi s-< qhfr r dE s{sqr qdEri q}ft
z. fu-q ora o) eot grr o-rr uror t ? rr

s. 'rrq-qftdqrrs'frrsi fusl * ? tar sro)fi r 6fdq ME ftm.R frfr .iff rr

e. 'rr(qr{f i rqflqfr fus-6r s-d-6 t ? 3ISHI

ro. rfiq or qn ltr rar t ? zz. rqR Bqrr Ed 3iN rr\ I

sqr scT 6g srd ndi qR-qR sio at rr

11. qqft6 of ryq M ftfuq

rz. rfrq d dEt d ftfuq frffi
eft g<r a-q eTq e-m fud ER cffil
13. {rgrr d qfu.{E oi qq$qc
rd d tS gk t}fiq-qrroddqordrr
14. qsug qr u-+ru stfuc t
. qi qFi {FH-iFrdr ffi[n d{ qqq rqzdl
rs ffi oi €ftq cft{q' Afu\ r
q{ Ert E6
qrd k{cq q-qfu{ qhT Rrqril rr

A-5 P. T. O.
l4l H-2052

23. W lrru q-q qffid qrlrqT, {M H'rTr {giT-g E-irfl I

$6cI gEd $ft ffiq, etffi e-or(t

{rq g-sE 5B

fl {q r6R qw cFffi, atoq are ffi us {rdtt

By-fi dft iD'IFI wt qr$, {foirT Es-iQI {q qrfr t
n1aXa ir5 gd qrq, ui og 6ku dq q-g dr{,t B. A. (First Year)
* R,E T€"€ or ft+, crg ffirfr 5ql qq at€Tl Term End Examination, June-July, 2017
TqE qffq,rg fua dwr, T+( qrdrj s{ vq'is.rl Gd srBil
fl gflrg YIq oE t* ffaq qlq aE fr,-c A-(t qeFI qT{q'
ta-q-E fr-.m rq.ilft i, gfu $rs-fls clql ($+{ frd ore)
iq gdfu m 5fu0 aa 1G gw-o wEtt
Time : Three Hours I I Maximum Marks : 70
I Minimum Pa,ss Marks : 24
z+. at 5t-aurft, at 19 e-mrft, ot
vfrmrfr fu ftfu,
il.sotm EIB 3lrfr s{ { olnfr tt
qt rfr d-{ of TqTEfr dfud fi, Elug--g : qrq Fqi6 or t ro ilfi qft ag
efi t s-d0-q t

ftr€t 316 crit d u-aq frfutt c-do e€ d

Et ffu &, frq-{ ttq d{ft tt fui or eio Mltt t t v-cto vrc 6I srtt 1 sI
qt Ef frmT{ srfr} d ufr, z{q/1qre't frMt
"-Siri t[ug-i{ : er.t mq.rfi rrt to ,ro eft og s-t'fru m t t
qpa,q frqrq cnfi-iiq Sqrq qo1, ft;-df sn q$it d sf,r frffit
rct-o qrc d

gE t-cr qift-{ {) tEfr otft t tt

ft\ 2*,tr6 fttifRi tt rci-o rvq 6"T rd{
iflFrrr 75 vr<t d t

Elug-s : qr{ ffiro' rz fr zo ro og u-tto urt d t

25. gdffqlfl d ordq-dva ol fta-+a 66, ffil il-{ srit d B-f,{ frffit r.t--o qrc d
26. 'Eqpas tq d qfri t,' * -* d a'ftHl dftc t ftq os 3i6 futlRf, t I !-(d-m qrc 6T tsrR
13'--ZOS2 2.,970 d{T1m 150 w<i ,\ frfui t

A-5 P. T. O.
t4l H-2053

21. 1d i *i d tsr d Rilfr ts-fld t-d d rs-S

e-gd d fi € efir 3rq-fr oqc at{ ddi A dg qI
s0 sen rq,d r6qH ri sa ent tz d {xff d
cr{, d +S oi$ *q ssd sis oi It{ rfi frts-t-ot
qT{r fus c$i t .fur 'rqr ?fl dR ou-d orgdl { H-2053
T+g-{rEd d r& lfir fls-ff" t frfi EasF.s{fi-m
ocr d so{dl ei.{ ffi g{ BH-61 3M d qrrt t B. A. (First Year)
Flo-fr qtfir ,rd olcff u-irc at{-dal d fi-q vo Term End Examination, June-July' 2017
sFIdI-$ urqE d ra Qr t lffii orlld t ildI d fffi nrFd
oicl 6i Hr.F frqrt srpl 6 trsd gE i ftdtfrI, 't,
Ffi-q q$q-,
c'9, (fi t, (fi t, qff tt'
22. *.0 * wolr at uqr
061 t *iro s+sHI sdrt @€ er vrfd-o)
qqrfl qrfl 6r 16 dx{r urfr .[ur, f$ffr+t Td Time : Three Hours 1 t Mcimum Marks : 70

d To1 .ft, uqn i[ir via-vr a.r-m ent s-s-d ud d f Minimum Pass Marks : 24

+.9 &sdt qc ars fit 6I FdoI * qI rrs rfl ell, cMtg ftfu,
ssd $ft ui *E u-q$ rfi ft B-s61ffi T.-d d rrs-+-q ' e{{ rFqi6 ort m il6 qfr dg s-tftq cs"r tt
fin Edri s,'q-64 fr qf, to{ gw-fr wi d St ss-{i d ssr frRilit r&o ccq d frt
dri qrfr eJlt str6r 6rq o,'rt en qh T6 E{ q{q or aio fortfra tt rc qrql d st-t t qt
ftmq E-€T rtrt zzr</1qrcq t Aftili r

tIw-E i*'e-s , sgc 6qi6 os t la ilfi cfr og ut-fu vw tr

ftdl aR qsit d vfl frfrnit rci-o src d
23. rT{r' go' qqwrTa-o Hrqrfro ssqrq }1 se ftrv zlro fiqiRo tt gt crd d ttn FITITFI
dftsr zs vr<i t fifui t

24. 6Erfi d c-di d tflER rR 'es' 6-6rff d sfist Ero-s-q : rrFr rr'{iiF rsi re n-o ag rtto
rw t t
dfrcr frd fiq qs-fi d B-fl ffitt
q-d6 ctq d
ftg os gi6 ftqiRa t I {c crri d srR irrFTrl
rr-2053 2934 rso qr<[ d fffui t
A-5 P_ T. O.
t2l H-2053 t3l H-2053
gog-q:csl fr'qi6' 19 il 22 0-O A1qp65 9,* 6' gqFg
ffi qt q{qi d s-r-q Ofutr c-S6 cE d frc
rs. o6rff-o-ol d ilGi d srqR q{ ,os-{, 66rff ai
ro si6'Mfu tr {t crci ifl BtR GFFrrr
eo rt<i d {fuir sfr6r dlfusr

se-t : c$ Fqi6 a y 214{ s-dftq crc tr frrS re. 'frr d <r+f,'o-5ffi 6 qrqq t cr661 6t Eqrdtu
gir csr irr Bin {futt u-&o c{r d ftc fuql
'rqr t ?

rz. Rd f,drfi d fuorfl d Eft-rrs qr q-olvt Erfrcr

rz sio Mfu tt rc cHI 6r gtn ilFFT
zm vrd d dfutr ra. qfusr qnfiq frd rrqroril { qrrutR or wrc H
tlw--il I

i. tlw_q
'olroprfrg' sErff d qrq.6 iFI aqr qrq t ?
2. d tso
'E-,qq'o'-6rfi or qrq frfuct qle: ffirfud rmiyil it t fr-df q) ,rqtvil 01 sni.r
3. rtrmq fus 6rrfi or qn t ? orql dftcr
+. fufl 6-6rff a qrfuor t ?
i fli-s frri oi wrw fr"qr trd
s. stq-{er onir ERr {Fdd fr,6 d oafrO A *
1s. dwr ora i rfi rS
sri, t fr a-qr d qmi sg EH o1 ftqiil TS 6rdr
qI,I { 63 uIF[, ncfqn d srsi d or+, ev-d
s. fu1rrFo or vft-ers rQr frmi lfrur t ?
7. 'rsRE qt or qqs, o.6rfi d tqo or crq fufu1 3Th{r o--fr r-tu glarq d rflr d ldc {9. 13 {r,q

a. iqris 6Nr fdd * 4gq-q$il d crq frfucr fte ,r,) t, r< o1 qfrfi e-d ,r{ t r croil ol Etd dd
EIW-if crfr.d tr
e. Bqnns eitt orr+ d er;nr qdr{ct t
zo. qq dlq6i Sc d d qd d ftq qrrfi gi ffi
10. 'rFt-{'strqrfl iF'I s{tw qq frfo| rN illI t[{ fi-.,i..rit+It tEq G rlrsq dyr
11. '[r<r'66r* d d*q qrs qt q-6pr srfuqt 3rmt, stfi ot r<f efrrq i mqi w w, urg v$
12. 'rrdi q1 qfu5' sidrff d qrsr-{rd qq 9-6l$ slFdq t
s-oror ft-t t aror ti d snpd s-c{ cis q ptr
re fr,rqrff d qkd cs efud q-t norv srfugt yrrtrE otrr
r*rol an-qs-fdl .ff c ?ff t q-d fufl qrcr4r 6r
i4. rrqd o1 qrRB-6 fr$rot i"iuc t srqdq a{, m rt go1 S t

A-5 A-5 P. T. O.
t4l H-2054

19. Write a note on the sonnets of Shakespeare.
20. Write a brief note on the Satires of Dryden.
21. Bring out the traits ofthe character of Sir Roger.
22. Who is the hero of the "Merchant of Venice', ? H-2054
23. What are the qualities of Bacon as an essayist ? B. A. (First Year)
24. Write a note on ironical elements of ..The Battle of the Term End Examination, June-July, 2017
Paper First

[Literature in English (1550-1750)l

Time : Three Hours ) f Muimum Marks : 70

f Minintum Pass Marlcs : 24

fnstructions for Candidate :

Section-A: Question Nos. 01 to 08 are very short answer

type questions. Attempt all questions. Each
question carries 0l mark. Answer each of
these questions in I or 2 words/l sentence.

Section-B : Question Nos. 09 to 14 are very short answer

type questions. Attempt any jAu,, questions.
F-ach question carries 2{ marks. Answer each
ofthese questions in about 75 words.
Section-C: Question Nos, 15 to l8 are short answer type
questions. Attempt any rftree questions. Each

It-2054 1690 \ question carries 05 marks. Answer each of

these questions in about 150 words.

A-27 P. T. O.
t2 t H-2054
is written by """"""
"Sweetest Love I Do Not Goe"
Section-D: Question Nos. 19 to 22 are half long answer 6 used the term 'Metaphysical' for the
type questions' Attempt any fleo questions'
Each question carries l0 marks' Answer each "An Essay on Criticism" in the
Pope wrote the poem
ofthese questions in about 300 words'
type vear.........,.. .
Section-E : Question Nos. 23 and 24 are long answer In writing his esiys, Bacon was
greatly influenced by
question' Each 8
questions. Attempt any one
question canies 17 marks' Answer each of
these questions in about 700 words'
fuel' and
Section-A 9 Comment on the expressions 'Self-substantial
brand' in Shakespeare's poem "The
'heart inflaming
Choose the correct oPtions.
Little Love God".
1. Renaissance means:
10. Give a brief general introduction of
Milton's sonnet
(a) second birth "How Soon Time Hath"'
(b) revival I 1. Trace the similarities between
Mac Flecknoe and
(c) revision Shadwell as it is evident in "shadwell"'
way to remain
(d) rePlace 12. According to Bacon. what is the best
healthy ?
2. ShakesPeare was bom in : Venice"'
13. Describe the trial scene in "Merchant of
(a) rs64 14. Give a critical appreciation of "The
Battle of the
(b) rs94 Books"'
(c) 1664 Section-C
(d) r66e Love I Do
15. Write the summary of the poem "sweetest
3. A sonnet is a Poem df: Not Goe".
(a) 16 lines 16. Discuss Pope as a representative ofhis age'
17. Write an essay on Bacon as an essayist rvith
(b) 12 lines
to "Of Studies".
(c) 18 lines of
18. Write a short note on the title of the play "Merchant
(d) 14 lines Venice".
4. Milton died in ."""""" '
P' T' O'
l4l H-2055

16. Write the critical appreciation of the poem ,Ode to

17. Critically explain lamb's 'Valentine's Day. or
Hazlitt's 'On Actors and Acting'.
18. Write the character sketch of Elizabeth Bennet.
19. How does Wordsworth state his philosophy of Nature
B. A. (First Year)
in "Tintem Abbey" ?
20. Bring out the contrast between the first two and the last
Term End Examination, June-July, 2017
trvo starzas of"Crossing the Bar". ENGLISH LITERATURE
21. Comment on the prose-style of Hazlitt on the basis of Paper Second
"On Actors and Acting".
22- Discuss Charles Dickens as a writer.
(Literature in English : 1750-1900)
Section-E Time : Three Hours f lMaximwn Marks : 70
23. Discuss Art of charactsrisation ofJane Austen. f Minimum Pass Marks : 24
24. How is the theme of morality pres€nt in ..A Tale of Instructions for Candidate :
Two Cities" ? Section-A: Question Nos. 0I to 08 are very short answer
type questions. Aftempt all questions. Each
question canies 0l mark. Answer each of
these questions in I or 2 words/I sentence.
Seclion-B: Question Nos- 09 to 14 are very short answer
type questions. Attempt any par questions.
Each question carries 2j marks. Answer each
ofthese questions in about 75 words.
Section{: Question Nos. 15 to 18 are short answer type
questions. Attempt any rlree questions. Each
H-2055 1660 question carries 05 marks. Answer each of
these questions in about 150 words.

A-27 P. T. O.
t 2l

to 22 are half long answer

Section-D: Question Nos' 19
in 75 words out of the
ipe questions' Attempt any r Answer
o questions'
Explain reference to the context
Each question canies l0 marks' following Passage s (anY three):
words' what shoulder' and what
of thes; questions in about 300 9. And
24 are long answer type Could twist ihe sinews of
thY heart ?
Section-E : Question Nos' 23 and
questions' Attempt any one question' Each to beat'
And when thY heart began
each of
question canies 17 marks' Answer dread feet ?
What dread hand ? and what
these questions in about 700
five summers'
Section-A 10. Five years have passed;
with the length
poem 'The Tyger" was
1. Name the volume in which the I hear
Of five long winters ! and again
comPosed' their mountain-springs
were to me These waters, rolling from
2. Andthis green pastoral landscape;
dear, both for themselves and
for thy sake ! With a soft inland munnur'
which poem ? and after
The above lines are taken from I 1. We look before
And Pine for what is not :
3. Who wrote the famous lines-
: its Our sincerest laughter
"A thing of beauty is ajoy forever
will never With some Pain is fraught;
loveliness increases; it
into nothingness; but still
will keep """"' ' 12. Sunset and evening star'

of imagery and rhythm And one clear call for me

4. In which poem Tennyson's use of the bar'
And may there be no moaning
is very subtle ?
of When I Put out to sea'
a place for the Prince
5. Name the Magazine that found (any one)
Write the answer in 75 words
Engtish EssaYists' i;.' t ;" a briefnot on "The French Revolution"' Novel"'
written by William ll"ttio.'f'" salient features of "The Victorian
6. Write the titte of any one essay i+.
H^z litt'
Mr' Cotlins is one character' of the poem 'Frost at
7. Name the ptay in which 15. Wiite the critical appreciation
Wl1o .-rote "A Tale of Two
Cities" ? Midnight''
S. P' T' O'
B. A. (First Year)
Term End Examination, June-July, 2017
{qd srRil
Paper First
Time : Three Hours f I Maximum Marks : 70
I Minimun Pcss Marl<s : 24

cfirr$ tg ftfu,
{p-s-q : qt{ mqio 0i t 0s ao qfr dg ut'frq c{{ t t ci-il d wr frftrtr c-do, cfi d ftt

or efo ftqffto t t nt-o q$r i[T ts{r I qT

z sr<l/r qr+q t ffffi t

EFr€---{ : qf{ m'qi6 os t 14 T6 qft ag s-t-fu sfi tt

frrd sR csil d vf,t frfudt rdo srq d
' fd\ zld-o MRo tt nt-o ssT 6r srR
ilrTqq 75 w<l d frfuit
Ero-s-q:wq m'qio rs t ra oo ag s-r-ftq qrq tr
frr€ dq cfiI d B-d{ frfuir rcio qrq' d
ftn os eio ftsfR-d t t c-rt-6 crc iFr tsr{
ilrFTri 150 srd ,l fffut t

A-26 P. T. O.
l2l H-2056
tlu-s-q : cFr m'ci6 1s t 22 il6', qd a{ sflffq ew € I
O Sfttrssefs66asqrffart'
ft.€ d d uflq frffir nct-o qsq d fdc
tffi r5tt a ftfud:rr
ro oio fuifR-o t I rct-o, er.{ 6I sfrt eIrllFI
eoo sr<t{ diffit rz. ogrq,t qrqi qrs-qq' fi sfrf, o1 erqr dfuqd qrqr t

ir. "o" m mn,ifi E'ilqBm Fd'qfril

sog-{ cc{ FqI6 zt v zq Ad ildftq ,* g1 fufi
y6 cFI o s-tr frfrrtt ni-o wq d fd\ ''o u*ina d fi ftfts\ ct dfuR d q-6RI srfuqt
rz oio ftdfta t r nt-o esq 6r s-f,q d+r-'T rc!-g-Il
rm $si { frfutr 4q{ q;I qttrd ilirf+' sfu st{Eiq sE dftilc I
EIIH ;; *{ doqqt WI qrq sltr SnrRti d 6-6rft ol
r ekit c-cT'ql d Tq ftfuct intq ldfucr
.tr. ,r*t *A;W a tqn'* qffd we dftqt
2. 'tgd{t' ffirorq i fttri s'f t ?
;; 6\ 6qrr{q we dBct
Go{"rdqftI' {tg0-g-q
s. {M mq +1 q-"t ot aqr crq er ?
4 {qrqoT d wfud, o}q t ?
5. 6rdETl-E{ d vfua .fis qtn-qnil d crq ftfuc qi erem o1fuq t
rg. 'otdftqaqqft: 6rqq'

qr ?
o. Ecri-t il{6'{tuil d cw 6r sot ilq 20. TrgIqRd 6T qRqq ftfuc I
z. dssot{t? ;;. 'iid.atr t gkffi 5{s d ft{c ftqTr' frsq c{ To
a. q-trci q* ol qsi frt-dfi t? ft'{q frM l
tF-g-it ,q ufu d '\E si<Trwr s"s 61fu< t

g "gornErrdEfferfr':' 6l Bd er1qn mtHu uR-o ". gs-g-E

dfuct qerq s'i t ftds o1 rt$-dr q1
zs. {*isr Erors d sffid
10. {rvtT t 5e uft tg fu-fl 'nq o1 to o1
ft-dq ?
fa,on * t
Euf{ dftil\ |
iifuc slldc
d cfii 6Ia d ftqq il ftk{ d
q-o-rcI 3ilqn

rr. ffifuo r#t t t ffi 96 6r frd 3rJqrE

,o ffi nPd

qq futqq'r dfti\l
F0'6\ qfuc flqiidt-d Tqa1fls
q{-s{q eddiq F.s-qradr {dild: ll 1,s50
A-28 A-24
t4l H-2057

22. qm$s..q {;CfiHRf, qiqr o1ftC-

qflqrq}fdr skdr{.nd gfuw{:,

e-0dsft{rffr uftwfr ql} gft.a<1t

qfu{d WrE vfr rfr
q dft( frwil,
{ei errcsid qffi $+{R Rrqqtr B. A. (First Year)
Term End Examination, June-July, 2017
rtqd ffikcq
zs. qr-frq orit d oflsn qt 'ErtrrdrFr{rFr' d qfiqr Paper Second
dfuqr (sqsrrcsrflil
24. rr6RM s-ecc ol qrRh6 frty-ffiif or ufrftri frifi Time : Three Hours I t Maximum Marks : 70
f Minimum Pass Marlcs : 24
qftsFff tg ftfu:
Elo-g-q : src Fqim or oa oo s[fr dg uoftq sy{ d t
ff',fr yni S s-m fffu'tr nt-o cr{ d fut
or rro Mfrn t t u-.t'6 crr 6r Bd{ 1 qr
z s<i/r qr+q frfuir i
rsu-g-q : crt fr-qiin os fi r+ d6 srfr dg r-t-0q cel t r
ft*fr sR urrl d ua( frffi1 r.t-o src d
fat z;oto f+fRn tr e-r+6 qs{ irr Brr{
i frfutr
a.nrrr zs sr<i
rco-g-TI 'qr+ Fqi6'rs t re om ag vrtq y{q'tt
ftr'fr fi{qsii d ufl frftr}lq-ci'-6 qfi d
ftc os cto f+rtRn t r nto qgc 6,r srr{
H-2057 1,550 elrrq-q iso qel fr frfu'i t

A-26 A-28 P. T. O.
121 H-2057 t3l H-2057

sos-q : qr{ 6qi6 re t z ilrerd frd $nftq ceq it rz. epi ftM-
fufi qt cer'l d srr frfutr rd-o csq d ftc qR ftrs qfufi qmrqr qMl
ro si6 Mftd tt nt-o crc 6T mrq crrrF[ c{srqiil atd Et{A lsqEffiillr
sm vrd d frfutt 13. 'srtqfr il..r S ffitE U-qd' m qrqpf ftMt
Erw-E : q€ Fqio' 23 gs 24 frd sf,0s c$ tt fu-S ra. 'trgmlrr+ qrftf,dn' {s orfi w r6'Iw gIfo t
v6 qgr 6r sr{ *frrtt r.t-o crc d fdc qc-q
rz sio, MR-d tt nt-o q*r 6r sil{ drFIrI 1s. qrr.s*r 3r?i ftfui-
zm vrd d fffutt qcrdfr cici qfrfi qfr*, Eetffidiq t cqq'cRsrt
ETOHI il-d-.qqedfrq qfr fu{il{ql 1oe.rafr frB,
1. qrer d q-f, d mi qrd orrst-qt-<te-6 .rq 6} Tqr o-64
t? ro. a-.3o1wfo rqunr*o ftqff fuffit
2. rrr*Frcil +1 qrm ot ilq frMt rz. rrw€qrff cqqrafi or qftR qftdq Affic t

ra. wrq,ie,qrdfuc-
3. s{ffr d qqn crqraq ot{ Q} ? q-isr*{qqBfi flfr trdpf or{ qqr Eor ne ffisuqt
4. qm-ffiflI d sdt d s-.qT fu-q fiq t E-{ ?ff ?
ftdS rq qq 6{frI qFfdsnt, tr qw-frfr €-q?j
s. EGr oi t?
sol-{ fu-fl oio t sFfd qRrifud t tt

e r+rwfua scill d Ticqr fu-fffl t ? EI€-q

7. v+FT fu-q tYr d trw e) ?
qft*-freq dfrqt
1e. ?ihriffiqq or
8. rr6RM c-d-d d 11qllrft o-d ?n ?
20. 'Eqqf(q(frs'qr6 d riqq sim' an emi{r fuMt
21. ftqftfu6 ii fr;-d dq{ ft'qffi frfu'c-
_.- ----a
s. g'q n{rss {H!FJ' 61 qel fdfutt (r) .1l'ql

io. s{qn or €fue qfuqq dftct (ii) qqrdlilwrl

11. WEIIqorasmftfutt 1ii1 or<ffi+\ B ftft:
A,28 P. T. O.

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