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Influencer Marketing Web Application

The web application deal with the influencer marketing category where user can able to apply for
the posted campaigns and after completion of the campaign user will get paid as per the defined
rules for that speicifc campaigns.Apart from this there will be brands also who will view the
specific influencers along with their camapigns which they are doing as per allotted by admin.

There will be three types of users for this web application.Go through the below details along with
the roles & responsibilities of the user.

1.1.Admin manages the complete web application with various modules like
campaign,payment,user profile and much more.
1.2.Post the camapaign details from the backend.
1.3.Access the brand and creator profile.
1.4.Will allot the various creators user access to the brand.
1.5.Approve the brand user on their email with certain details.
1.6.Access the finished camapaign by the creators and do the further payment accordingly.
1.7.Set the protocols or rules for campaign.

2.Brand User
2.1.They need to write the admin first for getting approval and adding them on the web application.
2.2.They can able to connect with the creators who will work for the camapign with this portal and
mobile application.
2.3.There will be a separate login module.
2.4.Have access to see the creators profile as per allotted by the admin
2.5.Will access the ongoing camapign details along with the creators who will work for that specific

3.1.Will have a separate signup and signin module.
3.2.Will have a dashboard consisting all the information like erarings,views,camapign work and
much more.
3.3.Feed their social media accounts details so that the portal will fetch all the information like
followers,views and much more information from the feeded social media accounts like
Facebook,Instagram and Youtube.
3.4.View the campaign posted by the admin
3.5.Apply for the campaign and start the sharing work for specific campaign.
3.5.Sharing of the camapaign will be done through the Facebook,twitter,Gmail and Whatsapp
3.6.Generate their own link for the campaign with the story.
3.7.Explore the other creator profile.
3.8.Add their payment system either in the Paytm form or bank account number (will discuss).

1.Will all the camapign have same rules & regulations e.g.For 1000 views user will get 100INR
alike that?
2.If the creator will generate the link for a new story then they and other creator can also apply for
the same?

3.How the payment will done to the creator or do you want another system will be integrated with
the application?

4.Will you provide all the required algorithm for the portal like total earrings,views and much

5.Will the brand and creator access their profile through the mobile application?

7.When will a camapign will consider finish?I mean there is any specific criteria for the same?

8.After writing to the admin by the brand user further work will be done manually and the brand
user can get their login detail?Or is there any online process if Yes then please explain this.

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