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People vs. Pablito Andan, G.R. No.

116437, March 3, 1997

Facts: Pablito Andan alias "Bobby" was accused of the crime of rape with homicide. The
appellant confessed to the Mayor that he was the one who killed and raped the victim.
The trial court convicted the appellant and sentenced him to death. Hence, the
automatic review.

Issue: WoN appellant’s confession not being assisted by a counsel is in violation of the
constitution, and is therefore inadmissible as evidence against him.

Held: No. we hold that appellant'sconfession to the mayor was correctly admitted by the
trial court. Appellant's confessions to the media were likewise properly admitted. The
confessions were made in response to questions by news reporters, not by the police or
any other investigating officer. We have held that statements spontaneously made by a
suspect to news reporters on a televised interview are deemed voluntary and are
admissible in evidence

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