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THE MYSTERIOUS KUNDALINI PRESS OPINIONS The Occult Review, London,—\« Kundalini is a subject of peren nial interest to a certain class of occult students. Dr. Rele has come to the original conclusion thet Kundalini is the Vagus nerve of the human body... . He bas made a thorough and useful study.”* The Tao Worlds.—“A book for the earnest student. There is a glossary of Sanskrit anatomical terms and a bibliography, which will be of help to the reader.” The Vedic Magasine.—‘The book is worth reading. The author has ably, and with success, dealt with all subjects which could in any way help elucidating the theme of Five Pranas, Five Vayus, Six Chakras, Mudras, Bandhas, and the Eightfold Yoga.”” Yoga Mimaysa.—The exposition is as suggestive as it is interesting and the book is sure to be of great use to workers in the field of the scientific interpretation of Yoga.” The Light.—“A very interesting book.” ‘The Vedanta Kesari.—‘It is the result of a sincere attempt to ex- plain Yoge in the light of modern Seience, hard labour, wise study, and deep thinking. Such enterprise is indeed admirable in these days.” Nature.—“The chief interest of this book consists in the des- cription of the modification at will of certain physiological pro- cesses by 8 Yogi. It has a distinct value as describing and illus trating the physical training of the Yogi, and interpreting the dificult pseudo-anatomical descriptions of the Tantric Texts.” The Journal of Mental Science, London.—

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