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The Great Wall of China

With a length of 8,851.8 kilometers, the Great Wall of China makes a winding
journey through the mountains, deserts and plains of the Chinese geography.
Despite the imposing construction and the attempts of the soldiers to repel the
attacks, the wall was crossed by the Mongols in the thirteenth century and later
by the Manchus, in the seventeenth century.
Sections of the chinesse wall

Is the most popular sections of the wall is the restored area known as Badaling.
This section, located less than 80 kilometers from Beijing, was the first to open
its doors to tourism in 1957 and nowadays it continues to receive millions of
visitors, being the most visited area.

The imposing mountainous landscape of Mutianyu makes it one of the best

options to visit the Great Wall of China.
Its facilities include a cable car.
Huanghua Cheng

Is a section of the wall that is falling apart and presents a somewhat dangerous
profile, but without doubt this is the greatest of its charms.
Simatai and Jinshanling

Far from mass tourism, the stretch between Simatai and Jinshanling is one of the
most difficult and complicated to travel, although its spectacular views are a
reward more than fair.

Simatai is not a suitable stretch for all audiences, as some areas are falling apart,
while other sections are terribly steep (70º slope).

Details to consider

The wall crosses mountains and other geographical features, even the simplest
sections can be difficult to navigate. The steep stairs make it essential to bring
shoes and comfortable clothes.

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